Motif Index of German Secular Narratives                 
Published by the Austrian Academy of Sciences, Vienna
 Introduction   Matière de Bretagne   Chansons de Geste   Miscellaneous Romances   Oriental Romances   Heroic Epic   Maere and Novellas   Romances of Antiquity   Index 


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C 910 Permanent sign of disobedience for breaking tabu
D 52.1 Transformation: man becomes hideous.
D 52.3 (G) Ugly woman becomes beautiful
D 1337.2.2 Magic herbs render hideous.
D 1337.2.5 Magic skin makes person appear ugly
D 1860.0.1 Magic beautification of fairy
D 1870 Magic hideousness
D 1872 Man made hideous.
D 2031.4 Hideous person magically makes self seem beautiful
F 234.2.2 Fairy in hideous form
F 451.2.0.1 Dwarfs are ugly
F 510 Monstrous persons
F 576 Extraordinary ugliness
G 303.3.0.1 Devil in hideous form
G 303.3.1.4 Devil appears in the form of a man repugnantly ugly
J 264 Apparent beauty may be of the least importance
J 1062.1 Frog as [beauty] doctor unable to cure his own ugliness [to cure himself]
K 1815.2 Ugly disguise
K 2270 Deformed villain.
Q 551.8 Deformity as punishment.
T 91.7 Unequals in love – miscellaneous


A 187.2 Mortal as umpire of quarrel between gods
W 35 Justice


P 557.4 Customs concerning single combat
W 11.5.14 King [knight] will not arm, since opponent is unarmed [young, inexperienced]


J 21.14 “Never try to reach the unattainable”


M 311 Prophecy: future greatness of unborn child
M 311.4 Prophecy: unborn child to become king
M 356.3 Prophecy: unborn (new-born) child (girl) to bring evil upon land


J 2010 Uncertainty about own identity.


C 111 Tabu: loss of chastity
H 411 Magic object points out unchaste woman
H 411.4.0.1 (G) Magic drinking horn: unchaste woman’s husband cannot drink from horn
Q 243.0.2 Suspected incontinence unjustly punished.
T 300 Chastity and celibacy


K 2217 Treacherous uncle [stepfather]
N 730 Accidental reunion of families
N 738 Accidental meeting of nephew and uncle
N 738.1 Uncle and nephew unwittingly about to kill one another
P 253.0.1 Sister’s son
P 253.11 (Bm) Woman unwittingly nurses brother’s [uncle’s] slayer.
P 293 Uncle
P 293.1 Mother’s brother as foster father
P 293.2 Mother’s brother as helper.
P 293.4 Young prince sent to his father’s (mother’s) brother
P 297 Nephew
P 297.3 (Bm) Nephew would avenge his uncle
P 298 Niece
S 71 Cruel uncle
T 127 (Bm) Woman weds husband’s [father’s, uncle’s] slayer


E 422 Living corpse.
Q 503 Wandering after death as punishment.


J 651 Inattention to danger
K 2368 Enemy deceived into overestimating opponents: (retreat)
K 2369 Military strategy – misc.


D 1148 Magic tomb
F 159 Other means to reach the otherworld
F 451.4.1 Dwarfs live under the ground
F 721.1 Underground passages
F 721.3 Underground kingdom
F 721.4 Underground treasure chambers
F 940 Extraordinary underground (underwater) disappearance
K 1523 Underground passage to paramours house
R 211.3 Escape through underground passage


K 2369 Military strategy – miscellaneous


H 1220 Quests voluntarily undertaken
H 1223 Quest to undertake feats of valor
H 1228 Quest undertaken by hero for vengeance.
H 1229.1 Quest undertaken by hero to fulfill promises.


