Motif Index of German Secular Narratives                 
Published by the Austrian Academy of Sciences, Vienna
 Introduction   Matière de Bretagne   Chansons de Geste   Miscellaneous Romances   Oriental Romances   Heroic Epic   Maere and Novellas   Romances of Antiquity   Index 


Index of Names
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Index of Names  C 


F 531.5.19 (Bm) Giant’s prisoners (HvAEr)
R 10.6 (Bm) ()


S 73.1 Fratricide (UvEAlx)


F 531.1.0.2 Hideous giant (GoTK)
F 531.1.1 Eyes of giant (GoTK)
F 531.1.6 Other bodily characteristics of giant (GoTK)
F 531.6.12.6 Giant slain by man (GoTK)
F 628.2.3 Strong man kills giant (GoTK)


D 1711 Magician (KvWTK, TrojEl)
D 1712 Soothsayer (diviner, oracle, etc.) (KvWTK, TrojEl)
D 1712.0.1 Astrologer-magician (KvWTK, TrojEl)
D 1812.5 Future learned through omens (TrojEl)
M 301 Prophets (HvFLvT, KvWTK, TrojEl)
M 302 Means of prophesying (KvWTK, TrojEl)


P 481 Astrologer (GoTK)


D 1711 Magician (TrojEl)


F 565.1 Amazons. (HvVEn)
F 575.1 Remarkably beautiful woman (HvVEn)
F 821 Extraordinary dress (clothes, robe, etc.) (HvVEn)
M 132 Vow of virginity (HvVEn)
P 20 Queens (HvVEn)
P 550.1 (Li) Battle. War (HvVEn)
P 557.0.2 (Li) Spy. Messenger (HvVEn)
P 681 Mourning customs (HvVEn)
Z 200 Heroes (HvVEn)

Candacia (Candacis, Candatis)    

F 575 Remarkable beauty (StrAlx)
H 21 Recognition through picture (GrAlx)
K 1792.1 Feigned ignorance about person’s identity in order not to reveal king (GrAlx)
L 419 Proud ruler (deity) humbled – miscellaneous (GrAlx)
P 20.1 Clever queen (BaAlx, GrAlx, StrAlx)
P 29 Queens – miscellaneous (StrAlx)
T 11.2 Love through sight of picture (GrAlx, UvEAlx)
T 55 Girl as wooer. Forthputting woman (BaAlx, StrAlx)


P 251.5.3 Hostile [half-] brothers (BaAlx, StrAlx)


F 167.12 King of otherworld (HvNAp)


F 533 Remarkably tall man (Lanc2)


P 27 Grief at queen’s death (UvEAlx)
T 211.9.1 Wife dies of grief for death of husband (UvEAlx)


T 81.7 Woman dies on hearing of lover’s or husband’s death (AtPro)


C 650.1 Customs connected with unique compulsion [”costume”] (BvHCra)


P 550 Military affairs (UvLFD)


K 929.1 Murder by (leaving) poisoned wine (GrAlx)
R 220 Flights (SeAlx)
S 111 Murder by poisoning (GrAlx)


D 1711 Magician (KvWTK, TrojEl)
D 1712 Soothsayer (diviner, oracle, etc.) (HvFLvT, KvWTK, TrojEl)
D 1712.0.1 Astrologer-magician (KvWTK, TrojEl)
D 1812.5 Future learned through omens (TrojEl)
D 1819 Magic knowledge – miscellaneous (HMvNT)
F 565.1 Amazons. Women warriors (BaAlx, StrAlx)
F 1041.21.6 Tearing hair and clothes from excessive grief (KvWTK)
M 201 Making of bargains and promises (KvWTK)
M 301 Prophets (KvWTK, TrojEl)
M 301.0.1 Prophet destined never to be believed (HMvNT, HvFLvT)
M 302 Means of prophesying (TrojEl)
M 341 Death prophesied (HvFLvT)
M 356.1.5 (Bm) Prophecy of city’s destruction (HMvNT, KvWTK)
M 363.1 Coming of Christ (Christianity) prophesied (HvFLvT)
M 400 Curses (HvFLvT)
R 10.5 (Bm) Queen abducted (KvWTK, TrojEl)


