Motif Index of German Secular Narratives                 
Published by the Austrian Academy of Sciences, Vienna
 Introduction   Matière de Bretagne   Chansons de Geste   Miscellaneous Romances   Oriental Romances   Heroic Epic   Maere and Novellas   Romances of Antiquity   Index 

B. Animals

Index of Motifs
Y Z Back
B0–99 Mythical animals
B100–199 Magic animals
B200–299 Animals with human traits
B300–349 Helpful animals –general
B350–399 Grateful animals
B400–499 Kinds of helpful animals
B500–599 Services of helpful animals
B700–799 Fanciful traits of animals
B800–899 Miscellaneous animal motifs

B. Animals

B0–99 Mythical animals

11:   Dragon
MdB: Lanc3 124 (<1250), WCRPa 355 (1331-1336), WvEP 103 (<1200/10)
HE: Ortnit 490 (ca. 1230), Virg 22 (ca. 1250), WDieA 581 (ca. 1230), WDieB 470 (ca. 1250)
RoA: GoTK 11583, GoTK 11795, GoTK 15930 (1280), GrAlx 3571, GrAlx 3599 (1397), HvNAp 10093, HvNAp 10934 (1300)
11.1:   Chimera. [Combination of Lion, dragon and goat]
MdB: AlbJT 2785 (<1272/1294)
11.1.1:   Dragon from cock’s [hen’s] egg
RoA: UvEAlx 1155 (1278/83)   Transformed princess as dragon
MdB: UvZLa 7872, UvZLa 7962 (>1194)   She-dragon
MdB: UvZLa 7828, UvZLa 7872 (>1194)
11.2.1:   Dragon as compound animal
MdB: WvGW 4988 (>1210/20)
MR: JvWW 11781 (1314)
RoA: GoTK 15930 (1280)   Dragon as modified fish
HE: Virg 403 (ca. 1250)
11.2.2:   Color of dragon
MdB: HvdTCr 13417 (>1225)
RoA: HvNAp 10157 (1300)   (Bm) Dragon of diverse colors
MdB: Lanc2 630 (<1250), WvGW 4988 (>1210/20)   Feet of dragon- number [ten]
HE: WDieD 50 (ca. 1250)
11.2.6:   Wings of dragon
MdB: WvGW 4988 (>1210/20)
RoA: KvWTK 9759 (1281/87)
11.2.8:   Tail of dragon
HE: WDieD 50 (ca. 1250)
11.2.10:   Scales of dragon.
MdB: HvdTCr 13417 (>1225)
11.2.11:   Fire-breathing dragon
MdB: EvOTr 1598 (1175/80), GvSTr 8967 (>1210), HvAIw 3828 (>1190/1200), HvdTCr 12751, HvdTCr 13318, HvdTCr 13417, HvdTCr 15102 (>1225), HvFTr 992 (>1280), Lanc1 570, Lanc2 290, Lanc2 630, Lanc3 124 (<1250)
MR: JvWW 12645 (1314)
HE: DietF 1521 (ca. 1275), WDieB 669, WDieD 55 (ca. 1250)
RoA: GrAlx 3599 (1397), HvNAp 8387, HvNAp 10157 (1300), KvWTK 9759 (1281/87), TrojEl 34 (1375)   Breath of Dragon kills man [venomous fiery and fetid breath of dragon]
MdB: AlbJT 3117 (<1272/1294), GvSTr 8967 (>1210), HvdTCr 13417 (>1225), WvGW 4658, WvGW 4988 (>1210/20)
RoA: GrAlx 3571, GrAlx 3599 (1397), UvEAlx 21595 (1278/83)
11.2.12:   Dragon of enormous size
HE: Ortnit 508 (ca. 1230), Virg 139, Virg 636 (ca. 1250)
11.2.13:   Blood of dragon
MdB: StrDan 4001 (>1220/50), Wiga 1974 (<1245), WvEP 483 (<1200/10)
HE: Laurin 94 (>1250), NL 3 (1191/1204), Virg 34 (ca. 1250)
RoA: PLVAlx 931 (1150/60), StrAlx 1296 (1170)   Blood of dragon venomous.
