Motif Index of German Secular Narratives                 
Published by the Austrian Academy of Sciences, Vienna
 Introduction   Matière de Bretagne   Chansons de Geste   Miscellaneous Romances   Oriental Romances   Heroic Epic   Maere and Novellas   Romances of Antiquity   Index 


Index of Keywords
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Index of Keywords  W 


D 1030 Magic food
D 1031.1.1 Consecrated bread as magic object.
F 851 Extraordinary food
V 30 Sacrament [host]


J 2080 Foolish bargains
K 1545 Wives wager as to who can best fool her husband
N 2.3.1 Head wagered
N 2.6 Wife as wager
N 2.6.3 Damsel as wager
N 15 Chastity wager: A man makes a wager on his wife’s chastity. In spite of unsuccessful attempts to seduce her and of false proofs presented he wins the wager
N 90 Wagers and gambling – miscellaneous


F 861 Extraordinary wagon (cart, carriage, etc.)
F 861.1 Golden wagon (chariot)
P 552.4 War-machines


D 1419.2 Magic object paralyses.
D 1620.2 Automatic statue of animal
E 547 The dead wail.
F 556 Remarkable voice
F 688.3 Voice heard over whole land
F 966 Voices from heaven (or from the air)
F 1041.21 Reactions to excessive grief


D 1978 Waking from sleep


P 715 Particular nations (races, religions)


D 2093 Walls overthrown by magic (Jericho)
F 148 Wall around otherworld
F 149 Bounds of the otherworlds – miscellaneous
F 165.3.2 Jewelled walls in otherworld dwelling.
F 771.1.6.1 Castle with glass wall.
F 777 (Bm) Extraordinary wall
F 1036 Hand from heaven writes on wall
H 11.1.2 Recognition: life story painted on wall
N 331 Things accidentally fall and kill person
Q 595 Loss or destruction of property as punishment
T 41.1 Communication of lovers through hole in wall


D 1836 Magic waxing and waning of strength.


A 172 Gods intervene in battle [war]
A 485 God of war
A 1670 Characteristics of various peoples – in industry and warfare
B 261.1 Bat in war of birds and quadrupeds
B 262 War between domestic and wild animals
B 263 War between other groups of animals
B 263.8 War between lion and other animals
B 268.2.1 War-Dogs
B 268.3 War-elephants
C 845 Tabus concerning war
F 535.5.1 War of pygmies and cranes
F 1084 Furious battle [fight]
F 1084.1 Deep streams of blood flow during battle
H 217.1 Decision of victory by single combat between army leaders
H 1224 Quest to distant king for military aid
J 610 Forethought in conflict with others – general
K 2369 Military strategy – miscellaneous
P 550 Military affairs
P 550.1 (Li) Battle. War
P 550.1.1 (Li) Aggression: rebellion; usurpation; invasion; assault
P 550.1.2 (Li) Defense of legitimate rights by war
P 550.1.3 (Tu) Declaration of war
P 552 Battle formations
P 552.4 War-machines
P 552.6 (Tu) Conscription of troops: summoning allies as preparation for war
P 555 Defeat in battle [single combat]
P 555.0.1 (Si) Booty. The spoils of war.
P 556 Challenge to battle
P 557 Military customs
P 557.0.1 (Li) Council of war
P 557.2.1 Prisoners of war exchanged
R 5 Capture on field of battle
R 99 (Bm) Ransom
T 104 Foreign king wages war to enforce demand for princess in marriage
T 104.1 Rejected suitor wages war
V 69.1 All dead are buried after battle
V 350 Conflicts between religions


F 1084 Furious battle [fight]
P 550 Military affairs
P 557 Military customs


B 264 Single combat between animals
B 268.2.1 War-Dogs
K 2369 Military strategy – miscellaneous
L 315 Small animal overcomes large


K 775.1 Capture by taking aboard ship to inspect wares


P 552.4 War-machines


F 771.7.1 (Tu) Palace surrounded by rivers of warm and cold water


B 733 Animals are spirit-sighted. Scent danger
D 1317 Magic object warns of danger
D 1810.8.3 Warning in dreams
E 367 Return from dead to preach repentance
F 347 Fairy advisor [advice from dwarf]
F 966 Voices from heaven (or from the air)
J 652 Inattention to warnings
J 1050 Attention to warnings
W 34 Loyalty


B 557.11.4 (Bm) Soldiers fight from “castles” on elephant’s backs
F 150.2.1 Entrance to otherworld guarded by giant
F 527.5 Black man [knight; wild woman]
F 531 Giant
F 531.5 Giants and men
F 531.6.9 Giants as warriors (in army)
F 565 Women warriors or hunters
F 565.1 Amazons. Women warriors
F 567 Wild man
F 610 Remarkably strong man
F 610.0.1 Remarkably strong woman
F 628 Strong man as mighty slayer
F 628.1 Strong man kills many men
F 873 Extraordinary army
F 1041.16.6 Extraordinary physical reactions of angry warriors in battle
H 1166.1 Task: wrestling etc. with giant warrior
H 1561.6 Test of valor: fight with giant [warrior, dwarf-hero, dragon etc.]
K 2116.5 Warrior falsely accused of having killed his sleeping adversary
K 2357.7.1 (Bm) Disguise as enemy to approach (and slay) enemy king
K 2369 Military strategy – miscellaneous
M 236.1 (Bm) Bargain: warrior will remove troop if he can wed enemy princess
M 361 Fated hero
N 852 Soldier [warrior] as helper
P 50 Noblemen (knights) [rules of chivalry]
P 63 (Bm) Lady in armor (and battle)
P 461 Soldier [mercenary warrior]
P 550 Military affairs
P 551 Army
P 551.4 Hero drives retreating warriors back into battle
P 552.1 Battle-pen. Warriors fight in circle around leader
P 552.6 (Tu) Conscription of troops: summoning allies as preparation for war
P 555 Defeat in battle [single combat]
P 555.4 (Bm) Defeated knights [giant, rescued persons etc.] sent under oath to king [lady, queen] (as proof of victory)
R 70 Behavior of captives
R 74 Defeated warriors [adversaries] go into [are forced to join] the conqueror’s service
R 75.2 Warriors surrender after chief’s [queen’s] death
S (Bm) Humiliation of corpse, warrior queen’s corpse cast into lake [river]
T 95.0.3 Man loves sister [widow] of warrior he has slain
W 11.5.9 Warrior gives steed to his enemy
Z 254 Destined hero


