Motif Index of German Secular Narratives                 
Published by the Austrian Academy of Sciences, Vienna
 Introduction   Matière de Bretagne   Chansons de Geste   Miscellaneous Romances   Oriental Romances   Heroic Epic   Maere and Novellas   Romances of Antiquity   Index 


Index of Names
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Index of Names  K 

Kadolt Weise    

P 91 (Li) Heraldic figures and symbols – coat-of-arms (UvLFD)


H 1385.13 (Bm) Quest for lost friend (WCRPa)
P 253 Sister and brother (WCRPa)
P 310 Friendship (WCRPa)
R 169.5 Hero rescued by friend (WCRPa)


D 1364.11 Pillow causes magic sleep (HvFTr)
D 1960 Magic sleep (HvFTr)
H 81.3 Clandestine visit of lover to queen betrayed by token (HvFTr, UvTTr)
K 675 Sleeping potion given to man who is to pass the night with a girl. (Sometimes magic pillow or magic sleeping card.) (HvFTr, UvTTr)
K 1349.5 Access for seduction gained by removing locks (HvFTr, UvTTr)
K 1500 Deceptions connected with adultery (HvFTr, UvTTr)
M 201 Making of bargains and promises (GvSTr, UvTTr)
N 839 (Bm) Noble [vassal, knight] as helper (HvFTr)
P 311 Sworn brethren (GvSTr)
T 23 (Bm) Childhood sweethearts (HvFTr, UvTTr)
T 59 (Bm) Love tokens (HvFTr)
T 66 Help in wooing (UvTTr)
T 75 Man scorned by his beloved (HvFTr, UvTTr)
T 230 Faithlessness in marriage [love] (HvFTr)
T 381.0.2 Wife imprisoned in tower (house) to preserve chastity (HvFTr)
T 481 Adultery (HvFTr, UvTTr)
T 484 Maidservant given to lover’s companion as bed-partner (HvFTr)


D 1364.11 Pillow causes magic sleep (WvEP)

Kaiphas (Kayphas, Cayphas)    

F 610.4 Man with strength of many men (KM1)
P 53 (Bm) Obtaining knighthood (KM1)
P 253.0.1 Sister’s son (KM1)


A 182.3 God (angel) speaks to mortal (HvFLvT)
D 1711 Magician (HMvNT)
D 1810.9 Magic knowledge from God (HvFLvT)
D 1814.3 Advice from God (or the gods) (HMvNT)
M 301 Prophets (HMvNT)
M 310 Favorable prophecies (HvFLvT)
P 426 Clergy (HMvNT)


T 232 Woman deserts husband for unworthy lover [Husband repudiates wife for another woman] (SeAlx)


F 151.0.1 Hospitable host entertains (guides, advises) adventurer on way to otherworld. (HvAIw)
H 1221 Quest for adventure (HvAIw)
H 1232.1 Directions on quest given by herdsmen (peasants) [knight, warrior] (HvAIw)
H 1561.2 Single combat to prove valor (HvAIw)
N 764 Unexpected meeting with wild man (HvAIw)


P 52.2 (Li) Knight in service of a lady (PlTand)
P 59.1 (Bm) Impecunious knight (PlTand)
P 555.4 (Bm) Defeated knights [giant, rescued persons etc.] sent under oath to king [lady, queen] (as proof of victory) (PlTand)
Q 458 Flogging as punishment (PlTand)
R 18 Abduction by rejected suitor (PlTand)
T 0 Love (PlTand)
T 75.0.1 Suitors ill-treated (PlTand)
T 75.2.1 Rejected suitors’ revenge (PlTand)
T 104.1 Rejected suitor wages war (PlTand)


K 675 Sleeping potion given to man who is to pass the night with a girl. (Sometimes magic pillow or magic sleeping card.) (UvTTr)
T 75 Man scorned by his beloved (UvTTr)
T 311 Woman averse to marriage (UvTTr)
T 484 Maidservant given to lover’s companion as bed-partner (UvTTr)


K 675 Sleeping potion given to man who is to pass the night with a girl. (Sometimes magic pillow or magic sleeping card.) (HvFTr)
T 484 Maidservant given to lover’s companion as bed-partner (HvFTr)


F 565.1 Amazons. Women warriors (WvEP)


H 1596 Beauty contest (WvEP)


F 531.6.9 Giants as warriors (in army) (HerEA, HerEB)


