Motif Index of German Secular Narratives                 
Published by the Austrian Academy of Sciences, Vienna
 Introduction   Matière de Bretagne   Chansons de Geste   Miscellaneous Romances   Oriental Romances   Heroic Epic   Maere and Novellas   Romances of Antiquity   Index 


Index of Keywords
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Index of Keywords  T 


D 1382 Magic object protects against cold or burning
F 821 Extraordinary dress (clothes, robe, etc.)
F 821.1 Dress of extraordinary material
F 824 Extraordinary [part of] armor


D 1153 Magic table.
F 165.4 Table always set in otherworld dwelling
F 784 Extraordinary table
F 789 Extraordinary buildings and furnishings – miscellaneous
M 183.3 Vow to find Holy Grail before returning to Round Table.
P 19.0.1 (Li) King Arthur as leader of outstanding chivalric society (Round Table)
Z 201.9.1 (Bm) Hero’s famous possessions – Arthur’s Round Table


F 883 Extraordinary writings (book, letter)


C 30 Tabu: offending supernatural relative
C 31.1 Tabu: Looking at supernatural wife
C 31.5 Tabu: boasting of supernatural wife
C 31.8 Tabu: striking supernatural wife
C 32 Tabu: offending supernatural husband
C 32.2.1 Tabu: asking name of supernatural husband
C 32.2.2 Tabu: asking where supernatural husband comes from
C 53.2 Tabu: arrogance toward deity.
C 100 Sex tabu.
C 110 Tabu – sexual intercourse
C 111 Tabu: loss of chastity
C 115 Tabu – adultery
C 118 Tabu – violating woman
C 151 Tabu – man not to be present at childbirth
C 169 Tabu connected with marriage – miscellaneous
C 211.2.2 Tabu – eating in hell (hades)
C 260 Tabu: drinking at certain place
C 262 Tabu – drinking in otherworld
C 312 Tabu: man looking at woman
C 313.1 Tabu – woman seeing nude man
C 400 Speaking tabu
C 410 Tabu: asking questions
C 420 Tabu: uttering secrets
C 423 Tabu: revealing the marvelous
C 423.2 Tabu: speaking of extraordinary sight
C 423.5 Tabu: revealing sacred mysteries.
C 436 Tabu: disclosing own identity.
C 450 Tabu: boasting
C 453 Tabu: boasting of love-conquest
C 500 Tabu – touching
C 510 Tabu: touching tree (plant)
C 515 Tabu – touching (plucking) flowers
C 519 Tabu: touching tree (plant) [garden] – miscellaneous
C 542.1 Tabu – contact with things on journey to hell
C 571 Tabu: doing thing at certain time
C 617 Forbidden country [on island]
C 619.4 Tabu – women [men] to be on certain island
C 621.2 Tabu – touching fruit
C 686.1 Tabu – to refuse help to a woman
C 710 Tabus connected with other-world journeys
C 735 Tabu: sleeping.
C 740 Tabu: doing deed of mercy or courtesy.
C 761.1 Tabu: remaining on journey too long.
C 761.4 Tabu: staying too long in certain place
C 811 Tabu: heeding persuasive voices.
C 833 Tabus for journeys
C 833.2 Tabu: turning aside for anyone.
C 835 Tabus concerning fighting
C 835.2 Tabus concerning weapons
C 841.2 Tabu: hunting [killing] birds
C 845 Tabus concerning war
C 867.1 Tabu – abusing [killing] women or children
C 900 Punishment for breaking tabu
C 901 Tabu imposed
C 901.1 Tabu imposed by a certain person
C 901.1.5 Tabu imposed by fairy
C 905 Supernatural being punishes breach of tabu
C 910 Permanent sign of disobedience for breaking tabu
C 920 Death for breaking tabu
C 921 Immediate death for breaking tabu
C 927 Burning as punishment for breaking tabu
C 932 Loss of wife (husband) for breaking tabu.
C 934.2 Land made sterile because of broken tabu
C 937.1 Immortality lost because of breach of tabu.
C 939.5 (Bm) Loss of kingdom as punishment for breaking tabu
C 940 Sickness or weakness for breaking tabu.
C 943.2 Loss of one eye for breaking tabu
C 948 Mutilation as punishment for breaking tabu
C 952 Immediate return to otherworld because of broken tabu
C 968 Disenchantment for breaking tabu
D 52.1 Transformation: man becomes hideous.
F 302.6 Fairy mistress leaves man when he breaks tabu
M 205 Breaking of bargains and promises
Q 430.1 Imposition of tabu as punishment


B 11.2.8 Tail of dragon
F 518 Persons with tails
F 531.1.6.14 Giantess with tail (many tails)
K 1021 The tail fisher
K 2351.6.2 (Bm) Branches tied to horses’ tails stir up dust which makes army seem larger and blinds opponents
Q 473.2 Punishment: tying to horse(’s tail)


P 441 Tailors


Z 20 Cumulative tales


J 146.2 (Li) The educated youth
J 953.2 Bad singer thinks he is talented (driven from theatre)


B 11.4.5 Talking dragon.
B 211.3.4 Speaking parrot
E 545 The dead speak
J 191 Wise men


F 531.2 Size of giant
F 531.2.1 Extremely tall giant
F 531.2.1.6 Giantess is twice as tall as tall man
F 533 Remarkably tall man
F 535.2.9 (Bm) Pigmies no higher than the length of an ell


B 771 Wild animal miraculously tamed
B 771.1 Animal [deer] tamed by maiden’s beauty
B 771.6 (Bm) Only hero able to tame wild horse
D 1442 Magic object tames or restrains animal
F 618.1 Strong hero tames ungovernable horse
H 41.7 Task: to ride horse whereby one becomes king
H 171.3 Horse indicates election of emperor
H 172.1 Horse will permit only certain man to ride him
H 1154.3.8 (Bm) Task: tame wild bulls and plow field with them
R 1 Wild man captured and tamed


D 813 Magic object received from fairy
D 1171.6.1 Magic tankard
D 1649.2 Magic object comes at owner’s call.
F 343.14 Golden cup (bowl, urn) as gifts from otherworld inhabitants.
H 411.4 Magic drinking horn (cup) as chastity test.


