Motif Index of German Secular Narratives                 
Published by the Austrian Academy of Sciences, Vienna
 Introduction   Matière de Bretagne   Chansons de Geste   Miscellaneous Romances   Oriental Romances   Heroic Epic   Maere and Novellas   Romances of Antiquity   Index 


Index of Names
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Index of Names  G 


F 771 Extraordinary castle (HvNAp)
P 557.0.4 (Li) Siege (HvNAp)
R 310 Refuges (HvNAp)
Z 71.14 Formulistic number: seventy-two (HvNAp)


B 19 Other mythical beasts (Kudr)


V 232 Angel as helper (HvNAp, Orend)
V 232.1 Angel as helper in battle (Orend)
V 232.7 Gifts from angels (Orend)
V 235 Mortal visited by angel (Orend)
V 246 Angel counsels mortal (Orend)


F 1041.21.3 Refusal to eat [drink, sleep] from excessive grief (WCRPa)
J 229.17.1 (G) Choice: humiliating punishment, captivity or single combat (WCRPa)

Gahmuret (Gamuret, Gamorett)    

D 1414 Magic object renders weapon [armor] useless (AlbJT)
F 305 Offspring of fairy [dwarf] and mortal (WvEP)
F 628 Strong man as mighty slayer (AlbJT)
F 778 (Bm) Extraordinary tomb (AlbJT)
F 852 Extraordinary coffin [sarkophag] (AlbJT)
H 1221 Quest for adventure (WvEP)
K 782 Capture by lying in wait in enemy’s haunt (GoTK)
L 400 Pride brought low (GoTK)
M 150 Other vows and oaths (WvEP)
N 839 (Bm) Noble [vassal, knight] as helper (WvEP)
P 17.3 Dying king names successor (AlbJT)
P 50 Noblemen (knights) [rules of chivalry] (WvEP)
P 52 Knight jousts with all comers (WvEP)
P 52.2 (Li) Knight in service of a lady (WvEP)
P 251.5 Two brothers (WvEP)
P 555 Defeat in battle [single combat] (GoTK)
Q 53.3 Maiden queen offers her hand as reward for rescuing her town (WvEP)
Q 112.0.1 Kingdom as reward (WvEP)
T 10 Falling in love (WvEP)
T 59 (Bm) Love tokens (WvEP, WvETi)
T 68.1 Princess offered as prize to rescuer (WvEP)
T 72 Woman won and then scorned (UvEAlx)
T 80 Tragic love (WvEP)
T 91 Unequals in love (Lohe)
T 121 Unequal marriage (WvEP)
T 200 Married life (WvEP)
T 230 Faithlessness in marriage [love] (Lohe, WvEP)
V 120 Images (AlbJT)
V 153 (Hi) Heroes’ grave (AlbJT, WvEP)
Z 202 (Bm) Fanciful ancestry of hero (WvEP)
Z 292.1 (Bm) Hero’s corpse embalmed (WvEP)

Galaad (Galaat)    

F 575.1 Remarkably beautiful woman (Lanc2)
F 575.2 Handsome man (Lanc2, Lanc3)
H 20 Recognition by resemblance (Lanc2, Lanc3)
H 41.9 King [noble] recognized by unique ability to occupy certain seat (Lanc3)
H 1385 Quest for lost person. (Lanc3)
H 1385.13 (Bm) Quest for lost friend (Lanc3)
M 361.1 Prophecy: certain hero to achieve holy grail. (Lanc2, Lanc3)
N 839 (Bm) Noble [vassal, knight] as helper (Lanc3)
P 233 Father and son (Lanc2, Lanc3)
R 110 Rescue of captive (Lanc3)
R 150 Rescuers (Lanc3)
T 300 Chastity and celibacy (Lanc2)
T 615 Supernatural growth (Lanc2)
T 640 Illegitimate children (Lanc2)
V 222 Miraculous manifestation acclaims saint (Lanc3)
Z 254 Destined hero (Lanc2, Lanc3)


F 527.5 Black man [knight; wild woman] (HvdTCr)
F 531.5 Giants and men (HvdTCr)
F 531.6.16 Attendants of the giants (HvdTCr)
F 610.4.2 Man with twelve men’s strength (HvdTCr)
M 234 Life spared in return for life-long service [material compensation, peace treaty] (HvdTCr)
P 52 Knight jousts with all comers (HvdTCr)
R 74 Defeated warriors [adversaries] go into [are forced to join] the conqueror’s service (HvdTCr)


F 771.5.2 Castle guarded by giants (ogres) (HvNAp)
R 41.1 Captivity in castle (HvNAp)


F 701 Land of plenty (HvNAp)
F 709 Other extraordinary countries (HvNAp)


B 150 Oracular animals (HvNAp)

Galaffers (Galafre)    

N 836 King as helper (KM1)
N 836.3 King helps prince (s) in exile (to avenge their father and) take their [his] homeland back (KM1)
Q 72.1 Reward for loyalty to king (KM1)
T 50.2 King likes his daughter so much that he does not wish to marry her to anyone (KM1)
V 301.1 (Li) The high-minded, noble heathen (KM1)


P 12.2.1 Tyrannical king [lord] (UvZLa)
P 234 Father and daughter (UvZLa)
P 320 Hospitality (UvZLa)
Q 292.3 Abuse of hospitality punished. (UvZLa)
S 11.4.1 (Jealous) father vows to kill [kills] daughter’s suitors (UvZLa)
T 50.1.2 Girl carefully guarded by father (UvZLa)
W 188 Contentiousness. (UvZLa)


D 1812.3.3.5 Prophetic dream allegorical (Lanc1)
D 1812.5.1.2 Bad dream as evil omen (Lanc1)
F 1041.21 Reactions to excessive grief (Lanc1)
J 191 Wise men (Lanc1)
M 246 Covenant of friendship (Lanc1)
P 16 End of king’s reign (Lanc1)
P 310 Friendship (Lanc1)
P 319.7 Friendship without refusal (Lanc1)
V 153 (Hi) Heroes’ grave (Lanc2)
W 11 Generosity (Lanc1)
W 11.2 Munificent monarch (Lanc1)
W 11.5 Generosity toward enemy (Lanc1)
W 11.5.9 Warrior gives steed to his enemy (Lanc1)


H 411.4 Magic drinking horn (cup) as chastity test. (HvdTCr)


P 14.15.1 (Old, wise) Counsellors of court [King’s council] (Lanc1)


F 305.1 Fairy relative makes gifts (to half-mortal child) (HvdTCr)


F 531.6.12.6 Giant slain by man (HvdTCr)
F 628.2.3 Strong man kills giant (HvdTCr)


P 17.16 (Bm) Nephew as heir. (Lanc1)


F 451.3.8 Dwarfs are strong (HvNAp)
F 451.5.1.7 Dwarfs serve mortals (HvNAp)