M 161.4 Vow rather to die (on a spear) than to accept grace (PlTand)
P 52.2 (Li) Knight in service of a lady (PlTand)
P 253 Sister and brother (PlTand)
T 471 Rape (PlTand)


F 575.1 Remarkably beautiful woman (UvTAr)


H 331.2 Suitor contest: tournament (WvEP)
P 561 Tournaments (WvEP)


P 251.5.3 Hostile [half-] brothers (BaAlx, StrAlx)


N 862 (Tu) Ferryman as helper (HvdTCr)
P 413 Ferryman [fisherman] (HvdTCr)


K 1210 Humiliated or baffled lovers (WCRPa)
K 1550 Husband outwits adulteress and paramour (WCRPa)
K 1550.1 Husband discovers wife’s adultery (WCRPa)
T 183 (G) Illusory consummation of marriage (WCRPa)
T 257.12 (Bm) Jealous husband confines wife to tower (WCRPa)
T 465 Bestiality. Intercourse of a human being and an animal (WCRPa)


D 813 Magic object received from fairy (WCRPa)
F 576 Extraordinary ugliness (WCRPa)
H 1385.13 (Bm) Quest for lost friend (WCRPa)
K 953.2 Murder by wrapping snake around man (WCRPa)
K 1826 Disguise as churchman (hermit) (WCRPa)
K 1826.1 Disguise as monk (WCRPa)
L 111.5.1 (Bm) Hero begot illegitimately (WCRPa)
N 710 Accidental meeting of hero and heroine (WCRPa)
N 731 Unexpected meeting of father and son (WCRPa)
N 746 Accidental meeting of cousins (WCRPa)
N 771 King (prince) (lost) on hunt has adventures (WCRPa)
N 839 (Bm) Noble [vassal, knight] as helper (WCRPa)
P 56 (Bm) Knight [noble] becomes hermit (WCRPa)
P 231 Mother and son (WCRPa)
P 231.15 (G) Mother revenges herself on her son (WCRPa)
P 233 Father and son (WCRPa)
P 310 Friendship (WCRPa)
P 314 Combat of disguised [unrecognized] friends. [Unwitting attack on friend] (WCRPa)
Q 453 Punishment: being bitten by animal (WCRPa)
Q 535.4 Lone fasting as penance (WCRPa)
R 161.0.1 Hero rescued by his lady (WCRPa)
R 169.5 Hero rescued by friend (WCRPa)
R 220 Flights (WCRPa)
R 312 Forest as refuge (WCRPa)
T 96 Lovers reunited after many adventures (WCRPa)
T 600 Care (education) of children (WCRPa)
T 640 Illegitimate children (WCRPa)
Z 255.1 (Li) Unknown origin of hero, prophet (WCRPa)


P 311 Sworn brethren (EvOTr)


F 451.8.2 Proper names for dwarfs (HvdTCr)


P 13.5 Crowning [and making] of kings (WvEP)
P 16.1.4 Father abdicates in favor of son (WvEP)
P 17.0.2 Son succeeds father as king (WvEP)


F 531.4.5.2 Giant with iron bar as weapon (PlTand)
F 531.5 Giants and men (PlTand)
F 531.6.12.6 Giant slain by man (PlTand)
F 628.2.3 Strong man kills giant (PlTand)
G 100 Giant ogre Polyphemus (PlTand)
G 111 Giant ogre (s) possess (es) castle (PlTand)
H 1561.6 Test of valor: fight with giant [warrior, dwarf-hero, dragon etc.] (PlTand)
P 475 Robber [thief, outlaw, pirate] (PlTand)
W 118 (Bm) Pride (PlTand)


H 79 Recognition by physical attributes – miscellaneous (DgF)
H 1223 Quest to undertake feats of valor (DgF)
J 347 Wealth and glory sacrificed for freedom and virtue (DgF)
N 315 Separation by being on different banks of stream (DgF)
N 352.2 Jewel (garment, [money-bag]) carried off by bird (from bather) (DgF)
N 730 Accidental reunion of families (DgF)
N 771 King (prince) (lost) on hunt has adventures (DgF)
P 16.1 King (prince) retires from world (becomes hermit [monk, pilgrim], swineherd [beggar]) (DgF)
P 52.2 (Li) Knight in service of a lady (DgF)
P 58 (Bm) Knight aids man [woman] unjustly besieged [assailed] (DgF)
T 23 (Bm) Childhood sweethearts (DgF)
T 91.6.1 Lowly person falls in love with king (queen) (DgF)
T 96 Lovers reunited after many adventures (DgF)
T 103 (Bm) Hero, offered hand of princess as reward, remains true to betrothed [beloved] (DgF)
T 292 Wife sold unwillingly by husband (DgF)