MdB: HvdTCr 15102 (>1225)
11.3:   Habitat of dragon
MR: Abor 1 (<1350), HvBKF 4252 (1400)
HE: DietF 2201 (ca. 1275), Ortnit 508 (ca. 1230), SigJu 107, Virg 146 (ca. 1250)
MN: GvMFa 77 (>1270)
11.3.2:   Dragon’s home at top of mountain
RoA: StrAlx 5787 (1170)
11.4.1:   Flying dragon
RoA: HvNAp 8387 (1300), KvWTK 10566 (1281/87), TrojEl 37, TrojEl 41 (1375)
11.4.5:   Talking dragon
MdB: UvZLa 7828, UvZLa 7872 (>1194)
11.5:   Powers of dragon
HE: DietF 1601 (ca. 1275)
11.5.4:   Dragon’s miraculous speed
MdB: WvGW 4736 (>1210/20)
11.5.5:   Self-returning dragon’s head
RoA: UvEAlx 9897 (1278/83)
11.6:   Deeds of dragons
MdB: KvSGM 2278, KvSGM 3600 (>1250), UvZLa 5034 (>1194)
HE: DietF 2233 (ca. 1275)
RoA: BaAlx 289 (1150/60), GrAlx 127, GrAlx 223 (1397), RvEAlx 995 (1235/1254), SeAlx 469 (1352)
11.6.2:   Dragon guards treasure
MN: GvMFa 104 (>1270)
11.6.8:   Dragon flies to its nest with human being
MdB: WvGW 4863 (>1210/20)
HE: Ortnit 513 (ca. 1230), WDieAF 235, WDieB 673, WDieD 49 (ca. 1250)   Dragon flies away with lion
MdB: Lanc3 124 (<1250)
HE: WDieAF 235, WDieB 673, WDieD 49 (ca. 1250)
11.7.2:   Dragon guards lake [fountain]
MdB: HvdTCr 26581, HvdTCr 26680 (>1225)
11.9:   Dragon as power of evil
MdB: Lanc3 137 (<1250), WvGW 4658 (>1210/20)
11.10.2:   Dragon eats people [and animals] for his rent
HE: Ortnit 508 (ca. 1230)
11.11:   Fight with dragon
MdB: AlbJT 3363 (<1272/1294), Edol 1 (>1250), EvOTr 1598 (1175/80), GvSTr 8967 (>1210), HvdTCr 13318, HvdTCr 13417, HvdTCr 15102, HvdTCr 26680 (>1225), HvFTr 992, HvFTr 1887, HvFTr 6326 (>1280), KvSGM 2384 (>1250), Lanc1 569, Lanc1 570, Lanc2 290, Lanc3 124 (<1250), Lohe 36 (>1285), TrMo 1836 (<1250), WvGW 5077 (>1210/20)
HE: DietF 1559 (ca. 1275), NL 3 (1191/1204), RosGA 322, Virg 139, Virg 171, Virg 175, Virg 180, Virg 615, Virg 636, WDieB 518, WDieB 669, WDieB 790, WDieD 57, WDieD 63 (ca. 1250)
RoA: GoTK 11583, GoTK 11795, GoTK 15930 (1280), HvFLvT 1045 (after 1190), HvNAp 8387 (1300), KvWTK 9759 (1281/87), SeAlx 5483 (1352), TrojEl 34 (1375), UvEAlx 21595 (1278/83)
11.11.5:   Dragon fight in order to free man
MdB: HvdTCr 8997 (>1225), WvGW 5077 (>1210/20)
11.11.6:   Dragon fight in order to free lion
MdB: HvAIw 3828 (>1190/1200), Lanc3 124 (<1250)
