Motif Index of German Secular Narratives                 
Published by the Austrian Academy of Sciences, Vienna
 Introduction   Matière de Bretagne   Chansons de Geste   Miscellaneous Romances   Oriental Romances   Heroic Epic   Maere and Novellas   Romances of Antiquity   Index 


Index of Names
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Index of Names  E 


F 1088.1 Hero (heroine) spared for his (her) beauty (HvNAp)


F 812.8 Wood which cannot be consumed by fire (RvEAlx)


P 91 (Li) Heraldic figures and symbols – coat-of-arms (WvEW)


F 531 Giant (EckL)
F 531.5.1 Giant friendly to man (EckL)
F 628.2.3 Strong man kills giant (EckL)
K 2116.5 Warrior falsely accused of having killed his sleeping adversary (EckL)
N 812 Giant or ogre as helper (EckL)
P 17.5 Brothers rule jointly (EckL)
W 195 Envy (EckL)


L 225 Hero refuses reward (RosGA)


F 628 Strong man as mighty slayer (AT)
P 320 Hospitality (AT)
Q 421.0.4 Beheading as punishment for murder (DietF)
Q 473.2 Punishment: tying to horse (’s tail) (DietR)

Eckerich (Eggerich)    

F 451.2.3.1 Long-bearded dwarf (SigJu)
F 451.5.1 Helpful dwarfs (SigAel)
F 451.5.1.7 Dwarfs serve mortals (SigAel)
H 218 Trial by combat (KEmd, KM4)
K 331 Goods stolen while owner sleeps (KEmd)
K 331.2 Owner put to sleep and goods stolen (KM4)
K 1111.1 Ogre’s (dwarf’s) [giant’s, hero’s] beard caught fast (SigAel)
K 2211.1 Treacherous brother-in-law (KEmd, KM4)
K 2370 Miscellaneous deceptions (KEmd, KM4)
Q 236 Punishment for deceiving (divine) emperor (KEmd, KM4)
Q 491 Indignity to corpse as punishment (KEmd, KM4)
S 62 Cruel husband (KEmd, KM4)


P 14.15.2 Court messenger (DietF)
P 361 Faithful servant [vassal] (NL)
P 361.2 Faithful servant remains at home and fights for exiled hero (DietF)

Edippus (Oedipus)    

F 1041.21.8 (Bm) Suicide from grief (UvEAlx)
H 1381.2 Quest for unknown father (UvEAlx)
M 343 Parricide prophecy (UvEAlx)
M 371.0.1 Abandonment in forest to avoid fulfillment of prophecy (UvEAlx)
N 323 Parricide prophecy unwittingly fulfilled (UvEAlx)
N 365.1 Boy unwittingly commits incest with his mother (UvEAlx)
N 731.1 Unknown son returns to father’s court (UvEAlx)
P 17.11 Slayer of king [sovereign] marries widow [daughter] and inherits kingdom [domain] (UvEAlx)
S 354 Exposed infant (child) reared at strange king’s court [at shepherd’s place] (UvEAlx)


T 257 Jealous husband or wife. (TrojEl)
W 181 Jealousy (TrojEl)


F 531.2.1 Extremely tall giant (EckL)
F 531.6.8.5 Giant’s social relations (EckL)


K 2213.3 Faithless wife plots with paramour against husband’s life (HvFLvT)
Q 211 Murder punished (HvFLvT)
Q 241 Adultery punished (HvFLvT)
Q 262 Impostor punished (HvFLvT)
Q 416.2 Punishment: dragging to death by a horse [by horses] (HvFLvT)
Q 451.7 Blinding as punishment (HvFLvT)
Q 451.7.4 Blinding as punishment for murder (HvFLvT)


D 2161.2 Magic cure of wound. (Lanc1)
L 430 Arrogance repaid (Lanc1)
N 733 Accidental meeting of brothers (Lanc1)
Q 288 Punishment for mockery (Lanc1)


F 708 Countries with one conspicuous lack (RvEAlx)
Q 276 Stinginess punished. (HvNAp)


F 775 Extraordinary tent (HvNAp)
P 91 (Li) Heraldic figures and symbols – coat-of-arms (HvNAp)


