Motif Index of German Secular Narratives                 
Published by the Austrian Academy of Sciences, Vienna
 Introduction   Matière de Bretagne   Chansons de Geste   Miscellaneous Romances   Oriental Romances   Heroic Epic   Maere and Novellas   Romances of Antiquity   Index 


Index of Keywords
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Index of Keywords  M 


D 1367 Magic object causes insanity
D 1508.5 (Bm) Magic ointment cures madness.
D 2065 Magic insanity
D 2065.1 Madness from demonic possession
F 959.1 Madness miraculously cured
F 1041.8.2 Madness from grief
F 1041.8.6 Men go mad in battle
J 1149.1 Feigned madness unmasked by threatening man’s child
K 1349.1.2 Disguise as madman to enter girl’s room
J 1434 Strenuous cure for madness
K 523.1 Escape by shamming madness
K 2380 (Hi) Detection of treachery or deceit
P 192 Madmen (fools, professional fools)
P 192.1 Professional fool
T 24.3 Madness from love
T 93.1 Disappointed lover becomes wild man in the woods.
Z 181.1 Nudity as sign of madness.


B 172 Magic bird
B 172.2 Magic bird’s song. Brings joy and oblivion for many years
B 182.1 Magic dog
B 184.1.1 Horse (mule) with magic speed
B 192 Magic animal killed
B 505 Magic object received from animal
D 6 Enchanted castle (building)
D 50 Magic changes in man himself.
D 801 Ownership of magic object
D 810 Magic object a gift
D 811.2 Magic object falls down from the heaven
D 812.13 Magic objects gifts of magician.
D 813 Magic object received from fairy
D 815.1 Magic object received from mother.
D 816 Magic object inherited.
D 817 Magic object received from grateful person
D 825 Magic object received from maiden.
D 838 Magic object acquired by stealing
D 838.1 Stolen objects powerful in magic
D 859.8 Magic object as ransom of captive.
D 861 Magic object stolen.
D 862 Magic object taken away by force [recovered by fighting]
D 876 Magic treasure animal killed
D 881 Magic object recovered by using second magic object.
D 901 Magic cloud.
D 908 Magic darkness.
D 915 Magic river.
D 921 Magic lake (pond [swamp]).
D 921.1 Lake (pond) produced by magic
D 925 Magic fountain
D 931 Magic rock (stone)
D 932 Magic mountain
D 932.2 Magic hill
D 937 Magic plain [valley].
D 941 Magic forests
D 941 Magic forest
D 941.1 Forest produced by magic
D 950 Magic tree
D 950.7 Magic lime tree
D 961 Magic garden
D 965 Magic plants
D 967 Magic roots
D 975 Magic flower
D 978 Magic herbs
D 981 Magic fruit.
D 991 Magic hair
D 1016 Magic blood of animal
D 1025.2 Magic fish-skin [Mermaid’s magic skin].
D 1031.1 Magic bread.
D 1040 Magic drink.
D 1052 Magic garment (robe, tunic)
D 1053 Magic mantle (cloak)
D 1056 Magic shirt
D 1057 Magic belt
D 1071 Magic jewel (jewels)
D 1076 Magic ring
D 1080 Magic weapons
D 1081 Magic sword
D 1086 Magic lance
D 1101 Magic [part of] armor
D 1101.2 Magic cuirass.
D 1101.4 Magic helmet
D 1123 Magic ship
D 1131 Magic castle
D 1131.1 Castle produced by magic.
D 1132.1 Palace produced by magic
D 1138 Magic tent.
D 1151 Magic seat
D 1153 Magic table.
D 1154.1 Magic bed
D 1154.5 Magic pillow
D 1162.1 Magic lamp
D 1163 Magic mirror
D 1196 Magic net
D 1209.1 Magic bridle.
D 1213 Magic bell
D 1222 Magic horn (musical)
D 1242.1 Magic water
D 1244 Magic salve (ointment)
D 1252.3 Magic gold
D 1256 Magic ball.
D 1258 Magic bridge.
D 1258.1 Bridge made by magic
D 1266 Magic book
D 1266.1 Magic writings (gramerye, runes)
D 1266.2 Magic picture.
D 1268 Magic statue (doll)
D 1271 Magic fire
D 1273 Magic formula (charm)
D 1275 Magic song
D 1293.4 Black as magic color
D 1300 Magic object gives supernatural wisdom
D 1317.0.2 (G) Magic ring detects enchantments
D 1323.1 Magic clairvoyant mirror
D 1323.5 Magic salve gives clairvoyance.
D 1331.2 Magic object blinds.
D 1332.1 Magic object deafens.
D 1335 Object gives magic strength
D 1335.1 Magic strength-giving food
D 1335.4 Magic belt gives strength
D 1335.5 Magic ring gives strength
D 1336 Magic object gives weakness.
D 1336.8 Magic spell gives weakness
D 1342 Magic object gives health
D 1344.9 Magic garment renders invulnerable.
D 1355.2 Magic love-philtre
D 1359 Magic object changes person’s disposition – miscellaneous
D 1359.3 Magic object causes joy
D 1360 Magic object effects temporary change in person
D 1361.15 Magic cap renders invisible: tarnkappe
D 1364 Object causes magic sleep
D 1364.11 Pillow causes magic sleep
D 1365.2 Drink causes magic forgetfulness.
D 1367 Magic object causes insanity
D 1368 Magic object causes illusions.
D 1379.1.1 Magic object controls person’s will.
D 1380.0.1 Magic object protects a city [land]
D 1380.0.1.1 Palladium – city impregnable while statue remains
D 1380.1 Waberlohe. Magic fire surrounds and protects
D 1380.11 Magic jewel protects
D 1380.23 Magic ring protects
D 1381 Magic object protects from attack.
D 1381.3 Magic garment protects against attack
D 1381.3.2 Magic unpierceable (horn) skin protects against attack
D 1381.10 Magic [part of] armor protects from attack
D 1381.10.2 Magic unpierceable cuirass [shield]
D 1381.10.3 Magic unpierceable helmet
D 1382 Magic object protects against cold or burning
D 1382.1 Magic pebble [gem] prevents burning.
D 1382.10 Magic garment prevents burning
D 1383.6 Magic red stone protects from poison.
D 1385.3.2 (Bm) Magic stone in ring protects against witchcraft.
D 1387 Magic object preserves chastity.
D 1388 Magic object protects from drowning
D 1389 Magic object affords miscellaneous protection.
D 1402 Magic object kills.
D 1410 Magic object renders person helpless
D 1411 Magic object binds person (animal)
D 1421.1.3 Magic book summons genie
D 1440 Magic object gives power over animals
D 1470.1.15 Magic wishing-ring.
D 1500.1.5 Magic healing fruit.
D 1500.1.19 Magic healing salve.
D 1520.15 Transportation in magic ship
D 1520.16 Magic transportation by chair
D 1578 Magic object keeps off enchantment.
D 1599 Magic object performs services – miscellaneous
D 1610.2 Magic speaking tree
D 1615 Magic singing object.
D 1652 Inexhaustible object.
D 1665.3 Fruit has any taste desired.
D 1682 Magic jewel which outweighs many heavy objects in the scale
D 1710 Possession of magic powers.
D 1711.1.1 Salomon as master of magicians
D 1713 Magic power of hermit (saint, yogi)
D 1719 Possession of magic powers – miscellaneous
D 1719.5 Magic power of fairy.
D 1719.7 Magic power of mermaid
D 1720 Acquisition of magic powers
D 1721.1 Magic power from devil
D 1725 Magic power obtained from angels
D 1738 Magic arts studied
D 1741 Magic powers lost
D 1781 Magic results from singing
D 1788 Magic results from bathing
D 1788.1 Magic results from contact with water
D 1791 Magic power by circumambulation
D 1810.0.2 Magic knowledge of magician
D 1810.0.4 Magic knowledge of fairies.
D 1810.2 Magic knowledge from devil
D 1810.5 Magic knowledge from angel
D 1810.8 Magic knowledge from dream
D 1811 Magic wisdom
D 1813 Magic knowledge of events in distant place
D 1815 Magic knowledge of strange tongues [language]
D 1817.0.3 Magic detection of murder
D 1825.2.2 Magic power to see whole country at once.
D 1825.3 Magic power to see invisible creatures
D 1830 Magic strength
D 1833 Magic strength by touching earth
D 1835 Other means of acquiring magic strength
D 1837 Magic weakness
D 1840.2 Magic invulnerability of animals.
D 1881 Magic self-rejuvenation
D 1900 Love induced by magic
D 1960 Magic sleep
D 1962 Means of inducing magic sleep
D 1978 Waking from sleep
D 1980 Magic invisibility
D 2004.3.1 Forgetfulness by drinking
D 2031 Magic illusion
D 2060 Death or bodily injury by magic.
D 2061.1.3 Poisoning by magic
D 2062.2 Blinding by magic.
D 2063.1 Tormenting by magic.
D 2064 Magic sickness
D 2078 Imprisoning by magic
D 2088 Locks opened by magic
D 2091.7 Magic lake (river) sent against enemy
D 2135 Magic air journey
D 2141 Storm produced by magic
D 2143.3 Fog produced by magic
D 2144.4 Burning by magic
D 2151.2 Magic control of rivers.
D 2156 Magic control over animals
D 2160 (Bm) Dream created by magic
D 2161 Magic healing power
D 2161.1.2 Magic cure for fever
D 2161.2 Magic cure of wound.
D 2161.3.2 Magic restoration of severed hand
D 2161.4.12 Magic cure during sleep
D 2163 Magic defense in battle.
D 2163.4 Magic mist as defense in battle
D 2161.4.19 Methods of magic cure – miscellaneous
D 2177 Imprisoning by magic
D 2178.1 City (castle) built by magic
D 2197 Magic dominance over animals
D 2199 Additional magic manifestations
F 162.8 Magic fountain in otherworld.
F Magic revolving wheel at door of otherworld dun (stronghold).
F 235.6 Fairies [dwarfs] visible through magic ring
H 987 Task performed with aid of magic object
K 1 Contest won by magic
K 115 Pseudo-magic healing objects sold
K 675 Sleeping potion given to man who is to pass the night with a girl. (Sometimes magic pillow or magic sleeping card.)
Q 140 Miraculous or magic rewards.
T 21 Mutual love through accidental drinking of love philtre
T 513.1.1 Impregnation by magician’s power


