Motif Index of German Secular Narratives                 
Published by the Austrian Academy of Sciences, Vienna
 Introduction   Matière de Bretagne   Chansons de Geste   Miscellaneous Romances   Oriental Romances   Heroic Epic   Maere and Novellas   Romances of Antiquity   Index 


Index of Names
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Index of Names  B 


B 172 Magic bird (StrDan)
D 1163 Magic mirror (StrDan)
D 1645 Self-luminous objects. (StrDan)


E 182 Dead body incorruptible (StrAlx)
F 761.5 City paved with precious seeds (HvNAp)
F 766 Deserted city (HvNAp)
F 769 Other extraordinary cities (HvNAp)
F 772.1 Tower of Babel. Remarkably tall tower designed to reach sky. (ReivB)
P 320 Hospitality (SeAlx)


A 433.3 God of the vine (KvWTK, TrojEl)


F 709 Other extraordinary countries (RvEAlx)


P 50 Noblemen (knights) [rules of chivalry] (RvEAlx)


H 1322 Quest for marvelous pillar (WCRPa)
S 182.3 (G) Man hanged by feets to tree (WCRPa)


H 1561.6 Test of valor: fight with giant [warrior, dwarf-hero, dragon etc.] (HvdTCr)


F 531.2.1 Extremely tall giant (WDieD)
F 531.4.5 Giant’s enormous weapons (WDieD)
F 531.4.5.1 Giant with iron club [pole] as weapon (WDieD)
F 531.6.12.6 Giant slain by man (WDieD)
P 531 Taxation and payment of fines and tribute (WDieD)


P 251.5 Two brothers (KM2)
P 253.0.1 Sister’s son (KM2)

Baldewin of Falfunde    

F 531 Giant (UvTRW)
F 531.1.0.1 Beauty of giant (UvTRW)
F 531.4.5.1 Giant with iron club [pole] as weapon (UvTRW)
F 531.5.8.3 Giants christianized (UvTRW)
F 628.2.3 Strong man kills giant (UvTRW)
F 835.2.1 Iron club [pole] so heavy that five [several] men can hardly lift it (UvTRW)
H 1225 Quest for strong adversary (UvTRW)
N 746 Accidental meeting of cousins (UvTRW)
N 812 Giant or ogre as helper (UvTRW)
R 9.10 (Bm) Release from captivity (UvTRW)
V 331.1.3 Conversion to Christianity because the heathen gods prove to be less powerful (UvTRW)
V 332 Baptism of heathen (UvTRW)


D 812.12 Magic object received from dwarf (SigJu)


P 13.5 Crowning [and making] of kings (BvHDa)


F 833 Extraordinary sword (RosGBr)
Q 114.3 Sword as reward (NL)
Z 201.2 (Bm) Hero’s famous sword (DietR, NL)


P 52 Knight jousts with all comers (HvNAp)
P 555 Defeat in battle [single combat] (HvNAp)


P 14 Particular practices of kings (HvNAp)
Q 321 Laziness punished (HvNAp)


F 1041.1.1.3 Heart breaks from sorrow (Lanc1)
H 1224 Quest to distant king for military aid (Lanc1)
P 233 Father and son (Lanc1)
P 251.5 Two brothers (Lanc1)
T 69.1.1 Three (two) brothers married to three (two) sisters (Lanc1)


M 246 Covenant of friendship (Lanc2)
P 110.0.1 (Bm) Faithful steward [knight] as regent (Lanc1)
P 233 Father and son (Lanc1)


P 361 Faithful servant [vassal] (Lanc1)
W 34 Loyalty (Lanc1)

Baudin, Baudis    

F 533 Remarkably tall man (Ali)


F 575.2 Handsome man (WvEP)
P 251 Brothers [Half-brothers] (WvEP)


F 575.1 Remarkably beautiful woman (MaBe)
J 1111 Clever girl (MaBe)
N 781 Hero [heroine] embarks in rudderless boat (MaBe)
T 50.2 King likes his daughter so much that he does not wish to marry her to anyone (MaBe)
T 61 Betrothal (MaBe)
T 311.1 Flight of maiden (bridegroom) to escape marriage (MaBe)
T 411.1 (Lecherous) [Unnatural] father [wants to marry his daughter] (MaBe)
V 81.4 Baptism of infants (MaBe)


Z 202 (Bm) Fanciful ancestry of hero (WvEP)


F 575.1 Remarkably beautiful woman (BvHDe)
P 52 Knight jousts with all comers (MovC)