Galie (Galia, Galya)    

F 575.1 Remarkably beautiful woman (KM1)
F 959 Marvelous cures – miscellaneous (KM1)
H 12 Recognition by song (music) (KM1)
H 41 Recognition of royalty [nobility] by personal characteristics or traits (KM1)
H 51 Recognition by scar (KM1)
K 1817.2 Disguise as palmer (pilgrim) (KM1)
K 1831.0.1 Disguise by changing name (KM1)
K 2112 Woman slandered as adulteress (prostitute) [concubine] (KM2)
M 149.1 Lovers vow to marry only each other (KM1)
N 746 Accidental meeting of cousins (KM1)
P 29 Queens – miscellaneous (KM1, KM3)
P 481 Astrologer (KM1)
R 225 Elopement (KM1, KM2)
T 31.1 Lovers’ meeting: Hero in service of lady’s father (KM1)
T 41.1 Communication of lovers through hole in wall (KM1)
T 50.2 King likes his daughter so much that he does not wish to marry her to anyone (KM1)
T 68 Princess offered as prize (KM1)
T Sultan’s [heathen king’s] daughter [wife] in love with captured [exiled] knight (KM1, KM2)
T 96 Lovers reunited after many adventures (KM1)
T 137.2 Bride and bridegroom conducted to bridal bed (KM1)
T 298 Reconciliation [reunion] of (separated) couple (KM2)
V 331.5 Conversion to Christianity through love (KM2)
V 332 Baptism of heathen (KM1, KM2)


K 2217 Treacherous uncle [stepfather] (Lanc2)


Z 201.1 (Bm) Hero’s famous horse (HMvNT)


P 17.0.2 Son succeeds father as king (WvEP)
P 52.2 (Li) Knight in service of a lady (WvEP)
P 251.5 Two brothers (WvEP)
P 251.7 Older brother has birthright. (WvEP)
T 80 Tragic love (WvEP)

Galosevele (Golosobele)    

Z 201.2 (Bm) Hero’s famous sword (KM1)


P 52.2 (Li) Knight in service of a lady (PlGar)


P 233 Father and son (UvTRW)
P 253 Sister and brother (UvTRW)
T 53 Matchmakers (UvTRW)
V 235 Mortal visited by angel (UvTRW)
V 332 Baptism of heathen (UvTRW)
W 34 Loyalty (UvTRW)


F 575.2 Handsome man (WvEP)


J 1510 The cheater cheated (GvSTr)
M 223 Blind promise (rash boon) (GvSTr)
P 17.0.2 Son succeeds father as king (WvEP)
P 52.2 (Li) Knight in service of a lady (GvSTr)
Q 115.1 Reward: any boon that may be asked – king’s wife demanded. (GvSTr)
R 10.5 (Bm) Queen abducted (GvSTr)
Z 730 (Bm) Eponymous account of personal name (WvEP)


F 715 Extraordinary river (HvNAp)


A 165.3 Cupbearer of the gods (UvEAlx)
R 13.3 Person carried off by bird [Abduction by bird] (UvEAlx)


D 52.1 Transformation: man becomes hideous. (HvdTCr)
D 631.1.1 Person changes appearance at will. (HvdTCr)
D 812.13 Magic objects gifts of magician. (HvdTCr)
D 1711 Magician (HvdTCr)
D 1870 Magic hideousness (HvdTCr)
E 783.1 Head cut off and successfully replaced. (HvdTCr)
F 301 Fairy lover [husband]. (HvdTCr)
F 340 Gifts from fairies (HvdTCr)
M 221 Beheading bargain. (HvdTCr)
N 845 Magician as helper. (HvdTCr)
R 225 Elopement (HvdTCr)


F 527 Person of unusual color (HvNAp)


D 6 Enchanted castle (building) (Lanc1)
D 701 Gradual disenchantment (Lanc1)
D 753 Disenchantment by accomplishment of tasks. (Lanc1)
D 1131 Magic castle (Lanc1)
D 1268 Magic statue (doll) (Lanc1)
D 1620.1 Automatic statue of man (Lanc1)
F 771 Extraordinary castle (house, palace) (Lanc1)
F 778.1 (G) Extraordinary grave (Lanc1)
Z 254 Destined hero (Lanc1)


B 291.2.2 Dog as messenger (AlbJT)


D 812.12 Magic object received from dwarf (PlGar)
D 1081 Magic sword (PlGar)
D 1335.5 Magic ring gives strength (PlGar)
D 1344.9 Magic garment renders invulnerable. (PlGar)
D 1381.3.2 Magic unpierceable (horn) skin protects against attack (PlGar)
D 1830 Magic strength (PlGar)
F 305.2 Offspring of fairy and mortal extraordinarily beautiful. (PlGar)
F 347 Fairy advisor [advice from dwarf] (PlGar)
F 451.5.1.7 Dwarfs serve mortals (PlGar)
F 531.5.10 Giant as servant to man (PlGar)
F 575.2 Handsome man (PlGar)
F 610.4.2 Man with twelve men’s strength (PlGar)
F 628.2 Strong man kills men (PlGar)
F 667 Skillful fencer (swordsman) (PlGar)
H 82.3 Tokens between lovers (PlGar)
H 973.3 Task performed by [with help of] dwarfs (PlGar)
H 1224 Quest to distant king for military aid (PlGar)
H 1385.0.1 Unspelling quest: journey to disenchant (free) captives. (PlGar)
H 1561.6 Test of valor: fight with giant [warrior, dwarf-hero, dragon etc.] (PlGar)
J 689 Forethought in alliances – miscellaneous (PlGar)
K 1831.0.2 (Bm) Disguise by refusal to reveal name (PlGar)
M 234 Life spared in return for life-long service [material compensation, peace treaty] (WvGW)
N 538.2 Treasure from defeated giant (PlGar)
N 839 (Bm) Noble [vassal, knight] as helper (PlGar)
P 10 Kings [King’s famous court] (PlGar)
P 12 Character of kings (PlGar)
P 14.15 King has champion to enforce respect (PlGar)
P 52.2 (Li) Knight in service of a lady (PlGar)
P 58 (Bm) Knight aids man [woman] unjustly besieged [assailed] (PlGar)
P 310.5 Defeated enemy turns true friend (PlGar)
P 552.6 (Tu) Conscription of troops: summoning allies as preparation for war (PlGar)
Q 53 Reward for rescue (PlGar)
R 74 Defeated warriors [adversaries] go into [are forced to join] the conqueror’s service (WvGW)
T 15 Love at first sight (PlGar)
T 53 Matchmakers (PlGar)
T 59.1 (Bm) Rings as love tokens (PlGar)
T 600 Care (education) of children (PlGar)
V 400 Charity (PlGar)
W 11 Generosity (PlGar)
W 11.2 Munificent monarch (PlGar)
W 11.5 Generosity toward enemy (PlGar)
Z 230 Extraordinary exploits of hero (PlGar)


