Motif Index of German Secular Narratives                 
Published by the Austrian Academy of Sciences, Vienna
 Introduction   Matière de Bretagne   Chansons de Geste   Miscellaneous Romances   Oriental Romances   Heroic Epic   Maere and Novellas   Romances of Antiquity   Index 


Index of Names
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Index of Names  F 


P 91 (Li) Heraldic figures and symbols – coat-of-arms (HvNAp)
P 311.5 Covenant of friendship (HvNAp)
Z 201.1 (Bm) Hero’s famous horse (HvNAp)


F 730 Extraordinary island (Lanc3)


F 833 Extraordinary sword (AlbJT)


A 489 Gods of abstractions – miscellaneous (KvWTK)


D 100 Transformation: man to animal. (HvAEr)
D 813 Magic object received from fairy (HvAEr)
D 1711 Magician (HvAEr)
D 1711.5 Fairy as magician. (HvAEr)
D 1719.5 Magic power of fairy. (HvAEr)
D 2122 Journey with magic speed. (HvAEr)
D 2135.0.1 Levitation (HvAEr)
D 2151 Magic control of waters (HvAEr)
D 2158 Magic control of fires (HvAEr)
D 2197 Magic dominance over animals (HvAEr)
D 2198 Magic control of spirits (angels, [gods]) (HvAEr)
E 121.7 Resuscitation by magician. (HvAEr)
F 250 Other characteristics of fairies. (HvAEr)
F 253 Extraordinary powers of fairies (HvAEr)
F 302.3.1.3 Man is carried to fairyland by fairy and marries her. (WvEP)

Farracuc (Ferracuc, Farruck )    

F 531.2.1 Extremely tall giant (KM3)
F 531.5 Giants and men (KM3)
F 531.6.12.6 Giant slain by man (KM3)
Z 311 Achilles heel (KM3)


J 1141.1 Guilty person deceived into gesture (act) which admits guilt (GrAlx)
K 2247 Treacherous lord [vassal] (GrAlx)

Faufaserat ( Faufasarat)    

P 233 Father and son (UvTRW)
R 5 Capture on field of battle (UvTRW)
V 335 (Bm) Refusal to change religion (UvTRW)


D 1500.1.19 Magic healing salve. (HvAIw)
D 1719.5 Magic power of fairy. (HvAIw)

Feirafîz (Feirefiz)    

F 527 Person of unusual color (UvEAlx, WvEP)
F 575.2 Handsome man (WvEP)
H 151.10 Combat of unknown brothers [relatives, unrecognized friends] brings about recognition (WvEP)
H 1381.2 Quest for unknown father (WvEP)
H 1381.2.2.1 Son seeks unknown father (WvEP)
N 733.1 Brothers unwittingly fight each other (WvEP)
P 52.2 (Li) Knight in service of a lady (WvEP)
P 150 Rich men (WvEP)
P 251.5 Two brothers (WvEP)
T 10 Falling in love (WvEP)
T 59 (Bm) Love tokens (WvEP)
V 301.1 (Li) The high-minded, noble heathen (WvEP)
V 331 Conversion to Christianity (WvEP)
V 331.5 Conversion to Christianity through love (WvEP)
V 332 Baptism of heathen (WvEP)
W 11.2 Munificent monarch (WvEP)


F 11.1 Journey to heaven [or hell] in trance (MoeF)
V 311 Belief in the life to come (MoeF)
V 511.1 Visions of heaven (MoeF)
W 47 (Hi) Humility and modesty (MoeF)
W 48 (Ha) Piety (MoeF)


B 32 Phoenix (BaAlx, GrAlx, StrAlx, UvEAlx)
B 32.1 Phoenix renews youth (GrAlx)


F 567 Wild man (WvGW)


F 531 Giant (TundFr2)


F 531.0.4 Giant woman (PlGar)
F 531.6.3.1 Giants live in castles (raths, duns) (ruins of which may still be seen) (PlGar)
F 531.6.8.1 Giant in love with giantess (PlGar)
F 531.6.12.6 Giant slain by man (PlGar)
F 628.2.3 Strong man kills giant (PlGar)
G 111 Giant ogre (s) possess (es) castle (PlGar)
G 440 Ogre [giant] abducts person (PlGar)


N 831 Girl [woman] as helper (HvAEr)


F 576 Extraordinary ugliness (HvNAp)
P 274 Foster sister (HvNAp)


E 100 Resuscitation by medicines (HvNAp)
F 668.0.1 Skillful physician (HvNAp)
J 146.2 (Li) The educated youth (HvNAp)
P 424 Physician (HvNAp)