D 753 Disenchantment by accomplishment of tasks.
D 1581 Tasks performed by use of magic object
H 310.3 (Bm) Suitor tasks: knight must perform (three) feats of valor
H 331.2 Suitor contest: tournament
H 335 Tasks assigned suitors
H 335.0.1 Bride helps suitor perform his task
H 335.0.2 Girl assigns tasks to her suitors
H 335.1 Suitor task: avenging bride’s father’s death before marriage.
H 335.1.1 Suitor task: avenging bride’s former fiancé [husband] before marriage.
H 335.3 Suitor task: killing ferocious animal
H 335.4.1 Suitor task: to bring enemy’s head
H 335.4.4 Suitor task: to kill (defeat) unwelcome suitor.
H 336 Suitors assigned quests
H 359 Other suitor tests
H 900 Tasks imposed
H 901 Tasks imposed on pain of death
H 901.1 Heads placed on stakes for failure in performance of task
H 910 Assignment of tasks in response to a suggestion
H 911 Tasks assigned at suggestion of jealous rivals
H 914 Task assigned because of mother ‘s [king’s] foolish boasting
H 916 Tasks imposed at suggestion of a spouse (sweetheart).
H 921 King (father) assigns tasks (to his unknown son)
H 924.1 Tasks assigned as ransom.
H 927 Tasks set by deity [God, heavenly voice, Mother Mary]
H 927.2 Task assigned by angel on God’s order
H 931 Tasks assigned in order to get rid of hero
H 933 Princess sets hero tasks
H 939.5 (G) Task assigned by dying man
H 941 Cumulative tasks: second assigned so that first can be done
H 945 Tasks voluntarily undertaken
H 970 Help in performing tasks
H 971.1 Task performed with help of old woman
H 973.3 Task performed by [with help of] dwarfs
H 974.1 Task performed with help of mistress
H 975.0.1 Task performed by deity [saint] in answer to prayer
H 982 Animals help man perform task
H 987 Task performed with aid of magic object
H 1023.8 Task: fixing the two pieces of a broken sword together
H 1024.4 Task: teaching an ass to read
H 1024.5 Task: sowing dragon’s teeth
H 1042 Task: recalling a dream someone else has had
H 1133 Task: building castle (fort)
H 1150 Tasks: stealing, capturing, or slaying
H 1151 Theft as a task
H 1154.0.1 Task: bringing head of animal
H 1154.3.1 Task: bridling a wild horse
H 1154.3.8 (Bm) Task: tame wild bulls and plow field with them
H 1161 Task: killing ferocious beast.
H 1161.7 (Bm) Task: slay fire-breathing dragon
H 1162 Task: killing certain man
H 1162.1 Task: overcoming robbers
H 1166 Task: duel.
H 1166.1 Task: wrestling etc. with giant warrior
H 1174.2 Task: overcoming dragon
H 1199 Other tasks
H 1199.5 Task: disenchantment
K 231.2 Reward for accomplishment of task deceptively withheld
M 146.8 (Bm) Vow to marry lady who helps achieve task
M 291 Trickster undertakes impossible bargains and collects his part: trusts that in the year he is given either he or the other will die


D 1665.1 Drink has taste of any liquor desired.
D 1665.3 Fruit has any taste desired.


J 1682 (Taunts of charioteer) to arouse anger in master who is losing battle so that he may fight more vigorously


J 2344.1 (Tu) Monks persuade wives that they must pay tithes as one tenth the number of times of their marital intimacies
P 531 Taxation and payment of fines and tribute
P 532 Payment of tax (tribute) [toll]


J 141 Youth educated by seven [six] sages
J 151 Wisdom from old person
J 152 Wisdom (knowledge) from sage (teacher)
N 338.4 (Bm) Son unwittingly slays father (Slays teacher who was rumored to be his father, finds rumor is true)
P 340 Teacher and pupil
T 31 Lovers’ meeting: hero in service of [given as playmate to] heroine


A 185.3 Deity teaches mortal
C 61 Disbelief in religious teachings
H 1024.4 Task: teaching an ass to read
H 1233.3.1 Ascetic (hermit) gives directions to hero on quest
J 80 Wisdom (knowledge) taught by parable
J 152.3 Philosopher instructs youth regarding conduct
J 2450 Literal fool.
K 491.2 Horse [donkey] to be taught to speak
K 491.3 (Tu) Trickster performs task: teaching a donkey to read, He puts food for the ass between the leaves of the book and says that the donkey is yet able to turn the leaves
K 604 The three teachings of the bird


F 1041.21.1.1 Tears of blood from excessive grief
F 1041.21.4 Man cries at hearing of friend’s death


F 1041.21.6 Tearing hair and clothes from excessive grief
P 678 Pulling out hair as sign of grief [wringing hands as sign of grief]
P 678.1 Tearing garments as sign of grief


Q 521 Tedious penances


F 513.1 Person unusual as to his teeth
F 531.1.6.2 Giant with [remarkable] teeth (like those of saw)
F 531. Giants (giantesses) [wild-woman] with long teeth.
F 544.3 Remarkable teeth
F 544.3.5 Remarkably long teeth.
H 1024.5 Task: sowing dragon’s teeth
J 2324 Wife persuades her husband to have a good tooth pulled
S 164 Mutilation: knocking out teeth
T 231.4 Faithless widow’s [Ruthless adulteress] heartlessness repels the new suitor. She obeys him when he tells her to knock out the teeth of her [alive] dead husband. Fearing a like treatment, he leaves.


D 1316.5.1 Voice comes forth from tree, revealing truth [future]
H 11.1 Recognition by telling life history
J 1344 Unwelcome guest tells about the hidden food – Having seen his hostess hide it, he tells about it the form of a tale
K 1831.0.2 (Bm) Disguise by refusal to reveal name


W 185 Violence of temper


D 905 Magic storm
D 1541.1 Magic object raises storm
F 960 Extraordinary nature phenomena – elements and weather


C 100 Sex tabu.
V 450 Religious orders


F 163.2.1 Temple in otherworld
F 166.5 Altar in otherworld
F 773 Remarkable church (chapel, temple)
Q 222 Punishment for desecration of holy places (images etc.)
Q 222.5.2 Magic storm as punishment for desecrating of temple
Q 222.6 Punishment for desecrating holy temple utensils
Q 521 Tedious penances
R 325 Church (altar) [temple] as refuge
T 34 Lovers meet at social gathering
T 135.9 Wedding ceremony in church
V 110 Religious buildings [and institutions]
V 111.3 Place where a [temple] church must be built miraculously indicated
V 112 Temples
V 356 Christian hero (saint) overthrows heathen idols