F 567.1 Wild woman (HvNAp)
R 10.3 Children abducted (HvNAp)


H 1561.2 Single combat to prove valor (GoTK)


T 257.12 (Bm) Jealous husband confines wife to tower (EvOTr)
T 481 Adultery (EvOTr)

Garnier of Anzhivine    

K 2150 Innocent made to appear guilty (KM2)


D 1812. (Bm) Interpretation of dream by second party (GeRo)


F 1041.1.2 Death from grief for death of lover or relative (PlMel)
T 211.9.1 Wife dies of grief for death of husband (PlMel)


D 1355.3 Love charm (Lanc1)
D 1711 Magician (Lanc1)
K 2231 Treacherous mistress (Lanc1)
P 253 Sister and brother (Lanc1)
T 11 Falling in love with person never seen (Lanc1)
T 92 Rivals in love (Lanc1)
T 257 Jealous husband or wife. (Lanc1)


F 252.5 (Bm) Fairy knight. (HvdTCr)
F 305.1 Fairy relative makes gifts (to half-mortal child) (HvdTCr)
F 527 Person of unusual color (HvdTCr)
F 685 Marvelous withstander of cold (HvdTCr)
N 760 Other accidental encounters (HvdTCr)
N 839 (Bm) Noble [vassal, knight] as helper (HvdTCr)
P 52.2 (Li) Knight in service of a lady (HvdTCr)
R 10.5 (Bm) Queen abducted (HvdTCr)
R 18 Abduction by rejected suitor (HvdTCr)
R 74 Defeated warriors [adversaries] go into [are forced to join] the conqueror’s service (HvdTCr)
R 161 Lover [unwelcome suitor] rescues his lady (HvdTCr)
T 61 Betrothal (HvdTCr)
T 92.1 The triangle plot and its solutions (HvdTCr)
T 471 Rape (HvdTCr)


P 59.1 (Bm) Impecunious knight (KvWP)
V 331 Conversion to Christianity (KvWP)


B 11.11 Fight with dragon (KvSGM)
B 571.3 Animals fight together with their master. (KvSGM)
C 31.5 Tabu: boasting of supernatural wife (KvSGM)
C 453 Tabu: boasting of love-conquest (KvSGM)
C 910 Permanent sign of disobedience for breaking tabu (KvSGM)
C 932 Loss of wife (husband) for breaking tabu. (KvSGM)
D 52.1 Transformation: man becomes hideous. (KvSGM)
D 52.2 Ugly man becomes handsome (KvSGM)
D 1076 Magic ring (KvSGM)
D 1380.23 Magic ring protects (KvSGM)
D 1421.6 Magic object summons fairy (KvSGM)
D 1500.1.19 Magic healing salve. (KvSGM)
D 1860 Magic beautification (KvSGM)
D 1872 Man made hideous. (KvSGM)
F 302 Fairy mistress (KvSGM)
F 302.6 Fairy mistress leaves man when he breaks tabu (KvSGM)
F 302.6.2 Recovery of fairy mistress (KvSGM)
F 531.6.12.6 Giant slain by man (KvSGM)
F 576 Extraordinary ugliness (KvSGM)
F 628 Strong man as mighty slayer (KvSGM)
F 628.2.3 Strong man kills giant (KvSGM)
F 639.4 Strong man overcomes giant (KvSGM)
H 126 Identification by coat of arms (KvSGM)
H 331.2 Suitor contest: tournament (KvSGM)
H 336 Suitors assigned quests (KvSGM)
H 1221 Quest for adventure (KvSGM)
H 1223 Quest to undertake feats of valor (KvSGM)
H 1233.6 Animals help hero on quest (KvSGM)
H 1556.4 Fidelity in love tested (KvSGM)
H 1561.6 Test of valor: fight with giant [warrior, dwarf-hero, dragon etc.] (KvSGM)
N 770 Experiences leading to adventures (KvSGM)
P 91 (Li) Heraldic figures and symbols – coat-of-arms (KvSGM)
Q 247 Punishment for desertion of fairy mistress (KvSGM)
Q 551.8 Deformity as punishment. (KvSGM)
T 0 Love (KvSGM)
T 111 Marriage of mortal and supernatural being (KvSGM)
Z 72.0.1 (Bm) Year time limit on quest (KvSGM)
Z 235 Hero with extraordinary animal companion (KvSGM)


K 2242 Treacherous steward (JohV)
K 2298 Treacherous counselor (JohV)
Q 261 Treachery punished (JohV)
Q 421 Punishment: beheading (JohV)
W 121 Cowardice (JohV)

Gawan (Gawein)    