D 2161.4.14.3 Cure by washing in dew
F 171.7 Unseen hands lave feet in otherworld


J 280 Quality preferred to quantity


D 705 Place [land] disenchanted
D 2081 Land made magically sterile
F 709 Other extraordinary countries
G 346 Devastating monster.


F 150.2.1 Entrance to otherworld guarded by giant
F 531.6.10.2 (Bm) Giant as porter
F 531.6.16.1 Giant watchman
F 771.5 Extraordinary guard for castle (land)
K 625.2 Escape by making the watchman drunk
N 853 (Bm) Helpful jailor [gatekeeper, guard, watchman]
T 46 Suitor outwits watchman to meet lady


A 421 Sea-god
B 11.7.2 Dragon guards lake [fountain].
B 551 Animal carries man across water
C 260 Tabu: drinking at certain place
D 477.1 Transformation: water becomes wine
D 478 Water changed to other substance (or vice versa)
D 927.2 Magic spring [fountain] guarded by demons (monsters) [dragon].
D 1242 Magic fluid.
D 1242.1 Magic water
D 1242.1.2 Holy water as magic object
D 1310.9 Magic water gives knowledge
D 1311.19 Divination by water
D 1335.2.2 Water as magic strengthening drink
D 1338.1.1 Fountain of youth
D 1500.1.18 Magic healing water
D 1524 Magic object enables person to cross water
D 1533.1.1 Magic land and water ship
D 1566.2 Magic object quenches fire
D 1610.35 Speaking [shrieking] river [body of water].
D 1788 Magic results from bathing
D 1788.1 Magic results from contact with water
D 2091.7.1 River magically caused to rise against enemy
D 2143.1.1 Rain produced by pouring water
D 2151 Magic control of waters
D 2151.2 Magic control of rivers.
F 141 Water barrier to otherworld
F 420.1.1.3 Water-spirit as small gray man
F 562.3 Residence in (under) water
F 562.3.1 (Bm) People who live in water
F 691 Man can breathe nine days under water [People survive under water for one day]
F 715 Extraordinary river
F 715.2 River of extraordinary fluid
F 718 Extraordinary well
F 771.7.1 (Tu) Palace surrounded by rivers of warm and cold water
F 841 Extraordinary boat (ship)
F 855.2 Statues animated by water or wind
F 872 Extraordinary bath
F 930.2 Waters rise to drown wrongdoer
F 932 Extraordinary occurrences connected with rivers
F 935 Extraordinary occurrences connected with pond (pool, tank)
F 964.4 Blazing stick continues to burn even in water
G 303.16.7 Devil is chased by holy water
H 135.0.1 (Bm) Love messages on slips of wood sent downstream.
H 696.1.1 Riddle: How much water is in the sea? Stop all the rivers and I will measure it
K 1516.10 Wife has her lover in the bathing tub, As husband wants to look at him he squirts bathing water in his eyes allowing the lover to escape unseen
N 332 Accidental poisoning
N 785 Adventures from seeking water
T 315.2.1 The audacious water and the continent husband
V 132.2 Holy water disperses demons


B 53.4.1 (Bm) Sirens’ irresistible [beautiful] song
B 80 Fish-men
F 420.1 Form and appearance [dress] of water-spirits
F 420.1.1.3 Water-spirit as small gray man
F 420.1.2 Water-spirit as woman (water-nymph, water-nix)
F 420.1.4 Water-spirits in abnormal form.
F 420.1.4.2 Water-spirits have body covered with fish scales
F 420. Water-spirits are clad in red
F 420.5.1 Kind water-spirits
F 420.5.2 Malevolent water-spirits.
F 420.6.1.2 Water-spirit offers gift to mortal to win love
G 300 Other ogres.
N 815.0.2 Helpful water-spirit


A 1116 Origin of sea-waves
D 900 Magic weather phenomena
D 1540 Magic object controls elements


J 672.1 Ears stopped with wax to avoid enchanting song. Odysseus and the sirens.
K 1349.5 Access for seduction gained by removing locks [wax-imprints of keys]
K 1500 Deceptions connected with adultery


D 1836 Magic waxing and waning of strength.


B 151.1.1 Horses determine road to be taken
B 151.1.6 Dog indicates road to be taken
B 151.2 Bird determines road to be taken
B 563 Animals direct man on journey.
B 579.1 Animal accompanies man on journey
D 1384.7 Magic ring prevents losing one’s way
F 150.1 Way to otherworld hard to find.
Z 163 (Hi) Wheel symbol of world’s way
Z 316 Only one way to besiege certain city [castle]


C 940 Sickness or weakness for breaking tabu.
D 1336 Magic object gives weakness.
D 1336.4 Magic shield gives weakness
D 1336.8 Magic spell gives weakness
D 1410.5 Serpent [animal] charmed into helplessness by magic formula
D 1449 Magic object gives miscellaneous powers over animals
D 1837 Magic weakness
J 421 Subordination of weak to strong
J 429 Association of strong and weak – miscellaneous
L 310 Weak overcomes strong in conflict
L 311 Weak (small) [young] hero overcomes large fighter
L 330 Easy escape of weak (small)
T 24 The symptoms of love
T 24.1 Love-sickness