F 1041.21 Reactions to excessive grief (PlGar)
R 74.4 (Tu) Defeated king [nobleman, knight] becomes conqueror’s vassal (PlGar)
T 210 Faithfulness in marriage (PlGar)
V 400 Charity (PlGar)


N 825.2 Old man helper (HvNAp)
Q 113.1.1 (Bm) Earldom (and castle) as reward (HvNAp)

Elegast (Eligast)    

B 217.2 Animal languages learned from eating plant (KM4)
F 527.5 Black man [knight; wild woman] (KM4)
F 676 Skillful thief (KEmd, KM4)
H 218 Trial by combat (KEmd, KM4)
K 301 Master thief (AlbJT, KEmd, KM4)
K 331 Goods stolen while owner sleeps (KEmd)
K 331.2 Owner put to sleep and goods stolen (KM4)
K 419 Thief escapes detection – miscellaneous (KEmd)
P 50 Noblemen (knights) [rules of chivalry] (KEmd, KM4)
P 91 (Li) Heraldic figures and symbols – coat-of-arms (KEmd)
P 311 Sworn brethren (KEmd)
P 475 Robber [thief, outlaw, pirate] (KEmd, KM4)
Q 431 Punishment: banishment (exile) (KM4)
Q 431.9 Banishment for murder (KEmd)
Q 494 Loss of social position as punishment (KEmd, KM4)
S 139 Miscellaneous cruel murders (KEmd)
W 34 Loyalty (KEmd, KM4)


F 962.2 Fire from heaven (Musp)
V 290 Other sacred persons [saints] (ReivB)


B Transformed princess as dragon (UvZLa)
B She-dragon (UvZLa)
B 11.4.5 Talking dragon. (UvZLa)
D 5 Enchanted person. (UvZLa)
D 199.2 Transformation: man to dragon (UvZLa)
D 661 Transformation as punishment. (UvZLa)
D 735 Disenchantment by kiss. (UvZLa)
D 766.1 Disenchantment by bathing (immersing) . (UvZLa)
D 1794 Magic results from kissing (UvZLa)
Q 280 Unkindness punished (UvZLa)
Q 551.3.2 Punishment: transformation into animal. (UvZLa)
T 5 (Bm) Court of love. (UvZLa)


V 510.1 God speaks in Vision to devotee (Lanc2)


A 571.2 Culture hero still alive on mysterious island (HvNAp)


F 1041.1.2 Death from grief for death of lover or relative (PlGar)
T 211.9.1 Wife dies of grief for death of husband (PlGar)

Elinans (Elinant)    

P 297 Nephew (KM2)


P 52.2 (Li) Knight in service of a lady (PlGar)


M 301.7 Biblical worthy as prophet (RvEAlx)


T 548.1 Child born in answer to prayer (AlbJT)


C 32 Tabu: offending supernatural husband (Lohe)
C 932 Loss of wife (husband) for breaking tabu. (Lohe)
F 575.1 Remarkably beautiful woman (Lohe)
H 218.0.1 Vindication by champion. Usually noble lady or king accused (Lohe)
H 1381.8 (Bm) Quest for champion [helper] (Lohe)
T 15 Love at first sight (Lohe)
T 55 Girl as wooer. Forthputting woman (Lohe)
T 68 Princess offered as prize (Lohe)


M 108 Violators of oaths (DietR)
N 310 Accidental separations (DietR)
P 193.8 (Bm) Incompetent Guardian (DietR)
Q 421 Punishment: beheading (DietR)


D 683 Transformation by magician (WCRPa)
D 1711 Magician (WCRPa)
E 783.1 Head cut off and successfully replaced. (WCRPa)
K 953.2 Murder by wrapping snake around man (WCRPa)
K 1271 Amorous intrigue observed and exposed (WCRPa)
K 1510 Adulteress outwits husband (WCRPa)
K 1550 Husband outwits adulteress and paramour (WCRPa)
K 2210 Treacherous relatives (WCRPa)
M 221 Beheading bargain. (WCRPa)
N 731 Unexpected meeting of father and son (WCRPa)
P 233 Father and son (WCRPa)
Q 241 Adultery punished (WCRPa)
Q 431.8 Banishment as punishment for adultery (WCRPa)
Q 470 Humiliating punishments (WCRPa)
Q 499.9 (G) Humiliating penances: sexual intercourse with animals (WCRPa)
S 11.4 Father plans child’s (son’s) death [injury] (WCRPa)
S 12.1.1 Treacherous mother and paramour plan son’s death (WCRPa)
T 475 Unknown (clandestine) paramour (WCRPa)
T 481 Adultery (WCRPa)
T 481.6.1 (Bm) Queen begets son with magician while king is away (WCRPa)