P 557.0.4 (Li) Siege (WvEP)


F 575.1 Remarkably beautiful woman (UvTRW)
P 253 Sister and brother (UvTRW)
T 61.4 Betrothal ceremony (UvTRW)
T 135 Wedding ceremony (UvTRW)
V 332 Baptism of heathen (UvTRW)


P 14.15.2 Court messenger (RosGD)


F 531. Giant woos mortal woman (HvdTCr)
G 440 Ogre [giant] abducts person (HvdTCr)
R 11.3 Abduction by giant [wild woman] (HvdTCr)
R 111.1.9 Princess rescued from undesired suitor (HvdTCr)
T 68.1 Princess offered as prize to rescuer (HvdTCr)


B 845 Wild animals herded (UvZLa)
D 941 Magic forest (UvZLa)
D 965 Magic plants (UvZLa)
D 981 Magic fruit. (UvZLa)
D 1335 Object gives magic strength (UvZLa)
D 1359.3 Magic object causes joy (UvZLa)
D 1500.1.5 Magic healing fruit. (UvZLa)
D 1665.3 Fruit has any taste desired. (UvZLa)
D 1830 Magic strength (UvZLa)
D 2161.2 Magic cure of wound. (UvZLa)
D 2197 Magic dominance over animals (UvZLa)
F 161.1 Perpetual summer in otherworld. (UvZLa)
F 162.1.1 Everblooming garden in otherworld (UvZLa)
F 162.1.3 Trees bloom, others bear concurrently in otherworld garden. (UvZLa)
F 162.3.3 Tree in otherworld in perpetual fruit [foliation]. (UvZLa)
F 716 Extraordinary fountain (UvZLa)
F 756 Extraordinary valleys and plains (UvZLa)
F 811 Extraordinary tree (UvZLa)
F 812 Extraordinary forest (UvZLa)
F 813 Extraordinary fruits. (UvZLa)


F 1041.1.1 Death from broken heart (WvEP)
P 52.2 (Li) Knight in service of a lady (WvEP)
Q 53.3 Maiden queen offers her hand as reward for rescuing her town (WvEP)
T 10 Falling in love (WvEP)
T 68.1 Princess offered as prize to rescuer (WvEP)
T 72 Woman won and then scorned (UvEAlx)
T 81 Death from love (WvEP)
T 92 Rivals in love (WvEP)
T 121 Unequal marriage (WvEP)
T 200 Married life (WvEP)
T 257 Jealous husband or wife. (WvEP)
V 81 Baptism (WvEP)
V 301.1 (Li) The high-minded, noble heathen (WvEP)


F 855 Extraordinary image (PlGar)


P 14.15.2 Court messenger (Virg)


F 1041.21.6 Tearing hair and clothes from excessive grief (WvGW)
N 831 Girl [woman] as helper (WvGW)


J 2301 Gullible husbands (HeidinC)
P 310.5 Defeated enemy turns true friend (HeidinC)
P 555 Defeat in battle [single combat] (HeidinC)
P 556.0.1 (Bm) Challenge to single combat [feud] (HeidinC)
V 331 Conversion to Christianity (HeidinC)
V 332 Baptism of heathen (HeidinC)

Belin (Belym, Balyn)    

F 628.2 Strong man kills men (KM1)
P 91 (Li) Heraldic figures and symbols – coat-of-arms (KM1)
S Heads of slain enemies impaled upon stakes (KM1)


D 926 Magic well (WDieD)
D 1835 Other means of acquiring magic strength (WDieD)
F 610.4 Man with strength of many men (WDieD)


F 760.0.1 (Bm) Extraordinarily beautiful town (WCRPa)


B 92 Other mythical reptiles (HvNAp)
B 776 Venomous animals (HvNAp)
G 312 Cannibal ogre (HvNAp)
R 13.4 Abduction by reptile (HvNAp)


L 160 Success of the unpromising hero (heroine) (UvEWW)
T 210 Faithfulness in marriage (UvEWW)
V 301.1 (Li) The high-minded, noble heathen (UvEWW)
V 331.5 Conversion to Christianity through love (UvEWW)

Berand of Ardane    

P 50.3 (Ha) Page (KM2)


F 475.1 Dame Berchta supposed to travel over the country at night with a troop (Berch)


M 161.2 Vow to revenge (king, friends, father) (or die) (KRot)
P 14.15.1 (Old, wise) Counsellors of court [King’s council] (KRot)
P 14.15.2 Court messenger (KRot)


