Motif Index of German Secular Narratives                 
Published by the Austrian Academy of Sciences, Vienna
 Introduction   Matière de Bretagne   Chansons de Geste   Miscellaneous Romances   Oriental Romances   Heroic Epic   Maere and Novellas   Romances of Antiquity   Index 


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K 2137 The priest’s [husband’s] guest and the eaten chickens [rabbits]. The servant [wife] who has eaten the chickens tells the guest to flee, because the priest [husband] is going to cut off his ears [genitals], and he [she] tells the priest [husband] that the guest has stolen the two chickens.[rabbits] The priest runs after him.


A 1660 Characteristics of various peoples – in personal appearance.
F 510.1 Monstrous races
P 715 Particular nations (races, religions)
R 11.1 Princess (maiden) abducted by monster (ogre) [monstrous race]


F 511.1 Person unusual as to his face
H 71.6.1 Luminous face as sign of royalty


F 628.1 Strong man kills many men
F 873.0.1 Battle rage
F 1041.16.1 Man spits fire when enraged
F 1061 Flame as miraculous index
J 1682 (Taunts of charioteer) to arouse anger in master who is losing battle so that he may fight more vigorously
W 185 Violence of temper


D 905 Magic storm
D 1541.1.3 Magic fountain causes storm (rain).
D 1542.1 Magic object produces rain
D 2143.1.1 Rain produced by pouring water
F 960 Extraordinary nature phenomena – elements and weather
F 960.1.2.1 Extraordinary precipitation at birth of hero
F 960.3 Extraordinary nature phenomena during furious battle
F 962 Extraordinary precipitation (rain, snow, etc.)
F 962.2 Fire from heaven
Q 552.13 Fire from heaven as punishment


D 1541.1 Magic object raises storm
D 2135.0.2 Object magically raised in air
P 270.4 (Bm) Hero raised by foster parents
T 617 Boy reared in ignorance of the world


A 123.12 (Bm) God with horns of silver and gold
A 132.14 Ram-god
B 101.3 Ram with golden fleece
D 1016 Magic blood of animal
P 552.4 War-machines


N 118 Issues left to fate (luck).
N 118.1 Ship’s course left to the winds that it might be carried where fate wills it
N 781 Hero [heroine] embarks in rudderless boat


H 1574 Tests of social position
J 950 Presumption of the lowly
P 19.0.1 (Li) King Arthur as leader of outstanding chivalric society (Round Table)
P 50.2 Marshall [Court officials: marshall, steward, etc.]
P 90 Royalty and nobility – miscellaneous
P 632 Customs concerning recognition of rank
Q 113.0.1 High honors as reward
T 91 Unequals in love
T 91.6 Noble and lowly in love
T (Bm) Heroine will not marry knight of lower rank
T 121 Unequal marriage
U 121 Like parent, like child


D 859.8 Magic object as ransom of captive.
E 341.1 Dead grateful for having corpse ransomed. Corpse is being held unburied because of non-payment of debt. Hero pays debt and secures burial of corpse.
H 924.1 Tasks assigned as ransom.
P 173.3 Captives from battle (sold as slaves)
R 99 (Bm) Ransom
R 99.2 (Bm) Princess [maiden] as ransom.


F 531. (Bm) Giant ravishes women
J 1174 Clever decisions concerning kissing and rape
K 2111 Potiphar’s wife
Q 244 Punishment for ravisher [rape].
Q 244.1 Punishment for attempted rape
Q 411.7 Death as punishment for ravisher.
Q 431.6 Banishment for rape.
Q 478.2 Adulterer [ravisher, rapist] compelled to eat with dog[s].
Q 499.2.1 Humiliating death as punishment for adultery.
T 75.2.1 Rejected suitors’ revenge
T 415 Brother-sister incest
T 471 Rape
T 471.0.1 Fines [punishments] imposed for rape
T 471.2 Wild man as ravisher of women


K 100 Deceptive bargain
M 223 Blind promise (rash boon)
Q 115 Reward: any boon that may be asked


B Raven as bird of good omen
B 151.2 Bird determines road to be taken
B 451.5 Helpful raven
D 1812.5.2.2 Meeting certain person (animal) a good omen
F 989 Extraordinary occurrences concerning animals – miscellaneous
J 512 Animal should not try to change his nature
J 2173 Short-sighted fool loses his food
J 2351.3 Dupe loses booty through singing
K 334.1 The raven with cheese in his mouth
K 815.4 Cat invites hens to a feast and kills them [Raven invites birds to a feast and kills them]


F 561.1 People who prefer raw flesh


F 55 Mountain reaches to sky [moon]
F 159 Other means to reach the otherworld
F 159.1 Otherworld reached by hunting animal


F 1041 Extraordinary physical reactions of persons
F 1041.16 Extraordinary physical reaction to anger
F 1041.17 Extraordinary result of fear
F 1041.21 Reactions to excessive grief
F 1084 Furious battle [fight]
K 1275 Boasting husband points out a girl and says – “ I was intimate with her but she told her mother,” Wife: “What a fool. I never told my mother”


D 1812.3 Means of learning future
H 1024.4 Task: teaching an ass to read
K 491.3 (Tu) Trickster performs task: teaching a donkey to read, He puts food for the ass between the leaves of the book and says that the donkey is yet able to turn the leaves
M 302.4.2 (Bm) Future read in stars
M 303 Prophecy by reading palm


F 1068 Realistic dream
X 1788 Lie: the realistic painting


F 371 Human being reared in fairyland.
S 351.2 Abandoned child reared by herdsman
S 354 Exposed infant (child) reared at strange king’s court [at shepherd’s place]
T 617 Boy reared in ignorance of the world


A 54 Rebel angels
A 106.2 Revolt of evil angels against God
P 550.1.1 (Li) Aggression: rebellion; usurpation; invasion; assault
Q 325 Disobedience punished


A 182.3.2 God rebukes mortal
J 1172 Judgment as rebuke to unjust plaintiff
J 1530 One absurdity rebukes another
J 1532 Adulteress’s absurdity rebuked
P 233.2 Young hero rebuked by his father


