Motif Index of German Secular Narratives                 
Published by the Austrian Academy of Sciences, Vienna
 Introduction   Matière de Bretagne   Chansons de Geste   Miscellaneous Romances   Oriental Romances   Heroic Epic   Maere and Novellas   Romances of Antiquity   Index 


Index of Keywords
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Index of Keywords  J 


N 853 (Bm) Helpful jailor [gatekeeper, guard, watchman]


H 911 Tasks assigned at suggestion of jealous rivals
K 2247 Treacherous lord [vassal]
Q 301 Jealousy punished
S 11.4.1 (Jealous) father vows to kill [kills] daughter’s suitors
T 200 Married life
T 257 Jealous husband or wife.
T 257.12 (Bm) Jealous husband confines wife to tower
T 381.0.2 Wife imprisoned in tower (house) to preserve chastity
W 181 Jealousy
W 181.4 Jealous fox betrays wolf to peasant and then appropriates wolf’s cave and food
W 195 Envy


K 1818.3.2 Lover approaches mistress disguised as fool
P 192 Madmen (fools, professional fools)


A 1660 Characteristics of various peoples – in personal appearance.
A 1681.2 Why Jews do not eat pork [origin of food tabu]
M 201.0.2 Covenant between heathen and Israelites
M 301.7 Biblical worthy as prophet
P 715 Particular nations (races, religions)
P 715.1 Jews
T 131 Marriage restrictions
V 110 Religious buildings [and institutions]
V 332 Baptism of heathen
V 350 Conflicts between religions
V 356 Christian hero (saint) overthrows heathen idols
V 360 Christian and Jewish traditions about each other
V 363 Jewish child thrown into oven by father for taking eucharist
V 363.1 Jewish child resurrected (saved by power of Virgin Mary) after being burned [from being burned] to ashes for eating consecrated bread in Christian church


B 101.7 Serpent with jewel in head
D 1071 Magic jewel (jewels)
D 1076 Magic ring
D 1361.19 Magic jewel renders invisible
D 1380.11 Magic jewel protects
D 1382.1 Magic pebble [gem] prevents burning.
D 1383.6 Magic red stone protects from poison.
D 1385.3.2 (Bm) Magic stone in ring protects against witchcraft.
D 1389.9.1 Magic red stone protects against poverty.
D 1400.1.14 Magic stone (jewel) gives victory.
D 1472.1.2 Stone provides food.
D 1503.6 Magic jewel heals wounds
D 1561.1.7 Magic stone brings good luck.
D 1645.1 Incandescent jewel
F (Luminous) precious stones in otherworld (dwelling)
F 162.2.10 Jewels in streams of otherworld
F 165.3.2 Jewelled walls in otherworld dwelling.
F 771.1 Castle of unusual material
F 771.1.1 Golden castle (palace, house)
F 771.1.1.1 Castle paved with gold and gems
F 771.1.5 Palace of jewels
F 774.1 Pillars of precious stones
F 788.1 Remarkable jeweled bier
F 809.11 (Bm) Marvelous stone – extraordinarily cold
F 811.2.2 Tree with leaves of jewels
F 813.2.1 Clusters of diamond and emerald grapes
F 826 Extraordinary jewels
F 827 Extraordinary ornaments
F 828 Extraordinary crown
F 852.1 Glass coffin
H 93 Identification by jewel
H 411.1 Magic stone as chastity test.
N 352.3 Serpent steals jewels
Q 111.7 Jewels as reward
T 455.1.1 Woman sells favors to obtain many jewels