HE: WDieB 669, WDieD 48 (ca. 1250)
RoA: HvNAp 10157 (1300)
11.11.11:   (Bm) Dragon fights lion [panther]
MdB: HvAIw 3828 (>1190/1200), Lanc3 124 (<1250)
RoA: HvNAp 10157 (1300)
11.12:   Other traits of dragon
CdG: Ali 250 (>1400), WvEW 148, WvEW 149 (1210/20)
MN: GvMFa 77 (>1270)
11.12.1:   Dragon cannot be killed with weapons
MdB: Lanc1 569, Lanc1 570 (<1250)
HE: WDieAF 235, WDieB 669, WDieD 48 (ca. 1250)
11.12.4:   Dragon is fond of milk
MN: GvMFa 77 (>1270)
12:   Basilisk
MR: KvWP 314, KvWP 17477 (1277)
RoA: GrAlx 4586 (1397), HvNAp 10093 (1300), SeAlx 6705 (1352)
12.2:   Basilisk’s fatal glance
MdB: AlbJT 3984 (<1272/1294)
MR: KvWP 314, KvWP 17477 (1277)
RoA: GrAlx 4586 (1397), SeAlx 6705 (1352)
12.3:   Basilisk killed by seeing own image
RoA: GrAlx 4586 (1397), SeAlx 6705 (1352)
13:   Unicorn
MdB: WvEP 480, WvEP 611 (<1200/10)
MR: JvWW 18747 (1314)
RoA: BaAlx 3604 (1150/60), GrAlx 5700 (1397), HvNAp 6618, HvNAp 8135, HvNAp 10093 (1300), SeAlx 6563 (1352), StrAlx 5578 (1170), UvEAlx 23025 (1278/83)
13.1:   (Li) Unicorn captured by virgin
MdB: WvEP 480 (<1200/10)
MR: JvWW 18747 (1314)
RoA: BaAlx 3604 (1150/60), KvWTK 9369 (1281/87), StrAlx 5578 (1170)
14:   Other hybrid animals
MdB: WvGW 3840 (>1210/20)
RoA: HvNAp 6618 (1300), UvEAlx 22715, UvEAlx 23057, UvEAlx 23193 (1278/83)
15:   Animals with unusual limbs or members
RoA: BaAlx 3406 (1150/60), GrAlx 347, GrAlx 3647, GrAlx 3692 (1397), StrAlx 4325, StrAlx 5047 (1170)
15.1:   Animal unusual as to his head
RoA: BaAlx 535 (1150/60), GrAlx 3647 (1397), PLVAlx 237 (1150/60), RvEAlx 2097 (1235/1254), SeAlx 755, SeAlx 4729, SeAlx 5573 (1352), StrAlx 270 (1170), UvEAlx 21677, UvEAlx 22715 (1278/83)   Two-headed serpent
RoA: SeAlx 7625 (1352), UvEAlx 23237 (1278/83)   Four headed animal
MR: JvWW 3590 (1314)
15.1.4:   (Bm) Horse with head like a bull
RoA: SeAlx 755 (1352)
15.3.1:   Many-horned animal
MdB: HvdTCr 14149 (>1225)
RoA: GrAlx 3647 (1397), SeAlx 5573 (1352), UvEAlx 21677 (1278/83)   Three-horned deer
RoA: StrAlx 5015 (1170)
15.3.3:   Deer with giant antler
RoA: HvVEn 68 (1170/74)
15.3.4:   Animal usually harmless has horns
RoA: SeAlx 7625 (1352), UvEAlx 23237 (1278/83)   (Bm) Horned horse
RoA: SeAlx 755 (1352)
15.4:   Animals with unusual eyes