K 2233 (Bm) Treacherous suitors (WCRPa)
T 75.2.1 Rejected suitors’ revenge (WCRPa)
T 104.1 Rejected suitor wages war (WCRPa)


F 771 Extraordinary castle (house, palace) (WvGW)


A 182.3 God (angel) speaks to mortal (KEmd, KM4, KM5, PKRL)
D 1812.3.3.5 Prophetic dream allegorical (PKRL, StrKG)
E 751.1 Souls weighed at Judgment Day (KM6)
F 402.1.5.1 Demons seek to carry off king’s soul (KM6)
F 533 Remarkably tall man (KM6)
F 575.2 Handsome man (KM1, KM6, PKRL, StrKG)
F 610 Remarkably strong man (KM1, KM6)
F 614.10 Strong hero fights whole army alone (KM1)
F 628.2 Strong man kills men (KM1)
F 628.2.10 Strong man cleaves horse and rider in two [kills horse and rider at one pole-blow] (KM1)
F 632 Mighty eater (KM6)
F 960.2 Extraordinary nature phenomena at death of holy [pious] person (hero) (KM6)
F 1041.16.6 Extraordinary physical reactions of angry warriors in battle (KM1)
F 1041.21.1.1 Tears of blood from excessive grief (KM5, PKRL, StrKG)
H 12 Recognition by song (music) (KM1)
H 41 Recognition of royalty [nobility] by personal characteristics or traits (PKRL, StrKG)
H 71 Marks of royalty (PKRL)
H 71.6 Bright eyes as sign of royalty (nobility) (KM6, PKRL)
H 71.6.1 Luminous face as sign of royalty (StrKG)
H 939 Other assigners of tasks (KM5, PKRL, StrKG)
H 1151 Theft as a task (KEmd, KM4)
J 610 Forethought in conflict with others – general (KM3)
J 1766 One person mistaken for another (PKRL, StrKG)
K 1812 King in disguise (KEmd, KM1, KM2, KM4)
K 1812.2.1 Incognito king joins robbers [thieves, outlaws] (KEmd)
K 1812.15 King disguised as own messenger (KM3)
K 1817.2 Disguise as palmer (pilgrim) (KM1, KM2)
K 1831.0.1 Disguise by changing name (KEmd, KM1, KM4, StrKG)
L 111.1 Exile returns and succeeds (KM1, StrKG)
L 131 Hearth abode of unpromising hero (heroine) (KM1)
L 225 Hero refuses reward (KEmd)
L 311 Weak (small) [young] hero overcomes large fighter (KM1)
M 149.1 Lovers vow to marry only each other (KM1)
M 364.3 Prophecy: saint [holy man] will succeed in conversion (KM5, PKRL, StrKG)
N 315 Separation by being on different banks of stream (DgF)
N 730 Accidental reunion of families (DgF)
N 819.7 (Bm) Voice from heaven encourages hero (KM5, PKRL, StrKG)
N 836 King as helper (KM3)
P 11 Choice of kings (KM3)
P 12 Character of kings (GeRo, KM2, KM3, KM6, PKRL, StrKG)
P 13.4 King must marry (KM1, KM3)
P 13.5 Crowning [and making] of kings (KM1, KM3)
P 14 Particular practices of kings (KEmd, KM3, KM6, PKRL, StrKG)
P 14.3 King playing chess when important news arrives (KM5, PKRL, StrKG)
P 14.24 (Bm) Emperor wrongly seizes property (GeRo)
P 15 Adventures of kings (KEmd, KM4)
P 15.3 King loses his kingdom to impostor (KM1, KM2)