R 350 Recapture of fugitive


D 812 Magic object received from supernatural being.
D 812.10 Magic object received from angel
D 812.12 Magic object received from dwarf
D 813 Magic object received from fairy
D 813.1 Magic object received from river nymph [mermaid]
D 817 Magic object received from grateful person
D 825 Magic object received from maiden.
D 859.2.1 Magic object received from other world.
D 1811.2 Magic wisdom received from supernatural being
K 1362 Innocent girl sells her “love” and later receives it back


H 1233.3 Holy man [hermit] as helper on quest
N 843 Hermit as helper
P 426.2 Hermit


H 0 Identity tests: recognition
H 11 Recognition through story-telling.
H 11.1 Recognition by telling life history
H 11.1.2 Recognition: life story painted on wall
H 11.1.4 Recognition by tracing ancestry
H 12 Recognition by song (music)
H 14 Recognition by observing emotional reactions of another to object of common experience
H 16 Recognition by describing or producing object of common knowledge
H 17 Recognition by reminders of what has been said
H 19 Recognition through common knowledge – miscellaneous
H 20 Recognition by resemblance
H 21 Recognition through picture
H 22 Recognition through image
H 24 Recognition from dream.
H 30 Recognition through personal peculiarities
H 31.10 Recognition by unique ability to play chess
H 32 Recognition by extraordinary prowess [virtue]
H 35 Recognition by unique manner of performing an act
H 35.3 Recognition by unique needlework
H 35.4 Recognition by unique manner of carving chips.
H 41 Recognition of royalty [nobility] by personal characteristics or traits
H 41.9 King [noble] recognized by unique ability to occupy certain seat
H 51 Recognition by scar
H 51.1 Recognition by birthmark
H 56 Recognition by wound
H 71 Marks of royalty
H 79 Recognition by physical attributes – miscellaneous
H 79.3 Recognition by voice
H 81 Clandestine lover recognized by token.
H 88 Recognition by tokens left as trail.
H 94 Identification by ring
H 94.0.1 Recognition of wife’s ring in friend’s possession informs husband of her unfaithfulness
H 116 Identification by girdle
H 126 Identification by coat of arms
H 150 Circumstances of recognition
H 151 Attention drawn and recognition follows
H 151.3 Recognition when parents come to son (priest, pope) to be confessed
H 151.6.2 Recognition because of imperfection of disguise
H 151.10 Combat of unknown brothers [relatives, unrecognized friends] brings about recognition
H 151.10.2 (Bm) Combat of unknown brothers brings about recognition
H 151.16 Recognition because of imperfection of disguise
H 152 Recognition through accidental encounter
H 175 Recognition by “force” of nature. Unknown member of family immediately and magically recognized
H 181 Recognition by unmasking
H 192 Recognition by supernatural manifestation
H 194 (Bm) Recognition only through direct revelation of identity
H 195 (Bm) Failure to recognize
H 1574 Tests of social position
J 951.2 Jay [crow] in peacock’s skin [feathers] unmasked
K 1791 Sham duel in order to bring about recognition
K 1813 Disguised husband visits his wife
N 731 Unexpected meeting of father and son
N 731.2 Father-son combat
N 762 Person accidentally met unexpectedly knows the other’s name
P 632 Customs concerning recognition of rank
R 222 Unknown knight (Three days’ tournament)


K 2319.4 (Bm) Ambiguous oath forces lady to take back errant husband.
M 200 Bargains and promises
P 200 The family
P 234 Father and daughter
P 251 Brothers [Half-brothers]
P 293 Uncle
P 310.5 Defeated enemy turns true friend
P 559 (Li) Peace: making and conditions of peace (ransom, reparations, submission)
T 92.1 The triangle plot and its solutions
T 298 Reconciliation [reunion] of (separated) couple


D 880 Recovery of magic object
D 881 Magic object recovered by using second magic object.
D 887 (Li) Magic object recovered by fighting
D 2025.0.1 Magic (loss and) recovery of speech
F 302.6.2 Recovery of fairy mistress H 1223.1 Quest to recover one’s honor through feats.


B 11.2.2 Color of dragon
B 731 Fanciful color of animal
D 1812. Pale or red moon an evil omen
F 420. Water-spirits are clad in red
F 527 Person of unusual color
F 527.1 Red man.
F 527.1.1 Red knight
F 541.6.2 Person has red eye[s]
F 1041.11.2 Man turns pale, red, blue, etc. from emotion or strain
F 1041.16 Extraordinary physical reaction to anger
K 2265 Treacherous red knight [man]
T 24.5 Boy [girl] turns red and white from love
Z 65.1 Red as blood, white as snow
Z 141 Symbolic color: red


D 1316.5 Magic speaking reed (tree) betrays secret
J 832 Reeds bend before wind (flood)


B 12.3 Basilisk killed by seeing own image
F 839.2 Extraordinary shield
J 1791.4 Dog drops his meat for the reflection


V 522 Sinner reformed after visit to heaven and hell


P 322 Guest given refuge
P 557.0.4 (Li) Siege
R 53 Captivity as refuge for the captive
R 210 Escapes
R 310 Refuges
R 312 Forest as refuge
R 312.1 Forest as refuge for eloping lovers
R 315.1 Cave as eloping lovers’ refuge.
R 316 Refuge on rock (in sea)
R 316.1 Refuge on island
R 325 Church (altar) [temple] as refuge
R 325.4 (Bm) Nunnery as refuge
R 331 [Christian] Hero takes refuge at [heathen] king’s court


C 686.1 Tabu – to refuse help to a woman
F 961.1.1 Sun refuses to shine when murder is done
F 1041.21.3 Refusal to eat [drink, sleep] from excessive grief
J 482.1 Woman refuses second marriage. If husband is good she will fear to lose him; if bad, she will repent
J 482.1.1 Woman refuses second marriage. Her husband abides in her heart
J 2342 Husband refuses to believe in wife’s infidelity
K 239 Refusal to tell about the Rhine treasure
K 1831.0.2 (Bm) Disguise by refusal to reveal name
L 225 Hero refuses reward
L 225.1 (Bm) Messenger refuses reward
M 161.4 Vow rather to die (on a spear) than to accept grace
P 50.0.2 (Bm) Knight who acknowledges no overlord [Allegiance: loyalty and disloyalty of vassals]
P 205 Refusal to fight relatives
P 317.1 Refusal to believe that friend will harm one
P 318 Man refuses to follow his friend in wicked conduct
T 24.6 Lover refuses food and drink
T Son (daughter) refuses to marry father’s choice
T 311 Woman averse to marriage
V 335.2 (Bm) Refusal to become Christian brings death
W 11.5.12 Hero in battle refuses to slay charioteers, women or physicians [Hero refuses to slay suicidal attacker]
W 32.2 (Bm) Refusal to flee from danger
W 34.2 Loyal friends refuse to fight against disgraced comrade