D 631.1.1 Person changes appearance at will.
D 683 Transformation by magician
D 812.6 Magic object received from witch or wizard
D 812.13 Magic objects gifts of magician.
D 1711 Magician
D 1711.2 Virgil as magician
D 1711.5 Fairy as magician.
D 1711.8 Strong man as magician.
D 1711.10 People of certain place as magicians
D 1712 Soothsayer (diviner, oracle, etc.)
D 1712.0.1 Astrologer-magician
D 1719 Possession of magic powers – miscellaneous
D 1719.5 Magic power of fairy.
D 1810.0.2 Magic knowledge of magician
D 1812.0.1.3 (Bm) Magician flees when he foresees his own doom
D 1814.1 Advice from magician (fortune-teller, etc.) [prophet]
D 1882.3 (Bm) Rejuvenation by magician (sorceress)
D 2122 Journey with magic speed.
D 2135.0.1 Levitation
D 2151 Magic control of waters
D 2156 Magic control over animals
D 2158 Magic control of fires
D 2197 Magic dominance over animals
D 2198 Magic control of spirits (angels, [gods])
E 121.7 Resuscitation by magician.
F 253 Extraordinary powers of fairies
F 451.3.3 Dwarf as magician
N 845 Magician as helper.
R 39.1 Abduction by magician.
T 481.6.1 (Bm) Queen begets son with magician while king is away
T 513.1.1 Impregnation by magician’s power


F 754 Magnetic mountain
F 806 Magnetic stone


D 151.9 Transformation: man [woman] to magpie


B 13.1 (Li) Unicorn captured by virgin.
B 771.1 Animal [deer] tamed by maiden’s beauty
D 825 Magic object received from maiden.
D 1502.4.2.1 Blood of children (innocent maidens) as cure for leprosy
D 1714.1 Magic power of chaste women
F 112 Journey to land of women
F 112.0.1 Fairyland (Ireland) inhabited (settled) by women only
F 112.2 City [castle] of women
H 335.0.2 Girl assigns tasks to her suitors
H 411.12 Magic harp as chastity test. Plays out of tune [string breaks] at approach of unchaste girl
H 413 Special powers of chaste woman.
H 933 Princess sets hero tasks
J 1111 Clever girl
J 1111.6 Clever maidservant.
K 1330 Girl tricked into man’s room (or power)
K 1843.1 Bride has maid sleep in husband’s bed to conceal pregnancy [lost virginity].
K 1843.4 Wife has maidservant impersonate her while she goes to her lover
K 2110.1 Calumniated wife
K 2246.0.1 Treacherous princess (queen)
N 711.1 King, prince finds maiden in the woods and marries her
N 715.1 Hero finds maiden at fountain, well, river
N 831 Girl [woman] as helper
P 52.2 (Li) Knight in service of a lady
P 531.1.2 (Bm) Tribute of 30 maidens a year.
Q 53.3 Maiden queen offers her hand as reward for rescuing her town
R 10.1 Princess (maiden) abducted
R 11.1 Princess (maiden) abducted by monster (ogre) [monstrous race]
R 12.1 Maiden abducted by pirates (robbers)
R 99.2 (Bm) Princess [maiden] as ransom.
R 111 Rescue of captive maiden.
R 111.1 Princess (maiden) rescued from captor
R 111.1.2 Princess [maiden] rescued from robbers
R 111.1.4 Rescue of princess (maiden) from giant (monster)
R 111.1.9 Princess rescued from undesired suitor
R 111.2 Princess rescued from place of captivity
T 50.1.2 Girl carefully guarded by father
T 55 Girl as wooer. Forthputting woman
T 68 Princess offered as prize
T 68.1 Princess offered as prize to rescuer
T 68.7 (Bm) Princess [maiden] as prize in tournament [single combat]
T 92.7 Rival lovers do battle for girl
T 108.1 (Bm) Girl (to be) married against her will [without her consent]
T 127 (Bm) Woman weds husband’s [father’s, uncle’s] slayer
T 151.4 (Bm) Girl saved from forced marriage at last minute
T 165.9 (Li) Widow and maid
T 211.9.1 Wife dies of grief for death of husband
T 300 Chastity and celibacy
T 311.4 Maiden queen prefers to fight instead of marrying
T 484 Maidservant given to lover’s companion as bed-partner