A 151 Home of the gods (HvVEn)


A 475.0.2 Marriage-god (KvWTK, TrojEl)


P 91 (Li) Heraldic figures and symbols – coat-of-arms (UvLFD)


P 310.1 Friends want to divide good and evil (GoTK)


D 1812. (Bm) Interpretation of dream by second party (GeRo)


F 252.2 Fairy queen (HvdTCr)
F 347 Fairy advisor [advice from dwarf] (HvdTCr)
N 815 Fairy as helper (HvdTCr)
N 831 Girl [woman] as helper (HvdTCr)


M 341 Death prophesied (HvFLvT)
P 426.1 Parson (priest) (HvFLvT)


F 577.1 Friends identical in appearance (KvWE)
H 111 Identification by garment (KvWE)
H 195 (Bm) Failure to recognize (KvWE)
H 218 Trial by combat (KvWE)
H 331.2 Suitor contest: tournament (KvWE)
H 1558.0.1.1 Apple test of worthiness for friendship. Father gives son three apples to offer to those he meets. If the man eats all, avoid him; if he divides, make friends with him. (KvWE)
H 1561.1 Tests of valor: tournament (KvWE)
J 146.2 (Li) The educated youth (KvWE)
J 810 Policy in dealing with the great (KvWE)
J 1160 Clever pleading (KvWE)
K 3 Substitute in contest (KvWE)
K 528 Substitute in ordeal (KvWE)
K 1831.0.1 Disguise by changing name (KvWE)
K 1840 Deception by substitution (KvWE)
L 161 Lowly hero marries princess (KvWE)
P 17 Succession to the throne (KvWE)
P 52.2 (Li) Knight in service of a lady (KvWE)
P 53 (Bm) Obtaining knighthood (KvWE)
P 90 Royalty and nobility – misc. (KvWE)
P 233 Father and son (KvWE)
P 310 Friendship (KvWE)
P 311 Sworn brethren (KvWE)
P 319 Deeds of friendship – miscellaneous (KvWE)
Q 256 Punishment for clandestine lover of princess (KvWE)
T 24.1 Love-sickness (KvWE)
T 26 Attention distracted by sight of (remembering) beloved [because of love] (KvWE)
T 31.1 Lovers’ meeting: Hero in service of lady’s father (KvWE)
T 35 Lovers’ rendezvous (KvWE)
T 55.1 Princess declares her love for lowly hero (KvWE)
T 91.6 Noble and lowly in love (KvWE)
T 121.3 Princess marries courtier (KvWE)
T 351 Sword of chastity (KvWE)
T 475 Unknown (clandestine) paramour (KvWE)


F 575.1 Remarkably beautiful woman (KvWE)
H 195 (Bm) Failure to recognize (KvWE)
L 161 Lowly hero marries princess (KvWE)
Q 256 Punishment for clandestine lover of princess [for princess and her clandestine lover] (KvWE)
T 10 Falling in love (KvWE)
T 31.1 Lovers’ meeting: Hero in service of lady’s father (KvWE)
T 35 Lovers’ rendezvous (KvWE)
T 55.1 Princess declares her love for lowly hero (KvWE)
T 91.6 Noble and lowly in love (KvWE)
T 121.3 Princess marries courtier (KvWE)


H 11.1 Recognition by telling life history (Buss)
L 116 Insane hero (Buss)
P 55 Wild man of noble birth (Buss)
P 91 (Li) Heraldic figures and symbols – coat-of-arms (ReivB)
R 24.2 Princely suitor in minstrel disguise carries princess away (Buss)
R 225.2 Lovers elope to prevent girl’s marriage to undesired fiancé (Buss)
R 312.1 Forest as refuge for eloping lovers (Buss)
T 34 Lovers meet at social gathering (Buss)
T 57 Declaration of love (Buss)
T 96 Lovers reunited after many adventures (Buss)
Z 702 (Hi) Eponymous account of place name (GvSTr)