P 10 Kings [King’s famous court]
P 13.3 Royal purple (golden diadem) [crown] as sign of royalty
P King’s wand (rod) [regalia]


K 2249.5 (Bm) Treacherous regent
P 17 Succession to the throne
P 17.0.2 Son succeeds father as king
P 17.16 (Bm) Nephew as heir.
P 20 Queens
P 29 Queens – miscellaneous
P 110.0.1 (Bm) Faithful steward [knight] as regent
P 193 (Bm) Guardian [regent]
P 500 Government


P 16 End of king’s reign
P 16.0.1 (Bm) Regicide
Z 292 Death of hero [heroine]


J 21.12 “Rue not a thing that is past”


M 342.1 Prophecy of downfall of king
P 16 End of king’s reign


K 2369 Military strategy – miscellaneous
K 2369.7 Shammed discussing of peace while getting reinforcements.


K 1372.1 Princess tricked into engaging herself to suitor rejected by her father
R 18 Abduction by rejected suitor
T 71 Woman scorned in love
T 75 Man scorned by his beloved
T 75.1 Scorn of unloved suitor punished
T 75.2 Scorned lover kills [invades land of] successful one
T 75.2.1 Rejected suitors’ revenge
T (Bm) Heroine will not marry knight of lower rank
T 104 Foreign king wages war to enforce demand for princess in marriage
T 104.1 Rejected suitor wages war


B 32.1 Phoenix renews youth
D 1338 Magic object rejuvenates
D 1338.1 Magic drink rejuvenates
D 1338.1.1 Fountain of youth
D 1338.2 Rejuvenation by plant.
D 1787 Magic results from burning.
D 1880 Magic rejuvenation
D 1882.3 (Bm) Rejuvenation by magician (sorceress)
D 1886 Rejuvenation by burning.
D 1887 Rejuvenation by bathing
D 1889.4 Rejuvenation by smelling apple [flower]
D 1889.6 Rejuvenation by changing skin
D 1889.7 Rejuvenation by being reborn


A 180 Gods in relation to mortals
A 189 Gods in relation to mortals – miscellaneous
F 304 Sexual relations with fairy
F 531.6.8 Mutual relations of giants
F 531.6.8.5 Giant’s social relations
J 1744 Ignorance of marriage relations
T 400 Illicit sexual relations


A 1552 Marriage between close relatives
C 30 Tabu: offending supernatural relative
F 305.1 Fairy relative makes gifts (to half-mortal child)
F 1041.1.2 Death from grief for death of lover or relative
H 1233.2 Relation as helper on quest.
K 2210 Treacherous relatives
M 161.2 Vow to revenge (king, friends, father, [husband, queen]) (or die)
N 733.1 Brothers unwittingly fight each other
N 746 Accidental meeting of cousins
P 205 Refusal to fight relatives
P 314 Combat of disguised [unrecognized] friends. [Unwitting attack on friend]
P 525.3 He nearest to blood of slain man must avenge his death [Blood-revenge]
S 70 Other cruel relatives
S 73.1 Fratricide
S 110.4 Prince resolves to drive relatives from his domain
T 131.1 Relative’s consent to marriage necessary


E 754.1.5 Condemned soul released by God
P 173.3 Captives from battle (sold as slaves)
P 557 Military customs
R 9.10 (Bm) Release from captivity
R 99 (Bm) Ransom
W 11.5 Generosity toward enemy


D 1296 Sacred relic[s] as [part of] magic object
D 1380.0.1 Magic object protects a city [land]
D 1381.20 Sacred relics protect against attack
D 2161 Magic healing power
D 2161.1.1 Magic cure of leprosy
D 2161.3.5 Deafness magically cured
D 2161.3.6 Dumbness magically cured
D 2161.3.7 Lameness magically cured
F 953 Cripple marvelously cured
F 954 Dumb person brought to speak [cut-out tongue miraculously restored] F 955 Miraculous cure for leprosy
F 959 Marvelous cures – miscellaneous
G 303.16.2 Devil’s power over one avoided by prayer [and sign of the cross]
G 303.16.2.3 Devil’s power avoided by blessing [blessed or sacred writing].
M 114 Oath taken on sacred object
M 114.4 Swearing on sacred relics
P King’s wand (rod) [regalia]
V 140 Sacred relics
V 144 Belief in miraculous powers of sacred relics
V 144.3 (Bm) (Sweet odor of) relics cure(s) sick
V 150 Sacred objects – miscellaneous
V 221.0.1 Relics of saint cure disease [exorcise]


B 380 Animal grateful for relief of pain
D 1514.1 Magic music relieves pain
P 550 Military affairs


C 61 Disbelief in religious teachings
C 423.5 Tabu: revealing sacred mysteries.
H 502.1 Test of religious learning
H 619 Other symbolic interpretations
H 1573 Religious tests
M 183 Religious vows
Q 170 Religious rewards
Q 520 Penances
T 131.8 Different religion as obstacle for marriage
V 5 Negligence in religious exercise.
V 10 Religious sacrifice
V 19 Religious sacrifices – miscellaneous
V 70 Religious feasts and fasts
V 80 Religious services – miscellaneous
V 85 Religious pilgrimages
V 120 Images
V 210 Religious founders
V 300 Religious beliefs
V 301 (Li) Heathens and Christians
V 331 Conversion to Christianity
V 350 Conflicts between religions
V 351 Duel (debate) to prove which religion is better
V 380 Religious beliefs – miscellaneous
V 440 Other religious virtues
V 450 Religious orders
V 463 Religious martyrdom
V 470 Clerical vows
V 501 (Li) Religious symbolism
V 510 Religious visions
V 515.1 Allegorical visions – religious
W 48 (Ha) Piety
Z 150 Other symbols


M 135 Vow never to remarry
T 211 Faithfulness to marriage in death
T 291 Why widow does not remarry