M 311.0.3.1 Prophecy: child to be born to childless couple (OttEr)
P 231 Mother and son (OttEr)
V 235 Mortal visited by angel (OttEr)
W 48 (Ha) Piety (OttEr)


P 17 Succession to the throne (WvEP)


A 515.1.1 Twin culture heroes (TrojEl)
A 560 Culture hero’s (demigod’s) departure (TrojEl)
A 761 Ascent to stars. People or animals ascend to the sky and become stars (TrojEl)
F 628 Strong man as mighty slayer (KvWTK)
P 251.5 Two brothers (HMvNT, HvFLvT)
R 169.1.1 (Bm) Knight rescues abducted lady. (HvFLvT)
S 460 Other cruel persecutions (KvWTK, TrojEl)

Caukasus (Cankasus)    

F 55 Mountain reaches to sky [moon] (SeAlx)
F 145 Mountains at borders of otherworld (SeAlx)


F 575.2 Handsome man (HMvNT)


B 19 Other mythical beasts (SeAlx)
B 742 Animal breathes fire (SeAlx)


A 673 Hound of hell. Cerberus. (HvFLvT, HvVEn)
B 15.7.1 Cerberus (HvVEn)
B 15.7.10 Animal unusual as to skin (HvVEn)
D 1364.22 Sleep-charm (HvVEn)
H 1271 Quest for Cerberus in hell: to be brought to earth (HMvNT)


A 431.1 Goddess of fertility (KvWTK, TrojEl)


N 820 Human helpers (HvNAp)
P 424 Physician (HvNAp)

Cernoles (Carnoles, Zernubele)    

F 527.5 Black man [knight; wild woman] (PKRL)
F 555.3 Very long hair (PKRL, StrKG)
F 610.5.2 Man with strength of ten elephants [12 mules] (PKRL, StrKG)
F 707 Extraordinary kingdom (PKRL, StrKG)


F 531. (Bm) Courteous giant (PlGar)
F 531.5.10 Giant as servant to man (PlGar)
F 531.6.16.1 Giant watchman (PlGar)


A 672.1.1 Charon exacts fee to ferry souls across Styx (HvVEn)
D 1400 Magic object [twig] overcomes person (HvVEn)
F 521.1 Man covered with hair like animal (HvVEn)
F 526 Person with compound body (HvVEn)
F 541.1 Flashing eyes (HvVEn)


V 118 Monasteries [cloisters, abbeys, nunneries] (GeRo)


G 333 Path between monsters. Scylla and Charybdis (HvFLvT)


R 10.1 Princess (maiden) abducted (HvFLvT)

Chiron (Schiron)    

B 21 Centaur: man-horse (KvWTK)
D 1830 Magic strength (KvWTK)
D 2197 Magic dominance over animals (KvWTK)
F 541.1 Flashing eyes (KvWTK)
F 558 Man covered with horn (KvWTK)
F 560 Unusual manner of life (KvWTK)
F 562 People of unusual residence (KvWTK)
F 571 Extremely old person (KvWTK)
F 610 Remarkably strong man (KvWTK)
F 638 Mighty archer (KvWTK)
F 679.5 Skillful hunter (KvWTK)
F 681 Marvelous runner [extraordinary speed] (KvWTK)
F 821 Extraordinary dress (clothes, robe, etc.) (KvWTK)
P 340 Teacher and pupil (KvWTK)


F 1041.1.2 Death from grief for death of lover or relative (PlGar)
T 211.9.1 Wife dies of grief for death of husband (PlGar)


F 531.5.19 (Bm) Giant’s prisoners (PlGar)
G 440 Ogre [giant] abducts person (PlGar)
R 10.6 (Bm) Knight abducted (PlGar)
R 11.3 Abduction by giant [wild woman] (PlGar)
R 41.1 Captivity in castle (PlGar)
R 51.6 (Bm) Captive as hostage (PlGar)


F 136.1 Otherworld in the east (HvNAp)
F 167.1 Animals in otherworld (HvNAp)
F 167.9 Otherworld people [things in otherworld] ever young, ever beautiful (HvNAp)
F 169.8 Abundance in otherworld (HvNAp)
F 173.2 Otherworld land of peace (HvNAp)
F 709.4.1 (Bm) Land of two summers and two winters (HvNAp)
F 760.0.1 (Bm) Extraordinarily beautiful town (HvNAp)