F 575.1 Remarkably beautiful woman (HvAEr)
F 868 Extraordinary saddle (HvAEr)
H 411.4 Magic drinking horn (cup) as chastity test. (HvdTCr)
H 461 Test of wife’s patience (HvAEr)
H 492 Test of faithfulness of husband and wife. (HvAEr)
H 1556.4 Fidelity in love tested (HvAEr)
H 1596 Beauty contest (HvAEr)
K 1227 Lover put off by deceptive respite (HvAEr)
L 102 Unpromising heroine. (HvAEr)
L 162 Lowly heroine marries prince (king, [count]) (HvAEr)
N 746 Accidental meeting of cousins (HvAEr)
Q 482 Punishment: noble person must do menial service (HvAEr)
R 151 Husband rescues wife. (HvAEr)
R 220 Flights (HvAEr)
T 121 Unequal marriage (HvAEr)
T 192 Marriage by force. (HvAEr)
T 210.1 Faithful wife (HvAEr)
T 211.2 Wife’s suicide at husband’s death. (HvAEr)
T 211.9 Excessive grief at husband’s or wife’s death (HvAEr)
T 298 Reconciliation [reunion] of (separated) couple (HvAEr)
T 323 Escape from undesired lover by strategy (HvAEr)
W 46 (Li) Modesty (HvAEr)
Z 201.1 (Bm) Hero’s famous horse (HvAEr)


A 571.2 Culture hero still alive on mysterious island (HvNAp)


P 14.15.1 (Old, wise) Counsellors of court [King’s council] (RvEAlx)


B 20.1 Army of half-animals, half-men (KvWTK, TrojEl)
J 140 Wisdom (knowledge) through education (HMvNT)


D 1071 Magic jewel (jewels) (OttEr)
H 217.1 Decision of victory by single combat between army leaders (OttEr)
H 218 Trial by combat (HvNAp)
H 1308 Quest for the finest of horses (OttEr)
H 1319 Quest for the unique – miscellaneous (OttEr)
H 1381.3.1.1 Quest for bride for king (prince) (OttEr)
J 146.2 (Li) The educated youth (OttEr)
L 101 Unpromising [clumsy] hero (OttEr)
L 165 Lowly boy [man] becomes king (OttEr)
L 419 Proud ruler (deity) humbled – miscellaneous (OttEr)
M 302.4.2 (Bm) Future read in stars (OttEr)
M 370 Vain attempts to escape fulfillment of prophecy (OttEr)
P 14.15.1 (Old, wise) Counsellors of court [King’s council] (OttEr)
P 19 Other motifs connected with kings (OttEr)
Q 225.1 Heresy punished (OttEr)
R 61 Person sold into slavery (OttEr)
T 548.1 Child born in answer to prayer (OttEr)
V 59 Prayers answered – miscellaneous (OttEr)
V 130 Other sacred objects connected with worship (OttEr)
V 150 Sacred objects – miscellaneous (OttEr)
V 356 Christian hero (saint) overthrows heathen idols (OttEr)
W 32 Bravery (OttEr)
Z 254 Destined hero (OttEr)