D 1515.1 Remedies for poison


D 1819.7 Man is able to tell king dream which king himself does not remember
H 17 Recognition by reminders of what has been said
H 1042 Task: recalling a dream someone else has had
T 26 Attention distracted by sight of (remembering) beloved [because of love]


H 17 Recognition by reminders of what has been said


Q 570 Punishment and remission
V 380 Religious beliefs – miscellaneous


D 721 Disenchantment by removing skin
D 765.1 Disenchantment by removing cause of enchantment
D 1641 Object removes itself.
F 565.1.1 Amazons cut off left breast of daughters so that they can handle bow [Amazons have only one breast]
M 236.1 (Bm) Bargain: warrior will remove troop if he can wed enemy princess


T 35 Lovers’ rendezvous
T 35.1 Fountain as lovers’ rendezvous.
T 35.2 Pavilion as lover’s rendezvous
T 35.5 Lover goes to see his beloved in her husband’s (or her father’s) house, defiant of the danger
T 452 Bawds
T 455.3 Woman sells favors for beautiful clothes


B 32.1 Phoenix renews youth
D 1338 Magic object rejuvenates
D 1886 Rejuvenation by burning.


M 150 Other vows and oaths
P 50.0.1 King and vassals: obligations of vassals to king [Feudality: mutual relationship between king and vassals]
T 311 Woman averse to marriage
V 5 Negligence in religious exercise.


P 559 (Li) Peace: making and conditions of peace (ransom, reparations, submission)


H 507.1.0.1 Princess defeated in repartee by means of objects accidentally picked up, Hero- What red lips you have, Princess- There is fire inside – Hero- then boil this egg (producing egg)
J 1180 Clever means of avoiding legal punishment.
J 1262 Repartee based on doctrinal discussions
J 1280 Repartee with the ruler.
J 1320 Repartee concerning drunkenness
J 1440 Repartee – miscellaneous


E 367 Return from dead to preach repentance
Q 36 Reward for repentance
U 236 False repentance of the sick
V 315.1 Power of repentance


D 2161.3.1.1 Eyes torn out magically replaced
E 781 Eyes successfully replaced
E 783.1 Head cut off and successfully replaced.


K 242 Creditor falsely reported insane when he demands money
K 1265 Man falsely reported insane. No one will believe him
K 1864.2 (Bm) False report of death to discourage romance
K 1864.2.1 (Bm) Corpse falsely said to be hero’s by treacherous rival [knight]
T 11.1 Love from mere mention or description
T 11.1.1 Beauty of woman reported to king causes quest for her as his bride
T 94 (Bm) Heroine [hero] attempts suicide on (false) reports of hero’s [heroine’s] death


T 317.2 Repression of lust through prayer


J 121 Ungrateful son reproved by naive action of his own son: preparing for old age- man gives his old father half a carpet to keep him warm- child keeps the other half and tells his father that he is keeping it for him when he grows old


B 92 Other mythical reptiles
B 776 Venomous animals
R 13.4 Abduction by reptile


P 233.9 Son chastizes father for scorning mother
Q 499 Other humiliating punishments
T 232 Woman deserts husband for unworthy lover [Husband repudiates wife for another woman]


L 221 Modest request: present from the journey. Asked what her father shall bring her as a present, the heroine chooses a modest gift. It is usually a flower but sometimes does not turn out to be a such a simple gift at all (golden cloak, golden apple)
M 223 Blind promise (rash boon)
P 533 Feudal tribute
P 550 Military affairs
P 557 Military customs
Q 287 Refusal to grant request punished
Q 338 Immoderate request punished


H 312 Physical and mental requirements for suitors


B 301.8 Faithful lion follows man who saved him.
B 360 Animals grateful for rescue from peril of death
B 362 Animal grateful for rescue from drowning
D 794 Enchanted person attracts attention of rescuer
D 1841.3 Burning magically evaded
F 324.5 Rescue from fairyland
F 913 Victims rescued from swallower’s belly
G 550 Rescue from ogre
H 1385.0.1 Unspelling quest: journey to disenchant (free) captives.
H 1385.3 Quest for vanished wife (mistress)
K 640 Escape by help of confederate
N 650 Life saved by accident.
P 17.3.3 (Bm) King’s rescuer made his heir
P 555.4 (Bm) Defeated knights [giant, rescued persons etc.] sent under oath to king [lady, queen] (as proof of victory)
Q 10.1 (Bm) Reward for saving land from giant.
Q 53 Reward for rescue
Q 53.3 Maiden queen offers her hand as reward for rescuing her town
Q 53.3.4 (Bm) Lady weds rescuer
R 100 Rescues
R 110 Rescue of captive
R 111 Rescue of captive maiden.
R 111.1 Princess (maiden) rescued from captor
R 111.1.2 Princess [maiden] rescued from robbers
R 111.1.4 Rescue of princess (maiden) from giant (monster)
R 111.1.9 Princess rescued from undesired suitor
R 111.2 Princess rescued from place of captivity
R 117 Rescue from being burned
R 121 Means of rescue from prison
R 130 Rescue of abandoned or lost persons
R 131 Exposed or abandoned child rescued
R 131.3 Herdsman rescues abandoned child
R 131.3.1 Shepherd rescues abandoned child
R 131.4 Fisher rescues abandoned child
R 150 Rescuers
R 151 Husband rescues wife.
R 151.1 Husband rescues stolen wife
R 161 Lover [unwelcome suitor] rescues his lady
R 161.0.1 Hero rescued by his lady
R 161.1 Lover rescues his lady from abductor.
R 161.4 Lover rescues his lady from the gallows [stake]
R 162 Rescue by captor’s daughter (wife, mother)[niece]
R 167 Master rescues disciple
R 168 Angels as rescuers
R 169 Other rescuers
R 169.1 Hero in disguise (of foolish knight, then of black knight) rescues lady
R 169.1.1 (Bm) Knight rescues abducted lady.
R 169.5 Hero rescued by friend
R 169.8 Predestined rescuer
R 169.15 Rescue by stranger [heathen]
R 170 Rescue – miscellaneous motifs
R 175 Rescue at the stake
R 211.8 Rescue from prison by beheading giant keeper
T 68.1 Princess offered as prize to rescuer
T 151.4 (Bm) Girl saved from forced marriage at last minute
V 52 Miraculous power of prayer
W 154.2.1 Rescued animal threatens rescuer