B 151.1.6 Dog indicates road to be taken
B 542.2.1 Transportation to fairyland on griffin’s back
B 551.1 Fish carries man across water
B 563 Animals direct man on journey.
B 579.1 Animal accompanies man on journey
C 761.1 Tabu: remaining on journey too long.
C 833 Tabus for journeys
D 1384 Magic object protects from discomfort or from accident on journey
D 1520.6 Magic transportation by cloak (cape)
D 2121.5 Magic journey: man carried by spirit or devil
D 2122 Journey with magic speed.
D 2126 Magic underwater journey
D 2135 Magic air journey
E 721.2 Body in trance while soul is absent
F 1 Journey to otherworld as dream or vision
F 3 Journey to otherworld as invasion
F 7 Journey to otherworld with angel
F 11 Journey to heaven (upper-world paradise)
F 11.1 Journey to heaven [or hell] in trance
F 60 Transportation to or from upper world
F 80 Journey to lower world
F 81 Descent to lower world of dead [hell]
F 81.1.2 Journey to land of dead to visit deceased
F 110 Journey to terrestrial otherworlds
F 111 Journey to earthly paradise
F 112 Journey to land of women
F 116 Journey to the land of the Immortals
F 123 Journey to land of little men (pygmies)
F 129.4 Journey to otherworld island
F 129.7 Journey to land of naked people
F 133.0.1 (Bm) Journey to bottom of sea
F 159 Other means to reach the otherworld
F 159.4 Demon guide to otherworld journey
H 1385.0.1 Unspelling quest: journey to disenchant (free) captives.
L 221 Modest request: present from the journey. Asked what her father shall bring her as a present, the heroine chooses a modest gift. It is usually a flower but sometimes does not turn out to be a such a simple gift at all (golden cloak, golden apple)
M 358 Prophecies connected with journeys
M 358.1.1 Prophecy: death on journey
Q 473 Punishment: disgraceful journey through streets
T 219 (Bm) Wife will no longer love husband if he is gone more than one year.
V 522 Sinner reformed after visit to heaven and hell
Z 72.0.1 (Bm) Year time limit on quest


C 835 Tabus concerning fighting
H 218.1.1 (G) Single combat, joust interrupted by friends of combatants
H 1561 Tests of valor
H 1561.1 Tests of valor: tournament
P 50 Noblemen (knights) [rules of chivalry]
P 52 Knight jousts with all comers
P 52.2 (Li) Knight in service of a lady
P 550.2 (Li) Single combat
P 561 Tournaments


B 172.2.2 Magic bird’s song dispels grief.
D 1359.3 Magic object causes joy
D 1359.3.1 Magic music causes joy
D 1359.3.1.2 Magic musical branch soothes listeners
D 1359.3.1.3 Grief dispelled by sound of bell attached to magic fairy dog.
F 165.6 Only joy felt in otherworld dwelling.
F 173 Otherworld land of happiness.
F 262.3.6 Fairy music causes joy (laughter)
F 1041.1.5.4 Death from joy of kiss [love making]
F 1041.25 (Bm) Reactions to excessive joy
F 1041.25.1 (Bm) Swoon from joy
M 151.7.1 (Bm) Vow not to be happy until conquest is achieved [revenge is taken]


A 675 Judges in the lower world
J 1192 The bribed [false] judge
J 1212 Judge put out of countenance
K 2249.7 (Bm) Treacherous judge and jury
M 50 Other judgments and decrees
P 19.4.1 King as judge
P 421 Judge
P 510 Law courts
P 614 (Bm) Bribes
Q 113.0.1 High honors as reward


A 1002 Doomsday. Catastrophes precede the Day of Judgment.
A 1002.2 Signs before the Day of Judgment.
A 1030 World-fire
A 1075 End of world heralded by coming of Antichrist
A 1082.5 God conquers Satan at end of world.
A 1093 End of world announced by trumpet
E 178 Resurrection at Judgment Day
E 751 Souls at Judgment Day
H 210 Test of guilt or innocence
H 1596.1 Golden apple as prize in beauty contest. Judgment of Paris.
J 1172 Judgment as rebuke to unjust plaintiff
M 20 Short sighted judgments
M 50 Other judgments and decrees
M 90 Judgments and decrees – miscellaneous motifs
P 548 Miscellaneous legal customs [problems]
Q 520 Penances
V 313 Last judgment


H 218 Trial by combat
H 218.0.1 Vindication by champion. Usually noble lady or king accused
H 218.1 Judicial combat interrupted by friends of loser
H 1561.2 Single combat to prove valor
K 3 Substitute in contest
K 528 Substitute in ordeal
P 550.2 (Li) Single combat
P 557.4 Customs concerning single combat


L 410.4 Defeated king must be peddler or beggar [juggler]


F 684 Marvelous jumper
F 1071 Prodigious jump
K 17 Jumping contest won by deception
R 219.5 (Bm) Escape by jumping out window


F 151.1.3 Perilous forest.


K 2249.7 (Bm) Treacherous judge and jury
P 510 Law courts


P 12 Character of kings
P 12.2 Injustice deadliest of monarch’s sins
P 510 Law courts
U 10 Justice and injustice
W 35 Justice