C 948 Mutilation as punishment for breaking tabu
F 184.1 Wounded otherworld king (in Ireland).
K 800 Killing or maiming by deception
Q 451 Mutilation as punishment
R 51 Mistreatment of prisoners


F 565.1.2 All male children killed by Amazons [or given to father]
F 565.1.2.1 (Bm) Amazons go to men’s island three months a year to procreate
F 565.1.2.2 (Bm) Male children sent to live with fathers, girls with mothers
K 521.4.1.1 Girl [woman] escapes in male disguise
K 1837 Disguise of woman in man’s clothes


F 360 Malevolent or destructive fairies
F 420.5.2 Malevolent water-spirits.
F 451.5.2 Malevolent dwarf
Q 280 Unkindness punished
W 110 Unfavorable traits of character – personal


J 1251 Baffling malice with ready answers


A 1210 Creation of man by creator
B 20 Beast-man
B 24 Satyr, Combination of man and goat
B 29 Other combinations of beast and man
B 55 Man with bird’s head
C 151 Tabu – man not to be present at childbirth
C 619.4 Tabu – women [men] to be on certain island
D 92 Transformation: Wild man to normal
D 100 Transformation: man to animal.
D 199.2 Transformation: man to dragon
D 1620.1 Automatic statue of man
D 1720.1 Man given power of wishing
F 302.3 Fairy woos mortal man
F 451.5 Dwarfs and human beings
F 521.1 Man covered with hair like animal
F 527.5 Black man [knight; wild woman]
F 531.5 Giants and men
F 531.5.11 Giant in contest [combat] with man
F 531.6.12.6 Giant slain by man
F 533 Remarkably tall man
F 558 Man covered with horn
F 565.1.2.1 (Bm) Amazons go to men’s island three months a year to procreate
F 565.1.2.2 (Bm) Male children sent to live with fathers, girls with mothers
F 566.2 Land where women live separate from men
F 567 Wild man
F 575.2 Handsome man
F 610 Remarkably strong man
F 610.1 Wild man of superhuman strength
F 610.4 Man with strength of many men
F 610.4.2 Man with twelve men’s strength
F 628 Strong man as mighty slayer
F 628.1.0.1 Strong man slays monster
F 628.2 Strong man kills men
F 628.2.3 Strong man kills giant
F 628.2.4 Army of strong men
F 628.2.7 Strong man uses man as weapon.
F 688 Man with marvelous voice
F 1041.11.2 Man turns pale, red, blue, etc. from emotion or strain
H 507.1 Princess offered to man who can defeat her in repartee
J 175 Wisdom from young man
J 191 Wise men
J 445.2 Foolish marriage of old man and young girl
J 2051 Wise man shortsightedly scorned for his advice
J 2321 Man made to believe that he is pregnant
K 833 Man lured into aiding trickster who has feigned an accident or needs help
K 1265 Man falsely reported insane. No one will believe him
K 1339 Girl [woman] tricked into man’s room (power)
K 1343 Man drawn up into female apartment on rope
K 1347 Man is ushered into maiden’s room by [ maid-] servant
K 2260.1 Treacherous dark man
M 244 Bargains between men and animals
N 111.4 Fortune’s dealings with men.
N 764 Unexpected meeting with wild man
N 825.2 Old man helper
P 55 Wild man of noble birth
P 557.4.4 Men’s truth. (fir fer)
R 1 Wild man captured and tamed
R 11.1.1 Abduction of girl by half bestial man
T 75 Man scorned by his beloved
T 211.9.2 Man kills [attempts to kill] self in grief for wife
T 381 Imprisoned virgin to prevent knowledge of men (marriage, impregnation) usually kept in a tower.
T 471.2 Wild man as ravisher of women
T 578 Pregnant man
W 46.1 (Bm) Man weeps on slaying heroic enemy


B 71 Sea-horse
F 555 Remarkable hair


B 16.0.3 Man-eating monster (in cave)
B Man-eating mares
B (Bm) Man-eating horse
B Devastating (man-eating) sea-monster (serpent)
B 16.6.1 Giant man-eating ants
B 33 Man-eating birds
B 768.5 (Bm) Hippopotamus as cannibal
G 354.2 Crocodile as ogre


D 1812.5.0.13 Magic manifestation as omen
V 340 Miracle manifested to non-believers


F 560 Unusual manner of life
F 569 Unusual manner of life – miscellaneous
P 50 Noblemen (knights) [rules of chivalry]


D 1053 Magic mantle (cloak)
D 1361.12 Magic cloak of invisibility
D 1381.4 Magic coat protects against attack
D 1520.6 Magic transportation by cloak (cape)
F 451.3.3.8 Dwarfs made invisible by magic caps [cloaks]
F 821.4 Extraordinarily beautiful mantle
H 411.7 Mantle as chastity test.


F 163.3.1 House of gold and crystal in otherworld
F 761.5 City paved with precious seeds
F 771 Extraordinary castle (house, palace)
F 771.1 Castle of unusual material
F 852 Extraordinary coffin [sarkophag]
V 40 Mass