A 473 God [Goddess] of wealth
D 1389.9.1 Magic red stone protects against poverty.
D 2100 Magic wealth
D 2100.1 Inexhaustible treasure
F 169.8 Abundance in otherworld
F 899.4 (Li) Enormous treasure
J 211 Choice: free poverty or enslaved wealth
J 230 Choice: real and apparent values
J 231 Wisdom chosen above all else
J 247 Goodness [honor] preferred to wealth
J 347 Wealth and glory sacrificed for freedom and virtue
J 893 Consolation: spiritual recompense for (temporal) misfortune
N 835 Wealthy (powerful) man as helper
P 10 Kings [King’s famous court]
P 150 Rich men
P 320 Hospitality
Q 111.6 Treasure as reward
U 60 Wealth and poverty
Z 139 Personifications – miscellaneous


B 11.12.1 Dragon cannot be killed with weapons
B (Bm) Monster impervious to weapons
C 835.2 Tabus concerning weapons
D 1080 Magic weapons
D 1601.4 Automatic weapons.
D 2163.1 Broken weapons magically restored.
F 531.4.5 Giant’s enormous weapons
F 531. (Bm) Giant ‘s [wild man ‘s] club.
F 531.4.5.1 Giant with iron club [pole] as weapon
F 531.4.5.2 Giant with iron bar as weapon
F 565.1.1 Amazons cut off left breast of daughters so that they can handle bow [Amazons have only one breast]
F 611.3.3 Strong hero tests weapons. Breaks first sword
F 621.2 Trees pulled up by giant
F 628.2.7 Strong man uses man as weapon.
F 830 Extraordinary weapons
F 830.1 Silver weapon
F 830.2 (Bm) Poisoned weapon
F 831.3 Poisoned arrows
F 831.3.1 (Bm) Poisoned dart
F 839 Other extraordinary weapons
F 839.1 Gnawed bone as weapon
H 30 Recognition through personal peculiarities
H 101 Identification by broken weapon.
H 125 Identification by weapons
H 435 Weapon as chastity index
J 621 Destruction of enemy’s weapons
K 818.4 Deception by hiding weapons
K 1839.17 (Bm) Disguise by changing armor
N 337 Accidental death through misdirected weapon
P 550.2 (Li) Single combat
P 553.1 Poisoned weapons
P 557 Military customs
T 615.5 Precocious young child demands weapons
V 67.1 Ornaments (arms, chariots) buried with hero
Z 312 Unique deadly weapon


P 681 Mourning customs
Q 482 Punishment: noble person must do menial service
Q 523.10.1 (Bm) Penance: wearing sackcloth.
T 59 (Bm) Love tokens


B 751 Animal’s fanciful treatment of their young
B 754.6.1 Unusual impregnation of animal
B 754.7 Unusual parturition of animal
Z 150 Other symbols


A 197 Deity controls elements
D 900 Magic weather phenomena
D 1812.5.0.15 Weather signs
D 2145 Magic control of seasons
F 161 Weather in otherworld
F 790 Extraordinary sky and weather phenomena
F 960 Extraordinary nature phenomena – elements and weather


A 451.3.1 Goddess of weaving and spinning
F 271.8 Fees [fairies] engage in needlework
F 662 Skillful tailor
P 441 Tailors


F 847 Extraordinary web [net] (of guts)


K 1843.1 Bride has maid sleep in husband’s bed to conceal pregnancy [lost virginity].
M 201.5 Covenant confirmed by marriage
M 236.1 (Bm) Bargain: warrior will remove troop if he can wed enemy princess
P At son’s [daughter’s] wedding [betrothal] king names him [son-in-law] as successor
P 17.11 Slayer of king [sovereign] marries widow [daughter] and inherits kingdom [domain]
P 548 Miscellaneous legal customs [problems]
P 634 Feasts
P 634.4 (Bm) 40 day feast
T 100 Marriage
T 121.1 Knight weds peasant girl
T 127 (Bm) Woman weds husband’s [father’s, uncle’s] slayer
T 131 Marriage restrictions
T 131.1 Relative’s consent to marriage necessary
T 132 Preparation for wedding
T 133 Travel to wedding
T 135 Wedding ceremony
T 135.8 Two or more weddings at one time as the end of a tale
T 135.9 Wedding ceremony in church
T 136 Accompaniments of wedding
T 136.1 Wedding feast
T 136.3 Amusements at wedding
T 136.3.2 Marriage odes sung at wedding feast
T 136.4 Gifts at wedding
T 136.4.2 Parting gifts after wedding
T 137 Customs following wedding
T 160 Consummation of marriage
T 190 Marriage – miscellaneous motifs
T 245 Husband [wife] unfaithful even in wedding night
T 315 Continence (in marriage)


T 640 Illegitimate children
Z 255 Hero born [conceived] out of wedlock


F 1051.3 (Bm) Prodigiously weeping maiden(s)
H 599 Other enigmatic statements [acts]


P 324 Host greets guest with gifts [Welcome and parting gifts]
P 682 Greeting customs


A 427.1 Goddess of springs and wells
D 925 Magic fountain
D 926.3 (Bm) Knight guards magic well [body of water]
D 1338.1.1 Fountain of youth
D 1541.1.3 Magic fountain causes storm (rain).
D 1563.0.1 Magic springs sterilizes or fertilizes earth
F 162.8 Magic fountain in otherworld.
F 716 Extraordinary fountain
F 933 Extraordinary occurrences connected with springs [fountains, wells]
H 411.11 Magic spring as chastity test
N 715.1 Hero finds maiden at fountain, well, river


D 849.5.1 Magic object found in heart [body] of whale


D 1207 Magic wheel
F 156.3 Perilous revolving wheel at entrance to otherworld.
F Magic revolving wheel at door of otherworld dun (stronghold).
F 781 Extraordinary rooms
N 111.3 Fortune’s wheel.
Q 423 Punishment: breaking upon a wheel
Z 150 Other symbols
Z 163 (Hi) Wheel symbol of world’s way