P 16 End of king’s reign (KM6, UvTAr, UvTAr2)
P 17 Succession to the throne (KM1)
P 19 Other motifs connected with kings (GeRo, KEmd, KM2, KM3, KM5, KM6, PKRL, StrKG)
P 19.4 Kingly powers (rights) [obligations] (KM3, PKRL, StrKG)
P 36.1 (Bm) Young prince flees usurper (StrKG)
P 50 Noblemen (knights) [rules of chivalry] (KM5, PKRL, StrKG)
P 50.0.2 (Bm) Knight who acknowledges no overlord [Allegiance: loyalty and disloyalty of vassals] (GeRo)
P 53 (Bm) Obtaining knighthood (KM1)
P 91 (Li) Heraldic figures and symbols – coat-of-arms (KM1)
P 251 Brothers [Half-brothers] (StrKG)
P 251.5 Two brothers (UvTAr, UvTAr2)
P 253 Sister and brother (KEmd, KM4)
P 263 Brother-in-law (KM5, PKRL)
P 293 Uncle (KM2, PKRL, StrKG)
P 296.1 Godfather (KM3)
P 311 Sworn brethren (KEmd)
P 322.2 Guest in disguise or under false name (StrKG)
Q 72 Loyalty rewarded (KM3)
Q 147 Supernatural manifestations at death of pious person (KM6)
Q 172 Reward: admission to heaven (KM6)
R 110 Rescue of captive (KM1)
R 225 Elopement (KM1, KM2)
R 331 [Christian] Hero takes refuge at [heathen] king’s court (KM1, KM2, StrKG)
S 62 Cruel husband (KM2)
S Heads of defeated enemies hung on conqueror’s saddle (KM1)
T 31.1 Lovers’ meeting: Hero in service of lady’s father (KM1)
T 41.1 Communication of lovers through hole in wall (KM1)
T 50.2 King likes his daughter so much that he does not wish to marry her to anyone (KM3)
T Sultan’s [heathen king’s] daughter [wife] in love with captured [exiled] knight (KM1, KM2)
T 96 Lovers reunited after many adventures (KM1)
T 137.2 Bride and bridegroom conducted to bridal bed (KM1)
T 211.4.1 Wife’s corpse kept after death (KM3)
T 211.9 Excessive grief at husband’s or wife’s death (KM3)
T 298 Reconciliation [reunion] of (separated) couple (KM2)
T 463 Homosexual love (male) (KM3)
T 466 Necrophilism: sexual intercourse with dead human body (KM3)
T 587 Birth of twins (DgF)
V 232.7.1 Angel brings cross as gift to saint [pious man] (KM5, PKRL)
V 235 Mortal visited by angel (KM5, PKRL, StrKG)
V 339.1.1 (Bm) Christian leads Saracen army [Heathen fights in christian army] (KM1)
V 350 Conflicts between religions (KM5, PKRL, StrKG)
W 11.2 Munificent monarch (KM1, KM2, KM3, KM6)
W 32 Bravery (KEmd, KM1, StrKG)
W 33.1 Badly wounded warrior continues fighting (KM1)
W 212 Eagerness for combat (KM1)
Z 200 Heroes (KM3, KM5, PKRL, StrKG)
Z 201.1 (Bm) Hero’s famous horse (KM1)
Z 201.2 (Bm) Hero’s famous sword (KM1, KM3, StrKG)
Z 254 Destined hero (KM5, PKRL, StrKG)
Z 292 Death of hero [heroine] (KM6)
Z 292.1 (Bm) Hero’s corpse embalmed (KM6)
Z 730 (Bm) Eponymous account of personal name (GeRo, KM1)