B 11.11 Fight with dragon (HvdTCr)
B 11.11.5 Dragon fight in order to free man. (HvdTCr)
C 420 Tabu: uttering secrets (WCRPa)
C 453 Tabu: boasting of love-conquest (HvdTCr)
C 740 Tabu: doing deed of mercy or courtesy. (HvdTCr)
C 811 Tabu: heeding persuasive voices. (HvdTCr)
C 833.2 Tabu: turning aside for anyone. (HvdTCr)
C 835 Tabus concerning fighting (HvdTCr)
D 700 Person disenchanted (HvdTCr)
D 705.1 Castle disenchanted. (HvdTCr)
D 753 Disenchantment by accomplishment of tasks. (HvdTCr)
D 810 Magic object a gift (WvGW)
D 812.13 Magic objects gifts of magician. (HvdTCr)
D 813 Magic object received from fairy (HvdTCr)
D 840 Magic object found (HvdTCr)
D 859.2.1 Magic object received from other world. (HvdTCr)
D 862 Magic object taken away by force [recovered by fighting] (HvdTCr)
D 881 Magic object recovered by using second magic object. (HvdTCr)
D 887 (Li) Magic object recovered by fighting (HvdTCr)
D 1057 Magic belt (WvGW)
D 1081 Magic sword (HvdTCr)
D 1101 Magic [part of] armor (HvdTCr)
D 1330 Magic object works physical change (Lanc1)
D 1335.2.2 Water as magic strengthening drink (HvdTCr)
D 1335.4 Magic belt gives strength (WvGW)
D 1338.1.1 Fountain of youth (HvdTCr)
D 1365.2 Drink causes magic forgetfulness. (HvdTCr)
D 1381.10 Magic [part of] armor protects from attack (HvdTCr)
D 1524 Magic object enables person to cross water (HvdTCr)
D 1561.1.2 Magic ring brings good luck. (HvdTCr)
D 1578 Magic object keeps off enchantment. (HvdTCr)
D 1830 Magic strength (HvdTCr, Lanc1, Lanc3)
D 1836 Magic waxing and waning of strength. (Lanc1, Lanc2, Lanc3, WCRPa)
D 1840 Magic invulnerability (HvdTCr)
D 1960 Magic sleep (WCRPa, WvEP)
D 1976.1 Transportation during magic sleep (WCRPa)
D 1978 Waking from sleep (HvdTCr)
D 2004.3.1 Forgetfulness by drinking (HvdTCr)
D 2061.1.3 Poisoning by magic (Lanc1)
D 2157.1 Land made magically fertile (WCRPa)
D 2161.4.12 Magic cure during sleep (WvEP)
E 366.4 (Bm) Revenant in dream advises king (Lanc3)
F 112 Journey to land of women (HvdTCr)
F 150.1 Way to otherworld hard to find. (WvGW)
F 151.0.1 Hospitable host entertains (guides, advises) adventurer on way to otherworld. (HvdTCr)
F 159 Other means to reach the otherworld (HvdTCr)
F 171 Extraordinary sights in otherworld (HvdTCr)
F 171.0.1 Enigmatic happenings in otherworld. (WCRPa)
F 302.3.1 Fairy entices man to fairyland (WvGW)
F 305 Offspring of fairy [dwarf] and mortal (WvEP)
F 340 Gifts from fairies (HvdTCr)
F 374 Longing in fairyland to visit home. (WvGW)
F 379.1 Return from fairyland. (WvGW)
F 531.6.12.6 Giant slain by man (HvdTCr)
F 577 Persons identical in appearance. (HvdTCr)
F 628 Strong man as mighty slayer (StrDan)
F 628.1.1 Strong man kills lion with own hands (HvdTCr, WvEP)
F 628.1.3 Strong man kills great serpent [dragon] (HvdTCr)
F 628.2.3 Strong man kills giant (HvdTCr, Lohe)
F 668.0.1 Skillful physician (WvEP)
F 717.2 Poison pool (Lanc1)
F 855 Extraordinary image (WCRPa)
F 950.10 (Bm) Love cures illness (WvEP)
F 1084 Furious battle [fight] (HvFTr)
H 20 Recognition by resemblance (WCRPa)
H 151.10 Combat of unknown brothers [relatives, unrecognized friends] brings about recognition (HvAIw, Lanc1, Lanc2, WvEP)
H 194 (Bm) Recognition only through direct revelation of identity (HvAIw, HvdTCr)
H 218 Trial by combat (WvEP)
H 218.0.1 Vindication by champion. Usually noble lady or king accused (HvAIw)
H 314 Suitor’s sincerity tested (WvEP)
H 335.1.1 Suitor task: avenging bride’s former fiancé [husband] before marriage. (WvEP)
H 338 Suitor test: faithfulness (HvdTCr)
H 355.4 Suitor test: obtaining flowers [twig] (WvEP)
H 411.4 Magic drinking horn (cup) as chastity test. (HvdTCr)
H 900 Tasks imposed (HvdTCr)
H 931 Tasks assigned in order to get rid of hero (HvdTCr)
H 939.5 (G) Task assigned by dying man (WCRPa)
H 1023.8 Task: fixing the two pieces of a broken sword together (WCRPa)
H 1161 Task: killing ferocious beast. (HvdTCr, WvEP)
H 1219.5 Quest assigned [to] prisoner. (HvdTCr, WCRPa, WvEP)
H 1221 Quest for adventure (HvdTCr)
H 1229.1 Quest undertaken by hero to fulfill promises. (WCRPa)
H 1239.3 Quest accomplished by means of objects given by helpers. (HvdTCr)
H 1281 Quest to Fortune to seek fortune (HvdTCr)
H 1320.1 Quest for magic object: [grail]. (HvdTCr, WCRPa, WvEP)
H 1332 Quest for marvelous parts or possessions of animals. (HvdTCr)
H 1382.3 Quest for unknown wonder. (HvdTCr)
H 1385 Quest for lost person. (Lanc1, Lanc2)
H 1385.13 (Bm) Quest for lost friend (WCRPa)
H 1388 Quest: answer to question (WCRPa)
H 1400 Fear test (HvdTCr)
H 1410 Fear test: staying in frightful place (HvdTCr, WvEP)
H 1550 Tests of character (HvdTCr, WvGW)
H 1553 Tests of patience (HvdTCr)
H 1557 Tests of obedience (HvdTCr)
H 1561 Tests of valor (HvdTCr, WvEP)
H 1561.6 Test of valor: fight with giant [warrior, dwarf-hero, dragon etc.] (HvdTCr)
J 218 Enemies make peace rather than slay each other [pursue each other by law] (WCRPa)
J 230 Choice: real and apparent values (HvdTCr)
J 652 Inattention to warnings (HvdTCr)
J 1089 (Bm) Courteous knight obtains food rude knight was denied (WCRPa)
J 1089.1 (G) Courteous knight obtains what rude knight was denied (WCRPa)
J 1113 Clever boy [youth, knight] (StrDan)
J 1485 Mistaken identity (HvdTCr, WvEP)
J 2010 Uncertainty about own identity. (HvdTCr)
K 1240 Deception into humiliating position – miscellaneous (HvdTCr)
K 1800 Deception by disguise or illusion. (HvdTCr)
K 1821 Disguise by changing bodily appearance (HvAIw)
K 1839.17 (Bm) Disguise by changing armor (WCRPa)
K 1860 Deception by feigned death (sleep) (HvdTCr)
K 1864.2.1 (Bm) Corpse falsely said to be hero’s by treacherous rival [knight] (HvdTCr)
L 225 Hero refuses reward (HvdTCr)
M 151.9 Vow not to see friends until quest is completed (WCRPa)
M 155 Vow to perform act of prowess (WCRPa)
M 166.9.2 (Bm) Vow to revenge unknown wronged (killed) knight (WCRPa)
M 183.3 Vow to find Holy Grail before returning to Round Table. (WCRPa)
M 195 (Bm) Vow to see particular marvel. (WCRPa)
M 221 Beheading bargain. (HvdTCr)
M 361 Fated hero (HvdTCr)
N 111.4 Fortune’s dealings with men. (HvdTCr)
N 200 The good gifts of fortune (HvdTCr)
N 203 Lucky person. (HvdTCr)
N 330 Accidental killing or death (HvdTCr)
N 711.1 King, prince finds maiden in the woods and marries her (WCRPa)
N 730 Accidental reunion of families (HvdTCr)
N 731 Unexpected meeting of father and son (WCRPa, WvGW)
N 731.2 Father-son combat (WCRPa)
N 733 Accidental meeting of brothers (Lanc1, WCRPa)
N 733.1 Brothers unwittingly fight each other (WvEP)
N 734 Accidental meeting of brother and sister (HvdTCr)
N 735 Accidental meeting of mother and son (HvdTCr)
N 737.1 (Bm) Accidental encounter leads to eventual reuniting of lovers (WCRPa)
N 746 Accidental meeting of cousins (WCRPa, WvEP)
N 760 Other accidental encounters (WvEP)
N 760.1 (Bm) Chance meeting of seeker and sought (WCRPa)
N 767.1 (Bm) Unwitting combat between friends. [Unwitting attack on friend] (HvAIw, HvFTr, WvEP)
N 771 King (prince) (lost) on hunt has adventures (HvdTCr)
N 839 (Bm) Noble [vassal, knight] as helper (HvdTCr, HvFTr, WvEP)
P 17 Succession to the throne (Lanc1)
P 50 Noblemen (knights) [rules of chivalry] (HvdTCr)
P 52.2 (Li) Knight in service of a lady (HvdTCr, WvEP)
P 59.5 (Bm) Knight fights naked (without armor) but for sword [spear] (Lanc1)
P 110.0.1 (Bm) Faithful steward [knight] as regent (Lanc1)
P 233 Father and son (WCRPa, WvGW)
P 251 Brothers [Half-brothers] (WvEP)
P 253 Sister and brother (WvEP)
P 253.0.1 Sister’s son (WvEP)
P 292 Grandmother (WvEP)
P 293 Uncle (WCRPa)
P 297 Nephew (WvEP)
P 310 Friendship (HvAIw, WvGW)
P 310.5 Defeated enemy turns true friend (WCRPa)
P 311 Sworn brethren (WCRPa)
P 314 Combat of disguised [unrecognized] friends. [Unwitting attack on friend] (HvAIw, WCRPa)
P 320 Hospitality (HvdTCr)
P 322.2 Guest in disguise or under false name (HvdTCr, WvEP)
P 340 Teacher and pupil (WvGW)
P 424 Physician (WvEP)
Q 85 Reward for asking proper questions. (WCRPa)
Q 140 Miraculous or magic rewards. (WCRPa)
R 4 Surprise capture (HvdTCr, WvEP)
R 10.6 (Bm) Knight abducted (Lanc1)
R 41.3 Captivity in dungeon (Lanc1)
R 52 (Bm) Benevolent captivity (WvGW)
R 110 Rescue of captive (HvdTCr)
R 111.1 Princess (maiden) rescued from captor (HvdTCr)
R 150 Rescuers (HvdTCr)
R 222 Unknown knight (Three days’ tournament) (WCRPa)
R 260 Pursuits (HvdTCr)
S 160.1 Self-mutilation (HvdTCr)
S 180 Wounding or torturing (Lanc1)
T 0 Love (WvEP)
T 10 Falling in love (HvdTCr, WvGW)
T 11 Falling in love with person never seen (WCRPa)
T 26.1 Finger cut because of absorption in the charms of beloved (WvEP)
T 53 Matchmakers (WvEP)
T 59.2 (Bm) Sleeve as love token. (HvdTCr, WvEP)
T 68 Princess offered as prize (HvdTCr)
T 75 Man scorned by his beloved (WvEP)
T 96 Lovers reunited after many adventures (WCRPa)
T 111 Marriage of mortal and supernatural being (WvGW)
T 294 Husband (wife) of supernatural being longs for old home and visits relatives. (WvGW)
T 400 Illicit sexual relations (WCRPa)
T 471 Rape (WCRPa, WvGW)
V 57.3 Prayer on special occasions. (HvdTCr)
W 11.2 Munificent monarch (HvdTCr)
W 32 Bravery (HvdTCr)
W 34 Loyalty (Lanc1, Lanc3)
W 155 Hardness of heart (Lanc3)
Z 72.0.1 (Bm) Year time limit on quest (HvdTCr)
Z 200 Heroes (HvAEr, HvdTCr, WvGW)
Z 201.1 (Bm) Hero’s famous horse (HvAEr, WvEP)
Z 202 (Bm) Fanciful ancestry of hero (WvEP)
Z 230 Extraordinary exploits of hero (HvdTCr)
Z 254 Destined hero (HvdTCr)