B 551.1 Fish carries man across water
D 2126 Magic underwater journey
D 2151 Magic control of waters
F 133.0.1 (Bm) Journey to bottom of sea
F 133.1 Marine counterpart to land
F 842.2.3.2 Under-water bridge
F 940 Extraordinary underground (underwater) disappearance


A 300 Gods of underworld
A 671 Hell- Lower world of torment
F 80 Journey to lower world


K 1227 Lover put off by deceptive respite
R 111.1.9 Princess rescued from undesired suitor
T 93.6 (Bm) Unwanted suitor slain.
T 320 Escape from undesired lover
T 323 Escape from undesired lover by strategy


J 410 Association of equals and unequals
L 162 Lowly heroine marries prince (king, [count])
T 50.2.1 King unwilling to marry his daughter to a man not her equal
T 91 Unequals in love
T 91.6 Noble and lowly in love
T 121 Unequal marriage
T 121.1 Knight weds peasant girl


N 730 Accidental reunion of families
N 731 Unexpected meeting of father and son
N 741 Unexpected meeting of husband and wife
N 760 Other accidental encounters
N 762 Person accidentally met unexpectedly knows the other’s name
N 764 Unexpected meeting with wild man


D 868.2 (Bm) Magic ring must be returned by unfaithful lover.
K 2112.1 False tokens of woman’s unfaithfulness
K 2112.1.1 Finger as false token of wife’s unfaithfulness. She has substituted a maid and the gallant has cut off the maid’s finger
T 233 Wronged wife goes to wronged husband [becomes unfaithful]
T 245 Husband [wife] unfaithful even in wedding night
T 249.2 Husband and wife each unfaithful to other
T 481 Adultery


M 359 Unfavorable prophecies – misc.
W 110 Unfavorable traits of character – personal


K 1534 Queen deceives king by unfriendly conversation with lover.
P 320 Hospitality
W 127 Petulance


D 621 Daily transformation
D 950 Magic tree
F 811.12 Trees grow and “ungrow” each day


B 13 Unicorn
B 13.1 (Li) Unicorn captured by virgin.
B 722 Magic stone in animal’s head.
D 1015.1 Magic heart of animal
D 1714.1 Magic power of chaste women
F 989.15 Hunt for extraordinary (magic) animal
T 300 Chastity and celibacy
Z 100 Symbolism


C 650.1 Customs connected with unique compulsion [”costume”]
D 791 Disenchantment possible under unique conditions
D 1654.4.1 Sword can be moved only by right person – sword in stone
D 1654.4.1.1 Sword can only be used by strong hero
H 35.3 Recognition by unique needlework
H 35.4 Recognition by unique manner of carving chips.
H 41.9 King [noble] recognized by unique ability to occupy certain seat
H 1300 Quests for the unique
H 1319.1 Quest for only person who can cure certain sickness
N 476 Secret of unique vulnerability disclosed
Z 300 Unique exceptions
Z 311 Achilles heel
Z 312 Unique deadly weapon
Z 350 Other unique exceptions
Z 356 Unique survivor


J 1020 Strength in unity


A 601.2 Universe created in six days
A 610 Creation of the universe by creator- The creator is existing before all things


Q 280 Unkindness punished


H 151.10 Combat of unknown brothers [relatives, unrecognized friends] brings about recognition
H 1381.2 Quest for unknown father
H 1381.2.2.1 Son seeks unknown father
H 1382 Quest for unknown objects or places
J 2010 Uncertainty about own identity.
M 166.9.2 (Bm) Vow to revenge unknown wronged (killed) knight
N 731.1 Unknown son returns to father’s court
P 322.2 Guest in disguise or under false name
R 222 Unknown knight (Three days’ tournament)
T 11 Falling in love with person never seen
T 475 Unknown (clandestine) paramour


N 300 Unlucky accidents
N 380 Other unlucky accidents
N 385 Unintentional injuries bring unfortunate consequences
N 399 Additional unlucky accidents
N 760.1 (Bm) Chance meeting of seeker and sought


B 11.12 Other traits of dragon
D 1025 Magic skin of animal
D 1052 Magic garment (robe, tunic)
D 1101 Magic [part of] armor
D 1101.2 Magic cuirass.
D 1101.4 Magic helmet
D 1344.9 Magic garment renders invulnerable.
D 1381.3.2 Magic unpierceable (horn) skin protects against attack
D 1381.3.3 A protective garment which spears could not penetrate
D 1381.10 Magic [part of] armor protects from attack
D 1381.10.1 Magic impenetrable breast-plate
D 1381.10.2 Magic unpierceable cuirass [shield]
D 1381.10.3 Magic unpierceable helmet
D 1840.3 Magic invulnerability of ogres.
D 1841.5.1 Man proof against weapons
F 521 Person with unusual covering
F 531.1.6 Other bodily characteristics of giant
F 821.1 Dress of extraordinary material
F 824 Extraordinary [part of] armor
F 824.7 (Bm) Impenetrable hauberk.
F 839.2 Extraordinary shield