A 63.6 Devil in serpent’s form tempts first woman
G 303.9.4 The devil as a tempter
G 303.12.6 Devil in form of woman woos man
T 331 Man unsuccessfully tempted by woman
T 331.2 Knight unsuccessfully tempted by host’s wife [daughter].
T 331.2.1 (G) Knight unsuccessfully tempted by hostess


B Feet of dragon- number [ten]
P 251.6 Several brothers
Z 71.16.2 Formulistic number: ten


D 482 Stretching objects.
D 631.3.2 Compressible tent.
D 1138 Magic tent.
F (Luminous) precious stones in otherworld (dwelling)
F 775 Extraordinary tent


F 110 Journey to terrestrial otherworlds


F 1041.17.2 (Bm) Swoon from fear
K 1213 Terrorizing the paramour


F 611.3.3 Strong hero tests weapons. Breaks first sword
H 0 Identity tests: recognition.
H 0 Identity tests: recognition
H 41.9 King [noble] recognized by unique ability to occupy certain seat
H 71 Marks of royalty
H 210 Test of guilt or innocence
H 240 Other tests of truth
H 310.1 Tests for hero, husband of supernatural (divine) wife
H 313 Suitor test: obedience and humility before bride [mistress]
H 314 Suitor’s sincerity tested
H 317.4 Test of suitor’s love and endurance by constant postponing
H 328 Suitor test: power of endurance
H 331.2 Suitor contest: tournament
H 331.2.1 Suitor contest: success in battle [single combat]
H 332.3 Suitor test: duel with father-in-law
H 338 Suitor test: faithfulness
H 355 Suitor test: finding an extraordinary object
H 355.4 Suitor test: obtaining flowers [twig]
H 359 Other suitor tests
H 360 Bride test
H 411 Magic object points out unchaste woman
H 411.1 Magic stone as chastity test.
H 411.4 Magic drinking horn (cup) as chastity test.
H 411.7 Mantle as chastity test.
H 411.11 Magic spring as chastity test
H 411.11.2 Fountains as chastity test
H 411.12 Magic harp as chastity test. Plays out of tune [string breaks] at approach of unchaste girl
H 411.15 Magic mirror as chastity index
H 412 Chastity tested by ordeal
H 421 Tests for true lover
H 439.1.1 Painting on wife’s stomach as chastity index
H 461 Test of wife’s patience
H 466 Feigned death to test wife’s faithfulness
H 467 Other tests of wife’s love or faithfulness
H 467.2 Wife’s faithfulness tested by a proposal in another’s name
H 473 Test of wife’s obedience
H 486 Test of paternity
H 492 Test of faithfulness of husband and wife.
H 493 Virility test for husband
H 500 Test of cleverness or ability
H 502 Test of learning
H 502.1 Test of religious learning
H 503 Test of musical ability
H 509.3 Chess game as test
H 1561 Test of valor
H 1400 Fear test
H 1410 Fear test: staying in frightful place
H 1412 Fear test: spending night in church
H 1500 Tests of endurance
H 1502 Test: enduring hardship
H 1541 Contest [test] in enduring cold
H 1550 Tests of character
H 1552 Tests of generosity.
H 1553 Tests of patience
H 1556 Tests of fidelity [loyalty]
H 1556.0.2 Test of fidelity (loyalty) of guard
H 1556.1 Test of fidelity by feigning death
H 1556.3 Test of fidelity through offering suspected assassin opportunity to commit the murder
H 1556.4 Fidelity in love tested
H 1556.4.1 Lover’s fidelity tested by going to bed with mistress and only kissing
H 1557 Tests of obedience
H 1558 Tests of friendship
H 1558.0.1.1 Apple test of worthiness for friendship. Father gives son three apples to offer to those he meets. If the man eats all, avoid him; if he divides, make friends with him.
H 1561 Tests of valor
H 1561.1 Tests of valor: tournament
H 1561.2 Single combat to prove valor
H 1561.6 Test of valor: fight with giant [warrior, dwarf-hero, dragon etc.]
H 1561.11 (Bm) Test of valor: one against five (many)
H 1561.13 (G) Test of valor: fight with ferocious animals
H 1562 Test of strength
H 1562.2 Test of strength: lifting stone
H 1564 Test of hospitality
H 1567 Test of leadership
H 1568 Test of the champion.
H 1569 Tests of character – miscellaneous
H 1573 Religious tests
H 1573.6 Test of righteousness
H 1573.6.1 Ability to cross bridge as test of righteousness
H 1574 Tests of social position
H 1574.1 Test for noble blood
H 1576 Test of possession of magic powers
H 1578 Test of sex: to discover person masking as of other sex
H 1592 Hunting contest
H 1596 Beauty contest
H 1599 Miscellaneous tests (Hi)
J 1176 Decisions based on experimental tests
T 642 Test of legitimacy of children: exposure to asps [lions]


P 16.0.1 (Bm) Regicide


E 727 Relations of body to soul
H 210 Test of guilt or innocence
J 1151 Testimony of witness cleverly discredited
P 555.4 (Bm) Defeated knights [giant, rescued persons etc.] sent under oath to king [lady, queen] (as proof of victory)
H 1574 Tests of social position


V 80 Religious services – miscellaneous


B 325.1 Animal bribed with food
F 676 Skillful thief
H 1151 Theft as a task
J 2136.5 Careless thief caught
K 300 Thefts and cheats – general
K 301 Master thief
K 304 Nations of thieves
K 332 Theft by making owner drunk
K 341 Owner’s interest distracted while goods are stolen
K 343.2.1 The stingy parson and the slaughtered pig. The stingy parson does not want to give any one part of his pig, which he has just slaughtered. The sexton advises him to hang the pig up in the garden over night so as to make everyone think that it has been stolen. The sexton steals it himself
K 359 Means of hoodwinking guardian or owner – miscellaneous
K 364 Partner misappropriates common goods
K 419 Thief escapes detection – miscellaneous
K 2062 Thief tries to feed watchdog and stop his mouth
K 2127 False accusation of theft [debt]
Q 212 Theft punished
Q 413.1 Hanging as punishment for theft
P 475 Robber [thief, outlaw, pirate]
P 475.2 Robbers defeated and killed


F 555.4 Very thick hair


B 15.1 Animal unusual as to his head
F 821 Extraordinary dress (clothes, robe, etc.)