N 836 King as helper (JvWW)


K 1831.0.1 Disguise by changing name (BvHCra)


F 821.4 Extraordinarily beautiful mantle (AtPro)
T 108.1 (Bm) Girl (to be) married against her will [without her consent] (AtPro)


F 628.2 Strong man kills men (RvEAlx)


T 75.2.1 Rejected suitors’ revenge (KvSGM)
T 104.1 Rejected suitor wages war (KvSGM)


F 533 Remarkably tall man (KM5, PKRL, StrKG)
F 575.2 Handsome man (KM5, PKRL)
F 833 Extraordinary sword (PKRL)
F 1041.21.6 Tearing hair and clothes from excessive grief (PKRL)
K 2030 Double dealers (PKRL, StrKG)
K 2211.1 Treacherous brother-in-law (KM5, PKRL, StrKG)
K 2217 Treacherous uncle [stepfather] (KM5, PKRL, StrKG)
P 14.15.2 Court messenger (KM5, PKRL, StrKG)
P 233 Father and son (PKRL, StrKG)
P 263 Brother-in-law (KM5, PKRL)
P 281 Stepfather [and stepson] (PKRL, StrKG)
Q 236 Punishment for deceiving (divine) emperor (KM5, PKRL, StrKG)
Q 416 Punishment: drawing asunder by horses [quartering] (StrKG)
Q 416.2 Punishment: dragging to death by a horse [by horses] (KM5, PKRL)
R 211 Escape from prison (KM5, StrKG)
R 350 Recapture of fugitive (KM5, StrKG)
U 119.3 Handsome exterior does not indicate beautiful soul (PKRL)

Genover (Ginover)    