F 577 Persons identical in appearance.
H 20 Recognition by resemblance


F 562 People of unusual residence
F 562.2 Residence in a tree.
F 562.3 Residence in (under) water
P 10 Kings [King’s famous court]


P 14.15 King has champion to enforce respect


K 551.1 Respite from death granted until prayer is finished
K 551.1.2 Respite from death until mass is said
K 551.22 Definite respite from death granted
K 1227 Lover put off by deceptive respite
Q 560.3 Sinners endure hell tortures for one year [three hours a day]
T 151 Year’s respite from unwelcome marriage


E 412.3 Dead without proper funeral rites cannot rest
E 413 Murdered person cannot rest in grave.
M 151.2.3 (G) Vow not to sleep two nights in the same place until quest’s end


D 52.2 Ugly man becomes handsome
D 1500.1.7.3 Magic healing blood
D 1500.1.10 Sacred objects cure disease
D 1500.1.17 Magic weapon cures disease
D 1500.1.19 Magic healing salve.
D 1505.8.1 Blood from Christ’s wounds restores sight
D 1518 Magic object restores bodily members
D 1518.2 Root restores amputated hands and feet.
D 1860 Magic beautification
D 2161.3.1 Blindness magically cured
D 2161.3.2 Magic restoration of severed hand
D 2163.1 Broken weapons magically restored.
F 950 Marvelous cures
F 952.6 Miraculous cures – blindness cured by drop of water from side of crucified Savior
F 992 Blindness miraculously cured
F 1098 Object miraculously mended.
R 169.14 Wounded hero restored in peasant’s [lady’s] house


D 1442 Magic object tames or restrains animal
P 12 Character of kings


T 131 Marriage restrictions
T 131.8 Different religion as obstacle for marriage


D 1766.1 Magic results produced by prayer
D 1766.6 Magic results from sign of cross
D 1788 Magic results from bathing
D 1793 Magic results from eating or drinking
D 1794 Magic results from kissing
F 1041.17 Extraordinary result of fear


B 751.2 Pelican kills young and revives them with own blood [kills self to give blood to his young].
E 178 Resurrection at Judgment Day


B 301.5 Faithful animal resuscitates master
B 751.2 Pelican kills young and revives them with own blood [kills self to give blood to his young].
D 1766.1 Magic results produced by prayer
E 15.2 Resuscitation by sweating
E 30 Resuscitation by arrangement of members
E 32 Resuscitated eaten animal.
E 64.12 Resuscitation by sacred relics
E 100 Resuscitation by medicines
E 121.2 Resuscitation by Christ [God]
E 121.4 Resuscitation by saint
E 121.7 Resuscitation by magician.


P 16.1 King (prince) retires from world (becomes hermit [monk, pilgrim], swineherd [beggar])
Q 520 Penances
T 211.5 Man becomes a hermit after his wife’s death [Becoming hermit after partner’s death]


J 1399 Retorts concerning thefts – miscellaneous
J 1540 Retorts between husband and wife
J 1560 Practical retorts: hosts and guests
L 419 Proud ruler (deity) humbled – miscellaneous


G 303.17.2.5 Devil retreats into hell amid thunder and lightning
P 12.5 Good king never retreats in battle
P 555 Defeat in battle [single combat]
R 220 Flights


A 566 Culture hero returns to upper world
A 580 Culture hero’s (divinity’s) [king’s] expected return
A 581 Culture hero (divinity) returns
B 11.5.5 Self-returning dragon’s head
C 952 Immediate return to otherworld because of broken tabu
D 868.2 (Bm) Magic ring must be returned by unfaithful lover.
D 878.1 Magic sword returned to lake whence it was received
E 236.4 Return from the dead because last will was not fulfilled
E 300 Friendly return from the dead
E 327 Dead father’s friendly return
E 367 Return from dead to preach repentance
E 390 Friendly return from the dead – miscellaneous
F 101 Return from lower world
F 379.1 Return from fairyland.
J 2315 Wife persuades husband that she has returned immediately
K Trickster returns a bottle of water instead of the bottle of rum he has just purchased
K 1551 Husband returns home secretly and spies on adulteress and paramour
K 1551.1 Husband returns secretly and kills unwelcome suitor
K 1815.1 Return home in humble disguise
L 111.1 Exile returns and succeeds
M 151.2.2 (Bm) Vow not to return to court [not to sleep two nights in the same place] until missing knight is found
M 151.9 Vow not to see friends until quest is completed
M 183.3 Vow to find Holy Grail before returning to Round Table.
N 731.1 Unknown son returns to father’s court
P 233.8 Prodigal son returns
Z 293 Return of the hero


M 369.2 Prophecies concerning love and marriage
N 730 Accidental reunion of families
N 731 Unexpected meeting of father and son
N 732 Accidental meeting of father and daughter
N 733 Accidental meeting of brothers
N 734 Accidental meeting of brother and sister
N 735 Accidental meeting of mother and son
N 737 Accidental reunion of lovers
N 737.1 (Bm) Accidental encounter leads to eventual reuniting of lovers
N 746 Accidental meeting of cousins
N 760 Other accidental encounters
P 634 Feasts
T 96 Lovers reunited after many adventures
T 298 Reconciliation [reunion] of (separated) couple


A 182 God reveals himself to mortals
C 423 Tabu: revealing the marvelous
C 423.5 Tabu: revealing sacred mysteries.
D 1316 Magic object reveals truth
D 1318.8 Magic cloth reveals guilt
D 1445.1 Revelation of magic secret permits animal to be killed
D 1810.10 Magic knowledge from goddess
D 1812.3.3 Future revealed in dream
D 1812.3.3.9 Future husband (wife) revealed in dream
D 1812.3.3.11 Death of another revealed in dream
D 1812.4 Future revealed by presentiment: “knowledge within”
D 1819.2 Deception revealed in dream.
F 969.1 Skies open, revealing heavenly company
H 151.6.2 Recognition because of imperfection of disguise
H 194 (Bm) Recognition only through direct revelation of identity
J 1492 Trickster artist hoodwinks king: Cuckold’s [illegitimate child’s] eyes cannot see picture, King pretends to see the picture- Courtiers reveal that there is no picture
K 1792.1 Feigned ignorance about person’s identity in order not to reveal king
K 1831.0.2 (Bm) Disguise by refusal to reveal name
N 456 Enigmatical smile (laugh) reveals secret knowledge