D 813 Magic object received from fairy (HvdTCr)
D 859.2.1 Magic object received from other world. (HvdTCr)
D 1057 Magic belt (HvdTCr)
D 1381.18 Magic belt assures victory (HvdTCr)
F 301 Fairy lover [husband]. (HvdTCr)
F 302 Fairy mistress (HvdTCr)
F 340 Gifts from fairies (HvdTCr)


F 399 Other fairy motifs (BvHDa)
N 815 Fairy as helper (BvHDa)


K 2215 (Bm) Treacherous stepmother [foster mother] (FvS)
P 282 Stepmother (FvS)
Q 411.4 Death as punishment for treachery (FvS)
Q 414 Punishment: burning alive (FvS)
S 31 Cruel stepmother (FvS)
S 112 Burning to death (FvS)
T 471 Rape (FvS)
T 481 Adultery (FvS)


F 531 Giant (HvNAp)
F 531.0.4 Giant woman (HvNAp)
F 531.1.0.2 Hideous giant (HvNAp)
F 531.1.6.3 Giants with shaggy hair on their bodies (HvNAp)
F 531.1.6.11 Giant (giantess) [wild woman] with hump (HvNAp)
F 531.2.1.6 Giantess is twice as tall as tall man (HvNAp)
G 157 Giant ogre’s prodigious speed (HvNAp)
G 512 Ogre killed (HvNAp)


G 308 Sea-monster (HvNAp)


J 191 Wise men (WvEP)


R 41.1 Captivity in castle (Wiga)


P 532 Payment of tax (tribute) [toll] (HvdTCr)


P 270.4 (Bm) Hero raised by foster parents (GvSTr)
P 272 Foster mother (GvSTr)


T 50.1.2 Girl carefully guarded by father (AlbJT)
T 68 Princess offered as prize (AlbJT)


W 11.2 Munificent monarch (GoTK)


H 218 Trial by combat (HvNAp)


F 575.1 Remarkably beautiful woman (PlGar)
P 52.2 (Li) Knight in service of a lady (PlGar)
T 68 Princess offered as prize (PlGar)


J 1111 Clever girl (PlTand)
K 523 Escape by shamming illness (PlTand)
K 2312 Oath literally obeyed (PlTand)
M 131 Vow of chastity [fidelity] (PlTand)
P 40 Princesses (PlTand)
P 52.2 (Li) Knight in service of a lady (PlTand)
P 510 Law courts (PlTand)
P 555.4 (Bm) Defeated knights [giant, rescued persons etc.] sent under oath to king [lady, queen] (as proof of victory) (PlTand)
Q 213 Abduction punished (PlTand)
Q 260 Deceptions punished (PlTand)
R 225 Elopement (PlTand)
R 310 Refuges (PlTand)
T 10 Falling in love (PlTand)
T 23 (Bm) Childhood sweethearts (PlTand)
T 24.1 Love-sickness (PlTand)
T 24.5 Boy [girl] turns red and white from love (PlTand)
T 92 Rivals in love (PlTand)
T 131 Marriage restrictions (PlTand)
T 311 Woman averse to marriage (PlTand)


F 575.2 Handsome man (KFFB)
F 679.8 Skill at chess-playing (KFFB)
F 1041.21.7 Swooning from grief (KFFB)
F 1088.1 Hero (heroine) spared for his (her) beauty (KFFB)
H 11.1 Recognition by telling life history (KFFB)
H 41 Recognition of royalty [nobility] by personal characteristics or traits (KFFB)
H 71 Marks of royalty (KFFB)
H 82.3 Tokens between lovers (KFFB)
J 628 Dissuasion from suicide (KFFB)
K 100 Deceptive bargain (KFFB)
K 1340 Entering into girl’s [man’s] room by trick (KFFB)
K 1342.0.1 Man carried into woman’s room hidden in a basket (KFFB)
K 1812 King in disguise (KFFB)
K 1812.14.1 King [prince] in disguise of merchant (KFFB)
K 1817.4 Disguise as merchant (KFFB)
M 290 Bargains and promises – miscellaneous (KFFB)
N 2.0.2 Stakes not claimed by winner (KFFB)
N 6 Luck in gambling (KFFB)
N 737 Accidental reunion of lovers (KFFB)
T 22.4 Lovers fated to marry each other born at same time (KFFB)
T 23 (Bm) Childhood sweethearts (KFFB)
T 24 The symptoms of love (KFFB)
T 24.1 Love-sickness (KFFB)
T 24.2 Swooning for love (KFFB)
T 24.6 Lover refuses food and drink (KFFB)
T 61.5.2 Children ten [five] and twelve [five] years old betroth themselves (KFFB)
T 84 Lovers treacherously separated (KFFB)
T 89.2 Woman [man] sacrifices herself [himself] to save beloved (KFFB)
T 91.6.2 King (prince) in love with a lowly girl (KFFB)
T 94 (Bm) Heroine [hero] attempts suicide on (false) reports of hero’s [heroine’s] death (KFFB)
T 96 Lovers reunited after many adventures (KFFB)
T 596 Naming of children (KFFB)
V 301.1 (Li) The high-minded, noble heathen (KFFB)
V 331.5 Conversion to Christianity through love (KFFB)
W 11 Generosity (KFFB)