F 531.6.12.6 Giant slain by man (HvAEr)
F 628.2.3 Strong man kills giant (HvAEr)
H 151.10 Combat of unknown brothers [relatives, unrecognized friends] brings about recognition (HvAEr)
H 411.4 Magic drinking horn (cup) as chastity test. (HvdTCr)
H 461 Test of wife’s patience (HvAEr)
H 492 Test of faithfulness of husband and wife. (HvAEr)
H 1221 Quest for adventure (HvAEr)
H 1223.1 Quest to recover one’s honor through feats. (HvAEr)
H 1228 Quest undertaken by hero for vengeance. (HvAEr)
H 1556.4 Fidelity in love tested (HvAEr)
L 162 Lowly heroine marries prince (king, [count]) (HvAEr)
L 225 Hero refuses reward (KvSGM)
N 765 Meeting with robber band (HvAEr)
N 767.1 (Bm) Unwitting combat between friends. [Unwitting attack on friend] (HvAEr)
N 839 (Bm) Noble [vassal, knight] as helper (HvAEr, KvSGM)
P 12 Character of kings (HvAEr)
P 16.1.4 Father abdicates in favor of son (HvAEr)
P 17.0.2 Son succeeds father as king (HvAEr)
P 311.1 Combatants become sworn brethren (HvAEr)
P 314 Combat of disguised [unrecognized] friends. [Unwitting attack on friend] (HvAEr)
R 110 Rescue of captive (HvAEr)
R 151 Husband rescues wife. (HvAEr)
R 220 Flights (HvAEr)
T 121 Unequal marriage (HvAEr)
T 298 Reconciliation [reunion] of (separated) couple (HvAEr)
W 32 Bravery (HvAEr)
W 46 (Li) Modesty (HvAEr)
W 200 Traits of character – miscellaneous (HvAEr)

Erene (Êrene)    

F 575.1 Remarkably beautiful woman (RvEGG)
N 399.1.1 (Bm) Wind carries ship to hostile [unknown] island [land] (RvEGG)
N 741.2 Husband and wife become separated in shipwreck (RvEGG)
P 43 (Bm) Impecunious princess (RvEGG)
R 111.1 Princess (maiden) rescued from captor (RvEGG)
T 121.3.1 Princess marries lowly man (RvEGG)
T 165.9 (Li) Widow and maid (RvEGG)
T 210.1 Faithful wife (RvEGG)


E 121.7 Resuscitation by magician. (HvAEr)


R 10.1 Princess (maiden) abducted (HvFLvT)

Ermrîch ( Ermenrîch)    

K 784 (Bm) Capture by ambush (DietF)
K 811 Victim lured into house and killed (DietF)
K 833 Man lured into aiding trickster who has feigned an accident or needs help (DietF)
K 2217 Treacherous uncle [stepfather] (DietF, DietR)
M 205 Breaking of bargains and promises (DietF)
P 12 Character of kings (DietF)
P 15.12 (Bm) King is attacked and exiled by treacherous brother-in-law [uncle] (DietF)
P 251.5.4 Two brothers as contrasts (DietF)
P 550.1.1 (Li) Aggression: rebellion; usurpation; invasion; assault (DietF, DietR)
P 550.1.3 (Tu) Declaration of war (AT)
R 219 Escapes – miscellaneous (DietF, DietR)
R 220 Flights (DietR)
S 71 Cruel uncle (DietF)
W 155 Hardness of heart (DietF)
Z 356 Unique survivor (DietF)

Ernalt of Gerunde    

N 733.1 Brothers unwittingly fight each other (WvEW)


F 628.2 Strong man kills men (HerEA, HerEB, HerED)
H 41 Recognition of royalty [nobility] by personal characteristics or traits (HerEA, HerEB)
J 146.2 (Li) The educated youth (HerEA, HerEB, HerED)
K 2102.1 (Bm) Exile on false account (HerED)
K 2126 Knight falsely accused of sedition (HerEA, HerEB, HerED)
K 2150 Innocent made to appear guilty (HerEA, HerEB, HerED)
L 111.1 Exile returns and succeeds (HerEA, HerEB, HerED)
N 735 Accidental meeting of mother and son (HerEA, HerEB)
P 50.0.1 King and vassals: obligations of vassals to king [Feudality: mutual relationship between king and vassals] (HerEA, HerEB, HerED)
P 53 (Bm) Obtaining knighthood (HerEA)
P 54 (Bm) Knighting custom (HerEA)
P 527 (Li) Problems of inheritance (legacy) (HerEB)
Q 431 Punishment: banishment (exile) (HerEA, HerEB, HerED)
T 131.1 Relative’s consent to marriage necessary (HerEA, HerEB)
V 531 Pilgrimage to Holy Land (HerEA, HerEB, HerED)
W 11.5 Generosity toward enemy (HerEAK, HerEB)
W 33 Heroism (HerEA, HerEB)

Escalibort (Eschaliburg)    