A 164.1 Brother-sister marriage of the gods
A 475.0.2 Marriage-god
A 1552 Marriage between close relatives
F 302.3.1.3 Man is carried to fairyland by fairy and marries her.
F 531.5.7 Giants marry human beings
H 217.2 Decision by single combat or holmgang of who is to marry girl
H 335.1 Suitor task: avenging bride’s father’s death before marriage.
H 335.1.1 Suitor task: avenging bride’s former fiancé [husband] before marriage.
J 414 Marriage with equal or with unequal
J 445.2 Foolish marriage of old man and young girl
J 482.1 Woman refuses second marriage. If husband is good she will fear to lose him; if bad, she will repent
J 482.1.1 Woman refuses second marriage. Her husband abides in her heart
J 1744 Ignorance of marriage relations
J 2344.1 (Tu) Monks persuade wives that they must pay tithes as one tenth the number of times of their marital intimacies
K 522.0.1 Death feigned to escape unwelcome marriage
K 1315.7.1 Seduction by pretending to instruct (or to need instruction) in marital duties
K 1839.2 Girl marries lover who thought her dead. On reviving she changes her name and disguises her appearance. Eventually marries her former lover
K 1971.6.1 Wife behind tree advises the husband about his marital duties.
L 161 Lowly hero marries princess
L 162 Lowly heroine marries prince (king, [count])
M 135 Vow never to remarry
M 146 Vow to marry a certain woman [man]
M 146.8 (Bm) Vow to marry lady who helps achieve task
M 149.1 Lovers vow to marry only each other
M 149.2 Vow to die rather than marry unwelcome suitor
M 151.2 Vow not to marry until quest is concluded
M 201.5 Covenant confirmed by marriage
M 236.1 (Bm) Bargain: warrior will remove troop if he can wed enemy princess
M 268 Marriage promised to save life
M 331 Prophecy: princess to marry prince [hero]
M 369.2 Prophecies concerning love and marriage
P 17.11 Slayer of king [sovereign] marries widow [daughter] and inherits kingdom [domain]
P 18 Marriage of kings
P 28 Marriage of queen
P 53.1 (Bm) Knighthood as prerequisite to marriage
Q 53.3.4 (Bm) Lady weds rescuer
Q 499.7 Humiliating marriage as punishment.
Q 520.3 Life-long penance for brother-sister marriage
R 225.2 Lovers elope to prevent girl’s marriage to undesired fiancé
T 22.4 Lovers fated to marry each other born at same time
T 36 Girl sleeps in garden to meet lover. Discovered next morning and married
T 50.2 King likes his daughter so much that he does not wish to marry her to anyone
T 50.2.1 King unwilling to marry his daughter to a man not her equal
T 52.4 Dowry given at marriage of daughter
T 53 Matchmakers
T 69.1.1 Three (two) brothers married to three (two) sisters
T (Bm) Heroine will not marry knight of lower rank
T 97 Father opposed to daughter’s marriage [sweetheart]
T 100 Marriage
T 104 Foreign king wages war to enforce demand for princess in marriage
T 108.1 (Bm) Girl (to be) married against her will [without her consent]
T 111 Marriage of mortal and supernatural being
T 121 Unequal marriage
T 121.1 Knight weds peasant girl
T 121.3 Princess marries courtier
T 122 Marriage by royal order
T 127 (Bm) Woman weds husband’s [father’s, uncle’s] slayer
T 130 Marriage customs
T 131 Marriage restrictions
T Father promises that girl may wed only man of her choice
T 131.1 Relative’s consent to marriage necessary
T 131.1.2 Father’s consent to son’s (daughter’s) marriage necessary
T Girl must marry father’s choice
T Son (daughter) refuses to marry father’s choice
T 131.1.3 Marriage against will of parents
T 131.8 Different religion as obstacle for marriage
T 132 Preparation for wedding
T 135 Wedding ceremony
T 136.1 Wedding feast
T 136.3 Amusements at wedding
T 136.3.2 Marriage odes sung at wedding feast
T 136.4.2 Parting gifts after wedding
T 145 Polygamous marriages
T 151 Year’s respite from unwelcome marriage
T 151.4 (Bm) Girl saved from forced marriage at last minute
T 160 Consummation of marriage
T 165 Girl may remain virgin for three days after marriage
T 165.2 One year to elapse between ceremony and consummation of marriage
T 165.9 (Li) Widow and maid
T 183 (G) Illusory consummation of marriage
T 192 Marriage by force.
T 200 Married life
T 210 Faithfulness in marriage
T 210.1 Faithful wife
T 211 Faithfulness to marriage in death
T 230 Faithlessness in marriage [love]
T 231 The faithless widow
T 231.5 Faithless widow marries slayer of her husband.
T 249 Faithlessness in marriage – miscellaneous
T 271 The neglected wife
T 291 Why widow does not remarry
T 299 Other aspects of married life – miscellaneous
T 311 Woman averse to marriage
T 315 Continence (in marriage)
T 315.1 Marital continence by mutual agreement
T 381 Imprisoned virgin to prevent knowledge of men (marriage, impregnation) usually kept in a tower.
T 481 Adultery


F 559 Remarkable physical organs – miscellaneous.


D 921 Magic lake (pond [swamp]).
D 1610.35 Speaking [shrieking] river [body of water].


K 2245 Treacherous marshal.
N 835 Wealthy (powerful) man as helper
N 839.1.1 (Bm) Faithful steward [marshal] as foster father
P 50.2 Marshall [Court officials: marshall, steward, etc.]
P 110.0.1 (Bm) Faithful steward [knight] as regent
R 169.7 Royal minister rescues (abandoned) queen(s)


Q 20 Piety rewarded
V 463 Religious martyrdom


K 1816.11 Disguise as carpenter


E 492 Mass, church service of the dead. (Held at midnight)
S 110.0.1 (Li) Mass murder
T 190 Marriage – miscellaneous motifs
V 49 Mass – miscellaneous motifs
V 69 Funeral rites – miscellaneous
V 85 Religious pilgrimages
V 510 Religious visions
Z 176 Symbolism of the mass


S 110.0.1 (Li) Mass murder


B 301.4.8 Faithful horse fights together with its master [saves master’s life]
B 571.3 Animals fight together with their master.
D 1711.1.1 Salomon as master of magicians
D 2197 Magic dominance over animals
K 301 Master thief
P 360 Master and servant
R 167 Master rescues disciple


T 53 Matchmakers
T 66 Help in wooing
T 452 Bawds


D 937 Magic plain [valley].
D 1359.3 Magic object causes joy
F 162.1.1 Everblooming garden in otherworld
F 756 Extraordinary valleys and plains


H 696.1.1 Riddle: How much water is in the sea? Stop all the rivers and I will measure it
K 185.1 Deceptive land purchase – ox-hide measure


A 1681.2 Why Jews do not eat pork [origin of food tabu]
J 1791.4 Dog drops his meat for the reflection


E 100 Resuscitation by medicines
F 668.0.1 Skillful physician
P 424 Physician
P 424.5 Female physician [healer]


D 581 Petrification [death] by glance
D 2061.2.1 Death-giving glance.
F 839.2 Extraordinary shield
Z 702 (Hi) Eponymous account of place name


F 1099.8 Man meets (sees) his future descendants
K 1514.13 Adulteress gives paramour tryst in house of ill-fame, Meets husband who leaves in shame
K 1514.18 Adulteress makes excuse to go and attend to bodily needs: meets lover
M 151.9 Vow not to see friends until quest is completed
N 700 Accidental encounters.
N 710 Accidental meeting of hero and heroine
N 731 Unexpected meeting of father and son
N 733 Accidental meeting of brothers
N 734 Accidental meeting of brother and sister
N 735 Accidental meeting of mother and son
N 737.1 (Bm) Accidental encounter leads to eventual reuniting of lovers
N 738 Accidental meeting of nephew and uncle
N 741 Unexpected meeting of husband and wife
N 746 Accidental meeting of cousins
N 760 Other accidental encounters
N 760.1 (Bm) Chance meeting of seeker and sought
N 762 Person accidentally met unexpectedly knows the other’s name
N 764 Unexpected meeting with wild man
N 765 Meeting with robber band
N 769 Accidental meeting of friends
N 769.1 (Bm) Accidental meeting leads to pledge of sworn brotherhood
N 770.1 Chance meeting of seeker and sought
T 11.3.1 Lovers meet in their dreams
T 30 Lovers’ meeting
T 31 Lovers’ meeting: hero in service of [given as playmate to] heroine
T 31.1 Lovers’ meeting: Hero in service of lady’s father
T 32.1 Lovers’ meeting: hero in heroine’s father’s [husband’s] prison from which she helps him to escape
T 34 Lovers meet at social gathering
T 35 Lovers’ rendezvous
T 35.5 Lover goes to see his beloved in her husband’s (or her father’s) house, defiant of the danger
T 36 Girl sleeps in garden to meet lover. Discovered next morning and married
T 46 Suitor outwits watchman to meet lady


A 1391 Why other members must serve the belly
D 1518 Magic object restores bodily members
J 461.1 The belly and the members


H 1574 Tests of social position
P 19.0.1 (Li) King Arthur as leader of outstanding chivalric society (Round Table)
Z 201.9.1 (Bm) Hero’s famous possessions – Arthur’s Round Table


D 1365.2 Drink causes magic forgetfulness.
D 2004.3.1 Forgetfulness by drinking
J 2010 Uncertainty about own identity.