D 1349.1 Magic object produces immunity from hunger and thirst
D 2033 Thirst magically caused to disappear
F 851 Extraordinary food
F 959.7 (Bm) Men bite cold steel to assuage thirst in drought [desert]


Z 71.9 Formulistic number: thirteen


Z 71.11 Formulistic number: thirty


B 381 Thorn removed from lion’s paw (Androcles and the Lion)
F Bridge to [in] otherworld covered with knives
V 140 Sacred relics


D 1184.1 Magic ball of thread.
D 1524 Magic object enables person to cross water
F 833.2 Sword of Damocles. Sword hung on thin thread immediately above person
F 877.1 Gold (silver, copper) thread
R 121.5 Ariadne thread


F 451.5.2.8 Dwarfs threaten mortals
K 1271.1 Threat to tell of amorous intrigue used as blackmail
K 1397 Woman seduced through threat
K 1955.1 Sham physician cures people by threatening them with death
M 500 (Bm) Threats
M 510 (Bm) Threats to one’s own life
Q 413.0.1 Threat of hanging as punishment
T Scorned lover (woman) threatens to kill self
T 322.2 Princess [queen] threatens to kill amorous king [governor]
V 123.1 God under compulsion: Suppliant threatens to mutilate (crush) holy image if his wish is not fulfilled
W 154.2.1 Rescued animal threatens rescuer


B Three-horned deer
D 1273.1.1 Three as magic number
F 564.3.2 Person sleeps for three days and nights
F 610.4 Man with strength of many men
G 361.1.2 Threeheaded ogre
J 2071 Three foolish wishes. Three wishes will be granted: used up foolishly
M 301.12 (Three) Fates prophesy at child’s birth
M 341.2.4 Prophecy: three-fold death
P 17.10 Three sons each get a kingship, but the youngest [first] the most important in the home country
P 251.6.1 Three brothers
P 634.1 Feast (hospitality) endures for three days and three nights
R 222 Unknown knight (Three days’ tournament)
T 69.1.1 Three (two) brothers married to three (two) sisters
T 586.1.2.2 King has six [three] sons all named Lugaid [Dietrich]
Z 71.1 Formulistic number: three
Z 71.1.1 Formula: three days and three nights


W 216 Thrift


Q 323 Unthriftiness punished


W 154.3 Crane [crow] pulls bone from wolf’s throat: wolf refuses payment


A 152 God’s throne
F 785 Extraordinary throne
P 16.1.4 Father abdicates in favor of son
P 17 Succession to the throne
P 236.4 Son deposes father and usurps throne


F 624.2.0.1 Strong man throws enormous stone
F 636 Remarkable thrower
H 331.7 Suitor contest: aiming with missile [knife]
K 18 Throwing contest won by deception
P 672.5 (G) Humiliation: throwing rubbish at the hero
V 64 Money tied on corpse thrown overboard from ship in order to secure burial


F 960.1.1.1 Thunder report at birth of king
F 960.2 Extraordinary nature phenomena at death of holy [pious] person (hero)
F 968 Extraordinary thunder and lightning
G 303.6.3.1 Devil is followed by a thunderstorm
G 303.17.2.5 Devil retreats into hell amid thunder and lightning


D 905 Magic storm
D 1541.1.3 Magic fountain causes storm (rain).
D 2141 Storm produced by magic
D 2141.1 Storm magically stilled
D 2143.1.1 Rain produced by pouring water
F 790 Extraordinary sky and weather phenomena
F 960 Extraordinary nature phenomena – elements and weather
F 960.3 Extraordinary nature phenomena during furious battle
F 962 Extraordinary precipitation (rain, snow, etc.)
F 968 Extraordinary thunder and lightning
G 303.6.3.1 Devil is followed by a thunderstorm
G 303.17.2.5 Devil retreats into hell amid thunder and lightning
Q 552.1 Death by thunderbolt [thunderstorm] as punishment


K 1864.1 False tidings of another’s death in order to secure his bride [wife, and usurp kingdom]


D 1454.5 Treasure from excrements
J 1758.1 Tiger [lion] mistaken for goat


F 789 Extraordinary buildings and furnishings – miscellaneous


C 571 Tabu: doing thing at certain time
D 2011.1 Years seem moments while man listens to song of bird
F 377.1 Supernatural lapse of time in paradise
H 1245.1 (Bm) Quest to be accomplished within one year
M 341.1 Prophecy: death at (before, within) certain time
N 127 The auspicious (lucky) days
T 22.4 Lovers fated to marry each other born at same time
Z 71.12 Formulistic number: forty [Forty days’ limit]
Z 72.0.1 (Bm) Year time limit on quest


J 881.1 More timid than the hare
J 2600 Cowardly fool
W 46 (Li) Modesty


A 2434.2.3 Why there are no snakes in Ireland
H 1236.2 Quest over path guarded by dangerous animals.
V 229.3 Saint banishes snakes


F 517.1 Person unusual as to his feet


E 761.3 Life token: tree (flower) fades
E 761.7.4 Life token – light goes out
H 41 Recognition of royalty [nobility] by personal characteristics or traits
H 80 Identification by token
H 81 Clandestine lover recognized by token.
H 81.3 Clandestine visit of lover to queen betrayed by token
H 82 Identifying tokens sent with messenger
H 82.3 Tokens between lovers
H 82.3.1 (Bm) Ring as parting token
H 82.3.2 (Bm) Ring as fidelity token
H 82.3.4 (Bm) Dying lover orders his heart sent to mistress as token
H 84 Tokens of exploits
H 88 Recognition by tokens left as trail.
H 94 Identification by ring
H 100 Identification by matching parts of divided token
H 105 Parts of slain animal as token of slaying
H 315.2 Suitor contest: bride offered to suitor giving the token of the greater love
K 2112.1 False tokens of woman’s unfaithfulness
P 555.4 (Bm) Defeated knights [giant, rescued persons etc.] sent under oath to king [lady, queen] (as proof of victory)
S Head of murdered man taken along as trophy
S 334 Tokens of royalty (nobility) left with exposed child
T 59 (Bm) Love tokens
T 59.1 (Bm) Rings as love tokens
T 59.2 (Bm) Sleeve as love token.
T 82 Tokens of exploits


P 52.0.3 (Bm) Knight demands tribute of all who pass through his domain
P 531 Taxation and payment of fines and tribute
P 532 Payment of tax (tribute) [toll]