E 545 The dead speak (WDieB, WDieD)
E 545.10 Corpse exclaims over miracle (WDieB)
K 522 Escape by shamming death (WDieA)
K 2100 False accusation (WDieA)
K 2150 Innocent made to appear guilty (WDieA)
P 14.15.1 (Old, wise) Counsellors of court [King’s council] (WDieA)
P 193 (Bm) Guardian [regent] (WDieB)


D 2161.2 Magic cure of wound. (HvdTCr)
F 959.3 Miraculous cure of wound (HvdTCr)
M 161.4 Vow rather to die (on a spear) than to accept grace (HvdTCr)
P 52 Knight jousts with all comers (HvdTCr)
P 555 Defeat in battle [single combat] (HvdTCr)


P 14.15.2 Court messenger (PlMel)


P 550 Military affairs (UvLFD)


T 68 Princess offered as prize (RosGA)


D 2061.1.4 Persons magically made to decay and die (Lanc1)
D 2072.0.5 Person paralyzed (Lanc1)
K 1930 Treacherous impostors (Lanc1)
K 2247.3 (Bm) Treacherous knight (Lanc1)
Q 262 Impostor punished (Lanc1)
Q 551.6 Magic sickness as punishment (Lanc1)


P 91 (Li) Heraldic figures and symbols – coat-of-arms (UvLFD)


D 1812. (Bm) Interpretation of dream by second party (KM2)


B 731.2.1 Horse with crimson mane and green legs [Polychromatic horse] (UvTRW)


K 2247 Treacherous lord [vassal] (RvEAlx)
P 14.15.1 (Old, wise) Counsellors of court [King’s council] (RvEAlx)


Q 416.2 Punishment: dragging to death by a horse [by horses] (RvEAlx)


F 451.2.7.7 Dwarf king wears costly crown (Virg)
F 451.5.1.7 Dwarfs serve mortals (Virg)
F 451.6.2 Dwarf rides (Virg)
P 14.15.2 Court messenger (Virg)


K 1514.13 Adulteress gives paramour tryst in house of ill-fame, Meets husband who leaves in shame (Schafl)


T 92.7 Rival lovers do battle for girl (AtPro)


F 451.2.1.1 Dwarfs are small (HvAEr)
F 451.4.5.1 Dwarfs are ruled by a king (HvAEr)
F 451.8.2 Proper names for dwarfs (HvAEr)


D 812.12 Magic object received from dwarf (WDieB)
D 1421.5 Magic object summons army for rescue (WDieB)
F 451.5.2.4 Dwarfs kidnap mortals (WDieB)


F 531.6.12.6 Giant slain by man (EckL)


N 731 Unexpected meeting of father and son (BitD)
P 15 Adventures of kings (BitD)


F 531.6.12.6 Giant slain by man (HvVEn)

Black Thorn    

H 218.0.1 Vindication by champion. Usually noble lady or king accused (HvAIw)
J 1141.1 Guilty person deceived into gesture (act) which admits guilt (HvAIw)
K 2212 Treacherous sister. (HvAIw)
P 252.1 Two sisters (HvAIw)
P 527 (Li) Problems of inheritance (legacy) (HvAIw)
W 151 Greed (HvAIw)


F 531.5.8 Giants and Christians (WDieD)


F 151.0.1 Hospitable host entertains (guides, advises) adventurer on way to otherworld. (HvdTCr)
F 531.5 Giants and men (HvdTCr)
M 234 Life spared in return for life-long service [material compensation, peace treaty] (HvdTCr)
P 320 Hospitality (HvdTCr)
P 532 Payment of tax (tribute) [toll] (HvdTCr)
R 74 Defeated warriors [adversaries] go into [are forced to join] the conqueror’s service (HvdTCr)

Blanschandiz (Blanscandiz, Blantschandis)    

P 14.15.1 (Old, wise) Counsellors of court [King’s council] (KM5, PKRL, StrKG)


P 231 Mother and son (WCRPa)

Blanzeflor (Blancheflur)    