D 50 Magic changes in man himself. (HvdTCr)
D 1057 Magic belt (HvdTCr)
D 1300 Magic object gives supernatural wisdom (WvGW)
D 1359.3 Magic object causes joy (WvGW)
D 1860 Magic beautification (HvdTCr)
D 2061.1.4 Persons magically made to decay and die (Lanc1)
D 2072.0.5 Person paralyzed (Lanc1)
F 575.1 Remarkably beautiful woman (Lanc1, Lanc3, TrMo)
F 577 Persons identical in appearance. (Lanc1)
H 411.4 Magic drinking horn (cup) as chastity test. (HvdTCr)
K 1911 The false bride (substituted bride) (Lanc1)
K 1930 Treacherous impostors (Lanc1)
M 246 Covenant of friendship (Lanc1)
N 255 Escape from one misfortune into worse. (HvdTCr)
N 837 Queen as helper (Lanc1, PlGar)
P 20 Queens (Lanc3, WCRPa)
P 29 Queens – miscellaneous (Lanc1, Lanc3)
P 52.1 Knight’s duty to perform as lady bids (Lanc1)
P 52.2 (Li) Knight in service of a lady (Lanc1, TrMo)
P 253 Sister and brother (HvdTCr)
Q 243.0.2 Suspected incontinence unjustly punished. (HvdTCr)
Q 262 Impostor punished (Lanc1)
Q 414.0.2 Burning as punishment for adultery (Lanc3)
Q 551.6 Magic sickness as punishment (Lanc1)
R 10.5 (Bm) Queen abducted (HvAIw, HvdTCr, PlGar, UvZLa, WvEP)
R 18 Abduction by rejected suitor (HvdTCr, UvZLa)
R 41.1 Captivity in castle (UvZLa)
R 111.1 Princess (maiden) rescued from captor (HvAIw, PlGar)
R 111.1.9 Princess rescued from undesired suitor (HvdTCr, UvZLa)
R 111.2 Princess rescued from place of captivity (UvZLa)
R 161 Lover [unwelcome suitor] rescues his lady (HvdTCr)
R 161.4 Lover rescues his lady from the gallows [stake] (Lanc3)
R 169.1.1 (Bm) Knight rescues abducted lady. (PlGar)
R 175 Rescue at the stake (Lanc3)
R 325.4 (Bm) Nunnery as refuge (Lanc3)
S 411 Wife banished (Lanc1)
T 31.1 Lovers’ meeting: Hero in service of lady’s father (TrMo)
T 52.4 Dowry given at marriage of daughter (Lanc1)
T 59.1 (Bm) Rings as love tokens (Lanc1)
T 61 Betrothal (HvdTCr, UvZLa)
T 92.1 The triangle plot and its solutions (HvdTCr, Lanc3)
T 230 Faithlessness in marriage [love] (WCRPa)
T 252 The overbearing wife (Lanc1)
T 257 Jealous husband or wife. (Lanc2)
T 298 Reconciliation [reunion] of (separated) couple (Lanc1, Lanc2, Lanc3)
T 323 Escape from undesired lover by strategy (Lanc3)
T 471 Rape (HvdTCr)
T 481 Adultery (TrMo)
W 11.2 Munificent monarch (HvdTM, PlGar)
W 118 (Bm) Pride (Lanc1)
W 181 Jealousy (Lanc2)


N 831 Girl [woman] as helper (HvAEr)


F 531 Giant (UvEAlx)
F 531.4.5.1 Giant with iron club [pole] as weapon (UvEAlx)
F 531.6.12.6 Giant slain by man (UvEAlx)
F 556 Remarkable voice (UvEAlx)

Gerfin (Gerfein, Gerffen)    

K 1817.3 Disguise as harper (minstrel) (KM1)
N 760 Other accidental encounters (KM1)
P 50 Noblemen (knights) [rules of chivalry] (KM1)
Q 95 Reward for musician (KM1)


L 143 Poor man surpasses rich (RvEGG)
L 165 Lowly boy [man] becomes king (RvEGG)
N 399.1.1 (Bm) Wind carries ship to hostile [unknown] island [land] (RvEGG)
P 431 Merchant (RvEGG)
R 169.10 Unpromising hero as rescuer (RvEGG)
V 235 Mortal visited by angel (RvEGG)
W 47 (Hi) Humility and modesty (RvEGG)
W 48 (Ha) Piety (RvEGG)
W 215 Extreme prudence [Providentness in financial matters] (RvEGG)


P 310.5 Defeated enemy turns true friend (PlGar)
R 74.4 (Tu) Defeated king [nobleman, knight] becomes conqueror’s vassal (PlGar)
T 75.2.1 Rejected suitors’ revenge (PlGar)
T 104.1 Rejected suitor wages war (PlGar)


K 2246.0.1 Treacherous princess (queen) (Kudr)
L 419 Proud ruler (deity) humbled – miscellaneous (Kudr)
Q 421 Punishment: beheading (Kudr)


K 2211.1 Treacherous brother-in-law (NL, NLKl)


K 1933 Impostor forces oath of secrecy (WDieD)
K 2010 Hypocrite pretends friendship but attacks (WDieD)


F 531.6.9 Giants as warriors (in army) (HerEA, HerEB)


M 100.0.1 (Li) Oath of allegiance (RosGA)
P 552.6 (Tu) Conscription of troops: summoning allies as preparation for war (RosGBr, RosGD)
P 556.0.1 (Bm) Challenge to single combat [feud] (RosGA)
P 559 (Li) Peace: making and conditions of peace (RosGBr)


H 1385.13 (Bm) Quest for lost friend (WCRPa)
R 41.1 Captivity in castle (WCRPa)
R 110 Rescue of captive (WCRPa)


K 910 Murder by strategy (HvdTCr)
K 1860 Deception by feigned death (sleep) (HvdTCr)
M 108 Violators of oaths (HvdTCr)

Gilan-of-Gales (Gilan-of-Galis)    

F 302 Fairy mistress (PlGar)
H 1385.0.1 Unspelling quest: journey to disenchant (free) captives. (PlGar)
P 310.5 Defeated enemy turns true friend (PlGar)
R 74.4 (Tu) Defeated king [nobleman, knight] becomes conqueror’s vassal (PlGar)


F 681 Marvelous runner [extraordinary speed of runner] (UvZLa)
Q 535.1 Penance: not to speak (UvZLa)


P 555 Defeat in battle [single combat] (GrRud)


F 302 Fairy mistress (HvAEr)


N 731 Unexpected meeting of father and son (WCRPa)


D 1714.1 Magic power of chaste women (WCRPa)
H 413 Special powers of chaste woman. (WCRPa)
H 492 Test of faithfulness of husband and wife. (WCRPa)
H 1556.4 Fidelity in love tested (WCRPa)
N 710 Accidental meeting of hero and heroine (WCRPa)
P 253 Sister and brother (WCRPa)
R 111.1.9 Princess rescued from undesired suitor (WCRPa)
R 161.0.1 Hero rescued by his lady (WCRPa)
T 96 Lovers reunited after many adventures (WCRPa)
T 151.4 (Bm) Girl saved from forced marriage at last minute (WCRPa)
T 210.1 Faithful wife (WCRPa)


F 302.3.1 Fairy entices man to fairyland (WCRPa)
F 305 Offspring of fairy [dwarf] and mortal (WCRPa)
N 774 Adventure from pursuing enchanted animal (hind, boar, bird) (WCRPa)
T 55 Girl as wooer. Forthputting woman (WCRPa)
T 59.2 (Bm) Sleeve as love token. (WCRPa)
T 68.7 (Bm) Princess [maiden] as prize in tournament [single combat] (WCRPa)
T 91.3 Love of mortal and supernatural person (WCRPa)


P 14.15.1 (Old, wise) Counsellors of court [King’s council] (GrRud)


D 813 Magic object received from fairy (HvdTCr)
D 859.2.1 Magic object received from other world. (HvdTCr)
F 301 Fairy lover [husband]. (HvdTCr)
F 302 Fairy mistress (HvdTCr)
F 340 Gifts from fairies (HvdTCr)
F 361 Fairy’s revenge. (HvdTCr)
H 1211 Quests assigned in order to get rid of hero (HvdTCr)
K 2010 Hypocrite pretends friendship but attacks (HvdTCr)
K 2294 Treacherous host (HvdTCr)