F 533 Remarkably tall man (Lanc2)


K 1817.2 Disguise as palmer (pilgrim) (KM1)
P 60 Noble (gentle) ladies (KM1)
T 99 Love – additional motifs (KM1)
V 332 Baptism of heathen (KM1)


H 411.4 Magic drinking horn (cup) as chastity test. (HvdTCr)


P 555 Defeat in battle [single combat] (HvNAp)


M 302.4.2 (Bm) Future read in stars (KvWP)
P 52.2 (Li) Knight in service of a lady (KvWP)


F 575.1 Remarkably beautiful woman (WvGW)
F 1041.1.2 Death from grief for death of lover or relative (PlGar, WvETi)
F 1041.1.3 Death from sorrow or chagrin (WvGW)
P 52.2 (Li) Knight in service of a lady (PlGar)
P 231 Mother and son (WvGW)
T 111 Marriage of mortal and supernatural being (WvGW)
T 211.9.1 Wife dies of grief for death of husband (PlGar, WvETi)
T 311 Woman averse to marriage (PlGar)


P 52.2 (Li) Knight in service of a lady (AlbJT)
T 80 Tragic love (AlbJT)


H 1385.0.1 Unspelling quest: journey to disenchant (free) captives. (PlGar)
H 1385.8 Quest for lost brother (s) (PlGar)
P 91 (Li) Heraldic figures and symbols – coat-of-arms (ReivB)
P 556.0.1 (Bm) Challenge to single combat [feud] (ReivB)
R 41.1 Captivity in castle (PlGar)
T 61.5.2 Children ten [five] and twelve [five] years old betroth themselves (MBFuB)


F 148 Wall around otherworld (KvSGM)
F 150.2 Entrance to other world guarded by monsters (or animals) (KvSGM)
F 150.2.4 (Li) Extraordinary porter at entrance to otherworld castle (KvSGM)
F 707 Extraordinary kingdom (KvSGM)
F 771.5 Extraordinary guard for castle (land) (KvSGM)
F 777 (Bm) Extraordinary wall (KvSGM)


P 252.1 Two sisters (HvdTCr)


C 169 Tabu connected with marriage – miscellaneous (OttEr)
H 1210.2 Quest assigned by king (OttEr)
H 1381.3.1.1 Quest for bride for king (prince) (OttEr)
J 652 Inattention to warnings (OttEr)
J 2199 Absurd short-sightedness – miscellaneous (OttEr)
P 16 End of king’s reign (OttEr)


P 555 Defeat in battle [single combat] (HvNAp)


P 556.0.1 (Bm) Challenge to single combat [feud] (ReivB)


H 1381.3.1.1 Quest for bride for king (prince) (SaMor)
R 5 Capture on field of battle (SaMor)
R 41 Captivity in tower (castle, prison) (SaMor)
T 11.1.1 Beauty of woman reported to king causes quest for her as his bride (SaMor)
T 32.1 Lovers’ meeting: hero in heroine’s father’s [husband’s] prison from which she helps him to escape (SaMor)
T 41 Communication of lovers (SaMor)
T 92 Rivals in love (SaMor)
T 104 Foreign king wages war to enforce demand for princess in marriage (SaMor)


H 1281 Quest to Fortune to seek fortune (HvdTCr)
N 111 Fortuna (UvEAlx)
N 111.1.1 Home of Fortuna in otherworld. (HvdTCr)
N 111.3 Fortune’s wheel. (HvdTCr)
N 200 The good gifts of fortune (HvdTCr)
Z 134 Fortune personified (HvdTCr)