E 366.4 (Bm) Revenant in dream advises king
E 367 Return from dead to preach repentance
E 423 Revenant in animal form.
E 425 Revenant in human form


F 302.3.3.1 Fairy avenges herself on inconstant lover (husband)
F 361 Fairy’s revenge.
F 361.1.1 Fairy takes revenge for not being invited to feast
H 335.1 Suitor task: avenging bride’s father’s death before marriage.
H 335.1.1 Suitor task: avenging bride’s former fiancé [husband] before marriage.
H 1228 Quest undertaken by hero for vengeance.
J 494 Choice: death and revenge preferred to life
J 647 Avoiding enemy’s revenge
K 1213.1.1 Adulteress frightens paramour with cries of “Rape”- Then she removes her husband’s suspicion by feigning a fit. Later the paramour tricks her to his room and shows her naked except her face to her husband
K 2010.2 Friendship feigned to avenge murder
K 2111 Potiphar’s wife
M 161.1 Vow to attack (kill) the enemy or die
M 161.2 Vow to revenge (king, friends, father, [husband, queen]) (or die)
M 166.9.2 (Bm) Vow to revenge unknown wronged (killed) knight
M 348 Murderer warned by God’s voice [by victim] that murder will be avenged [will come out]
P 231.15 (G) Mother revenges herself on her son
P 233.6 Son avenges father
P 234.5 (Bm) Single combat to avenge daughter’s dishonor
P 251.3.1 Brothers strive to avenge each other
P (Bm) Man asked to avenge dying brother before latter dies
P 253.5.1 (Bm) Single combat to avenge sister’s dishonor
P 297.3 (Bm) Nephew would avenge his uncle
P 310.2 Friends avenge each other
P 525.3 He nearest to blood of slain man must avenge his death [Blood-revenge]
P 555.8 (Bm) Avenging defeat in battle
Q 45.4 Revenge given up as reward for hospitality [for industry]
Q 211.6 Killing an animal revenged
T 71.2 Woman avenges scorned love
T 75.2.1 Rejected suitors’ revenge
T 104.1 Rejected suitor wages war


D 2151.2.1 Direction of river’s flow magically reversed


A 106.2 Revolt of evil angels against God
P 550.1.1 (Li) Aggression: rebellion; usurpation; invasion; assault


F 156.3 Perilous revolving wheel at entrance to otherworld.
F 163.1.1 Revolving castle in otherworld.
F Magic revolving wheel at door of otherworld dun (stronghold).
F 771.2.6 Revolving castle.


D 855 Magic object acquired as reward.
J 2067 Sacrifice equal to the reward
K 231.2 Reward for accomplishment of task deceptively withheld
K 442 False claim of reward
K 1932 Impostors claim reward (prize) earned by hero
L 225 Hero refuses reward
L 225.1 (Bm) Messenger refuses reward
M 200 Bargains and promises
M 205 Breaking of bargains and promises
M 242 Bargains and promises between mortals and supernatural beings
M 290 Bargains and promises – miscellaneous
Q 6 Good thoughts rewarded, bad punished
Q 10 Deeds rewarded
Q 10.1 (Bm) Reward for saving land from giant.
Q 11 (Bm) Victory in single combat rewarded
Q 20 Piety rewarded
Q 20.1 Reward for service of god, hero or ascetic for a period
Q 41 Politeness rewarded
Q 22 Reward for faith
Q 28 Reward for religious pilgrimage
Q 32 Reward for offering food to crucifix (Madonna) [for taking care of Madonna]
Q 33 Reward for saying prayer
Q 36 Reward for repentance
Q 36.1 Reward for confession of sins
Q 39 Piety rewarded – miscellaneous
Q 40 Kindness rewarded
Q 41 Politeness rewarded
Q 42 Generosity rewarded
Q 43 Reward for giving counsel
Q 45 Hospitality rewarded
Q 45.4 Revenge given up as reward for hospitality [for industry]
Q 53 Reward for rescue
Q 53.3 Maiden queen offers her hand as reward for rescuing her town
Q 54 Uprightness rewarded
Q 58 (Bm) Obedience [in love-service] rewarded
Q 60 Other good qualities rewarded
Q 64 Patience rewarded.
Q 66 Humility rewarded
Q 72 Loyalty rewarded
Q 72.1 Reward for loyalty to king
Q 80 Rewards for other causes
Q 82 Reward for fearlessness
Q 85 Reward for asking proper questions.
Q 88 Reward for proficiency
Q 94 Reward for cure
Q 95 Reward for musician
Q 100 Nature of reward
Q 111 Riches as reward
Q 111.2 Riches as reward (for hospitality)
Q 111.4 Gold ring as reward
Q 111.6 Treasure as reward
Q 111.7 Jewels as reward
Q 111.8 Large quantity of land as reward
Q 111.10 (Bm) Castles as reward
Q 112 Half of kingdom as reward
Q 112.0.1 Kingdom as reward
Q 112.0.2 Half of property as reward
Q 112.0.5 Kingdom and hand of princess as reward (for virtuous life)
Q Lady as reward
Q 113 Knighthood as reward
Q 113.0.1 High honors as reward
Q 113.1.1 (Bm) Earldom (and castle) as reward
Q 113.6 (Bm) Lands and duchy as reward
Q 114 Gifts as reward
Q 114.2 Gifts as reward for gifts
Q 114.3 Sword as reward
Q 114.5 (Bm) Clothing, horse and treasure [armor] as reward
Q 115 Reward: any boon that may be asked
Q 115.1 Reward: any boon that may be asked – king’s wife demanded.
Q 116 Favorable decree as reward
Q 118 (G) Hospitality as reward
Q 121 Freedom as reward
Q 121.1 Slaves [captives] freed as reward
Q 140 Miraculous or magic rewards.
Q 149 Miraculous or magic reward – miscellaneous
Q 151 Life spared as reward
Q 170 Religious rewards
Q 171.1 Forgiveness of sin for acts of charity.
Q 172 Reward: admission to heaven
Q 172.0.2 Rewards in heaven
Q 172.3 Man admitted to heaven as reward for penance
Q 190 Rewards – miscellaneous
Q 196.1 (Bm) Marvelous dog as reward.
Q 266 Punishment for breaking promise
Q 595 Loss or destruction of property as punishment
T 68 Princess offered as prize
T 68.1 Princess offered as prize to rescuer
V 410 Charity rewarded
V 520 Salvation
W 154 Ingratitude