H 82.3 Tokens between lovers (HvdTCr)
P 19.0.1 (Li) King Arthur as leader of outstanding chivalric society (Round Table) (HvdTCr)
T 41 Communication of lovers (HvdTCr)


T 121 Unequal marriage (NL)


P 14.15.2 Court messenger (HvdTCr)


P 310.5 Defeated enemy turns true friend (Wiga)


F 451.4.5.1 Dwarfs are ruled by a king (HvAEr)
F 451.8.2 Proper names for dwarfs (HvAEr)


Z 201.2 (Bm) Hero’s famous sword (AT)


P 550.1.1 (Li) Aggression: rebellion; usurpation; invasion; assault (HvNAp)
P 556.0.1 (Bm) Challenge to single combat [feud] (HvNAp)
T 471 Rape (HvNAp)


T 210 Faithfulness in marriage (PlGar)


P 14.15.1 (Old, wise) Counsellors of court [King’s council] (BvHCra)


P 261 Father-in-law (DietF)
S 11.4.1 (Jealous) father vows to kill [kills] daughter’s suitors (DietF)

Godin (Godyn, Gudyn)    

P 91 (Li) Heraldic figures and symbols – coat-of-arms (KM1)
R 5 Capture on field of battle (KM1)
R 110 Rescue of captive (KM1)
T 15 Love at first sight (KM1)
T 69 Wooing – miscellaneous motifs (KM1)
W 33.1 Badly wounded warrior continues fighting (KM1)


F 531.5.10 Giant as servant to man (PlMel)
H 1561.2 Single combat to prove valor (PlMel)
M 166 Other vows about fighting (PlMel)
P 14.15 King has champion to enforce respect (PlMel)
P 17 Succession to the throne (PlMel)
P 52 Knight jousts with all comers (PlMel)
R 51 Mistreatment of prisoners (PlMel)
R 74 Defeated warriors [adversaries] go into [are forced to join] the conqueror’s service (PlMel)

Gog (Gok)    

F 510.1 Monstrous races (BaAlx, GrAlx, RvEAlx, SeAlx, UvEAlx)
F 517.0.2 Long-legged people (HvNAp)
F 531.0.3.1 (Bm) Group or tribe or army of giant men (HvNAp)
F 531.1.0.2 Hideous giant (HvNAp)
F 531.1.6.11 Giant (giantess) [wild woman] with hump (HvNAp)
F 531.2 Size of giant (HvNAp)
F 531.2.7 Giant so large he cannot be carried by a horse (HvNAp)
F 531.4.5 Giant’s enormous weapons (HvNAp)
F 531.4.7 Giant’s clothes (HvNAp)
F 531.4.7.1 Giants dressed in skin (HvNAp)
F 561 People of unusual diet (HvNAp, UvEAlx)
F 561.1 People who prefer raw flesh (HvNAp)
F 681.9.1 (Bm) Man runs faster than horse (HvNAp)
F 700 Extraordinary places (AlbJT)
F 708.3 Country without wine (HvNAp)
F 873.2 Enormous army (camp) [train] (HvNAp)
G 11.18 Cannibal tribe (HvNAp)
M 150 Other vows and oaths (UvEAlx)
R 49 Other places of captivity (GrAlx, SeAlx)


K 2247.3 (Bm) Treacherous knight (WCRPa)


F 451.4.5.1 Dwarfs are ruled by a king (AvKGo)
J 580 Wisdom of caution (AvKGo)
J 611 Wise man, before entering a quarrel, considers how it will end (AvKGo)


F 531 Giant (UvEAlx)
F 531.6.12.6 Giant slain by man (UvEAlx)
F 610.4 Man with strength of many men (UvEAlx)
L 311 Weak (small) [young] hero overcomes large fighter (UvEAlx)


F 940 Extraordinary underground (underwater) disappearance (ReivB)
Q 595 Loss or destruction of property as punishment (ReivB)


F 527.2 Green knight (WvEW)
F 558 Man covered with horn (WvEW)
F 707 Extraordinary kingdom (WvEW)


P 50.2 Marshall [Court officials: marshall, steward, etc.] (UvLFD)


F 824 Extraordinary [part of] armor (UvLFD)
P 91 (Li) Heraldic figures and symbols – coat-of-arms (UvLFD)
R 121 Means of rescue from prison (UvLFD)


P 253 Sister and brother (HvdTCr)
Q 243.0.2 Suspected incontinence unjustly punished. (HvdTCr)
R 10.5 (Bm) Queen abducted (HvdTCr)
S 73 Cruel brother (sister) (HvdTCr)


D 1813.1.4 Dream reveals death of brother [husband, father] (NLKl)
T 211.9.1 Wife dies of grief for death of husband (NLKl)
W 11 Generosity (NL)


P 550.1.1 (Li) Aggression: rebellion; usurpation; invasion; assault (KvWSR)


K 910 Murder by strategy (WCRPa)
S 110 Murders (WCRPa)


P 52.2 (Li) Knight in service of a lady (KvWW)
Q 526 Pilgrimage as penance (KvWW)


N 857 Enemy’s servant as helper (WDieD)


F 707 Extraordinary kingdom (SeAlx)


C 515 Tabu- touching (plucking) flowers (WvEP)
H 20 Recognition by resemblance (WvEP)
H 82.3 Tokens between lovers (WvEP)
M 162 Vow not to be killed by [not to fight] a single opponent. (WvEP)
P 52.2 (Li) Knight in service of a lady (WvEP)
P 233.6 Son avenges father (WvEP)
T 11 Falling in love with person never seen (WvEP)
T 41 Communication of lovers (WvEP)
T 59 (Bm) Love tokens (WvEP)
T 59.1 (Bm) Rings as love tokens (WvEP)
W 118 (Bm) Pride (WvEP)


F 531.6.12.6 Giant slain by man (Virg)


Z 356 Unique survivor (PKRL)


K 917 Treacherous murder during hunt (Wiga)
S 110 Murders (Wiga)


F 527.2 Green knight (AlbJT)