Chrysanda (Crisanda)    

F 760 Extraordinary cities (HvNAp)


P 426.1 Parson (priest) (KvWTK)


F 531.1.1.1 Giant with one eye in middle of forehead [Cyclops] (SeAlx)


H 335.1.1 Suitor task: avenging bride’s former fiancé [husband] before marriage. (WvEP)
T 211.9 Excessive grief at husband’s or wife’s death (WvEP)

Circe (Cyrce)    

D 100 Transformation: man to animal. (TrojEl)
D 630 Transformation and disenchantment at will (TrojEl)
D 1711 Magician (HvFLvT, TrojEl)
D 1719 Possession of magic powers – miscellaneous (HvFLvT)


F 575.1 Remarkably beautiful woman (HvNAp)
Q 53.3.4 (Bm) Lady weds rescuer (HvNAp)


T 75.2.1 Rejected suitors’ revenge (WvEP)
T 104.1 Rejected suitor wages war (WvEP)


K 2110.1 Calumniated wife (HvNAp)
Q 241 Adultery punished (HvNAp)


Q 276 Stinginess punished. (HvNAp)


P 310.1 Friends want to divide good and evil (GoTK)


M 166 Other vows about fighting (PlGar)
P 52.2 (Li) Knight in service of a lady (PlGar)
Q 58 (Bm) Obedience [in love-service] rewarded (PlGar)
T 68 Princess offered as prize (PlGar)


P 20 Queens (UvZLa)
P 29 Queens – miscellaneous (UvZLa)
P 231 Mother and son (UvZLa)


F 575.1 Remarkably beautiful woman (JohV)
P 274.1 Love between foster sister and foster brother (JohV)
T 31.1 Lovers’ meeting: Hero in service of lady’s father (JohV)
T 91 Unequals in love (JohV)


F 1041.21 Reactions to excessive grief (Lanc1)
J 1675 Clever arguing with a king (Lanc1)
K 1812 King in disguise (Lanc1)
K 1816 Disguise as menial (Lanc1)
K 1835 Disguise for spying (Lanc1)
K 2246.1 Treacherous king (Lanc1, Lanc2)
K 2357.0.1 Disguise to spy on enemy (Lanc1)
M 108 Violators of oaths (Lanc1)
P 12 Character of kings (Lanc1)
P 14.15.1 (Old, wise) Counsellors of court [King’s council] (Lanc2)
P 16 End of king’s reign (Lanc2)
P 50.0.1 King and vassals: obligations of vassals to king [Feudality: mutual relationship between king and vassals] (Lanc1)
P 233 Father and son (Lanc1)
P 310.5 Defeated enemy turns true friend (Lanc1)
Q 261 Treachery punished (Lanc1)
Q 595 Loss or destruction of property as punishment (Lanc1)
W 11 Generosity (Lanc1)
W 11.2 Munificent monarch (Lanc2)
W 152 Stinginess (Lanc1)


P 52.2 (Li) Knight in service of a lady (PlTand)
P 510 Law courts (PlTand)
Q 458 Flogging as punishment (PlTand)
R 18 Abduction by rejected suitor (PlTand)
T 0 Love (PlTand)
T 55 Girl as wooer. Forthputting woman (PlTand)
T 71 Woman scorned in love (PlTand)
T 75.0.1 Suitors ill-treated (PlTand)
T 92 Rivals in love (PlTand)


P 28 Marriage of queen (WvETi)


D 1980 Magic invisibility (HvNAp)
K 359.1 Theft by means of magic invisibility (HvNAp)
P 14.15.2 Court messenger (HvNAp)


T 232 Woman deserts husband for unworthy lover [Husband repudiates wife for another woman] (BaAlx, GrAlx, PLVAlx, RvEAlx, StrAlx, UvEAlx)


P 14.15.1 (Old, wise) Counsellors of court [King’s council] (HvNAp)

Clingsor (Clinschor, Klinschor)    