H 35.3 Recognition by unique needlework (Buss)
K 1812 King in disguise (HKBK)
K 2112 Woman slandered as adulteress (prostitute) [concubine] (SchKF)
K 2245 Treacherous marshal. (SchKF)
Q 482.1 Princess serves as menial (Buss)
R 24.2 Princely suitor in minstrel disguise carries princess away (Buss)
R 225.2 Lovers elope to prevent girl’s marriage to undesired fiancé (Buss)
R 312.1 Forest as refuge for eloping lovers (Buss)
S 442 Outcast wife [queen] and her son live in poverty (SchKF)
T 34 Lovers meet at social gathering (Buss)
T 57 Declaration of love (Buss)
T 75.2.1 Rejected suitors’ revenge (SchKF)
T 96 Lovers reunited after many adventures (Buss)
Z 701 (Bm) Eponymous account of nation’s founding (HMvNT)
Z 702 (Hi) Eponymous account of place name (KM6)


Z 701 (Bm) Eponymous account of nation’s founding (HMvNT)


B 301 Faithful animal (EvOTr)


M 108 Violators of oaths (PlGar)

Friedrich (Friderîch)    

C 312 Tabu: man looking at woman (FvS)
C 910 Permanent sign of disobedience for breaking tabu (FvS)
C 943.2 Loss of one eye for breaking tabu (FvS)
D 753 Disenchantment by accomplishment of tasks. (FvS)
D 794 Enchanted person attracts attention of rescuer (FvS)
F 305 Offspring of fairy [dwarf] and mortal (FvS)
F 451.5.2.4 Dwarfs kidnap mortals (FvS)
F 451.5.18 Dwarf loves mortal girl (FvS)
F 628.2 Strong man kills men (SaMor)
H 94 Identification by ring (FvS)
H 1222 Prince a-hunting enters on quest (FvS)
H 1321 Quest for marvelous water [fountain] (FvS)
H 1385.3 Quest for vanished wife (mistress) (FvS)
K 640 Escape by help of confederate (FvS)
N 839 (Bm) Noble [vassal, knight] as helper (FvS)
P 14.15 King has champion to enforce respect (FvS)
P 16 End of king’s reign (UvLFD)
P 59.1 (Bm) Impecunious knight (FvS)
P 234 Father and daughter (FvS)
P 510 Law courts (VolAM)
P 555 Defeat in battle [single combat] (UvLFD)
R 5 Capture on field of battle (DietF)
R 41.1 Captivity in castle (FvS)
R 45 Captivity in mound (cave, hollow hill) (FvS)
R 52 (Bm) Benevolent captivity (FvS)
T 10 Falling in love (FvS)
T 24.1 Love-sickness (FvS)
T 35 Lovers’ rendezvous (FvS)
T 92.1 The triangle plot and its solutions (FvS)
T 230 Faithlessness in marriage [love] (FvS)
T 298 Reconciliation [reunion] of (separated) couple (FvS)
T 350 Chaste sleeping together (FvS)
W 11.2 Munificent monarch (FvS)

Friedrich of Telramunt    

H 218 Trial by combat (Lohe)


F 184 Otherworld king (WvEP, WvETi)
P 16.1.4 Father abdicates in favor of son (WvETi)
P 17.0.2 Son succeeds father as king (AlbJT, WvETi)


P 10 Kings [King’s famous court] (KvWE)
W 11.2 Munificent monarch (KvWE)


H 919 Assignment of tasks in response to suggestion – miscellaneous (Kudr)
H 1381.3.1.1 Quest for bride for king (prince) (Kudr)
P 551 Army (Kudr)


D 1812. (Bm) Interpretation of dream by second party (KM2)
K 2247 Treacherous lord [vassal] (KM2)
Q 236 Punishment for deceiving (divine) emperor (KM2)
Q 413.8 Hanging as punishment for treachery (KM2)
R 350 Recapture of fugitive (KM2)

Fuquinet (Volquin)    

P 297 Nephew (KM2)


F 558 Man covered with horn (JohV)
F 610 Remarkably strong man (JohV)
F 1041.21.6 Tearing hair and clothes from excessive grief (KvWP)
F 1041.21.7 Swooning from grief (KvWP)
K 2370 Miscellaneous deceptions (KvWP)
N 832 Boy as helper (KvWP)
P 30 Princes (KvWP)
S Head of murdered man taken along as trophy (JohV)
T 600 Care (education) of children (KvWP)
V 301 (Li) Heathens and Christians (KvWP)
V 331 Conversion to Christianity (KvWP)
V 332 Baptism of heathen (KvWP)


J 1141.1 Guilty person deceived into gesture (act) which admits guilt (GrAlx)
K 2247 Treacherous lord [vassal] (GrAlx)