F 451.7 Possessions of dwarfs
F 899 Other extraordinary objects


D 906 Magic wind
D 1520.28 Magic transportation in whirlwind.
F 411.1 Demon travels in whirlwind
G 303.6.3.2 Devil comes in whirlwind


B Mermaid has white skin
B 731 Fanciful color of animal
B 731.0.1 Animals of strange and varied coloring
B 731.7.3 (Bm) Milk-white deer
B 731.15 (Bm) White lion
F 527 Person of unusual color
F 989.15 Hunt for extraordinary (magic) animal
F 1041.16 Extraordinary physical reaction to anger
N 111.2.3 Fortune half white, half black.
P 681 Mourning customs
T 24.5 Boy [girl] turns red and white from love
Z 65 Color formulas
Z 65.1 Red as blood, white as snow
Z 142 Symbolic color: white


N 770.0.1 Feast as occasion for the beginning of adventures or the arrival of questers
P 634 Feasts
V 70.2 Whitsuntide


F 513 Person unusual as to his mouth
F 544.0.1 Remarkably large mouth
F 707 Extraordinary kingdom
H 682.2.1 How wide is heaven? So and so wide and if you don’t believe it, go measure it yourself


J 482.1 Woman refuses second marriage. If husband is good she will fear to lose him; if bad, she will repent
J 482.1.1 Woman refuses second marriage. Her husband abides in her heart
L 111.3 Widow’s son as hero
P 17.11 Slayer of king [sovereign] marries widow [daughter] and inherits kingdom [domain]
P 29.4 Queen becomes nun
T 95.0.3 Man loves sister [widow] of warrior he has slain
T 122 Marriage by royal order
T 127 (Bm) Woman weds husband’s [father’s, uncle’s] slayer
T 130 Marriage customs
T 165.9 (Li) Widow and maid
T 210.1 Faithful wife
T 211 Faithfulness to marriage in death
T 211.5.1 Wife becomes hermit (nun) after husband’s death
T 231 The faithless widow
T 231.5 Faithless widow marries slayer of her husband.
T 291 Why widow does not remarry
T 300 Chastity and celibacy


T 211.5 Man becomes a hermit after his wife’s death [Becoming hermit after partner’s death]