F 169.8 Abundance in otherworld
F 531.6.7.1 Giant possesses treasure
F 899.4 (Li) Enormous treasure
N 538.2 Treasure from defeated giant
Q 111 Riches as reward
Q 111.2 Riches as reward (for hospitality)
Q 111.6 Treasure as reward
Q 114 Gifts as reward
Q 542 Penance: giving all earnings to the poor


D 2100 Magic wealth
J 883 Poor man consoles self by thinking of misfortunes of rich
P 10 Kings [King’s famous court]
P 12.10 King is superior to all in strength, beauty, largeness etc
P 150 Rich men


H 931 Tasks assigned in order to get rid of hero
H 1211 Quests assigned in order to get rid of hero


H 540 Propounding of riddles
H 540.3 King propounds riddles
H 541.1 Riddle propounded on pain of death
H 548 Riddle contest
H 561 Solvers of riddles
H 681.3.1 Where is the center of the earth? Here. If you don’t believe it measure it yourself
H 682.1 Riddle: how far is it from earth to heaven
H 720 Metaphorical riddles
H 721 Riddle of the year
H 767 Allegorical riddles
H 810 Riddles based on the Bible or legend
H 840 Other riddles


K 2130 Trouble-makers
M 402 Satire [satirist]
M 402.1 Woman satirist
W 110 Unfavorable traits of character – personal
W 188 Contentiousness.
X 52.1 Woman exposed to ridicule when her wig is snatched off by a monkey [Exposure to ridicule when wig is snatched off]


B 557 Unusual animal as riding horse
B 557.5 Person carried by lion [panther]
B 579 Animals serve men otherwise
B 771.6 (Bm) Only hero able to tame wild horse
F 451.6.2 Dwarf rides
F 531.2.7 Giant so large he cannot be carried by a horse
F 531.4.11 Giant’s enormous animals
H 41.7 Task: to ride horse whereby one becomes king
H 171.3 Horse indicates election of emperor
H 172.1 Horse will permit only certain man to ride him
K 1215 Aristotle and Phyllis: philosopher as riding horse for woman. The philosopher warns the king against uxoriousness, In revenge the queen beguiles the philosopher into letting her ride him on all fours. The king comes and sees


H 1573.6 Test of righteousness
H 1573.6.1 Ability to cross bridge as test of righteousness


P 550.1.2 (Li) Defense of legitimate rights by war
U 30 Rights of the strong


D 771.10 Disenchantment by ring
D 868.2 (Bm) Magic ring must be returned by unfaithful lover.
D 1076 Magic ring
D 1317.0.2 (G) Magic ring detects enchantments
D 1335.5 Magic ring gives strength
D 1342.1 Magic ring gives health
D 1355.4 Ring produces love
D 1361.17 Magic ring renders invisible
D 1380.23 Magic ring protects
D 1381.7 Magic ring protects from attack
D 1383.3 Magic ring protects against poison
D 1384.1 Magic ring prevents discomfiture [discomfort]
D 1384.7 Magic ring prevents losing one’s way
D 1385.3.2 (Bm) Magic stone in ring protects against witchcraft.
D 1388.0.1 Magic ring protects from drowning
D 1395.5 Magic ring enables captive to escape.
D 1470.1.15 Magic wishing-ring.
D 1520.12 Magic transportation by ring
D 1561.1.2 Magic ring brings good luck.
F 235.6 Fairies [dwarfs] visible through magic ring
F 825 Extraordinary ring
H 82.3.1 (Bm) Ring as parting token
H 82.3.2 (Bm) Ring as fidelity token
H 84.4 Stolen ring as proof of daring theft
H 94 Identification by ring
H 94.0.1 Recognition of wife’s ring in friend’s possession informs husband of her unfaithfulness
H 94.4 Identification by ring dropped into a glass (cup) of wine
H 94.5 Identification through broken [half of] ring
H 100 Identification by matching parts of divided token
H 242 Credential tests: proof that messenger comes from certain person K 324 Theft by use of coat [ring] of invisibility
N 352 Bird carries off ring which lover has taken from sleeping mistress’s finger. He searches for the ring and becomes separated from her
Q 111.4 Gold ring as reward
T 59.1 (Bm) Rings as love tokens
T 61.4.5 Betrothal by gold ring
T 85.4.1 Ring of Fastrada
T 286 Sight of mistress’s ring causes husband to withhold himself from his wife


D 2091.7.1 River magically caused to rise against enemy
D 2151.2 Magic control of rivers.
F 932.8 River rises and overflows
F 934 Extraordinary occurrences connected with lakes
F 1041.2 Horripilation. Hair rises on end in extraordinary fashion from [fear,] joy, anger, or love
V 19.1 Rising smoke as sign of acceptance of sacrifice


E 412.3 Dead without proper funeral rites cannot rest
V 40 Mass
V 60 Funeral rites
V 65.5 Funeral games
V 69 Funeral rites – miscellaneous


H 911 Tasks assigned at suggestion of jealous rivals
K 2220 Treacherous rivals
K 2221 Treacherous rival lover [suitor]
T 92 Rivals in love
T 92.1 The triangle plot and its solutions
T 92.7 Rival lovers do battle for girl
T 92.10 Rival in love killed


A 671.2.2.3 Rivers of fire [sulphur] in hell
A 672 Stygian river [Lethe (forgetfulness)]
A 672.1 Ferryman on river in lower world (Charon)
D 915 Magic river.
D 1242 Magic fluid.
D 2091.7 Magic lake (river) sent against enemy
D 2091.7.1 River magically caused to rise against enemy
D 2151.2 Magic control of rivers.
D 2151.2.1 Direction of river’s flow magically reversed
F 141 Water barrier to otherworld
F 141.1 River as barrier to otherworld
F 142 River of fire as barrier to otherworld
F 162.2.1 The four rivers of paradise
F (Bm) Water or river flowing from paradise
F 162.2.10 Jewels in streams of otherworld
F 162.2.11 Perilous river in otherworld.
F 402.1.8 Spirits put corpse (man) into river
F 715 Extraordinary river
F 715.2 River of extraordinary fluid
F 715.6 River that burns like fire
F 771.7.1 (Tu) Palace surrounded by rivers of warm and cold water
F 932 Extraordinary occurrences connected with rivers
F 932.6 River ceases to flow.
F 932.6.3 In dead of night waters of stream cease flowing [freeze] and stand perfectly still
F 932.7 River boils.
F 932.8 River rises and overflows
F 1084.1 Deep streams of blood flow during battle
H 696.1.1 Riddle: How much water is in the sea? Stop all the rivers and I will measure it
J 425.1 Earthen and brazen pots in river