D 878.1 Magic sword returned to lake whence it was received (Lanc3)
F 833 Extraordinary sword (Lanc1, Lanc3)
Z 201.2 (Bm) Hero’s famous sword (Lanc3)


J 152 Wisdom (knowledge) from sage (teacher) (GrAlx)


F 531.2.1 Extremely tall giant (UvZLa)
F 531.5.1 Giant friendly to man (UvZLa)
F 531. (Bm) Courteous giant (UvZLa)
N 812 Giant or ogre as helper (UvZLa)
T 615 Supernatural growth (UvZLa)


F 818 Extraordinary garden (PlGar)
H 359 Other suitor tests (PlGar)
M 166 Other vows about fighting (PlGar)
N 318 Accidental separation of lovers (PlGar)
P 52 Knight jousts with all comers (PlGar)
P 52.2 (Li) Knight in service of a lady (PlGar)
Q 58 (Bm) Obedience [in love-service] rewarded (PlGar)
R 74.4 (Tu) Defeated king [nobleman, knight] becomes conqueror’s vassal (PlGar)


D 2161.2 Magic cure of wound. (WCRPa)
D 2161.5.5 Cure by angel (WCRPa)
V 235 Mortal visited by angel (WCRPa)


P 17.0.2 Son succeeds father as king (UvEAlx)
P 251.5 Two brothers (UvEAlx)


F 1041.21 Reactions to excessive grief (NLKl)
J 910 Humility of the great (NLKl)
N 836 King as helper (DietF, DietR, DietW)
P 12 Character of kings (BitD, DietF)
P 12.9.1 (Bm) King mourns dead enemy (NLKl)
P 13 Customs connected with kings (BitD, DietF)
P 320 Hospitality (NL)
P 324.1 Host treats guest with food and everything possible (BitD)
P 324.3 Guests’ life inviolable (NL)
T 11.1.1 Beauty of woman reported to king causes quest for her as his bride (NL)
V 339.1 (Bm) Harmony between religions (NL)
W 11.2 Munificent monarch (DietF)


H 1224 Quest to distant king for military aid (HvVEn)
P 681 Mourning customs (HvVEn)
Q 114.2 Gifts as reward for gifts (HvVEn)

Eudis (Eydes)    

H 1381.8 (Bm) Quest for champion [helper] (Wiga)
P 527 (Li) Problems of inheritance (legacy) (Wiga)


P 550.2 (Li) Single combat (UvEAlx)


M 356.1.5 (Bm) Prophecy of city’s destruction (HMvNT)


F 141.1 River as barrier to otherworld (HvNAp)
F 162.2.1 The four rivers of paradise (RvEAlx, StrAlx)
F (Bm) Water or river flowing from paradise (HvNAp)
F 715 Extraordinary river (HMvNT, RvEAlx)


J 494 Choice: death and revenge preferred to life (HvVEn)
K 871.2 Slaughter of drunken enemies in banquet hall [army-camp] (HvVEn)
P 310.1 Friends want to divide good and evil (HvVEn)
P 311 Sworn brethren (HvVEn)
P 315 Friends offer to die for each other (HvVEn)
P 681 Mourning customs (HvVEn)
W 151 Greed (HvVEn)


D 1711 Magician (KvWTK)
D 1712 Soothsayer (diviner, oracle, etc.) (KvWTK)
D 1712.0.1 Astrologer-magician (KvWTK)
M 301 Prophets (KvWTK)


A 63.6 Devil in serpent’s form tempts first woman (UvEAlx)
A 1210 Creation of man by creator (UvEAlx)


F 1068 Realistic dream (Lanc1)
P 29.4 Queen becomes nun (Lanc1)
P 252.1 Two sisters (Lanc1)
R 325.4 (Bm) Nunnery as refuge (Lanc1)
T 69.1.1 Three (two) brothers married to three (two) sisters (Lanc1)

T 211.5.1 Wife becomes hermit (nun) after husband’s death (Lanc1)


V 331 Conversion to Christianity (Lanc3)


E 182 Dead body incorruptible (StrAlx)


F 566.2 Land where women live separate from men (GrAlx)


F 11.1 Journey to heaven [or hell] in trance (ReivB)