A 151.1.2 Home of gods in cave
D 1148 Magic tomb
E 821 Sweet smell from corpse
F 778 (Bm) Extraordinary tomb
F 778.1 (G) Extraordinary grave
F 809.7 Transparent stone
F 852 Extraordinary coffin [sarkophag]
G 303.15 Places haunted by the devil
R 49.4 (G) Captivity in grave, tomb
T 85.4 Lover’s body [lover’s bones] kept (embalmed) for years by grieving mistress
T 86 Lovers buried in same grave [coffin]
V 118 Monasteries [cloisters, abbeys, nunneries]
V 153 (Hi) Heroes’ grave


B Breath of Dragon kills man [venomous fiery and fetid breath of dragon]
B 766 Fanciful dangers from animals
F 513.2 Person without tongue
H 105.1 Dragon-tongue proof. Dragon slayer cuts out the tongues and uses them later to prove his identity as slayer
H 105.2 Tongue [liver] as proof that man [woman] has been murdered.
K 512.2 Compassionate executioner: substituted heart [liver].
Q 451.4 Tongue cut off as punishment
Q 451.4.8 Tongue cut off as punishment for (alleged) adultery
S 163 Mutilation: cutting (tearing) out tongue


B 745.1 (Bm) Crabs, invulnerable to swords, routed by fire


D 2063.1 Tormenting by magic.
E 755.2.7 Devils torment sinners in hell
Q 562 Pain of souls tormented in hell alternately ebbs and flows
Q 562.3 Souls tormented in hell (alternately borne up to firmament and) cast down to depths
R 41.3 Captivity in dungeon
S 180 Wounding or torturing


D 2091.7.1 River magically caused to rise against enemy
D 2151.2 Magic control of rivers.
F 932.6 River ceases to flow.


J 657.2 Tortoise [snail] lets self be carried by eagle


E 755.2.7 Devils torment sinners in hell
F 171.6 Mysterious punishments in otherworld
Q 501 Unremitting torture as punishment
R 51.3 Prisoners mutilated
S 180.1 (Bm) Confession obtained by torture
S 186 Torturing by beating
V 463 Religious martyrdom


C 500 Tabu – touching
C 510 Tabu: touching tree (plant)
C 519 Tabu: touching tree (plant) [garden] – miscellaneous
C 542.1 Tabu – contact with things on journey to hell
C 621.2 Tabu – touching fruit
D 1799.4 Magic powers from touching
D 1833 Magic strength by touching earth
E 542 Dead man touches living


F 1084 Furious battle [fight]
H 217 Decision made by contest
H 331.2 Suitor contest: tournament
H 1561.1 Tests of valor: tournament
H 1561.1.2 (G) Magic shield as prize in tournament
H 1561.2 Single combat to prove valor
M 171.7.1 (Bm) Vow not to be happy until (con)quest is achieved
N 330 Accidental killing or death
P 11.2.2 King chosen by contest.
P 52.2 (Li) Knight in service of a lady
P 59.1 (Bm) Impecunious knight
P 555 Defeat in battle [single combat]
P 555.4 (Bm) Defeated knights [giant, rescued persons etc.] sent under oath to king [lady, queen] (as proof of victory)
P 561 Tournaments
R 99 (Bm) Ransom
R 222 Unknown knight (Three days’ tournament)
T 68 Princess offered as prize
T 68.7 (Bm) Princess [maiden] as prize in tournament [single combat]
T 137 Customs following wedding
T 331.2 Knight unsuccessfully tempted by host’s wife [daughter].


B 557.11.4 (Bm) Soldiers fight from “castles” on elephant’s backs
F 772 Extraordinary tower.
F 772.1 Tower of Babel. Remarkably tall tower designed to reach sky.
F 789 Extraordinary buildings and furnishings – miscellaneous
P 552.4 War-machines
R 41 Captivity in tower (castle, prison)
R 41.2 Captivity in tower
T 257.12 (Bm) Jealous husband confines wife to tower
T 381 Imprisoned virgin to prevent knowledge of men (marriage, impregnation) usually kept in a tower.
T 381.0.2 Wife imprisoned in tower (house) to preserve chastity


D 1380.0.1 Magic object protects a city [land]
D 1380.0.1.1 Palladium – city impregnable while statue remains
F 760 Extraordinary cities
F 760.0.1 (Bm) Extraordinarily beautiful town
F 761 City of precious metals and stones
F 761.5 City paved with precious seeds
F 762 City of extraordinary color
F 769 Other extraordinary cities
F 771 Extraordinary castle (house, palace)
F 771.4.3 Abandoned castle
J 211.2 Town mouse and country mouse
M 341.3 Prophecy: death in particular place
M 356.1.5 (Bm) Prophecy of city’s destruction
P 557.0.4 (Li) Siege
P 720 Population
Q 53.3 Maiden queen offers her hand as reward for rescuing her town
Q 112.0.8 (Bm) Cities (towns) as reward
Q 595 Loss or destruction of property as punishment
R 310 Refuges
S 110.10 (Bm) City and inhabitants willfully destroyed
W 11.5.5 Conqueror spares city
Z 703 (Bm) Eponymous account of city’s founding
Z 704 (Bm) Eponymous account of island [valley].


T 80 Tragic love
T 81 Death from love


F 873.2 Enormous army (camp)[train]


B 268 Animal soldiers [trained for combat or battle]
B 571.3 Animals fight together with their master.
B 801 Elephants in folktales
P 340 Teacher and pupil


B 700 Fanciful traits of animals
W 20 Other favorable traits of character
W 110 Unfavorable traits of character – personal
W 200 Traits of character – miscellaneous


K 1930 Treacherous impostors
K 2200 Villains and traitors.
K 2246.1 Treacherous king
K 2299 Other villains and traitors – miscellaneous
K 2299.2 Treacherous peoples (tribes)


D 1275 Magic song
D 1379.1.1 Magic object controls person’s will.
D 1410 Magic object renders person helpless
E 721.2 Body in trance while soul is absent
F 11.1 Journey to heaven [or hell] in trance
T 26 Attention distracted by sight of (remembering) beloved [because of love]
V 510 Religious visions
V 511.2 Visions of hell