D 2163.1 Broken weapons magically restored.
F 1098 Object miraculously mended.
H 1023.8 Task: fixing the two pieces of a broken sword together
H 1098.0.1 Object miraculously mended


K 1816 Disguise as menial
L 113.2 Menial heroine
Q 482 Punishment: noble person must do menial service
Q 482.1 Princess serves as menial
Q 523 Humiliating penances


P 50 Noblemen (knights) [rules of chivalry]
P 63 (Bm) Lady in armor (and battle)
P 461 Soldier [mercenary warrior]
T 65.2 Mercenary soldier (exile) unsuitable as husband


J 163.1 Man buys a pennyworth of wit
J 1161.1 The three joint depositors [two joint merchants] may have their money [goods] back when all demand it
K 1617.4 Disguise as merchant
K 1812.14.1 King [prince] in disguise of merchant
K 1817.4 Disguise as merchant
K 2249.4 Treacherous merchant.
K 2357.10 Disguise as merchant to enter enemy’s castle
L 113 Hero (heroine) of unpromising occupation
L 143 Poor man surpasses rich
N 851 Merchant as helper
P 431 Merchant


B 525 Animal spares man he is about to devour
C 740 Tabu: doing deed of mercy or courtesy.
M 161.4 Vow rather to die (on a spear) than to accept grace
P 12 Character of kings
T 99.4 (Bm) Defeated warring suitor at lady’s mercy is forgiven
W 11.5.5 Conqueror spares city
W 155 Hardness of heart


B 53.0.1 Siren in mermaid form
B 53.4 Siren’s song causes sleep
B 81 Mermaid
B 81.2.2 Mermaids tear their mortal lovers to pieces [kill their mortal lovers]
B 81.7.1 Mermaid prophesies
B 81.9 Appearance of mermaid
B 81.9.5 Skin of mermaid.
B Mermaid has white skin
B 81.11 Mermaid’s singing causes sleep
B 81.13 Miscellaneous actions of mermaid
B 81.13.11 Mermaid captured
B 82 Merman
D 813.1 Magic object received from river nymph [mermaid]
D 1025.2 Magic fish-skin [Mermaid’s magic skin].
D 1719.7 Magic power of mermaid
F 945 Person (gradually) submerged by sea
N 815.0.2 Helpful water-spirit
N 819 Supernatural helpers – misc.


F 402.1.9 Spirit delivers false message
F 883 Extraordinary writings (book, letter)
H 82 Identifying tokens sent with messenger
H 135.0.1 (Bm) Love messages on slips of wood sent downstream.
K 1087.1 Message falsified [brings] (to bring) about death of lovers
P 14.15.2 Court messenger
P 550.1.3 (Tu) Declaration of war
T 41 Communication of lovers
T 41.3 Lover’s signal
V 211.10 Letter (message) of Christ
Z 140.1 Color of flag (sails) on ship as message of good or bad news
Z 175.2 Lover’s assignation by symbolic [secret] messages


A 165.2 Messenger of the gods
A 165.2.3 Angels as God’s messengers
B 291.1 Bird as messenger
B 291.1.12 Pigeon as messenger.
B 291.2.2 Dog as messenger
B 291.3 Wild beast as messenger.
F 186 (Li) Otherworld messenger
F 234.2.6 Fairy as messenger from fairyland.
H 82 Identifying tokens sent with messenger
J 1358 No thanks to the messenger
K 1812.15 King disguised as own messenger
K 2390 (Bm) Messenger made drunk that letter may be substituted
L 225.1 (Bm) Messenger refuses reward
P 14.3 King playing chess when important news arrives
P 14.15.2 Court messenger
P 556 Challenge to battle
P 556.0.1 (Bm) Challenge to single combat [feud]
P 557 Military customs
P 557.0.2 (Li) Spy. Messenger
P 557.2 Pledge with enemy to be kept
Q 98.1 (Bm) Bearer of good news offered reward
Q 451.1.6 Right hand cut off enemy’s messengers [Mistreating enemy’s messengers]
R 51.4 Prisoner[s] [hostages, messengers] massacred [killed]
S 113.1.2 Prisoners taken in war (enemy’s messengers) hanged
T 41 Communication of lovers
T 53 Matchmakers
V 235 Mortal visited by angel


J 2470 Metaphors literally interpreted


V 70.3 Midsummer.


K 2061.6 Wolf offers to act as midwife for sow


F 628 Strong man as mighty slayer
F 628.2 Strong man kills men
F 628.4 Strong man’s mighty spear-cast (sword blow) [pole-blow]


L 350 Mildness triumphs over violence


H 1224 Quest to distant king for military aid
K 2350 Military strategy
K 2369 Military strategy – miscellaneous
M 369.5 Prophecies concerning invasion and conquest
P 50.0.1 King and vassals: obligations of vassals to king [Feudality: mutual relationship between king and vassals]
P 550 Military affairs
P 550.1 (Li) Battle. War
P 550.1.1 (Li) Aggression: rebellion; usurpation; invasion; assault
P 551 Army
P 552.6 (Tu) Conscription of troops: summoning allies as preparation for war
P 555 Defeat in battle [single combat]
P 557 Military customs
P 557.0.1 (Li) Council of war
P 557.0.3 (Li) Military aid (alliance)


B 765.4.1 Snake attaches itself to a woman’s breast and draws away her milk
D 766.4 Disenchantment by bathing in milk


J 1041.2 Miller, his son, and the ass: trying to please everyone


D 1379.1.1 Magic object controls person’s will.
P 55.1 (Bm) Broken-hearted knight neglects self
T 26 Attention distracted by sight of (remembering) beloved [because of love]
W 225 Taciturn [pensive] man


K 2248 Treacherous minister
N 839 (Bm) Noble [vassal, knight] as helper
P 14.15.1 (Old, wise) Counsellors of court [King’s council]
P 110 Royal ministers


B 23.1 Minotaur


F 451. Dwarf musician (poet)
F 679.9 Skillful musician (plays nine mouth harps at once)
K 1817.3 Disguise as harper (minstrel)
P 428 Musician
Q 95 Reward for musician
R 24.2 Princely suitor in minstrel disguise carries princess away


A 102.17.1 Miracle as sign of God’s anger
D 1713 Magic power of hermit (saint, yogi)
D 1766.1 Magic results produced by prayer
E 32 Resuscitated eaten animal.
E 121.4 Resuscitation by saint
E 545.10 Corpse exclaims over miracle
F 900.1 Miracles (at certain times)
F 950 Marvelous cures
F 952 Blindness miraculously cured
F 959.1 Madness miraculously cured
F 959.3 Miraculous cure of wound
F 992 Blindness miraculously cured
F 1098 Object miraculously mended.
H 192 Recognition by supernatural manifestation
K 1970 Sham miracle
M 369 Miscellaneous prophecies
N 817.0.1 God as helper
Q 140 Miraculous or magic rewards.
Q 149 Miraculous or magic reward – miscellaneous
Q 550 Miraculous punishments
Q 551.9 Miraculous burning as punishment
Q 552 Prodigy as punishment
Q 559 Other miraculous punishments
R 122 Miraculous rescue
V 52 Miraculous power of prayer
V 113.0.1 Miracles at shrine [heroes’ grave]
V 121 Miraculous image of Christ impressed on napkin. Veronica
V 201 God
V 222 Miraculous manifestation acclaims saint
V 229.2 Sancticity of saints
V 229.7 Invaders miraculously defeated by saints [Saints as helpers in battle]
V 331.1 Conversion to Christianity through miracle
V 331.1.1 Conversion to Christianity by miracle of seeing blood flow from Jesus’ image
V 340 Miracle manifested to non-believers