F 575 Remarkable beauty (KFFB)
F 575.1 Remarkably beautiful woman (GvSTr)
F 1041.1.2 Death from grief for death of lover or relative (GvSTr)
F 1041.21 Reactions to excessive grief (GvSTr)
F 1088.1 Hero (heroine) spared for his (her) beauty (KFFB)
H 11.1 Recognition by telling life history (KFFB)
H 82.3 Tokens between lovers (KFFB)
J 628 Dissuasion from suicide (KFFB)
K 1340 Entering into girl’s [man’s] room by trick (GvSTr)
K 1817.1 Disguise as beggar (GvSTr)
K 2112.5 Other means of incriminating innocent woman (KFFB)
N 737 Accidental reunion of lovers (KFFB)
Q 437 Sale into slavery as punishment (KFFB)
R 41 Captivity in tower (castle, prison) (MBFuB)
R 61 Person sold into slavery (KFFB, MBFuB)
R 225 Elopement (EvOTr, GvSTr)
T 10 Falling in love (GvSTr)
T 22.4 Lovers fated to marry each other born at same time (KFFB)
T 23 (Bm) Childhood sweethearts (KFFB)
T 24.1 Love-sickness (GvSTr)
T 31.1 Lovers’ meeting: Hero in service of lady’s father (EvOTr)
T 34 Lovers meet at social gathering (GvSTr)
T 61.5.2 Children ten [five] and twelve [five] years old betroth themselves (KFFB, MBFuB)
T 84 Lovers treacherously separated (KFFB)
T 89.2 Woman [man] sacrifices herself [himself] to save beloved (KFFB)
T 91.6.2 King (prince) in love with a lowly girl (KFFB)
T 96 Lovers reunited after many adventures (KFFB)
T 100 Marriage (GvSTr)
T 211.9.1 Wife dies of grief for death of husband (GvSTr)
T 381 Imprisoned virgin to prevent knowledge of men (marriage, impregnation) usually kept in a tower. (KFFB)
T 400 Illicit sexual relations (EvOTr)
T 500 Conception and birth. (GvSTr)
T 584.2 Child removed from body of dead mother. (EvOTr)
T 596 Naming of children (KFFB)
V 81 Baptism (KFFB)


F 981 Extraordinary death of animal (KM2)

Bloedel (Bloedelîn)    

K 986 Murder induced by bribery (lands, riches, wives) (NL)
S 139 Miscellaneous cruel murders (NL)


Z 201.2 (Bm) Hero’s famous sword (KM1)


P 50.2 Marshall [Court officials: marshall, steward, etc.] (Lanc1)


F 1084 Furious battle [fight] (WDieD)
P 233 Father and son (WDieB)
P 251.5.3 Hostile [half-] brothers (WDieB)
S 110.4 Prince resolves to drive relatives from his domain (WDieB)


D 141 Transformation: man (boy) to dog (Lanc1)
D 1154.1 Magic bed (Lanc2)
F 575.2 Handsome man (Lanc1, Lanc2)
F 846.1 Perilous bed (Lanc2)
F 1041.1.2 Death from grief for death of lover or relative (Lanc1)
H 1385 Quest for lost person. (Lanc2)
H 1410 Fear test: staying in frightful place (Lanc2)
K 629 Escape by deceiving the guard – miscellaneous (Lanc1)
K 649 Escape by help of confederate – miscellaneous (Lanc1)
N 839 (Bm) Noble as helper (Lanc2)
P 16.1 King (prince) retires from world (becomes hermit [monk, pilgrim], swineherd [beggar]) (Lanc3)
P 30 Princes (Lanc1)
P 251.5 Two brothers (Lanc1)
P 275 Foster son (Lanc1)
P 295 Cousins (Lanc1)
R 10.3.1 (Bm) Noble child abducted (Lanc1)
R 41 Captivity in tower (castle, prison) (Lanc1)
R 41.2 Captivity in tower (Lanc1)
T 69.1.1 Three (two) brothers married to three (two) sisters (Lanc1)
T 300 Chastity and celibacy (Lanc2)
W 34 Loyalty (Lanc2)
W 46 (Li) Modesty (Lanc2)


P 475 Robber [thief, outlaw, pirate] (UvEWW)
T 685 Twins (UvEWW)


F 531.4.5.2 Giant with iron bar as weapon (HvNAp)


D 1171.6.3 Magic drinking horn (WCRPa)
D 1316 Magic object reveals truth (WCRPa)
D 1472.1.24.1 Magic drinking horn supplies drink (WCRPa)
D 1652.17 Inexhaustible horn (WCRPa)
F 866.6 Extraordinarily costly drinking horn (WCRPa)
H 411.4.0.1 (G) Magic drinking horn: unchaste woman’s husband cannot drink from horn (WCRPa)


G 303.16.3.4 Devil made to disappear by making sign of the cross (WCRPa)
H 1385.8 Quest for lost brother (s) (WCRPa)
N 340.0.1 (Bm) Erroneous news of death (WCRPa)
N 839 (Bm) Noble [vassal, knight] as helper (WCRPa)
P 251.5 Two brothers (WCRPa)
P 251.5.3 Hostile [half-] brothers (WCRPa)