RoA: BaAlx 535, PLVAlx 237 (1150/60), StrAlx 270 (1170)
15.4.1:   Many-eyed animal
RoA: SeAlx 7625 (1352), UvEAlx 23237 (1278/83)
15.4.2:   Beasts with fiery eyes
MdB: Lanc2 630 (<1250)
MN: TundFr1 90, TundFr2 1 (ca. 1200)
RoA: HMvNT 48, HMvNT 64 (1390/92), UvEAlx 23237 (1278/83)
15.5:   Animal unusual as to his nose (snout)
RoA: BaAlx 535, PLVAlx 237 (1150/60), StrAlx 270 (1170)
15.6:   Animal with unusual legs or feet
RoA: StrAlx 4325 (1170), UvEAlx 22715 (1278/83)
15.6.3:   Animals with many legs
RoA: UvEAlx 23237 (1278/83)
15.7.1:   Cerberus
RoA: HvVEn 45 (1170/74)
15.7.10:   Animal unusual as to skin
MR: JvWW 11781 (1314)
RoA: BaAlx 535 (1150/60), GrAlx 3639, GrAlx 3942 (1397), HvVEn 45 (1170/74), PLVAlx 237 (1150/60), SeAlx 5515, SeAlx 5549 (1352), StrAlx 270 (1170), UvEAlx 21633, UvEAlx 22016 (1278/83)   Animal with horny skin
MR: JvWW 12001 (1314)
RoA: UvEAlx 22016 (1278/83)   Animal with hair of iron pins
RoA: GrAlx 3942 (1397)
16:   Devastating animals
RoA: BaAlx 3367 (1150/60), RvEAlx 10589 (1235/1254), StrAlx 4969 (1170), UvEAlx 22715 (1278/83)
16.0.3:   Man-eating monster (in cave)
RoA: GoTK 21523 (1280)
16.1.2:   Devastating dog (hound)
RoA: SeAlx 4375 (1352)
16.1.3:   Devastating horse
RoA: BaAlx 554, BaAlx 570 (1150/60), GrAlx 347 (1397), PLVAlx 255, PLVAlx 267 (1150/60), RvEAlx 2097, RvEAlx 2133, RvEAlx 12575 (1235/1254), SeAlx 755, SeAlx 4729 (1352), StrAlx 294, StrAlx 308 (1170), UvEAlx 1657, UvEAlx 1670 (1278/83)   Man-eating mares
RoA: BaAlx 554 (1150/60)   (Bm) Man-eating horse
RoA: BaAlx 554 (1150/60), RvEAlx 2097 (1235/1254), SeAlx 755 (1352)   Giant devastating boar
RoA: GrAlx 3647 (1397), SeAlx 5549 (1352), StrAlx 4969 (1170), UvEAlx 21649 (1278/83)
16.2:   Devastating wild animals
RoA: GrAlx 3571, GrAlx 3942 (1397), SeAlx 5431 (1352), UvEAlx 21522 (1278/83)
16.2.1:   Devastating fox
RoA: BaAlx 3402 (1150/60), StrAlx 5039 (1170)
16.2.5:   Devastating bear killed
MR: KvWP 18162 (1277)
16.2.6:   Devastating elephant
RoA: BaAlx 3029 (1150/60), GrAlx 3970 (1397), UvEAlx 19919, UvEAlx 22042 (1278/83)
16.2.7:   Destructive deer
RoA: BaAlx 3391 (1150/60), StrAlx 5015 (1170)
16.3:   Devastating birds
RoA: BaAlx 3406 (1150/60)
16.5.1:   Giant devastating serpent