B 12.3 Basilisk killed by seeing own image
D 1163 Magic mirror
D 1323.1 Magic clairvoyant mirror
F 839.2 Extraordinary shield
H 411.15 Magic mirror as chastity index


K 364 Partner misappropriates common goods


Q 270 Misdeeds concerning property punished


W 153 Miserliness


M 340.6 Prophecy of great misfortune
N 250 Persistent bad luck
T 215 Faithfulness of married couple in misfortune


H 331.7 Suitor contest: aiming with missile [knife]
P 552.4 War-machines


M 151.2.2 (Bm) Vow not to return to court [not to sleep two nights in the same place] until missing knight is found


V 331 Conversion to Christianity


F 141.2 Mist as barrier to otherworld.
F 704 Land of cold and mist
F 962 Extraordinary precipitation (rain, snow, etc.)
F 962.10 Extraordinary mist (darkness)


J 1485 Mistaken identity
J 1750 One animal mistaken for another
J 1758.1 Tiger [lion] mistaken for goat
J 1759 Other mistaken animals
J 1769 Other creatures with mistaken identity
J 1770 Objects with mistaken identity
J 1771 Object thought to be animal [man]
J 1772 One object thought to be another
J 1786 Man thought to be a devil or ghost
J 1794 Statue mistaken for living original
K 1317.7 Woman mistakes passer-by for lover. Substitution in the dark
K 1514.4 Returning husband beaten by servants, mistaken for the lover whom he has told them to beat


J 1358 No thanks to the messenger
R 51 Mistreatment of prisoners
R 51.2 Prisoners confined in chains
S 182.3 (G) Man hanged by feet to tree
T 75.0.1 Suitors ill-treated
T 75.1 Scorn of unloved suitor punished


F 301.1.1.1 Girl [hero] summons fairy lover [mistress] by wishing for him [her]
F 302 Fairy mistress
F 302.3.0.1 Fairy visits mortal and becomes his mistress
F 302.6 Fairy mistress leaves man when he breaks tabu
F 302.6.2 Recovery of fairy mistress
F 1041.1.2.1 Lover dies beside dying [dead] sweetheart
H 313 Suitor test: obedience and humility before bride [mistress]
H 916 Tasks imposed at suggestion of a spouse (sweetheart).
H 974.1 Task performed with help of mistress
H 1385.3 Quest for vanished wife (mistress)
K 1818.3.2 Lover approaches mistress disguised as fool
K 2231 Treacherous mistress
N 343 Lover kills self believing his mistress dead. She has been frightened away by a lion (Pyramus and Thisbe)
N 386 Lover’s wound breaks while he is in bed with mistress. He bleeds to death
Q 247 Punishment for desertion of fairy mistress
R 52.2 (Bm) Captive knight in care of captor’s mistress [wife]
T 85.4 Lover’s body [lover’s bones] kept (embalmed) for years by grieving mistress
T 286 Sight of mistress’s ring causes husband to withhold himself from his wife


B 331 Helpful animal killed through misunderstanding
J 1766.2 (Bm) Child thinks knights are gods.
J 1810 Physical phenomena misunderstood
J 1811 Animal cries misunderstood.
J 1820 Inappropriate action from misunderstanding


K 2130 Trouble-makers
M 402 Satire [satirist]
M 402.1 Woman satirist
Q 288 Punishment for mockery
W 188 Contentiousness.


L 210 Modest choice best
L 221 Modest request: present from the journey. Asked what her father shall bring her as a present, the heroine chooses a modest gift. It is usually a flower but sometimes does not turn out to be a such a simple gift at all (golden cloak, golden apple)
P 12.14 Modesty of king
W 46 (Li) Modesty
W 47 (Hi) Humility and modesty


P 16.1 King (prince) retires from world (becomes hermit [monk, pilgrim], swineherd [beggar])
P 29.4 Queen becomes nun
P 56 (Bm) Knight [noble] becomes hermit
R 325.4 (Bm) Nunnery as refuge
V 65 Commemoration of death
V 118 Monasteries [cloisters, abbeys, nunneries]
V 118.4 (Bm) Abbey and convent founded (given) in penitence
V 400 Charity


J 1161.1 The three joint depositors [two joint merchants] may have their money [goods] back when all demand it
K 443.2 Clever wife gets money from those who attempt to seduce her
N 352.2 Jewel (garment, [money-bag]) carried off by bird (from bather)
P 435 Usurer [money-changer]
Q 111 Riches as reward
T 455.6 Woman sells favors for a large sum of money
V 64 Money tied on corpse thrown overboard from ship in order to secure burial


F 561.1 People who prefer raw flesh


H 1233.3 Holy man [hermit] as helper on quest
J 2314 Layman made to believe that he is a monk
K 1536 Woman has husband made monk while he is drunk to get rid of him
K 1826.1 Disguise as monk
N 843 Hermit as helper
P 16.1 King (prince) retires from world (becomes hermit [monk, pilgrim], swineherd [beggar])
P 56 (Bm) Knight [noble] becomes hermit
P 426.3 Monks
T 211.5 Man becomes a hermit after his wife’s death [Becoming hermit after partner’s death]
T 371 The boy who had never seen a woman. The Satan’s [geese]. When he sees a girl and asks his father (tutor) what it is, the father tells him it is Satan [goose]. Asked what he most likes he says “the Satan’s” [geese]
V 461.2 Truthful monk refuses to cheat even for his order
V 475 Renunciation of clerical vows


B 15.3.4 Animal usually harmless has horns
B 17.1 Hostile beasts
F 511.1.3.1 Person with face of ape [monkey]


A 671.2.5 Dragons [monsters] in hell
A 737.1 Eclipse caused by monster devouring sun or moon [devil swallowing sun]
A 1074.4 Fettered monster [giant] preyed upon by vulture [birds]
B 15.4.2 Beasts with fiery eyes
B 16.0.3 Man-eating monster (in cave)
B (Bm) Monster impervious to weapons
B 19.12 (Bm) Mythical beast, size of elephant, black head, three horns in forehead
B 80.2 Monster half-man, half-fish.
B 877.1 Giant sea-monster
D 1812.5.1.1 Prodigy as evil omen
D 1840.3 Magic invulnerability of ogres.
F 150.2 Entrance to other world guarded by monsters (or animals)
F 510 Monstrous persons
F 510.1 Monstrous races
F 628.1.0.1 Strong man slays monster
G 11.16 Army of cannibal monsters
G 308 Sea-monster
G 308.2 Water-monster
G 332 Sucking monster
G 333 Path between monsters. Scylla and Charybdis
G 346 Devastating monster.
K 2270 Deformed villain.
Q 569.2 Sinners in hell swallowed by dragons [monster]
R 11 Abduction by monster (ogre)
R 11.1 Princess (maiden) abducted by monster (ogre) [monstrous race]
R 111.1.4 Rescue of princess (maiden) from giant (monster)
T 551.5 Child born half man, half fish [animal]


A 240 Moon-God
A 1002.2 Signs before the Day of Judgment.
A 1053 Behavior of moon at end of world
D 1812. Pale or red moon an evil omen
F 55 Mountain reaches to sky [moon]
F 961.3 Extraordinary behaviour of moon
F 961.3.1 Moon turns to blood [turns bloody]
J 2271.1 The local moon
M 302.4 Horoscope taken by means of stars