P 251.5 Two brothers (Ludw)


F 302.3.1 Fairy entices man to fairyland (WCRPa)
M 223 Blind promise (rash boon) (WCRPa)
N 771 King (prince) (lost) on hunt has adventures (WCRPa)
N 774 Adventure from pursuing enchanted animal (hind, boar, bird) (WCRPa)


N 839 (Bm) Noble [vassal, knight] as helper (WvEP)


F 150.2.1 Entrance to otherworld guarded by giant (WvGW)
F 150.3 Challenge at entrance of otherworld. (WvGW)
F 152.0.1 Bridge to otherworld guarded by animals [champion]. (WvGW)
F 559 Remarkable physical organs – miscellaneous. (WvGW)
F 610.2 Dwarf hero of superhuman strength (WvGW)
F 628.1.1 Strong man kills lion with own hands (WvGW)
H 1561.6 Test of valor: fight with giant [warrior, dwarf-hero, dragon etc.] (WvGW)


P 50.0.2 (Bm) Knight who acknowledges no overlord [Allegiance: loyalty and disloyalty of vassals] (UvLFD)
R 4 Surprise capture (UvLFD)


F 771.8 Castle of extraordinary size (Kudr)
P 557.0.4 (Li) Siege (Kudr)


F 575.1 Remarkably beautiful woman (HvFTr)
H 81.3 Clandestine visit of lover to queen betrayed by token (HvFTr)
K 1349.5 Access for seduction gained by removing locks (HvFTr, UvTTr)
K 1500 Deceptions connected with adultery (HvFTr, UvTTr)
T 23 (Bm) Childhood sweethearts (HvFTr, UvTTr)
T 230 Faithlessness in marriage [love] (HvFTr)
T 257.12 (Bm) Jealous husband confines wife to tower (HvFTr)
T 381.0.2 Wife imprisoned in tower (house) to preserve chastity (HvFTr)
T 481 Adultery (HvFTr, UvTTr)

Kassine (Kassyne)    

T 50.2 King likes his daughter so much that he does not wish to marry her to anyone (UvTRW)


P 14.15.2 Court messenger (UvTRW)


F 575.2 Handsome man (WvEP)
R 41.1 Captivity in castle (AlbJT)


H 81.3 Clandestine visit of lover to queen betrayed by token (EvOTr)
K 675 Sleeping potion given to man who is to pass the night with a girl. (Sometimes magic pillow or magic sleeping card.) (EvOTr)
K 1500 Deceptions connected with adultery (EvOTr)
T 53 Matchmakers (EvOTr)
T 75 Man scorned by his beloved (EvOTr)
T 481 Adultery (EvOTr)

Keie (Keii, Keye, Cay)    

F 176 Hero fights in otherworld and overcomes [is overcome by] king (queen) or fairy. (HvAIw)
F 1041.21.6 Tearing hair and clothes from excessive grief (HvdTCr)
H 924.1 Tasks assigned as ransom. (HvdTCr)
H 1166 Task: duel. (HvdTCr)
H 1223 Quest to undertake feats of valor (HvFTr)
H 1322 Quest for marvelous pillar (WCRPa)
J 227.2 Death preferred to dishonor (WCRPa)
J 1115.10.2 Clever minister [counsellor] (HvdTCr)
K 1953 Sham brave man (HvAEr)
K 2130 Trouble-makers (HvAEr, HvAIw, HvdTCr, HvdTM)
K 2243 Treacherous seneschal (WCRPa)
K 2247.3 (Bm) Treacherous knight (WCRPa)
L 400 Pride brought low (HvAIw, HvdTCr, KvSGM, PlGar, StrDan, UvZLa)
L 430 Arrogance repaid (HvAEr, WCRPa)
M 402 Satire [satirist] (HvAIw, HvdTCr, HvdTM, PlGar, WCRPa, WvEP)
N 839 (Bm) Noble [vassal, knight] as helper (HvdTCr, HvFTr)
P 50.2 Marshall [Court officials: marshall, steward, etc.] (HvAIw, Lanc1, PlGar)
P 310 Friendship (HvdTCr)
Q 113.0.1 High honors as reward (Lanc1)
Q 327 Discourtesy punished (WCRPa)
Q 330 Overweening punished (HvAIw, StrDan)
R 41.2 Captivity in tower (HvdTCr)
W 32 Bravery (PlGar, StrDan)
W 34 Loyalty (HvdTCr, WvEP)
W 110 Unfavorable traits of character – personal (HvAEr, UvZLa, WCRPa)
W 117 Boastfulness. (HvAIw, StrDan, UvZLa)
W 121 Cowardice (HvAEr)
W 187 Insolence [Self-conceit] (PlGar)
W 188 Contentiousness. (HvAIw, HvdTCr, HvdTM, StrDan)


P 14.15.1 (Old, wise) Counsellors of court [King’s council] (PlTand)


N 839 (Bm) Noble [vassal, knight] as helper (WvEP)
P 14.15.1 (Old, wise) ()
King’s council] (WvEP)    

R 110 Rescue of captive (WvEP)
W 37 Conscientiousness (WvEP)


H 82.3 Tokens between lovers (HvdTCr)
T 41 Communication of lovers (HvdTCr)


N 734 Accidental meeting of brother and sister (HvdTCr)


T 563 Birthmarks (Lanc2)


J 2314 Layman made to believe that he is a monk (DrlFA)


F 708.3 Country without wine (HvNAp)