MdB: EvOTr 1598 (1175/80), GvSTr 8901 (>1210), HvdTCr 13604, HvdTCr 26861 (>1225), WvGW 4658 (>1210/20)
RoA: StrAlx 4969 (1170), UvEAlx 23057 (1278/83)   Devastating (man-eating) sea-monster (serpent)
RoA: GrAlx 3571 (1397), UvEAlx 21522, UvEAlx 22816 (1278/83)
16.5.2:   Devastating crocodile
RoA: BaAlx 3330 (1150/60), StrAlx 4899 (1170), UvEAlx 25441 (1278/83)   (Bm) Monster impervious to weapons
RoA: GrAlx 3942 (1397)
16.6:   Devastating insects
HE: WDieD 56 (ca. 1250)
RoA: StrAlx 5047 (1170)
16.6.1:   Giant man-eating ants
RoA: SeAlx 5597, SeAlx 6615 (1352)
17:   Hostile animals
RoA: HvNAp 10013 (1300)
17.1:   Hostile beasts
RoA: GrAlx 3942 (1397), SeAlx 7625 (1352)
17.2:   Other hostile animals
RoA: StrAlx 4969 (1170), UvEAlx 21505, UvEAlx 21575, UvEAlx 22016, UvEAlx 25607, UvEAlx 25769 (1278/83)
17.2.1:   Hostile sea-beasts
RoA: BaAlx 3561 (1150/60), GrAlx 5547 (1397), StrAlx 5489 (1170)   Hostile sea-rats
RoA: GrAlx 3692 (1397)   Hostile eel attacks hero
RoA: HvNAp 9976 (1300)   Hostile sea-cat
MdB: MaAm 4 (>1300)
17.2.2:   Hostile griffin
HE: Kudr 1 (>1260), Virg 588 (ca. 1250)
RoA: UvEAlx 25043 (1278/83)
17.2.4:   Hostile scorpion
RoA: GrAlx 3599 (1397), StrAlx 4969 (1170)
19:   Other mythical beasts
HE: Kudr 2 (>1260)
RoA: SeAlx 6593 (1352)
19.4.2:   Fiery serpent
HE: WDieB 722 (ca. 1250)
19.12:   (Bm) Mythical beast, size of elephant, black head, three horns in forehead
RoA: GrAlx 3647 (1397), SeAlx 5573 (1352), UvEAlx 21677 (1278/83)
20:   Beast-man
MR: JvWW 3142 (1314)
OR: HerEA 2550 (1160/70), HerEB 2817 (1208/09), HerED 2550 (1290)
RoA: UvEAlx 23080, UvEAlx 25163 (1278/83)
20.1:   Army of half-animals, half-men
MR: JvWW 7739 (1314)
RoA: KvWTK 24750 (1281/87), TrojEl 73 (1375)
21:   Centaur: man-horse
MdB: PlGar 7170, PlGar 7326, PlGar 7627 (<1270), WvGW 6927 (>1210/20)
HE: EckL 52 (<1230)
RoA: GoTK 14919, GoTK 16430 (1280), HvNAp 4975, HvNAp 8244 (1300), KvWTK 5766, KvWTK 5858, KvWTK 5902, KvWTK 6016, KvWTK 13402, KvWTK 37958 (1281/87), TrojEl 27, TrojEl 28, TrojEl 91 (1375)
21.2:   Body and hands human, head and ears those of a horse
RoA: UvEAlx 23080 (1278/83)
21.4:   (Bm) Half man, half horse as archer
RoA: HMvNT 48, HMvNT 64 (1390/92), HvFLvT 7596 (after 1190)
23.1:   Minotaur