F 851 Extraordinary food (HvAGr)
F 883 Extraordinary writings (book, letter) (HvAGr)
F 1041.21.6 Tearing hair and clothes from excessive grief (HvAGr)
H 151.3 Recognition when parents come to son (priest, pope) to be confessed (HvAGr)
J 146.2 (Li) The educated youth (HvAGr)
L 111.2.1 Future hero found in boat (basket, bushes) (HvAGr)
N 118.1 Ship’s course left to the winds that it might be carried where fate wills it (HvAGr)
N 211.1.2 Key (to fetters) found in fish (HvAGr)
N 365.1 Boy unwittingly commits incest with his mother (HvAGr)
N 450 Secrets overheard (HvAGr)
N 735 Accidental meeting of mother and son (HvAGr)
N 817.0.1 God as helper (HvAGr)
N 839 (Bm) Noble [vassal, knight] as helper (HvAGr)
N 846.2 Priest as helper (HvAGr)
P 12 Character of kings (HvAGr)
P 53 (Bm) Obtaining knighthood (HvAGr)
P 271.2 Fisherman as foster father (HvAGr)
P 320 Hospitality (HvAGr)
Q 36 Reward for repentance (HvAGr)
Q 520 Penances (HvAGr)
Q 541.3 Penance: Gregory on the stone. Standing on a stone (pillar) as penance for incest (HvAGr)
R 131.4 Fisher rescues abandoned child (HvAGr)
S 141 Exposure in boat (HvAGr)
S 312.1 Child of incest exposed (HvAGr)
S 331 Exposure of child in boat (floating chest) (HvAGr)
S 334 Tokens of royalty (nobility) left with exposed child (HvAGr)
T 412.1 Mother guilty of incest with son forgiven by Pope (Virgin Mary) (HvAGr)
T 600 Care (education) of children (HvAGr)
T 615.3 Precocious wisdom [virtue] (HvAGr)
T 621 Orphan [foundling] inquires about parents (HvAGr)
T 640 Illegitimate children (HvAGr)
V 221 Miraculous healing by saints (HvAGr)
V 222 Miraculous manifestation acclaims saint (HvAGr)
V 222.6 Bell sounds at approach of saint (HvAGr)
V 294 The Pope (HvAGr)
V 315.1 Power of repentance (HvAGr)
Z 255 Hero born [conceived] out of wedlock (HvAGr)


D 1052 Magic garment (robe, tunic) (TrojEl)
D 1402.0.5 Nessus-shirt. Magic shirt burns wearer up (TrojEl)
Q 241 Adultery punished (TrojEl)
Q 414 Punishment: burning alive (TrojEl)
S 139 Miscellaneous cruel murders (TrojEl)


F 451.4.5.1 Dwarfs are ruled by a king (HvAEr)
F 451.8.2 Proper names for dwarfs (HvAEr)


P 297.3 (Bm) Nephew would avenge his uncle (SigAel)


B 184.1 Magic horses [extraordinary horse from otherworld] (WvEP)
Z 201.1 (Bm) Hero’s famous horse (WvEP)


F 531.6.2.1 Giants live in mountains or caves (HvNAp)


B 845 Wild animals herded (HvAEr)
F 610.2 Dwarf hero of superhuman strength (HvAEr)
F 812 Extraordinary forest (HvAEr)
H 151.10 Combat of unknown brothers [relatives, unrecognized friends] brings about recognition (HvAEr)
N 767.1 (Bm) Unwitting combat between friends. (HvAEr)
N 839 (Bm) Noble [vassal, knight] as helper (HvAEr)
P 311.1 Combatants become sworn brethren (HvAEr)
P 314 Combat of disguised [unrecognized] friends. [Unwitting attack on friend] (HvAEr)


J 1744.1 Bridegroom does not know what to do on his wedding night (SchwM)

Gunderam of Allemannie    

N 760 Other accidental encounters (GeRo)
P 56.1 (Bm) Knight [noble] becomes pilgrim [monk] (GeRo)
R 9 Captivity – miscellaneous (GeRo)
R 165 Rescue by saint (holy man) (GeRo)
W 47 (Hi) Humility and modesty (GeRo)


P 14.15.2 Court messenger (PlMel)


H 345 Suitor test: overcoming princess in strength (NL)
K 70 Contest in strength won by deception (NL)
K 1844.1 Husband has his strong servant substitute in bed with strong wife (NL)
K 2211.1 Treacherous brother-in-law (NL)
P 12 Character of kings (NL)
P 14 Particular practices of kings (NL)
P 557.0.3 (Li) Military aid (alliance) (DietF, DietR)
T 58 Wooing the strong and beautiful bride (NL)
T 172 Dangers to husband in bridal chamber (NL)


M 207 Land grants (bargains) . (GvSTr)
P 251.5 Two brothers (GvSTr)
P 531.1.1 Tribute required of conquered foreigners (GvSTr)
P 550.1.1 (Li) Aggression: rebellion; usurpation; invasion; assault (GvSTr)
S 262.2 Tribute of youths regularly sent to foreign king. (GvSTr)


N 839 (Bm) Noble [vassal, knight] as helper (WvEP)
P 340 Teacher and pupil (WvEP)

Gyburc (Kiburc, Kyburc, Kyburg, Kiburg)    

E 821 Sweet smell from corpse (UvTRW)
F 565.1 Amazons. Women warriors (WvEW)
F 575.1 Remarkably beautiful woman (UvTAr, WvEW)
H 194 (Bm) Recognition only through direct revelation of identity (UvTRW)
H 195 (Bm) Failure to recognize (UvTAr, WvEW)
K 2368 Enemy deceived into overestimating opponents: (retreat) (WvEW)
N 734 Accidental meeting of brother and sister (UvTRW)
P 60 Noble (gentle) ladies (UvTRW)
P 63 (Bm) Lady in armor (and battle) (WvEW)
P 231 Mother and son (WvEW)
P 231.3 Mother-love (UvTRW)
P 234 Father and daughter (WvEW)
P 426.2 Hermit (UvTRW)
R 162 Rescue by captor’s daughter (wife, mother) [niece] (UvTRW, WvEW)
R 225 Elopement (UvTRW, WvEW)
T 32.1 Lovers’ meeting: hero in heroine’s father’s [husband’s] prison from which she helps him to escape (WvEW)
T Sultan’s [heathen king’s] daughter [wife] in love with captured [exiled] knight (WvEW)
T 121 Unequal marriage (WvEW)
T 135.8 Two or more weddings at one time as the end of a tale (UvTAr, UvTAr2)
T 137.1 Advice to a parting bride (UvTAr)
V 331.5 Conversion to Christianity through love (UvTRW, WvEW)
V 332 Baptism of heathen (UvTAr, UvTAr2)
V 350 Conflicts between religions (WvEW)
V 351 Duel (debate) to prove which religion is better (WvEW)
V 520 Salvation (UvTRW)
Z 292 Death of hero [heroine] (UvTRW)


F 575.1 Remarkably beautiful woman (EvOTr)
K 675 Sleeping potion given to man who is to pass the night with a girl. (Sometimes magic pillow or magic sleeping card.) (EvOTr)
T 311 Woman averse to marriage (EvOTr)
T 484 Maidservant given to lover’s companion as bed-partner (EvOTr)

Gyrnas (Girnase, Gernas)    

P 122.3 (Bm) Bishop encourages combat and wages battle (KM1)