D 1081 Magic sword (HvNAp)
F 521 Person with unusual covering (HvNAp)
F 531.1.0.2 Hideous giant (HvNAp)
F 531.1.1.2 Giant with large gleaming eyes (HvNAp)
F 531.1.6.1 Giant [wild woman] with nails like claws (HvNAp)
F 531.1.6.2 Giant with [remarkable] teeth { like those of saw} (HvNAp)
F 531.3.4 Giant eats (drinks) prodigious amount (HvNAp)
F 531.3.5 Giant steps [walks] prodigious distance (HvNAp)
F 531.3.12 Giant’s hunting (fishing) (HvNAp)
F 531.5 Giants and men (HvNAp)
F 531.5.7 Giants marry human beings (HvNAp)
F 531. (Bm) Giant ravishes women (HvNAp)
F 531.5.19 (Bm) Giant’s prisoners (HvNAp)
F 531.6.2.1 Giants live in mountains or caves (HvNAp)
F 531.6.3.1 Giants live in castles (raths, duns) (ruins of which may still be seen) (HvNAp)
F 558 Man covered with horn (HvNAp)
F 611.3.2 Hero’s precocious strength (HvNAp)
F 684.1 Marvelous climber (HvNAp)
F 833 Extraordinary sword (HvNAp)
G 100 Giant ogre Polyphemus (HvNAp)
G 150 Giant ogres – miscellaneous (HvNAp)
G 157 Giant ogre’s prodigious speed (HvNAp)
G 512 Ogre killed (HvNAp)
Z 312 Unique deadly weapon (HvNAp)


H 507.1.0.1 Princess defeated in repartee by means of objects accidentally picked up, Hero- What red lips you have, Princess- There is fire inside – Hero- then boil this egg (producing egg) (HdKK)


B 20 Beast-man (UvEAlx)
F 510.1 Monstrous races (UvEAlx)


D 6 Enchanted castle (building) (WvGW)
D 621.0.1 One shape by day, another by night. (WvGW)
D 908 Magic darkness. (WvGW)
D 921 Magic lake (pond [swamp]) . (WvGW)
D 961 Magic garden (WvGW)
D 1131 Magic castle (WvGW)
D 1271 Magic fire (WvGW)
D 1672 Unquenchable fire (WvGW)
D 1980 Magic invisibility (WvGW)
E 334 Non-malevolent ghost haunts scene of former misfortune, crime or tragedy. (WvGW)
E 413 Murdered person cannot rest in grave. (WvGW)
E 547 The dead wail. (WvGW)
E 755.3 Souls in purgatory. (WvGW)
F 112.2 City [castle] of women (WvGW)
F 141.2 Mist as barrier to otherworld. (WvGW)
F 150.2.1 Entrance to otherworld guarded by giant (WvGW)
F 150.3 Challenge at entrance of otherworld. (WvGW)
F 152 Bridge to otherworld. (WvGW)
F 156.3 Perilous revolving wheel at entrance to otherworld. (WvGW)
F 162.6 Lakes in otherworld (WvGW)
F Magic revolving wheel at door of otherworld dun (stronghold) . (WvGW)
F 169.1.1 Pillars of bronze in otherworld. (WvGW)
F 171.6 Mysterious punishments in otherworld (WvGW)
F 771 Extraordinary castle (house, palace) (WvGW)
F 771.1 Castle of unusual material (WvGW)
F 771.1.6 Crystal castle. (WvGW)
F 811.17 Tree with extraordinary buds. (WvGW)
F 818 Extraordinary garden (WvGW)
F 962.10 Extraordinary mist (darkness) (WvGW)
F 966 Voices from heaven (or from the air) (WvGW)
F 968 Extraordinary thunder and lightning (WvGW)
Q 112.0.1 Kingdom as reward (WvGW)

Kriemhilt (Kriemhild)    