J 2075 The transferred wish


A 2091.1 Arachne transformed to spider: vies with goddess in spinning
B Transformed princess as dragon
C 961.1 Transformation to pillar of salt for breaking tabu
D 52.1 Transformation: man becomes hideous.
D 52.3 (G) Ugly woman becomes beautiful
D 55.1 Person becomes magically larger.
D 100 Transformation: man to animal.
D 114.1.1 Transformation: man to deer
D Transformation: girl to deer (fawn) (by druid)
D 141 Transformation: man (boy) to dog
D 150 Transformation: man to bird
D 151.4 Transformation man [woman] to crow
D 151.9 Transformation: man [woman] to magpie
D 154.1 Transformation: man [woman] to dove
D 181 Transformation: man [goddess] to spider
D 199.2 Transformation: man to dragon
D 231 Transformation: man to stone.
D 300 Transformation: animal to person. [power of transformation]
D 332 Transformation: equine animal (domestic) to person
D 336 Transformation: swine to person
D 341 Transformation: dog to person
D 341.1 Transformation: bitches to women
D 437 Transformation: part of animal or person to person
D 441.4 Transformation: plant to animal
D 471.1 Transformation: bread to stone
D 475.1 Transformation: objects to gold
D 477.1 Transformation: water becomes wine
D 478 Water changed to other substance (or vice versa)
D 480 Size of object transformed
D 522 Transformation through magic word (charm)
D 562 Transformation by bathing
D 572 Transformation by magic object.
D 610 Repeated transformations
D 620 Periodic transformation.
D 621 Daily transformation
D 621.1 Animal by day; man [woman] by night
D 630 Transformation and disenchantment at will
D 631.1.1 Person changes appearance at will.
D 657.2 Transformation to horse so as to abduct king (hero)
D 658 Transformation to seduce
D 658.3.2 Transformation of animal to woman to seduce man [deceive husband]
D 661 Transformation as punishment.
D 665.2 Transformation of stepchild to be rid of him [her]
D 683 Transformation by magician
D 1273 Magic formula (charm)
D 1719.5 Magic power of fairy.
D 1872 Man made hideous.
D 2031.4 Hideous person magically makes self seem beautiful
F 234.0.1 Fairy transforms self
F 234.1.3 Fairy in form of swine
F 253 Extraordinary powers of fairies
F 531.6.1.2 Giant is transformed man.
K 1821.6 Disguise by cutting one eye out [one ear off]
N 819.2 Transformed person as helper.
Q 551.3 Punishment: transformation
Q 551.3.2 Punishment: transformation into animal.
Q 584 Transformation as fitting punishment
V 81.3 Metamorphosis brought about by baptism


D 1980 Magic invisibility
F 771.1.6.1 Castle with glass wall.
F 809.7 Transparent stone
F 852.1 Glass coffin


B 542.2.1 Transportation to fairyland on griffin’s back
D 906 Magic wind
D 1520.12 Magic transportation by ring
D 1520.13 Magic transportation by arrow
D 1520.15 Transportation in magic ship
D 1520.16 Magic transportation by chair
D 1520.28 Magic transportation in whirlwind.
D 1976.1 Transportation during magic sleep
D 2120 Magic transportation
F 60 Transportation to or from upper world


G 450 Falling into ogre’s power – miscellaneous
K 736 Snapping door
K 737.1 Dupe lured into hole and entrance closed.
K 1563 Husband traps wife and paramour with magic armor
K 1565 Blades (broken glass) to wound and detect wife’s lover
K 1610 Deceiver falls into his own trap – miscellaneous
K 2369 Military strategy – miscellaneous


D 1520.6 Magic transportation by cloak (cape)
D 2122 Journey with magic speed.
F 369.7 Fairies lead travelers astray
F 411.1 Demon travels in whirlwind
T 133 Travel to wedding


H 1211 Quests assigned in order to get rid of hero
K 193 Treacherous impostors
K 364 Partner misappropriates common goods
K 917 Treacherous murder during hunt
K 950 Various kinds of treacherous murder
K 958.1 (Bm) Treacherous attempt to murder by drowning.
K 959 Other kinds of treacherous murder
K 959.4 Murder from behind
K 1253 Treacherous barber
K 1864.2.1 (Bm) Corpse falsely said to be hero’s by treacherous rival [knight]
K 1930 Treacherous impostors
K 2010 Hypocrite pretends friendship but attacks
K 2031.1 Dog at his master’s table is friendly to guest. On the street he barks at him [Dog friendly but attacks from behind]
K 2061 Treacherous plan of hypocritical animal detected and prevented
K 2126 Knight falsely accused of sedition
K 2129 Slanders – miscellaneous
K 2200 Villains and traitors.
K 2210 Treacherous relatives
K 2211 Treacherous [half-]brother. Usually elder brother
K 2211.0.1 Treacherous elder brother(s)
K 2211.1 Treacherous brother-in-law
K 2212 Treacherous sister.
K 2212.2 Treacherous sister-in-law
K 2213 Treacherous wife
K 2214.3 Treacherous son (leads revolt against his father to whom he owes all)
K 2215 (Bm) Treacherous stepmother [foster mother]
K 2217 Treacherous uncle [stepfather]
K 2218.1 Treacherous mother-in-law (accuses innocent wife)
K 2218.2 Treacherous father-in-law
K 2220 Treacherous rivals
K 2221 Treacherous rival lover [suitor]
K 2231 Treacherous mistress
K 2232.1 Treacherous lover betrays woman’s love and deserts her
K 2233 (Bm) Treacherous suitors
K 2240 Treacherous officers and tradesman
K 2242 Treacherous steward
K 2243 Treacherous seneschal
K 2245 Treacherous marshal.
K 2246.0.1 Treacherous princess (queen)
K 2246.1 Treacherous king
K 2247 Treacherous lord [vassal]
K 2247.3 (Bm) Treacherous knight
K 2248 Treacherous minister
K 2249 Other treacherous officers and tradesmen [noblemen]
K 2249.4 Treacherous merchant.
K 2249.5 (Bm) Treacherous regent
K 2249.7 (Bm) Treacherous judge and jury
K 2250.1 Treacherous servant
K 2258 Treacherous peasant [woman].
K 2260.1 Treacherous dark man
K 2265 Treacherous red knight [man]
K 2277 Treacherous dwarf.
K 2292 Treacherous physician
K 2293 Treacherous old woman.
K 2294 Treacherous host
K 2295 Treacherous animals
K 2296 Treacherous partner
K 2297 Treacherous friend
K 2298 Treacherous counselor
K 2299 Other villains and traitors – miscellaneous
K 2299.2 Treacherous peoples (tribes)
K 2310 Deception by equivocation
K 2370 Miscellaneous deceptions
K 2380 (Hi) Detection of treachery or deceit
P 50.0.2 (Bm) Knight who acknowledges no overlord [Allegiance: loyalty and disloyalty of vassals]
P 317.1 Refusal to believe that friend will harm one
P 510.1 (Bm) False treacherous trials
Q 261 Treachery punished
Q 411 Death as punishment
Q 411.4 Death as punishment for treachery
Q 413.8 Hanging as punishment for treachery
Q 421 Punishment: beheading
Q 431.2 Banishment for treachery
Q 581.0.1 Loss of life as result of one’s own treachery
S 12.1.1 Treacherous mother and paramour plan son’s death
T 84 Lovers treacherously separated
W 171 Two-facedness