RoA: GoTK 21523 (1280)
24:   Satyr, Combination of man and goat
MR: ReivB 19657 (>1291)
25.1:   Man with dog’s head
RoA: UvEAlx 25091 (1278/83)
25.1.2:   Dog-headed people
RoA: UvEAlx 25091 (1278/83)
29:   Other combinations of beast and man
OR: HerEA 2650 (1160/70), HerEB 3085 (1208/09), HerED 2685 (1290)
29.2.3:   Snake body–woman’s head
CdG: UvTAr 29 (1261/69)
31.4:   Giant bats
RoA: GrAlx 3692 (1397), SeAlx 5609 (1352), UvEAlx 25607, UvEAlx 25769 (1278/83)
32:   Phoenix
RoA: BaAlx 3475 (1150/60), GrAlx 4685 (1397), StrAlx 5143 (1170), UvEAlx 4501 (1278/83)
32.1:   Phoenix renews youth
MdB: AlbJT 6287 (<1272/1294), WvEP 467 (<1200/10)
RoA: GrAlx 4685 (1397)
33:   Man-eating birds
MdB: HvdTCr 14104 (>1225)
42:   Griffin
MdB: AlbJT 3363, AlbJT 4735 (<1272/1294), Wiga 4719 (<1245), WvEP 69, WvEP 103 (<1200/10), WvGW 6155 (>1210/20)
CdG: UvTAr 34, UvTAr 72 (1261/69)
MR: HvBKF 4252 (1400), JvWW 10715 (1314), KobS 2020 (>1350)
HE: Kudr 1 (>1260), Virg 588 (ca. 1250)
OR: HerEA 3302 (1160/70), HerEB 3970 (1208/09), HerED 3180, HerED 3347 (1290)
RoA: BaAlx 4281 (1150/60), GrAlx 5567 (1397), HvNAp 10934 (1300), SeAlx 6375 (1352), UvEAlx 24649, UvEAlx 25043 (1278/83)
42.0.1:   (Hi) Griffin’s gold
MdB: AlbJT 3363, AlbJT 4735 (<1272/1294)
CdG: WvEW 131 (1210/20)
MR: ReivB 18198 (>1291)
RoA: SeAlx 6119 (1352), UvEAlx 19274 (1278/83)
50:   Birdman
OR: HerEA 2650 (1160/70), HerEB 3085 (1208/09), HerED 2685 (1290)
53:   Siren
MR: ReivB 21970, ReivB 22050, ReivB 24218 (>1291)
OR: Orend 88 (>1200)
RoA: HvFLvT 17620 (after 1190), KvWTK 48960 (1281/87), TrojEl 128 (1375)
53.0.1:   Siren in mermaid form
MR: ReivB 22515 (>1291)
RoA: HvNAp 4975 (1300), KvWTK 3618, KvWTK 48960 (1281/87), TrojEl 128 (1375)
53.4:   Siren’s song causes sleep
RoA: KvWTK 3618, KvWTK 48960 (1281/87), TrojEl 128 (1375)
53.4.1:   (Bm) Sirens’ irresistible [beautiful] song
MdB: GvSTr 8040 (>1210), HvdTCr 918 (>1225)
MR: ReivB 22050 (>1291)
RoA: HvNAp 5262 (1300)
55:   Man with bird’s head
OR: HerEA 2650 (1160/70), HerEB 3085 (1208/09), HerED 2685 (1290)
RoA: UvEAlx 25163 (1278/83)
71:   Sea-horse
MdB: HvdTCr 918 (>1225)
RoA: SeAlx 4889 (1352)
73:   Sea-cat
MdB: MaAm 4 (>1300)
80:   Fish-men
MdB: HvdTCr 918 (>1225)
80.2:   Monster half-man, half-fish.