D 1711 Magician (Lohe, WvEP)
D 1738 Magic arts studied (WvEP)
D 2198 Magic control of spirits (angels, [gods]) (WvEP)
G 303.9.7 The devil advises human beings (Lohe)
H 81 Clandestine lover recognized by token. (WvEP)
H 548 Riddle contest (Lohe)
K 1558.1 Husband castrates paramour (WvEP)
Q 241 Adultery punished (WvEP)
Q 451.10.1 Punishment: castration. (WvEP)
R 39.1 Abduction by magician. (AlbJT)
S 176.1 Mutilation: emasculation [castration] (AlbJT, WvEP)
T 59 (Bm) Love tokens (WvEP)
T 481 Adultery (WvEP)
Z 202 (Bm) Fanciful ancestry of hero (Lohe, WvEP)

Clitemestra (Clitemnestra, Clytemnestra)    

K 1510.1 Adulteress kills home-coming husband (TrojEl)
K 2213.3 Faithless wife plots with paramour against husband’s life (HvFLvT)
Q 211 Murder punished (HvFLvT)
Q 241 Adultery punished (KvWTK)
Q 413.4 Hanging as punishment for murder (HvFLvT)
Q 429 Capital punishment – miscellaneous (HvFLvT)
S 22 Parricide (KvWTK)
S 60 Cruel spouse (KvWTK)
T 230 Faithlessness in marriage [love] (KvWTK)
T 481 Adultery (KvWTK)


F 933 Extraordinary occurrences connected with springs (UvEAlx)


F 628.2 Strong man kills men (UvEAlx)


P 12 Character of kings (KvWP)


D 1620.2 Automatic statue of animal (StrDan)
F 145 Mountains at borders of otherworld (StrDan)
F 150.2.1 Entrance to otherworld guarded by giant (StrDan)
F 151.2 Mountain pass to otherworld. (StrDan)
F 173.3 Perpetual feasts in otherworld. (StrDan)
F 707 Extraordinary kingdom (StrDan)
F 1084 Furious battle [fight] (StrDan)
F 1084.1 Deep streams of blood flow during battle (StrDan)
P 550.1 (Li) Battle. War (StrDan)


P 428 Musician (UvEAlx)


P 50.0.2 (Bm) Knight who acknowledges no overlord [Allegiance: loyalty and disloyalty …] (RvEAlx)


B 101.3 Ram with golden fleece (KvWTK, TrojEl)


D 975 Magic flower (HvdTCr)
D 1338.2 Rejuvenation by plant. (HvdTCr)
D 1364.3 Flowers cause magic sleep. (HvdTCr)
D 1652.7 Unfading garlands. (HvdTCr)
D 1889.4 Rejuvenation by smelling apple [flower] (HvdTCr)
D 1960 Magic sleep (HvdTCr)
F 141 Water barrier to otherworld (HvdTCr)
F 162.1.1 Everblooming garden in otherworld (HvdTCr)
H 1199 Other tasks (HvdTCr)


T 548.1 Child born in answer to prayer (Dulc)


V 235 Mortal visited by angel (KM3)
W 152 Stinginess (KRot)


P 555 Defeat in battle (SeAlx)


N 825.2 Old man helper (HvAEr)
P 59.1 (Bm) Impecunious knight (HvAEr)
P 336 Poor person makes great effort to entertain guest (HvAEr)


D 1131 Magic castle (Lanc2)
F 771 Extraordinary castle (house, palace) (Lanc2)


Q 42 Generosity rewarded (AlbTund)
Q 172.0.2 Rewards in heaven (AlbTund)


H 1381.3.6 Quest for persecuted woman (GoTK)
H 1410 Fear test: staying in frightful place (GoTK)
J 410 Association of equals and unequals (GoTK)
N 765 Meeting with robber band (GoTK)
Q 41 Politeness rewarded (GoTK)


F 792 Artificial heavens (OttEr)
H 217.1 Decision of victory by single combat between army leaders (OttEr)
L 419 Proud ruler (deity) humbled – miscellaneous (OttEr)
P 14 Particular practices of kings (OttEr)
P 19 Other motifs connected with kings (OttEr)
P 555 Defeat in battle [single combat] (OttEr)
V 130 Other sacred objects connected with worship (OttEr)
V 301 (Li) Heathens and Christians (OttEr)
V 335.2 (Bm) Refusal to become Christian brings death (OttEr)

Count of Fundrall    

P 293 Uncle (KM5)