B 42.0.1 (Hi) Griffin’s gold
B 103.2.1 Treasure-laying bird
B 583 Animal gives treasure to man
D 876 Magic treasure animal killed
D 1454.5 Treasure from excrements
D 2100.1 Inexhaustible treasure
F 531.6.7.1 Giant possesses treasure
F 899.4 (Li) Enormous treasure
N 500 Treasure trove
N 511 Treasure in ground
N 511.1.1 Treasure buried in graves
N 525 Treasure found in chest (kettle, cask)
N 529 Where treasure is found – miscellaneous
N 534 Treasure discovered by accident
N 538.2 Treasure from defeated giant
N 570 Guardian of treasure
N 575 Griffin as guardian of treasure.
N 630 Accidental acquisition of treasure or money
P King’s wand (rod) [regalia]
P 555.0.1 (Si) Booty. The spoils of war.
Q 111 Riches as reward
Q 111.6 Treasure as reward
Q 595 Loss or destruction of property as punishment
R 99 (Bm) Ransom


B 751 Animal’s fanciful treatment of their young
P 50 Noblemen (knights) [rules of chivalry]
P 320 Hospitality
P 324.1 Host treats guest with food and everything possible
T 75.0.1 Suitors ill-treated
T 481.1 Adulteress roughly treated by her lover
W 40 (Bm) Nobility
W 45 Honor


A 435 God [Goddess] of trees and forests
C 510 Tabu: touching tree (plant)
C 515 Tabu – touching (plucking) flowers
D 621 Daily transformation
D 950 Magic tree
D 950.0.1.1 Magic tree guarded by giant ogre
D 950.7 Magic lime tree
D 1311.4 Oracular tree
D 1316.5.1 Voice comes forth from tree, revealing truth [future]
D 1368.4 Tree of delusion
D 1380.2 Tree (plant) protects
D 1500.1.3 Magic tree heals (cures)
D 1610.2 Magic speaking tree
D 1812.3.4 (Bm) Future revealed by speaking tree
D 2157.4 Miraculous speedy growth of a tree
E 90 Tree of life
F 162.1.3 Trees bloom, others bear concurrently in otherworld garden.
F 162.3 Tree in otherworld
F 162.3.3 Tree in otherworld in perpetual fruit [foliation].
F 217.4 (G) Fairies assemble near trees
F 562.2 Residence in a tree.
F 614.2 Strong man uproots tree and uses it as weapon
F 621 Strong man: tree-puller
F 621.2 Trees pulled up by giant
F 811 Extraordinary tree
F 811.1.1 Golden tree
F 811.1.2 Silver tree
F 811.1.9 Iron tree.
F 811.2.2 Tree with leaves of jewels
F 811.5 Food-producing trees
F 811.6 Tree with musical branches
F 811.7 Trees with extraordinary fruit
F 811.7.2 Tree bearing unwonted fruit (flowers)
F 811.12 Trees grow and “ungrow” each day
F 811.13 Tree blooms and grows ripe fruit nightly [daily]
F 811.17 Tree with extraordinary buds.
F 811.20 Bleeding tree
F 811.27 (G) Extraordinary illuminated tree
F 812 Extraordinary forest
F 885 Extraordinary field
F 979 Extraordinary behavior of trees and plants – miscellaneous
J 165 Tree of knowledge
K 1533 Gullible husband behind the tree. (Tristan and Isolt.) Husband goes to wife ‘s love tryst and hides behind a tree. The wife, having learned of his presence, tells lover that he should not allow their innocent relations to lead to gossip. Husband is appeased
L 315.3 Fox burns tree in which eagle has nest
S 182.3 (G) Man hanged by feet to tree
U 162 Tree cut down with axe for which it has furnished a handle
V 515.1.6 (G) The child in the tree


F 969.4 Extraordinary earthquake
F 1041.17 Extraordinary result of fear
T 24 The symptoms of love


U 11 Small trespasses punished, large crimes condoned


H 218 Trial by combat
H 218.0.1 Vindication by champion. Usually noble lady or king accused
P 510.1 (Bm) False treacherous trials


T 92 Rivals in love
T 92.1 The triangle plot and its solutions


F 510.1 Monstrous races
F 525.3 Tribe of one-eyed, one-footed and one-handed men
F 531.0.3.1 (Bm) Group or tribe or army of giant men
F 568 Naked tribe
G 11.18 Cannibal tribe
K 2299.2 Treacherous peoples (tribes)
P 715 Particular nations (races, religions)
P 720 Population


F 531.6.16.3 Man [dwarf] as servant of giant.
M 150 Other vows and oaths
M 200 Bargains and promises
M 234 Life spared in return for life-long service [material compensation, peace treaty]
P 52.0.3 (Bm) Knight demands tribute of all who pass through his domain
P 531 Taxation and payment of fines and tribute
P 531.1.1 Tribute required of conquered foreigners
P 531.1.2 (Bm) Tribute of 30 maidens a year.
P 532 Payment of tax (tribute) [toll]
P 533 Feudal tribute
P 550 Military affairs
P 551 Army
P 558 (Bm) Truce
P 715.1 Jews
S 262.2 Tribute of youths regularly sent to foreign king.
S 262.2.1 Youths and maidens as yearly tribute to monsters
W 11 Generosity
W 11.2 Munificent monarch