Borel of Babilone    

D 1381.10 Magic [part of] armor protects from attack (Ali)


Z 201.1 (Bm) Hero’s famous horse (NLKl)


C 32.2.1 Tabu: asking name of supernatural husband (KvWSR)
C 32.2.2 Tabu: asking where supernatural husband comes from (KvWSR)
C 410 Tabu: asking questions (KvWSR)
C 932 Loss of wife (husband) for breaking tabu. (KvWSR)
P 550.1.1 (Li) Aggression: rebellion; usurpation; invasion; assault (KvWSR)
Q 53.3 Maiden queen offers her hand as reward for rescuing her town (KvWSR)


V 69 Funeral rites – miscellaneous (HvNAp)


C 61 Disbelief in religious teachings (Lohe)
D 1311.7 Oracular image (StrPA)
D 1610.5 Speaking head (StrPA)
H 1219 Assignment of quests – miscellaneous (Lohe)
V 140 Sacred relics (StrPA)
V 220 Saints (Lohe)
V 227 Saints have divine visitors (Lohe)


H 1232.6 (G) Directions on quest given by knight (WCRPa)
J 218 Enemies make peace rather than slay each other [pursue each other by law] (WCRPa)
N 760.1 (Bm) Chance meeting of seeker and sought (WCRPa)
P 233.6 Son avenges father (WCRPa)
P 253.5.1 (Bm) Single combat to avenge sister’s dishonor (WCRPa)
P 310.5 Defeated enemy turns true friend (WCRPa)
P 311 Sworn brethren (WCRPa)


F 771 Extraordinary castle (house, palace) (HvAEr)
F 771.1 Castle of unusual material (HvAEr)

Brangaene (Brangene)    

F 575.1 Remarkably beautiful woman (EvOTr)
F 1041.1.3 Death from sorrow or chagrin (UvTTr)
H 105.2 Tongue [liver] as proof that man [woman] has been murdered. (EvOTr, GvSTr)
H 1556 Tests of fidelity [loyalty] (GvSTr)
J 1111.6 Clever maidservant. (GvSTr)
K 512.2 Compassionate executioner: substituted heart [liver]. (EvOTr, GvSTr)
K 1843.0.1 (Bm) Substituted bride to be slain to dispose of witness. (EvOTr, GvSTr)
K 1843.1 Bride has maid sleep in husband’s bed to conceal pregnancy [lost virginity]. (EvOTr, GvSTr)
N 831 Girl [woman] as helper (GvSTr)
P 361 Faithful servant [vassal] (EvOTr, GvSTr)
T 133.1 Faithful servant accompanies bride to new home (GvSTr)


D 2161.4.14.3 Cure by washing in dew (GrAlx)
F 561 People of unusual diet (GrAlx)
F 561.13 (Bm) People who do not hunt, plough or fish – eat only what grows naturally (GrAlx)
F 562 People of unusual residence (GrAlx)


F 560 Unusual manner of life (GrAlx)
F 709 Other extraordinary countries (GrAlx)


F 234.0.1 Fairy transforms self (WCRPa)
F 234.1.3 Fairy in form of swine (WCRPa)
F 302.3.1 Fairy entices man to fairyland (WCRPa)
F 305 Offspring of fairy [dwarf] and mortal (WCRPa)
T 91.3 Love of mortal and supernatural person (WCRPa)


F 259.1.4 Fairies immortal (WCRPa)
F 305 Offspring of fairy [dwarf] and mortal (WCRPa)


P 13 Customs connected with kings (BaAlx)


F 533 Remarkably tall man (KM1)
F 628.2 Strong man kills men (KM1)
F 628.2.10 Strong man cleaves horse and rider in two [kills horse and rider at one pole-blow] (KM1)
F 1041.16.6 Extraordinary physical reactions of angry warriors in battle (KM1)
P 91 (Li) Heraldic figures and symbols – coat-of-arms (KM1)
T 104 Foreign king wages war to enforce demand for princess in marriage (KM1)
V 69 Funeral rites – miscellaneous (KM1)
W 33.1 Badly wounded warrior continues fighting (KM1)
Z 201.2 (Bm) Hero’s famous sword (KM1)


H 1221 Quest for adventure (PlMel)


F 531.2.1 Extremely tall giant (HvAEr)