D 1810.8.3 Warning in dreams (NL)
D 1812. (Bm) Dream of future reveals husband’s death (NL)
F 575.1 Remarkably beautiful woman (NL, RosGBr)
H 933 Princess sets hero tasks (RosGA)
H 1574 Tests of social position (NL)
J 684 Alliances with the strong (NL)
K 811.1 Enemies invited to banquet and killed (NL, NLKl)
K 910 Murder by strategy (NL)
K 986 Murder induced by bribery (lands, riches, wives) (NL)
K 2294 Treacherous host (NL)
M 105 Equivocal oaths (NL)
M 161.2 Vow to revenge (king, friends, father, [husband, queen]) (or die) (NL)
N 476 Secret of unique vulnerability disclosed (NL)
P 29 Queens – miscellaneous (NL)
P 525.3 He nearest to blood of slain man must avenge his death [Blood-revenge] (NL, NLKl)
P 556.0.1 (Bm) Challenge to single combat [feud] (RosGBr, RosGD, RosGF)
Q 11 (Bm) Victory in single combat rewarded (RosGD)
Q 172 Reward: admission to heaven (NLKl)
Q 411.6 Death as punishment for murder (NL, NLKl)
R 161.0.1 Hero rescued by his lady (RosGA)
S 112.0.2 House (hostel) burned with all inside (NL)
T 50.1 Girl carefully guarded from suitors (NL)
T 68 Princess offered as prize (RosGD)
T 69 Wooing – miscellaneous motifs (RosGA)
T 211 Faithfulness to marriage in death (NLKl)
T 211.9 Excessive grief at husband’s or wife’s death (NL)
T 311.0.1 Woman’s aversion to marriage motivated through a dream (NL)
W 116 Vanity (RosGA)
Z 292 Death of hero [heroine] (NL)


F 575.1 Remarkably beautiful woman (Kudr)
J 910 Humility of the great (Kudr)
M 149.2 Vow to die rather than marry unwelcome suitor (Kudr)
N 456 Enigmatical smile (laugh) reveals secret knowledge (Kudr)
Q 482.1 Princess serves as menial (Kudr)
R 18 Abduction by rejected suitor (Kudr)
T 11.1.1 Beauty of woman reported to king causes quest for her as his bride (Kudr)
T 50.1.2 Girl carefully guarded by father (Kudr)
W 11.5 Generosity toward enemy (Kudr)


P 475.2 Robbers defeated and killed (WdGMH)

Kundewiramurs (Kondwiramurs)    

F 575.1 Remarkably beautiful woman (WCRPa)
N 737 Accidental reunion of lovers (WCRPa)
P 274 Foster sister (AlbJT, WvETi)
R 161 Lover [unwelcome suitor] rescues his lady (WCRPa)
T 96 Lovers reunited after many adventures (WCRPa)


J 1111.1.1 Princess skillful in pleading (Laurin)
R 10.1 Princess (maiden) abducted (Laurin)


H 221.2 Ordeal by hot iron (Lohe)
H 412.4.1 Chastity ordeal: holding hot iron (Lohe)
K 2110.1 Calumniated wife (Lohe)


T 331.2 Knight unsuccessfully tempted by host’s wife [daughter]. (UvZLa)


B 571.3 Animals fight together with their master. (PlTand)
F 527.5 Black man [knight; wild woman] (PlTand)
H 1561.2 Single combat to prove valor (PlTand)
K 2260.1 Treacherous dark man (PlTand)
P 50 Noblemen [chivalry] (PlTand)
P 550.1.1 (Li) Aggression: rebellion; usurpation; invasion; assault (PlTand)
P 555.4 (Bm) Defeated knights [giant, rescued persons etc.] sent under oath to king [lady, queen] (as proof of victory) (PlTand)
R 10.1 Princess abducted (PlTand)
Z 235 Hero with extraordinary animal companion (PlTand)

Kurnewale (Kurneval)    

H 82 Identifying tokens sent with messenger (TrMo)
K 1815 Humble disguise (EvOTr)
M 100 Vows and oaths (TrMo)
P 110.0.1 (Bm) Faithful steward [knight] as regent (EvOTr)
P 340 Teacher and pupil (EvOTr)
P 361 Faithful servant [vassal] (EvOTr)

Kurtain (Kurtan)    

F 833.3 Sword extraordinarily bright, sharp (KM5)


P 324.1 Host treats guest with food and everything possible (GoTK)


F 1041.21.6 Tearing hair and clothes from excessive grief (HvFTr)
P 17 Succession to the throne (HvFTr)
P 340 Teacher and pupil (GvSTr)


D 1960.2 Kyffhäuser. King asleep in mountain (Lohe)

Kyot (Kiot)    

D 1711 Magician (WvEP)
J 191 Wise men (WvEP)
P 12 Character of kings (WvETi)
P 16.1 King (prince) retires from world (becomes hermit [monk, pilgrim], swineherd [beggar]) (WvEP, WvETi)
P 18 Marriage of kings (WvETi)
P 234 Father and daughter (AlbJT)
P 251 Brothers [Half-brothers] (WvETi)
T 211.5 Man becomes a hermit after his wife’s death [Becoming hermit after partner’s death] (WvETi)