C 31.8 Tabu: striking supernatural wife
C 169 Tabu connected with marriage – miscellaneous
C 932 Loss of wife (husband) for breaking tabu.
C 961.1 Transformation to pillar of salt for breaking tabu
D 815.8 Magic object received from wife.
D 1812.3.3.9 Future husband (wife) revealed in dream
F 302.6 Fairy mistress leaves man when he breaks tabu
F 531.6.8.1 Giant in love with giantess
F 1041.1.2.1 Lover dies beside dying [dead] sweetheart
F 1041.1.2 Death from grief for death of lover or relative
H 411.4.0.1 (G) Magic drinking horn: unchaste woman’s husband cannot drink from horn
H 439.1.1 Painting on wife’s stomach as chastity index
H 461 Test of wife’s patience
H 467.2 Wife’s faithfulness tested by a proposal in another’s name
H 473 Test of wife’s obedience
H 474 Complacent wife agrees with all of husband’s absurd statements (actions)
H 492 Test of faithfulness of husband and wife.
H 916.1.1 Malicious wife reports that her husband is a famous doctor: he is commanded to cure the princess
H 1385.3 Quest for vanished wife (mistress)
H 1556.4 Fidelity in love tested
H 1557 Tests of obedience
J 155.4 Wife as adviser
J 1112 Clever wife
J 1540 Retorts between husband and wife
J 1541 Husband outwits his wife
J 1545 Wife outwits her husband
J 1546 Overcurious wife [mother] learns of the senate’s deliberations
J 2301 Gullible husbands
J 2311.0.1 Wife makes her husband believe that he is dead
J 2315 Wife persuades husband that she has returned immediately
J 2324 Wife persuades her husband to have a good tooth pulled
J 2342 Husband refuses to believe in wife’s infidelity
J 2342.5 Only husband remains ignorant about his wife’s infidelity
K 443.2 Clever wife gets money from those who attempt to seduce her
K 945 Woman tricked into giving poison to her husband: thinks it a love-philtre
K 1317.7 Woman mistakes passer-by for lover. Substitution in the dark
K 1512.1 Cut-off finger proves wife’s chastity, A chaste wife substitutes a maidservant for seducer, A finger and ring are cut off as proof of wife’s unfaithfulness (chastity wager with husband), Refuted by husband who knows they are not his wife’s
K 1513 The wife’s equivocal oath.
K 1514 Adulteress gets rid of husband while she entertains lover
K 1517.10 Paramour having love tryst is met by husband. Pretends he had com because of the wife’s sickness
K 1518 The enchanted pear tree [window]. The wife makes the husband who has seen the adultery from the tree believe that the tree is magic.
K 1521.2.1 Lover escapes behind the sheet which wife holds up to show her husband
K 1521.4 Paramour hidden in the bed
K 1521.5.1 Lover escapes behind the sheet which wife holds up to show her husband
K 1533 Gullible husband behind the tree. (Tristan and Isolt.) Husband goes to wife ‘s love tryst and hides behind a tree. The wife, having learned of his presence, tells lover that he should not allow their innocent relations to lead to gossip. Husband is appeased
K 1536 Woman has husband made monk while he is drunk to get rid of him
K 1545 Wives wager as to who can best fool her husband
K 1550 Husband outwits adulteress and paramour
K 1550.1 Husband discovers wife’s adultery
K 1551 Husband returns home secretly and spies on adulteress and paramour
K 1563 Husband traps wife and paramour with magic armor
K 1565 Blades (broken glass) to wound and detect wife’s lover
K 1569.5 Husband catches paramour by using wife’s prearranged signal
K 1813 Disguised husband visits his wife
K 1836 Disguise of man in woman’s dress
K 1837 Disguise of woman in man’s clothes
K 1837.6 Disguise of woman as a soldier [knight]
K 1839.2 Girl marries lover who thought her dead. On reviving she changes her name and disguises her appearance. Eventually marries her former lover
K 1843.4 Wife has maidservant impersonate her while she goes to her lover
K 1864.1 False tidings of another’s death in order to secure his bride [wife, and usurp kingdom]
K 1971.6.1 Wife behind tree advises the husband about his marital duties.
K 2052.2 Girl who is frightened by love becomes insatiable
K 2110.1 Calumniated wife
K 2111 Potiphar’s wife
K 2117 Calumniated wife: substituted letter (falsified message)
K 2213 Treacherous wife
K 2213.3 Faithless wife plots with paramour against husband’s life
K 2319.4 (Bm) Ambiguous oath forces lady to take back errant husband.
M 255 Deathbed promise concerning the second wife
M 369.2 Prophecies concerning love and marriage
M 369.2.1 Future wife (husband) foretold
N 2.6 Wife as wager
N 15 Chastity wager: A man makes a wager on his wife’s chastity. In spite of unsuccessful attempts to seduce her and of false proofs presented he wins the wager
N 741 Unexpected meeting of husband and wife
P 210 Husband and wife
P 214.2 (Tu) Husband and wife die at same time
Q 115.1 Reward: any boon that may be asked – king’s wife demanded.
R 10.1 Princess (maiden) abducted
R 52.2 (Bm) Captive knight in care of captor’s mistress [wife]
R 111.2 Princess rescued from place of captivity
R 151 Husband rescues wife.
R 151.1 Husband rescues stolen wife
R 162 Rescue by captor’s daughter (wife, mother)[niece]
S 60 Cruel spouse
S 62 Cruel husband
S 324 Pregnant woman ordered by husband to kill child to be born
S 410 Persecuted wife.
S 411 Wife banished
S 413.2 Second wife orders husband to persecute first wife
S 451 Outcast wife at last united with husband and children
T 59 (Bm) Love tokens
T 81.3 Girl [wife] falls dead on lover’s [husband’s] body
T 81.7 Woman dies on hearing of lover’s or husband’s death
T 86 Lovers buried in same grave [coffin]
T 92.1 The triangle plot and its solutions
T 92.1.1 Young wife of old man loves (is loved by) younger man
T 200 Married life
T 210 Faithfulness in marriage
T 210.1 Faithful wife
T 210.2 Faithful husband
T 211 Faithfulness to marriage in death
T 211.2 Wife’s suicide at husband’s death.
T 211.4.1 Wife’s corpse kept after death
T 211.5 Man becomes a hermit after his wife’s death [Becoming hermit after partner’s death]
T 211.5.1 Wife becomes hermit (nun) after husband’s death
T 211.9 Excessive grief at husband’s or wife’s death
T 211.9.1 Wife dies of grief for death of husband
T Wife swoons realizing her husband is dead
T 211.10 Wife dies shortly after husband
T 214 (Bm) Husband and wife die at the same time.
T 219 (Bm) Wife will no longer love husband if he is gone more than one year.
T 230 Faithlessness in marriage [love]
T 230.0.1 (Bm) Faithless wife
T 232 Woman deserts husband for unworthy lover [Husband repudiates wife for another woman]
T 233 Wronged wife goes to wronged husband [becomes unfaithful]
T 243 Fight between husband and lover for kingdom and wife
T 245 Husband [wife] unfaithful even in wedding night
T 249.2 Husband and wife each unfaithful to other
T 250 Characteristics of wives and husbands
T 251 The shrewish wife
T 251.8 Shrewish wife gives husband beating every morning
T 251.10 Wife beats her husband (and eats up everything he earns)
T 252 The overbearing wife
T 254 The disobedient wife
T 255 The obstinate wife
T 255.2 The obstinate wife sought for up-stream
T 256 The quarrelsome wife
T 257 Jealous husband or wife.
T 257.12 (Bm) Jealous husband confines wife to tower
T 258 The curious wife
T 258.2 Wife insists upon knowing husband’s secret
T 271 The neglected wife
T 286 Sight of mistress’s ring causes husband to withhold himself from his wife
T 292 Wife sold unwillingly by husband
T 298 Reconciliation [reunion] of (separated) couple
T 299 Other aspects of married life – miscellaneous
T 299.2 Wife gives wise warning to husband
T 310 Celibacy and continence
T 320.1 Often-proved fidelity: Repeated attempts to seduce innocent woman, she escapes them all
T 360 Chastity and celibacy – miscellaneous
T 381.0.2 Wife imprisoned in tower (house) to preserve chastity
T 455 Woman sells favors for particular purpose
T 471 Rape
W 125.2 Gluttonous wife eats all the meal while cooking it
W 181 Jealousy
T 299 Other aspects of married life – miscellaneous


X 52.1 Woman exposed to ridicule when her wig is snatched off by a monkey [Exposure to ridicule when wig is snatched off]


B 240.3 Wild man as king of animals.
B 845 Wild animals herded
D 92 Transformation: Wild man to normal
F 510 Monstrous persons
F 521.1 Man covered with hair like animal
F 531. (Bm) Giant ‘s [wild man ‘s] club.
F 567 Wild man
F 576 Extraordinary ugliness
F 610.1 Wild man of superhuman strength
H 1232.1 Directions on quest given by herdsmen (peasants) [knight, warrior]
N 764 Unexpected meeting with wild man
P 55 Wild man of noble birth
R 1 Wild man captured and tamed
T 93.1 Disappointed lover becomes wild man in the woods.
T 471.2 Wild man as ravisher of women


F 301 Fairy lover [husband].
F 460.1.2 Mountain-wife [wild woman] has breasts so long that she throws them over her shoulder
F 521.1.1 Woman with animal hair.
F 527.5 Black man [knight; wild woman]
F 529.9 (Bm) Men with humps on front and back
F 531.1.5 Breasts of giantess [wild woman]
F 531.1.6.1 Giant [wild woman] with nails like claws
F 531. Giants (giantesses) [wild-woman] with long teeth.
F 531.1.6.11 Giant (giantess)[wild woman] with hump
F 546 Remarkable breast
F 559.2 Long navel.
F 567.1 Wild woman
F 576 Extraordinary ugliness
F 687 Remarkable fragrance [odor, smell] of person.
R 11.3 Abduction by giant [wild woman]


F 569 Unusual manner of life – miscellaneous
H 1236 Perilous path traversed on quest.