F 527 Person of unusual color
F 527.5 Black man [knight; wild woman]
F 531.1.7.2 Black giant


A 180 Gods in relation to mortals
A 181 God serves as menial on earth
A 182 God reveals himself to mortals
A 182.1 God reveals secrets (mysteries) to mortals
A 182.3 God (angel) speaks to mortal
A 182.3.2 God rebukes mortal
A 182.3.4 God makes promises to mortal
A 182.3.5 God advises mortal
A 185 Deity cares for favorite individuals
A 185.2 Deity protects mortal
A 185.3 Deity teaches mortal
A 185.6 Deity particular friend to one mortal
A 185.16 God pities mortal
A 187.2 Mortal as umpire of quarrel between gods
A 188 Gods and goddesses in love with men
A 189 Gods in relation to mortals – miscellaneous
A 245 Angel punishes mortal
A 511.1.5 Culture hero son of mortal (half-mortal) father [and goddess mother]
D 42 God in guise of mortal
F 63.2 Mortal taken to heaven by angel
F 259.1 Mortality of fairies
F 302.3 Fairy woos mortal man
F 302.3.0.1 Fairy visits mortal and becomes his mistress
F 305 Offspring of fairy [dwarf] and mortal
F 305.2 Offspring of fairy and mortal extraordinarily beautiful.
F 343.0.1 Fairy offers mortal choice of magic objects.
F 344 Fairies heal mortals
F 371 Human being reared in fairyland.
F 373 Mortal abandons world to live in fairyland
F 375 Mortals as captives in fairyland
F 420.6.1.2 Water-spirit offers gift to mortal to win love
F 451.5 Dwarfs and human beings
F 451.5.1.7 Dwarfs serve mortals
F 451.5.2.4 Dwarfs kidnap mortals
F 451.5.2.8 Dwarfs threaten mortals
F 451.5.4 Mortal goes to land of dwarfs
F 451.5.8 Dwarfs associate with mortals
F 451.5.18 Dwarf loves mortal girl
F 451.6.3.1 Dwarfs feast mortals in their home
F 531.5.7 Giants marry human beings
F 531. Giant woos mortal woman
F 531. Mortal son of man and giantess
G 303.12.7 Devil’s sexual relations with mortal
G 303.16.10 Angels (God) save person from the devil
K 1811 Gods (saints) in disguise visit mortals
K 1811.2 Deity disguised as old man (woman) visits mortals
M 242 Bargains and promises between mortals and supernatural beings
M 332 (Bm) Prophecy: God will visit mortal
N 111.4 Fortune’s dealings with men.
T 91.3 Love of mortal and supernatural person
T 111 Marriage of mortal and supernatural being
V 232.2 Angel carries mortal [to heaven]
V 232.3 Angels supply food to mortal
V 235 Mortal visited by angel
V 246 Angel counsels mortal
V 510.1 God speaks in Vision to devotee


A 511.1.5 Culture hero son of mortal (half-mortal) father [and goddess mother]
D 815.1 Magic object received from mother.
F 311.3 Fairy foster-mother.
F 565.1.2.2 (Bm) Male children sent to live with fathers, girls with mothers
G 72 Unnatural parents eat children
H 151.3 Recognition when parents come to son (priest, pope) to be confessed
H 1385.15 (Bm) Quest for lost mother
J 1546 Overcurious wife [mother] learns of the senate’s deliberations
J 2303 Gullible mother [father]
K 2210 Treacherous relatives
K 2215 (Bm) Treacherous stepmother [foster mother]
N 365.1 Boy unwittingly commits incest with his mother
N 735 Accidental meeting of mother and son
P 210 Husband and wife
P 231 Mother and son
P 231.3 Mother-love
P 231.15 (G) Mother revenges herself on her son
P 232 Mother and daughter
P 233 Father and son
P 233.2.1 Father drives away bad son whom the mother prefers (pities)
P 233.9 Son chastizes father for scorning mother
P 272 Foster mother
P 293.1 Mother’s brother as foster father
P 293.2 Mother’s brother as helper.
P 293.4 Young prince sent to his father’s (mother’s) brother
S 12.1.1 Treacherous mother and paramour plan son’s death
S 22 Parricide
S 30 Cruel step- and foster relatives
S 322.4.2 Evil stepmother [foster mother] orders stepdaughter [foster daughter] to be killed
T 50.1.1 Girl carefully guarded from suitors by mother
T 131.1.3 Marriage against will of parents
T 412 Mother – son incest
T 412.1 Mother guilty of incest with son forgiven by Pope (Virgin Mary)
T 584.2 Child removed from body of dead mother.
P 231 Mother and son


P 262 Mother-in-law


A 167.1 Council of the gods
A 495 Mountain-god [-goddess]
A 571.1 Culture hero still alive in hollow hill
B 11.3.2 Dragon’s home at top of mountain
D 931 Magic rock (stone)
D 932 Magic mountain
D 1552.1 Mountain opens at blow of divine rod
D 1552.12 Magic key opens treasure mountain
D 1960.2 Kyffhäuser. King asleep in mountain
D 2136.3.1 Mountain moved by prayer
F 55 Mountain reaches to sky [moon]
F 91.1 Slamming door on exit from [after entrance in] mountain otherworld
F 131 Otherworld in hollow mountain
F 132 Otherworld on lofty mountain
F 145 Mountains at borders of otherworld
F 151.2 Mountain pass to otherworld.
F 162.9 Mountains in otherworld
F 211 Fairyland [dwarfs] under hollow knoll
F 451.4.1.11 Dwarfs live in hills and mountains
F 451.4.2.2 Dwarfs live in ravines
F 451.4.3.1 Dwarf cave [hollow mountain] closed by iron doors
F 531.3.2.4 Giant hurls mountain.
F 531.3.5.1 Giant bestrides mountain.
F 531.6.3.3 (Bm) Giant as guard of fairy’s [dwarfs] mountain
F 721.2 Habitable hill
F 721.2.3 Sorcerer and books in mountain
F 750 Extraordinary mountains and other land features
F 751 Glass mountain.
F 752.1 Mountain of gold
F 753 Mountain of fire
F 754 Magnetic mountain
F 759 Extraordinary mountains and valleys – miscellaneous
F 759.1 Mountain with marvelous objects at top
F 759.2 Hollow mountain
F 771.3.5.1 House [castle] inside mountain
F 1006 Extraordinary activity of mountains
J 610 Forethought in conflict with others – general
R 45 Captivity in mound (cave, hollow hill)


F 1041.21 Reactions to excessive grief
F 1041.21.6 Tearing hair and clothes from excessive grief
F 1051.2 Miraculously loud noise of mourning for hero
P 12.9.1 (Bm) King mourns dead enemy
P 681 Mourning customs
T 85 Woman mourns [supposedly] dead lover
Z 143.1 Black as symbol of grief


B 371.1 Lion spared mouse: mouse grateful
B 437.2 Helpful mouse
J 132 Mouse teaches her child to fear quiet cats but not noisy cocks
J 211.2 Town mouse and country mouse
J 657 Care in selecting the creature to carry one
J 829 Dealing with the great – miscellaneous
L 392 Mouse stronger than wall, wind, mountain
Z 42 Stronger and Strongest


F 511.0.1.1 Headless person with eyes (eye) and mouth on breast
F 513 Person unusual as to his mouth
F 544.0.1 Remarkably large mouth
G 363.1 Ogre with flaming mouth


D 1654.4.1 Sword can be moved only by right person: Sword in stone
D 1654.9.1 Corpse cannot be moved
K 1345 Tale of the cradle. Two youths pass the night with a family where all sleep in a common room, with a cradle at the foot of one of the beds. The moving of the cradle in the night confuses those walking about so that the strangers sleep with the wife and the daughter


K 343.1.1 Bread dropped in mud, messenger returns for more. A youth poses as a rich man’s servant and gets as sack of bread from a baker. The baker boy is top go along and collect. The rascal drops two loaves in the mud and send the boy back for fresh ones. Meantime he runs off with the rest of the bread.