D 1812.3.3 Future revealed in dream (Orend)
F 63.2 Mortal taken to heaven by angel (Orend)
F 451.5.8 Dwarfs associate with mortals (Orend)
F 451.5.18 Dwarf loves mortal girl (Orend)
F 531. Giant demands girl but is killed in duel about her (Orend)
F 565 Women warriors or hunters (Orend)
F 565.1 Amazons. Women warriors (Orend)
K 1817.2 Disguise as palmer (pilgrim) (Orend)
M 302.7 Prophecy through dreams (Orend)
M 341.1 Prophecy: death at (before, within) certain time (Orend)
P 623 Fasting (as a ameans of distraint) (Orend)
Q 261 Treachery punished (Orend)
Q 421 Punishment: beheading (Orend)
Q 499 Other humiliating punishments (Orend)
R 10.1 Princess abducted (Orend)
R 41.3 Captivity in dungeon (Orend)
T 11.1.1 Beauty of woman reported to king causes quest for her as his bride (Orend)
T 75.0.1 Suitors ill-treated (Orend)
T 210.1 Faithful wife (Orend)
V 123.1 God under compulsion: Suppliant threatens to mutilate (crush) holy image if his wish is not fulfilled (Orend)


D 862 Magic object taken away by force [recovered by fighting] (WvGW)
S 73.1 Fratricide (WvGW)


T 15 Love at first sight (HvFLvT)


Z 701 (Bm) Eponymous account of nation’s founding (HMvNT)


M 341 Death prophesied (Lanc2)


K 1111 Dupe puts hand (paws, [head]) into cleft of tree (wedge, vise) (HRFu)
K 2247.3 (Bm) Treacherous knight (Lanc1)
P 14.15.2 Court messenger (HRFu)

Brun (Bruns)-of-Meilant    

P 550.1.1 (Li) Aggression: rebellion; usurpation; invasion; assault (WCRPa)


Z 701 (Bm) Eponymous account of nation’s founding (HMvNT)


T 53 Matchmakers (Lanc2)


P 110 Royal ministers (FvS)
P 110.0.1 (Bm) Faithful steward [knight] as regent (FvS)


Z 702 (Hi) Eponymous account of place name (WCRPa)


F 531.5.10 Giant as servant to man (PlMel)


Q 261 Treachery punished (GeRo)


D 934.1 Magic sod (HvdTCr)
D 1524.7 Magic sod serves as boat. (HvdTCr)

Buzeval (Buzival, Bücifalus, Puzeval)    

B 15 Animals with unusual limbs or members (GrAlx)
B 15.1 Animal unusual as to his head (BaAlx, PLVAlx, RvEAlx, SeAlx, StrAlx)
B 15.1.4 (Bm) Horse with head like a bull (SeAlx)
B (Bm) Horned horse (SeAlx)
B 15.4 Animals with unusual eyes (BaAlx, PLVAlx, StrAlx)
B 15.5 Animal unusual as to his nose (snout) (BaAlx, PLVAlx, StrAlx)
B 16.1.3 Devastating horse (BaAlx, GrAlx, PLVAlx, RvEAlx, SeAlx, StrAlx, UvEAlx)
B Man-eating mares (BaAlx)
B (Bm) Man-eating horse (SeAlx)
B 301.4.8 Faithful horse fights together with its master [saves master’s life] (RvEAlx)
B 710 Fanciful origin of animals (RvEAlx)
B 731.2.1 Horse with crimson mane and green legs [Polychromatic horse] (BaAlx, PLVAlx, StrAlx)
B 771.6 (Bm) Only hero able to tame wild horse (BaAlx, GrAlx, PLVAlx, RvEAlx, SeAlx, StrAlx, UvEAlx)
H 171.3 Horse indicates election of emperor (BaAlx, GrAlx, PLVAlx, RvEAlx, SeAlx, StrAlx)
H 172.1 Horse will permit only certain man to ride him (BaAlx, GrAlx, PLVAlx, RvEAlx, SeAlx, StrAlx, UvEAlx)
Z 201.1 (Bm) Hero’s famous horse (BaAlx, GrAlx, PLVAlx, RvEAlx, SeAlx, StrAlx, UvEAlx)
Z 703 (Bm) Eponymous account of city’s founding (GrAlx, SeAlx)


J 1141.1 Guilty person deceived into gesture (act) which admits guilt (BaAlx, StrAlx)
K 2247 Treacherous lord [vassal] (BaAlx, StrAlx) (HvAEr)
R 11.3 Abduction by giant [wild woman] (HvAEr)
R 110 Rescue of captive (HvAEr)