F 575.2 Handsome man (BvHCra)
F 639 Extraordinary powers – miscellaneous (BvHCra)
H 51 Recognition by scar (BvHCra)
H 151.10 Combat of unknown brothers [relatives, unrecognized friends] brings about recognition (BvHCra)
H 194 (Bm) Recognition only through direct revelation of identity (BvHCra)
H 218 Trial by combat (BvHCra)
H 1561.2 Single combat to prove valor (BvHCra)
K 1812 King in disguise (BvHCra)
L 325.1 (Bm) Victory over superior force: one against many (BvHCra)
N 760 Other accidental encounters (BvHCra)
N 767.1 (Bm) Unwitting combat between friends. [Unwitting attack on friend] (BvHCra)
N 839 (Bm) Noble [vassal, knight] as helper (BvHCra)
P 13.5 Crowning [and making] of kings (BvHCra)
P 30 Princes (BvHCra)
P 50.2 Marshall [Court officials: marshall, steward, etc.] (BvHCra)
P 91 (Li) Heraldic figures and symbols – coat-of-arms (BvHCra)
P 310 Friendship (BvHCra)
R 213 Escape from home (BvHCra)
T 35 Lovers’ rendezvous (BvHCra)
W 212 Eagerness for combat (BvHCra)

Craon (Moriz von Craon)    

P 52 Knight jousts with all comers (MovC)


F 575.1 Remarkably beautiful woman (HMvNT)
T 84 Lovers treacherously separated (HMvNT)
T 89.3 (Bm) Faithless lover (HMvNT)


D 1812.3.3.5 Prophetic dream allegorical (UvEAlx)


D 1052 Magic garment (robe, tunic) (KvWTK)
D 1402.0.5 Nessus-shirt. Magic shirt burns wearer up (KvWTK)
Q 241 Adultery punished (KvWTK)
Q 414.0.2 Burning as punishment for adultery (KvWTK)
S 112 Burning to death (KvWTK)
S 139 Misc. cruel murders (KvWTK)

Crimel ( Krimel)    

P 14.15.2 Court messenger (HRFu)
P 310 Friendship (HRFu)


T 538 Unusual conception in old age (Dulc)
T 548.1 Child born in answer to prayer (Dulc)


T 55 Girl as wooer. Forthputting woman (JvWW)


D 1711 Magician (WvEP)
F 186 (Li) Otherworld messenger (WvEP)
F 510.1 Monstrous races (WvEP)
F 511.2 Person unusual as to his ears (WvEP)
F 513 Person unusual as to his mouth (WvEP)
F 513.1 Person unusual as to his teeth (WvEP)
F 514 Person unusual as to his nose (WvEP)
F 515.2.2 Person with very long [and sharp] fingernails (WvEP)
F 521.1.1 Woman with animal hair. (WvEP)
F 527 Person of unusual color (WvEP)
F 555 Remarkable hair (WvEP)
F 576 Extraordinary ugliness (WvEP)
F 645 Marvelously wise man [woman]. (WvEP)
M 410 Pronouncement of curses. (WvEP)
P 253 Sister and brother (WvEP)


F 591 Person who never laughs (WvEP)
M 151.7 Heroine will not laugh till arrival of destined hero. (WvEP)
Q 470 Humiliating punishments (WvEP)


J 2314 Layman made to believe that he is a monk (HKLFb)


A 475 God of love (HvVEn, KvWTK, TrojEl)
A 475.0.1 Cupid with arrows of lead and gold (KvWTK, TrojEl)
Z 202 (Bm) Fanciful ancestry of hero (HvVEn)


F 610 Remarkably strong man (PlMel)
H 1561.2 Single combat to prove valor (PlMel)
K 2312 Oath literally obeyed (PlMel)
N 839 (Bm) Noble [vassal, knight] as helper (PlMel)
P 14.15.1 (Old, wise) Counsellors of court [King’s council] (PlMel)
P 110.0.1 (Bm) Faithful steward [knight] as regent (PlMel)
R 75 Surrendering (PlMel)
R 222 Unknown knight (Three days’ tournament) (PlMel)


F 512.1 Person with one eye (HerED)
F 512.1.1 Person with one eye in center of forehead (HerED)


F 512.1 Person with one eye (HerEA, HerEB)
F 512.1.1 Person with one eye in center of forehead (HerEA, HerEB)

Cyrce (Circe)    

D 1355.2 Magic love-philtre (HvFLvT)
D 1355.3 Love charm (HvFLvT)