B 16.1.3 Devastating horse
B 430 Helpful wild beasts
B 575.1 Wild animals kept as dogs
B 771 Wild animal miraculously tamed
B 771.3 Wild animal will not attack royal person
B 845 Wild animals herded
D 92 Transformation: Wild man to normal
F 531.6.2.7 Giants in wild forests
F 567 Wild man
F 567.1 Wild woman
F 610.1 Wild man of superhuman strength
F 618.1 Strong hero tames ungovernable horse
H 1154.3.1 Task: bridling a wild horse
N 764 Unexpected meeting with wild man
P 55 Wild man of noble birth
R 1 Wild man captured and tamed


D 1379.1.1 Magic object controls person’s will.
D 1410 Magic object renders person helpless
P 11.1 Choice of kings by divine will
T 108.1 (Bm) Girl (to be) married against her will [without her consent]


D 906 Magic wind
D 1620.3 Other automatic constructions
F 855.2 Statues animated by water or wind
F 963 Extraordinary behavior of wind
J 832 Reeds bend before wind (flood)
L 351 Contest of wind and sun
N 118.1 Ship’s course left to the winds that it might be carried where fate wills it
N 399.1.1 (Bm) Wind carries ship to hostile [unknown] island [land]
Z 115 Wind personified


D 1601.37 Self-opening door
F 782 Extraordinary doors and windows
K 1518 The enchanted pear tree [window]. The wife makes the husband who has seen the adultery from the tree believe that the tree is magic.
R 219.5 (Bm) Escape by jumping out window


A 433.3 God of the vine
D 477.1 Transformation: water becomes wine
F 708.3 Country without wine
H 94.4 Identification by ring dropped into a glass (cup) of wine
K Trickster returns a bottle of water instead of the bottle of rum he has just purchased
K 929.1 Murder by (leaving) poisoned wine
K 2351.4 Elephant drunk with toddy sent to attack enemy


B 11.2.6 Wings of dragon
B 11.4.1 Flying dragon
B 71 Sea-horse


J 1682 (Taunts of charioteer) to arouse anger in master who is losing battle so that he may fight more vigorously
K 90 Other contests won by deception
K 2378.1 Person allowed to win first game so that he will play for higher stakes
M 241 Bargain to divide all winnings
M 241.1 Dividing the winnings: half of the bride demanded. When the hero shows that he is willing to carry out the bargain his helper relents
N 2.0.2 Stakes not claimed by winner
T 66.1 Grateful dead man helps hero win princess


D 1664 Summer and winter garden
F 709.4.1 (Bm) Land of two summers and two winters


A 461.1 Goddess of wisdom
D 1300 Magic object gives supernatural wisdom
D 1810.0.10 Magic knowledge (wisdom) of Solomon [biblical prophet]
D 1811 Magic wisdom
D 1811.2 Magic wisdom received from supernatural being
D 1812. (Bm) Interpretation of dream by second party
D 1815 Magic knowledge of strange tongues [language]
F 645 Marvelously wise man [woman].
H 502 Test of learning
J 50 Wisdom (knowledge) acquired from observation
J 80 Wisdom (knowledge) taught by parable
J 100 Wisdom (knowledge) taught by necessity
J 120 Wisdom learned from children
J 141 Youth educated by seven [six] sages
J 146.2 (Li) The educated youth
J 151 Wisdom from old person
J 152 Wisdom (knowledge) from sage (teacher)
J 157 Wisdom (knowledge) from dream
J 163 Wisdom purchased
J 166 Wisdom from books
J 175 Wisdom from young man
J 179 Other means of acquiring wisdom (knowledge) – miscellaneous
J 191 Wise men
J 191.1 Salomon as wise man.
J 192.2 Wisdom from Egypt
J 231 Wisdom chosen above all else
J 441 Profitable association of young and old
J 572 Wisdom of deliberation in fight
J 580 Wisdom of caution
J 611 Wise man, before entering a quarrel, considers how it will end
J 612 Wise man considers whom he is attacking
J 893 Consolation: spiritual recompense for (temporal) misfortune
J 1060 Miscellaneous aspects of wisdom
J 2051 Wise man shortsightedly scorned for his advice
N 828 Wise woman as helper
N 843 Hermit as helper
P 14.15.1 (Old, wise) Counsellors of court [King’s council]
P 20.1 Clever queen
P 110 Royal ministers
T 615.3 Precocious wisdom [virtue]
W 137 Curiosity


D 1470.1.15 Magic wishing-ring.
D 1649.2 Magic object comes at owner’s call.
D 1720.1 Man given power of wishing
D 1725 Magic power obtained from angels
D 1761.0.2 Limited number of wishes granted
F 301.1.1.1 Girl [hero] summons fairy lover [mistress] by wishing for him [her]
F 312.1.1 Fairies make good wishes for newborn child
F 341 Fairies give fulfillment of wishes
J 2071 Three foolish wishes. Three wishes will be granted: used up foolishly
J 2072 Short-sighted wish
J 2075 The transferred wish
M 211.9 Person sells soul to devil in return for granting of wishes


J 163.1 Man buys a pennyworth of wit


D 1385.3.2 (Bm) Magic stone in ring protects against witchcraft.
G 243 Witch’s sabbath
K 2123 Innocent woman accused of using witchcraft


J 815 Unpleasant truths must be withheld from the great
K 231.2 Reward for accomplishment of task deceptively withheld
Q 266 Punishment for breaking promise
Q 595 Loss or destruction of property as punishment
T 286 Sight of mistress’s ring causes husband to withhold himself from his wife


F 685 Marvelous withstander of cold
H 421 Tests for true lover
H 1541 Contest [test] in enduring cold


J 1151 Testimony of witness cleverly discredited
K 1843.0.1 (Bm) Substituted bride to be slain to dispose of witness.