D 830 Magic object acquired by trickery.
D 2031 Magic illusion
K 330 Means of hoodwinking the guardian or owner
K 945 Woman tricked into giving poison to her husband: thinks it a love-philtre
K 1218.9.1 Importunate lover is given a rendezvous. Obscene tricks played on him
K 1240 Deception into humiliating position – miscellaneous
K 1315.6.1 Trickster persuades women that they must share their marital intimacies with them
K 1330 Girl tricked into man’s room (or power)
K 1339 Girl [woman] tricked into man’s room (power)
K 1340 Entering into girl’s [man’s] room by trick
K 1350 Woman persuaded (or wooed) by trick
K 1372.1 Princess tricked into engaging herself to suitor rejected by her father
K 1533 Gullible husband behind the tree. (Tristan and Isolt.) Husband goes to wife ‘s love tryst and hides behind a tree. The wife, having learned of his presence, tells lover that he should not allow their innocent relations to lead to gossip. Husband is appeased
K 1580 Other deceits connected with adultery
K 1870 Illusions
K 1945 Imposition by sham sickness
K 2370 Miscellaneous deceptions


J 1492 Trickster artist hoodwinks king: Cuckold’s [illegitimate child’s] eyes cannot see picture, King pretends to see the picture- Courtiers reveal that there is no picture
K 3.4 Wise man [ clerical trickster] disguised as monk beats learned heretic [clerics] in debate
K Trickster returns a bottle of water instead of the bottle of rum he has just purchased
K 233 Trickster escapes without paying
K 347 Cozening. Trickster’s claim of relationship causes owner to relax vigilance
K 491.3 (Tu) Trickster performs task: teaching a donkey to read, He puts food for the ass between the leaves of the book and says that the donkey is yet able to turn the leaves
K 833 Man lured into aiding trickster who has feigned an accident or needs help
K 839 Fatal deception into trickster’s power – miscellaneous
K 1867 Trickster shams death [injury] to get food
M 291 Trickster undertakes impossible bargains and collects his part: trusts that in the year he is given either he or the other will die
N 8 Gambler’s attention distracted by women [trickster]


N 387 Feud starts over trifle


L 350 Mildness triumphs over violence


F 873.1.2 (Tu) Enormous fleet
F 873.2 Enormous army (camp)[train]
H 1224 Quest to distant king for military aid
K 2369 Military strategy – miscellaneous
M 236.1 (Bm) Bargain: warrior will remove troop if he can wed enemy princess
P 550 Military affairs
P 551 Army
P 552 Battle formations
P 552.6 (Tu) Conscription of troops: summoning allies as preparation for war
P 557 Military customs
P 557.0.3 (Li) Military aid (alliance)
P 561 Tournaments


H 82 Identifying tokens sent with messenger
H 84 Tokens of exploits
H 105 Parts of slain animal as token of slaying
H 106.2 Severed head as proof of killing
P 555.2.1.1 “Publication of slaying”. Heads of slain enemies displayed
S Head of murdered man taken along as trophy


F 482.5.5 Malicious or troublesome actions of brownies
P 95 Impossible to refuse the request of a troubled nobleman [lady]


K 2130 Trouble-makers
W 110 Unfavorable traits of character – personal
W 188 Contentiousness.


K 1526 Friar’s trousers on adulteress’ bed: relic to cure sickness. The husband is duped to believe that the friar has come to visit the sick


N 500 Treasure trove


K 2010.3 Wolves sign false truce with sheep
K 2369 Military strategy – miscellaneous
P 533.1 Hostages
P 557 Military customs
P 558 (Bm) Truce


A 1093 End of world announced by trumpet
D 1317.9.1 Brass (copper) statue at city gates blows on trumpet at stranger’s approach.
D 1620.1.1 Automatic statue of trumpeter.


J 230 Choice: real and apparent values
P 317.1 Refusal to believe that friend will harm one
V 440 Other religious virtues


D 1316 Magic object reveals truth
D 1810.10 Magic knowledge from goddess
H 251 Test of truth by magic object
H 421 Tests for true lover
J 267 Choice between flattering lies and unflattering truths
J 815 Unpleasant truths must be withheld from the great
M 150 Other vows and oaths
P 310.5 Defeated enemy turns true friend
P 557.4.4 Men’s truth. (fir fer)
V 461.2 Truthful monk refuses to cheat even for his order
W 37 Conscientiousness


K 1514.13 Adulteress gives paramour tryst in house of ill-fame, Meets husband who leaves in shame
T 35 Lovers’ rendezvous


K 1521.3 Paramour hidden under the wash [tub]
K 1566.1 Cuckold unwittingly lies with wife on chest containing her hidden paramour


D 1052 Magic garment (robe, tunic)


F 145 Mountains at borders of otherworld
F 151.2 Mountain pass to otherworld.
K 1344 Tunnel entrance to guarded maiden’s chamber


C 833.2 Tabu: turning aside for anyone.
N 111.3 Fortune’s wheel.
P 310.5 Defeated enemy turns true friend
P 681 Mourning customs
T 24.5 Boy [girl] turns red and white from love


F 531.3.16 (Bm) Giant [giantess] demolished castle wall (turret)
H 901.1 Heads placed on stakes for failure in performance of task


B Giant devastating boar
B 871.1.2 Giant boar
B 871. (Bm) Wild boar’s tusk 1/2 yard long [1 yard long]
F 513.1 Person unusual as to his teeth
F 531. (Bm) Giant has 2 tusks
F 544.3.5 Remarkably long teeth.


B 21 Centaur: man-horse
P 340 Teacher and pupil
P 481 Astrologer


F 610.4 Man with strength of many men
F 610.4.2 Man with twelve men’s strength
F 818.2 Five demons [twelve knights] keepers of marvelous garden and palace
P 251.6.7 Twelve brothers
P 475.1 Twelve robbers
Z 71.8 Formulistic number: twelve


Z 71.8.6 Formulistic number: twenty-four


C 515 Tabu – touching (plucking) flowers
D 953 Magic twig
D 1400 Magic object [twig] overcomes person
H 355.4 Suitor test: obtaining flowers [twig]


A 515.1.1 Twin culture heroes
P 251.5 Two brothers
T 685 Twins


E 631.0.1 Twining branches grow from graves of lovers


B Two-headed serpent
F 709.4.1 (Bm) Land of two summers and two winters
N 111.2.2 Fortuna with two faces.
P 251.5 Two brothers
P 251.5.4 Two brothers as contrasts
P 252.1 Two sisters
T 135.8 Two or more weddings at one time as the end of a tale


N 111.2.2 Fortuna with two faces.
W 171 Two-facedness


Q 473.2 Punishment: tying to horse(’s tail)


J 643 Care against future tyranny
P 12 Character of kings
P 12.2.1 Tyrannical king [lord]