B 184.1 Magic horses [extraordinary horse from otherworld]
B 403 Helpful mule
B 563 Animals direct man on journey.
B 731.0.1 Animals of strange and varied coloring
J 974 Kid perched on house jeers at wolf [horse-fly molests busy mule]


B (Bm) Dragon of diverse colors.
B 731.0.1 Animals of strange and varied coloring
B 731.2.1 Horse with crimson mane and green legs [Polychromatic horse]
B 731.6 Hound of every color
B 731.6.0.1 Polychromatic dogs
F 762 City of extraordinary color
Z 201.1 (Bm) Hero’s famous horse


K 1834 Multiple disguise: one person disguising successively seems to be many


H 1552 Tests of generosity.
P 10 Kings [King’s famous court]
P 12 Character of kings
P 59.1 (Bm) Impecunious knight
Q 42 Generosity rewarded
W 11 Generosity
W 11.2 Munificent monarch
W 11.15 Generous person refuses no man anything


B 134.2 Dog betrays murder
C 867.1 Tabu- abusing [killing] women or children
D 1318.5.2 Corpse bleeds when murderer touches it
D 1817.0.3 Magic detection of murder
E 413 Murdered person cannot rest in grave.
H 105.2 Tongue [liver] as proof that man [woman] has been murdered.
J 1145.1 Murderer detected by actions of murdered man’s dog. Attacks murderer whenever possible
K 811 Victim lured into house and killed
K 910 Murder by strategy
K 914 Murder from ambush
K 917 Treacherous murder during hunt
K 926 Victim pushed into water
K 929.1 Murder by (leaving) poisoned wine
K 950 Various kinds of treacherous murder
K 953.2 Murder by wrapping snake around man
K 955 Murder by burning
K 958 Murder by drowning
K 958.1 (Bm) Treacherous attempt to murder by drowning.
K 959 Other kinds of treacherous murder
K 959.2 Murder in one’s sleep
K 959.4 Murder from behind
K 986 Murder induced by bribery (lands, riches, wives)
K 1510.1 Adulteress kills home-coming husband
K 1843.0.1 (Bm) Substituted bride to be slain to dispose of witness.
K 2010.2 Friendship feigned to avenge murder
K 2116.1 Innocent woman accused of murder
K 2116.2 Man falsely accused of murder
M 348 Murderer warned by God’s voice [by victim] that murder will be avenged [will come out]
N 271 Murder will out
N 320 Person unwittingly killed
P 16.0.1 (Bm) Regicide
Q 211 Murder punished
Q 211.0.2 Enormity of kin murder.
Q 211.8 Punishment for desire to murder
Q 211.9 Fratricide punished.
Q 411.6 Death as punishment for murder
Q 413.4 Hanging as punishment for murder
Q 414.0.12 Burning as punishment for murder
Q 421.0.4 Beheading as punishment for murder
Q 431.9 Banishment for murder
Q 451.7.4 Blinding as punishment for murder
Q 469.12 Murderer torn limb from limb [cut into pieces]
Q 491.6 Corpse of murderer mutilated
R 51.4 Prisoner[s] [hostages, messengers] massacred [killed]
S 73.1 Fratricide
S Murder of stepbrother (foster brother)
S 110 Murders
S 110.0.1 (Li) Mass murder
S 110.10 (Bm) City and inhabitants willfully destroyed
S 111 Murder by poisoning
S 113 Murder by strangling
S 113.1 Murder by hanging
S 114 Murder by flaying
S 115 Murder by stabbing
S 116.4 Murder by crushing head
S 118 Murder by cutting
S 131 Murder by drowning
S 132 Murder by starvation.
S 133 Murder by beheading
S 139 Miscellaneous cruel murders
S Head of murdered man taken along as trophy
S 139.6 Murder by tearing out heart
S 264.1.3 (Bm) Princess slain to abate storm and avenge her lover’s murder
S 302 Children murdered
T 104.3 (Bm) Giant tortures [kills] man’s sons to win his daughter.
T 127 (Bm) Woman weds husband’s [father’s, uncle’s] slayer


A 661.0.2 Music in heaven
B 53.4.1 (Bm) Sirens’ irresistible [beautiful] song
D 1275 Magic song
D 1275.1 Magic music
D 1359.3.1 Magic music causes joy
D 1359.3.1.2 Magic musical branch soothes listeners
D 1374.1 Magic music causes longing
D 1514.1 Magic music relieves pain
D 1601.18 Self-playing musical instrument
D 1615.2 Magic musical branch
F 262 Fairies make music
F 262.3.6 Fairy music causes joy (laughter)
F 451.6.3.3 Dwarfs have music
F 556 Remarkable voice
F 811.6 Tree with musical branches
H 503 Test of musical ability
T 136.3 Amusements at wedding


F 451. Dwarf musician (poet)
F 679.9 Skillful musician (plays nine mouth harps at once)
H 503 Test of musical ability
K 1817.3 Disguise as harper (minstrel)
P 428 Musician
Q 95 Reward for musician


F 1041.21 Reactions to excessive grief
Q 535.1 Penance: not to speak


C 948 Mutilation as punishment for breaking tabu
Q 451 Mutilation as punishment
R 51.3 Prisoners mutilated
S 160 Mutilations
S 160.1 Self-mutilation
S 162 Mutilation: cutting off legs (feet)
S 163 Mutilation: cutting (tearing) out tongue
S 165 Mutilation: putting out eyes [blinding]
S 166.5 Mutilation: chin and lips cut off.
S 168 Mutilation: tearing [cutting] off ears
S 172 Mutilation: nose cut off or crushed
S 176 Mutilation: sex organs cut off
S 176.1 Mutilation: emasculation [castration]


F 531.6.8 Mutual relations of giants
K 231.1.1 Mutual agreement to sacrifice family members in famine. Trickster refuses to carry out his part of the bargain
M 110 Taking of vows and oaths
T 29 Falling in love – miscellaneous


A 182.1 God reveals secrets (mysteries) to mortals
C 423.5 Tabu: revealing sacred mysteries.
E 402 Mysterious ghostlike noises heard.
F 171.0.1 Enigmatic happenings in otherworld.
F 171.3 People and things that strike one another in otherworld [mysterious fighting in otherworld].
F 171.6 Mysterious punishments in otherworld
Q 558 Mysterious death as punishment


B 19 Other mythical beasts
B 19.12 (Bm) Mythical beast, size of elephant, black head, three horns in forehead
B 32 Phoenix
B 92 Other mythical reptiles
B 99.1 Mythical salamander
B 801 Elephants in folktales