J 1730 Absurd ignorance
L 101 Unpromising [clumsy] hero
L 102 Unpromising heroine.
L 110 Types of unpromising heroes (heroines)
L 140 The unpromising surpasses the promising
L 160 Success of the unpromising hero (heroine)
R 169.10 Unpromising hero as rescuer


D 1271 Magic fire
D 1672 Unquenchable fire


E 410 The unquiet grave
E 413 Murdered person cannot rest in grave.


D 1606 Magic objects automatically keep out of reach
J 870 Consolation by pretending that one does not want the thing he cannot have


H 151.10 Combat of unknown brothers [relatives, unrecognized friends] brings about recognition
N 731 Unexpected meeting of father and son
N 731.2 Father-son combat
N 733.1 Brothers unwittingly fight each other
N 738 Accidental meeting of nephew and uncle
N 760 Other accidental encounters
N 767.1 (Bm) Unwitting combat between friends. [Unwitting attack on friend]
P 314 Combat of disguised [unrecognized] friends. [Unwitting attack on friend]
R 222 Unknown knight (Three days’ tournament)


Q 501 Unremitting torture as punishment
S 186 Torturing by beating


T 75.2.1 Rejected suitors’ revenge
T 75.3 Unrequited love expressed in song (poem)
T 81.2 Death from unrequited love
T 104.1 Rejected suitor wages war


T 11 Falling in love with person never seen


L 122 Unsophisticated hero
L 160 Success of the unpromising hero (heroine)


H 1385.0.1 Unspelling quest: journey to disenchant (free) captives.


T 65.2 Mercenary soldier (exile) unsuitable as husband


J 1321 The unrepentant drunkard


T 93.6 (Bm) Unwanted suitor slain.


H 335.4.4 Suitor task: to kill (defeat) unwelcome suitor.
J 1344 Unwelcome guest tells about the hidden food – Having seen his hostess hide it, he tells about it the form of a tale
K 1551.1 Husband returns secretly and kills unwelcome suitor
M 149.2 Vow to die rather than marry unwelcome suitor
R 161 Lover [unwelcome suitor] rescues his lady
T 151 Year’s respite from unwelcome marriage
T 320 Escape from undesired lover


T 50.2.1 King unwilling to marry his daughter to a man not her equal


F 150.1 Way to otherworld hard to find.
H 151.10 Combat of unknown brothers [relatives, unrecognized friends] brings about recognition
J 125.2.1 Child unwittingly betrays his mother’s adultery
K 1566.1 Cuckold unwittingly lies with wife on chest containing her hidden paramour
N 320 Person unwittingly killed
N 323 Parricide prophecy unwittingly fulfilled
N 338.4 (Bm) Son unwittingly slays father (Slays teacher who was rumored to be his father, finds rumor is true)
N 365.1 Boy unwittingly commits incest with his mother
N 731.2.2 Undesired combat [between sworn (blood) brothers (foster brothers)
N 733.1 Brothers unwittingly fight each other
N 735 Accidental meeting of mother and son
N 767.1 (Bm) Unwitting combat between friends. [Unwitting attack on friend]
P 253.11 (Bm) Woman unwittingly nurses brother’s [uncle’s] slayer.
P 314 Combat of disguised [unrecognized] friends. [Unwitting attack on friend]


F 614.2 Strong man uproots tree and uses it as weapon
F 621.2 Trees pulled up by giant


T 255.2 The obstinate wife sought for up-stream


K 1044.1 Dupe induced to drink urine


K 1864.1 False tidings of another’s death in order to secure his bride [wife, and usurp kingdom]
K 2200 Villains and traitors.
P 236.4 Son deposes father and usurps throne
P 550.1.1 (Li) Aggression: rebellion; usurpation; invasion; assault


Q 222.6 Punishment for desecrating holy temple utensils


P 12.11 Uxorious king neglects duties