B 151.1.1 Horses determine road to be taken
B 151.1.6 Dog indicates road to be taken
B 563 Animals direct man on journey.
B 579.1 Animal accompanies man on journey
F 151.2 Mountain pass to otherworld.
H 1561.9 Prince chooses (shorter but more) dangerous road


F 556 Remarkable voice
F 688.3 Voice heard over whole land


F 709.3 Country of thieves and impostors
G 316 Giant robber with club
H 1162.1 Task: overcoming robbers
K 300 Thefts and cheats – general
K 1916 Robber bridegroom, Robber marries girl under the pretence of being a fine gentleman
N 765 Meeting with robber band
P 475 Robber [thief, outlaw, pirate]
P 475.1 Twelve robbers
P 475.2 Robbers defeated and killed
Q 212 Theft punished
Q 413.1 Hanging as punishment for theft
Q 520.2 Robber [thief] does penance
R 111.1.2 Princess [maiden] rescued from robbers


D 1052 Magic garment (robe, tunic)
D 1402.0.5 Nessus-shirt. Magic shirt burns wearer up
F 420. Water-spirits are clad in red
F 820 Extraordinary clothing and ornaments
F 821 Extraordinary dress (clothes, robe, etc.)
F 821.1 Dress of extraordinary material


D 931 Magic rock (stone)
D 1561.1.7 Magic stone brings good luck.
F 91.1 Slamming door on exit from [after entrance in] mountain otherworld
F 759.2 Hollow mountain
F 800 Extraordinary rocks and stones
F 807 Rock of extraordinary color.
H 411.1 Magic stone as chastity test.
R 316 Refuge on rock (in sea)


F 781 Extraordinary rooms
K 1340 Entering into girl’s [man’s] room by trick
K 1342.0.1 Man carried into woman’s room hidden in a basket
K 1349 Other means of entering into girl’s room
K 1349.1.2 Disguise as madman to enter girl’s room


B 514 Animal fetches remedy for man
D 967 Magic roots
D 1335.1 Magic strength-giving food
D 1361.11 Magic herb [root] renders invisible
D 1364.31 Plant produces [deathlike] sleep
D 1385.2.6 Root protects from evil spirits
D 1500.1.4 Magic healing plant.
D 1518.2 Root restores amputated hands and feet.
D 1551.3 Magic root causes water to divide and close
T 511.2.0.1 Conception from eating root


F 843 Extraordinary rope
H 355 Suitor test: finding an extraordinary object
K 1343 Man drawn up into female apartment on rope
R 211.7 Escape from pit of snakes (dragons) by means of a rope


D 975.2 Magic rose
E 631.0.1 Twining branches grow from graves of lovers
F 162.1 Garden in otherworld
F 814 Extraordinary flower
F 818 Extraordinary garden
F 971 Miraculous blossoming and bearing of fruit


M 183.3 Vow to find Holy Grail before returning to Round Table.
P 19.0.1 (Li) King Arthur as leader of outstanding chivalric society (Round Table)
Z 201.9.1 (Bm) Hero’s famous possessions – Arthur’s Round Table


B 771.3 Wild animal will not attack royal person
H 41 Recognition of royalty [nobility] by personal characteristics or traits
H 71 Marks of royalty
H 71.6 Bright eyes as sign of royalty (nobility)
H 71.6.1 Luminous face as sign of royalty
P 10 Kings [King’s famous court]
P 12 Character of kings
P 13 Customs connected with kings
P 13.3 Royal purple (golden diadem) [crown] as sign of royalty
P 14 Particular practices of kings
P 14.15.1 (Old, wise) Counsellors of court [King’s council]
P 14.15.2 Court messenger
P 19 Other motifs connected with kings
P 19.4 Kingly powers (rights) [obligations]
P King’s wand (rod) [regalia]
P 20 Queens
P 90 Royalty and nobility – miscellaneous
P 110 Royal ministers
P 510 Law courts
T 122 Marriage by royal order
V 67.1 Ornaments (arms, chariots) buried with hero
Z 147.1 Purple is symbol of royalty


P 672.5 (G) Humiliation: throwing rubbish at the hero


D 1071 Magic jewel (jewels)
D 1645.1 Incandescent jewel
F 826 Extraordinary jewels
F 828 Extraordinary crown


N 781 Hero [heroine] embarks in rudderless boat


J 1089 (Bm) Courteous knight obtains food rude knight was denied
J 1089.1 (G) Courteous knight obtains what rude knight was denied
Q 327 Discourtesy punished


F 451.4.5.1 Dwarfs are ruled by a king
P 17.5 Brothers rule jointly
P 50 Noblemen (knights) [rules of chivalry]
P 557.4 Customs concerning single combat
P 557.4.4 Men’s truth. (fir fer)
P 557.4.7 (Li) Rules for single combat
P 561 Tournaments
T 5 (Bm) Court of love.


J 1280 Repartee with the ruler.
L 410 Proud ruler (deity) humbled.
P 50 Noblemen (knights) [rules of chivalry]
W 11.5.1 Ruler pardons his enemies


A 489 Gods of abstractions – miscellaneous
Z 139 Personifications – miscellaneous


F 681 Marvelous runner [extraordinary speed of runner]
F 681.9.1 (Bm) Man runs faster than horse
H 1594 Foot-racing contest


J 620 Forethought in prevention of others’ plans
J 1146 Detection by strewing ashes (sand) [flour]: lover leaves footprint.
K 499 Additional cheats
K 778 Capture through the wiles of a woman
K 1227 Lover put off by deceptive respite
K 1552 Ruse to catch adulteress – husband pretends to leave; others remain close by.
K 2369 Military strategy – miscellaneous
T 323 Escape from undesired lover by strategy
K 1760 Other bluffs
K 2369 Military strategy – miscellaneous