MdB: Wiga 164, Wiga 4049 (<1245)
81:   Mermaid
MdB: StrDan 4277 (>1220/50)
MR: Abor 45 (<1350)
HE: DukH 52 (1382/83), NL 25 (1191/1204)
RoA: GrAlx 5477 (1397), HvNAp 5139 (1300), KvWTK 3618, KvWTK 48960 (1281/87), TrojEl 128 (1375), UvEAlx 22800 (1278/83)
81.0.2:   Woman from water world
MR: BvHDe 2373, BvHDe 2591 (<1275)
81.2.2:   Mermaids tear their mortal lovers to pieces [kill their mortal lovers]
RoA: GrAlx 5477 (1397)
81.7.1:   Mermaid prophesies
HE: NL 25 (1191/1204)
81.9:   Appearance of mermaid
RoA: GrAlx 5477 (1397), UvEAlx 22800 (1278/83)
81.9.5:   Skin of mermaid
MdB: StrDan 4001 (>1220/50)   Mermaid has white skin
RoA: GrAlx 5477 (1397), HvNAp 5139 (1300), UvEAlx 22800 (1278/83)
81.11:   Mermaid’s singing causes sleep
RoA: KvWTK 3618, KvWTK 48960 (1281/87), TrojEl 128 (1375)
81.13:   Miscellaneous actions of mermaid
HE: DietR 964 (ca. 1275)
RoA: HvNAp 5262 (1300)
81.13.11:   Mermaid captured
RoA: GrAlx 5477 (1397), HvNAp 5139 (1300), UvEAlx 22800 (1278/83)
82:   Merman
MdB: UvZLa 241 (>1194)
91.3:   Horned snake
MdB: HvdTCr 13417 (>1225)
HE: WDieD 56 (ca. 1250)
RoA: GrAlx 5722 (1397), SeAlx 6577 (1352), UvEAlx 23057 (1278/83)
92:   Other mythical reptiles
RoA: HvNAp 9437 (1300)
99:   Mythical animals–miscellaneous
RoA: SeAlx 6843 (1352)
99.1:   Mythical salamander
MdB: AlbJT 1667, AlbJT 2603, AlbJT 4395, AlbJT 6167 (<1272/1294)
HE: Walb 744 (ca. 1250)
99.1:   Mythical salamander
MdB: WvEP 755, WvEP 810 (<1200/10)
MR: ReivB 26335 (>1291)

B100–199 Magic animals

101.3:   Ram with golden fleece
RoA: HMvNT 3 (1390/92), HvFLvT 170 (after 1190), HvNAp 13165 (1300), KvWTK 6682, KvWTK 7997, KvWTK 9196, KvWTK 9759 (1281/87), TrojEl 29, TrojEl 33, TrojEl 35 (1375)
101.4.1:   Stag with golden antlers, silver feet
HE: WDieB 379 (ca. 1250)
101.7:   Serpent with jewel in head
MdB: Lanc3 274 (<1250)
RoA: GrAlx 5462 (1397), UvEAlx 22715 (1278/83)
103.2.1:   Treasure-laying bird
MN: UBEd 80 (ca. 1345)
RoA: GrAlx 509 (1397), SeAlx 1039 (1352)
121.6:   Lion with magic wisdom
RoA: HvNAp 12505 (1300)
134.2:   Dog betrays murder
MN: SchKF 277 (1365/1402)
143.0.6:   Dove as prophetic bird
RoA: SeAlx 7693 (1352), UvEAlx 23207 (1278/83)
147.2:   Birds furnish omens
MdB: HvAEr 8057 (>1180), WvGW 6155 (>1210/20)
RoA: HMvNT 89 (1390/92), KvWTK 47468 (1281/87)
147.2.1:   Bird of good omen
RoA: RvEAlx 1117 (1235/1254)   Raven as bird of good omen
MdB: Lanc3 231 (<1250)
RoA: RvEAlx 10175 (1235/1254)   Eagle as bird of ill-omen
CdG: KM2 1308, KM2 1397 (1320/40)
150:   Oracular animals
MdB: Lohe 46 (>1285)
RoA: HvNAp 4272 (1300)
151.1.1:   Horses determine road to be taken
MdB: WCRPa 255, WCRPa 448 (1331-1336)
151.1.6:   Dog indicates road to be taken
MdB: WCRPa 326, WCRPa 485, WCRPa 492 (1331-1336)
151.2:   Bird determines road to be taken