D 1711 Magician


B 240.10 Wolf as king of animals
B 260 Animal warfare
B 271 Animals as plaintiffs
J 144 Well-trained kid does not open to wolf
J 512 Animal should not try to change his nature
J 974 Kid perched on house jeers at wolf [horse-fly molests busy mule]
J 2066.5 Wolf waits in vain for the nurse to throw away the child
J 2136 Numskull [Fool] brings about his own capture
K 191 Peace between sheep and wolves
K 364 Partner misappropriates common goods
K 651 Wolf descends into well in one bucket and rescues fox in the other
K 714.2.1 Victim tricked into jumping in a box [well] by making him think he is going to heaven
K 735.5 Dupe tricked into well: left there
K 1121 Wolf (lion) approaches too near to horse: kicked in face
K 2010.3 Wolves sign false truce with sheep
K 2061 Treacherous plan of hypocritical animal detected and prevented
K 2061.4 Wolf [lion, fox] tries to entice goat [pigeon] down from high place [out of stable]
K 2061.6 Wolf offers to act as midwife for sow
L 451.3 Wolf prefers liberty and hunger to dog’s servitude and plenty
R 13.0.1 Children carried off by animals
R 13.1.5 Wolf abducts person
S 166 Mutilation: skin cut from back [flaying]
U 31 Wolf unjustly accuses lamb and eats him [Stronger animal unjustly accuses weaker to damage him]
U 37 Wolf as commander orders all booty divided, but keeps his own [Lion keeps all booty to himself]
U 30 Rights of the strong
U 129 Nature will show itself – miscellaneous
U 138 Habit of dishonesty (thievery) cannot be broken
W 154.3 Crane [crow] pulls bone from wolf’s throat: wolf refuses payment
W 181.4 Jealous fox betrays wolf to peasant and then appropriates wolf’s cave and food


C 151 Tabu – man not to be present at childbirth
C 867.1 Tabu – abusing [killing] women or children
D 658.3.2 Transformation of animal to woman to seduce man [deceive husband]
D 1714.1 Magic power of chaste women
F 112 Journey to land of women
F 112.0.1 Fairyland (Ireland) inhabited (settled) by women only
F 112.2 City [castle] of women
F 460.1.2 Mountain-wife [wild woman] has breasts so long that she throws them over her shoulder
F 521.1.1 Woman with animal hair.
F 527.5 Black man [knight; wild woman]
F 531.0.4 Giant woman
F 531.1.5 Breasts of giantess [wild woman]
F 531. (Bm) Giant ravishes women
F 535.4.1 Sexes of pygmies distinguished
F 565 Women warriors or hunters
F 565.1 Amazons. Women warriors
F 565.4 Women hunters
F 566.2 Land where women live separate from men
F 567.1 Wild woman
F 575.1 Remarkably beautiful woman
F 610.0.1 Remarkably strong woman
F 611.1.2 Strong man son of woman and dwarf
F 645 Marvelously wise man [woman].
G 303.3.1.12 Devil in form of woman
G 303.12.6 Devil in form of woman woos man
H 152.1.1 Woman entertains every traveler in the hope of finding her husband
H 411.4.0.1 (G) Magic drinking horn: unchaste woman’s husband cannot drink from horn
H 413 Special powers of chaste woman.
K 521.4.1.1 Girl [woman] escapes in male disguise
K 778 Capture through the wiles of a woman
K 1215 Aristotle and Phyllis: philosopher as riding horse for woman. The philosopher warns the king against uxoriousness, In revenge the queen beguiles the philosopher into letting her ride him on all fours. The king comes and sees
K 1315.6.1 Trickster persuades women that they must share their marital intimacies with them
K 1350 Woman persuaded (or wooed) by trick
K 1549.8 Woman cooks food for paramour
K 1588.1 Woman excites peasant, (beggar, poor man) because she has no alms.
K 1836 Disguise of man in woman’s dress
K 1843.3 Wife substitutes an old woman for herself in her husband’s bed
K 2112 Woman slandered as adulteress (prostitute) [concubine]
K 2115.4 (Bm) Woman falsely accused of giving birth to monster
K 2116.1 Innocent woman accused of murder
K 2293 Treacherous old woman.
M 211 Man [woman] sells soul to devil
N 825.3 Old woman helper
N 828 Wise woman as helper
N 831 Girl [woman] as helper
R 11.3 Abduction by giant [wild woman]
T 55 Girl as wooer. Forthputting woman
T 68 Princess offered as prize
T 71 Woman scorned in love
T 72 Woman won and then scorned
T 311 Woman averse to marriage
T 311.0.1 Woman’s aversion to marriage motivated through a dream
T 455 Woman sells favors for particular purpose
T 455.6 Woman sells favors for a large sum of money
T 471.2 Wild man as ravisher of women
U 115.1 Apparently happy woman discloses the skeleton of her slain paramour
W 11.5.12 Hero in battle refuses to slay charioteers, women or physicians [Hero refuses to slay suicidal attacker]


D 941 Magic forest
D 1656 Incombustible objects
F 162.1.3 Trees bloom, others bear concurrently in otherworld garden.
F 216 Fairies [elves] live in forest
F 811 Extraordinary tree
F 812 Extraordinary forest
F 812.7 Boards of wood from certain forest endure forever
F 812.8 Wood which cannot be consumed by fire
H 35.4 Recognition by unique manner of carving chips.
H 135.0.1 (Bm) Love messages on slips of wood sent downstream.
K 754.1 Trojan wooden horse
N 711.1 King, prince finds maiden in the woods and marries her
T 93.1 Disappointed lover becomes wild man in the woods.
V 127 Image of deity in wood (stone) [metal]


F 302.3 Fairy woos mortal man
F 451.5.18 Dwarf loves mortal girl
F 531. Giant woos mortal woman
G 303.12.6 Devil in form of woman woos man
K 1335 Seduction (or wooing) by stealing clothes of bathing girl
K 1350 Woman persuaded (or wooed) by trick
M 150 Other vows and oaths
T 50 Wooing
T 51 Wooing by emissary
T 51.1 Wooing emissary wins lady’s love for himself
T 55 Girl as wooer. Forthputting woman
T 58 Wooing the strong and beautiful bride
T 59 (Bm) Love tokens
T 66 Help in wooing
T 69 Wooing – miscellaneous motifs


D 522 Transformation through magic word (charm)
D 789.6.1 Disenchantment by speaking proper words.


A 181 God serves as menial on earth
B 579 Animals serve men otherwise
F 451.3.4 Dwarfs as workmen
R 51 Mistreatment of prisoners


A 310 God of the world of the dead
A 566 Culture hero returns to upper world
A 601.2 Universe created in six days
A 672.1 Ferryman on river in lower world (Charon)
A 675 Judges in the lower world
A 693 Intermediate future world. Residence for those whose good and evil deeds exactly counterbalance.
A 1031.6 Miscellaneous reasons for world-fire
A 1053 Behavior of moon at end of world
A 1075 End of world heralded by coming of Antichrist
A 1082.5 God conquers Satan at end of world.
A 1093 End of world announced by trumpet
E 481.1 Land of dead in lower world
F 80 Journey to lower world
F 81 Descent to lower world of dead [hell]
F 93.0.1 Boat to lower world
F Ferryman to lower world
F 101 Return from lower world
F 110 Journey to terrestrial otherworlds
F 133.1 Marine counterpart to land
F 145 Mountains at borders of otherworld
F 165.7 Fire in otherworld dwelling
F 771.3.1 Castle at world’s end
H 1371.1 Quest for world’s end
M 302.3 Descent into hell [lower world] to learn future
P 16.1 King (prince) retires from world (becomes hermit [monk, pilgrim], swineherd [beggar])
T 617 Boy reared in ignorance of the world
V 300 Religious beliefs
Z 100 Symbolism
Z 139 Personifications – miscellaneous
Z 163 (Hi) Wheel symbol of world’s way


Q 223 Punishment for neglect of services to gods (God)
V 1 Objects of worship
V 1.1 Worship of particular Gods and goddesses
V 1.6.2 Worship of water
V 1.11 Worship of idols
V 1.11.1 Worship of golden calf.
V 120 Images
Z 200 Heroes


J 260 Choice between worth and appearance


H 1558.0.1.1 Apple test of worthiness for friendship. Father gives son three apples to offer to those he meets. If the man eats all, avoid him; if he divides, make friends with him.


D 1503.4 Magic balm heals wounds.
D 1503.6 Magic jewel heals wounds
D 1503.8 Magic goblet (Grail) heals wounds
D 1503.10 Magic plant heals wounds.
D 1505.8.1 Blood from Christ’s wounds restores sight
D 1624.2 Wounds of crucifix bleed
D 2161.2 Magic cure of wound.
D 2161.3 Magic cure of physical defect
D 2161. Only one person possesses power to heal certain wound
D 2161.4.10.1 Wound healed [pain from wound alleviated] by same spear that caused it.
F 184.1 Wounded otherworld king (in Ireland).
F 952.6 Miraculous cures- blindness cured by drop of water from side of crucified Savior
F 959.3 Miraculous cure of wound
F 1041.21.6.1 Wounding self because of excessive grief
H 1319.1 Quest for only person who can cure certain sickness
K 1565 Blades (broken glass) to wound and detect wife’s lover
M 431.5 Curse: wound not to heal
N 300 Unlucky accidents
N 386 Lover’s wound breaks while he is in bed with mistress. He bleeds to death
R 169.14 Wounded hero restored in peasant’s [lady’s] house
S 160.1 Self-mutilation
S 180 Wounding or torturing
T 81.5 Sick lover dies from exertion of embracing beloved
T 475.3 (Bm) Bloodstain as proof of illicit romance.
W 33.1 Badly wounded warrior continues fighting
Z 71.3.2 Five wounds of Christ
Z 182 Symbolic wounding of king.


A 102.17 Anger of God
A 197.1 (Bm) Storm as sign of Goddess’s wrath


F 617 Mighty wrestler
H 1166.1 Task: wrestling etc. with giant warrior


D 1266.1 Magic writings (gramerye, runes)
D 1273 Magic formula (charm)
D 1310 Magic object gives supernatural information.
F 855 Extraordinary image
F 883 Extraordinary writings (book, letter)
F 883.1 Extraordinary book
F 1036 Hand from heaven writes on wall
G 303.16.2.3 Devil’s power avoided by blessing [blessed or sacred writing].
H 82 Identifying tokens sent with messenger
M 302.6 Prophecy inscribed on well [seat]
M 302.9 (G) Prophecy, advices from writing
T 82 Tokens of exploits
V 151 Sacred writings.
Z 100 Symbolism


M 166.9.2 (Bm) Vow to revenge unknown wronged (killed) knight
T 233 Wronged wife goes to wronged husband [becomes unfaithful]