CdG: KM3 66 (1320/40)
RoA: RvEAlx 10473 (1235/1254)
152:   Animal selects unknown person
MR: JvWW 4237 (1314)
172:   Magic bird
MdB: StrDan 550, StrDan 6545 (>1220/50), WCRPa 285, WCRPa 289, WCRPa 308 (1331-1336)
MR: JvWW 6978 (1314)
MN: MoeF 80 (>1400)
RoA: HvNAp 4272 (1300)
172.2:   Magic bird’s song. Brings joy and oblivion for many years
MN: MoeF 80 (>1400)
172.2.1:   Magic bird’s song brings sleep
MdB: Lohe 63 (>1285)
172.2.2:   Magic bird’s song dispels grief
MdB: HvAIw 600 (>1190/1200)
175:   Magic fish
MdB: Lanc3 274 (<1250)
176.1:   Magic serpent
MdB: WCRPa 115, WCRPa 151 (1331-1336)
182.1:   Magic dog
MdB: GvSTr 15769 (>1210), PlGar 2345 (<1270), WCRPa 492 (1331-1336)
184.1:   Magic horses [extra-ordinary horse from otherworld]
MdB: WCRPa 448, WCRPa 485 (1331-1336), WvEP 338 (<1200/10)
RoA: HvVEn 77 (1170/74)
184.1.1:   Horse (mule) with magic speed
MdB: KvSGM 3510 (>1250), UvZLa 7074 (>1194)
MR: JvWW 13383 (1314)   Horse as swift as a bird
MR: JvWW 13383 (1314)
184.3.1:   Magic boar
MdB: WCRPa 466 (1331-1336)
192:   Magic animal killed
MdB: WCRPa 151 (1331-1336)
MN: UBEd 80 (ca. 1345)
RoA: HvVEn 69 (1170/74)

B200–299 Animals with human traits

200:   Animals with human traits
MdB: UvTTr 546 (<1234)
211.1.1:   Speaking sheep
RoA: UvEAlx 1155 (1278/83)
211.2.1:   Speaking stag
MR: FvS 4216 (>1314)
211.2.4:   Speaking wolf
MN: GvMFa 84 (>1270)
211.3:   Speaking bird
MdB: Lanc3 231 (<1250)
CdG: KM3 66 (1320/40)
MR: TybFB 66 (1250/1300)
HE: Kudr 24 (>1260)
MN: UBEd 92 (ca. 1345)
RoA: StrAlx 5534 (1170)
211.3.4:   Speaking parrot
MdB: WvGW 2356, WvGW 2758 (>1210/20)
MR: TybFP 130 (1250/1300)
217.2:   Animal languages learned from eating plant
CdG: KM4 12 (1320/40)
221:   Animal kingdom–quadrupeds
RoA: HvNAp 6618 (1300)
221.1:   Kingdom of monkeys
MN: GvMFa 70 (>1270)
236:   Animal parliament elects king
MN: GvMFa 66 (>1270)
240:   King of animals
RoA: HvNAp 6939, HvNAp 6993 (1300)
240.3:   Wild man as king of animals
MdB: HvAIw 396, HvAIw 911 (>1190/1200)
240.4:   Lion as king of animals
MN: GvMFa 6, GvMFa 49, GvMFa 59, GvMFa 66, GvMFa 92, GvMFa 103, GvMFa 121 (>1270), HRFu 1239 (>1192)
240.10:   Wolf as king of animals
MN: GvMFa 14, GvMFa 66 (>1270)
241:   King of beasts (quadrupeds)
RoA: HvNAp 6618 (1300)
241.2.2:   King of monkeys
MN: GvMFa 70 (>1270)
242.1.1:   Eagle king of birds
MN: GvMFa 49, GvMFa 79, GvMFa 114 (>1270)
245.1:   King of frogs
MN: GvMFa 18 (>1270), UBEd 25 (ca. 1345)
246.1:   King of ants
MN: HRFu 1239 (>1192)
251.2:   Animals honor saint (cleric)
MdB: Merl 274 (>1300)
252:   Animal churchmen
MN: GvMFa 90 (>1270)
256.3:   Deer makes its horns available as a bookholder to a saint [as a candelabrum to the owner of the castle]
RoA: HvVEn 68 (1170/74)
260:   Animal warfare
MN: HRFu 1031 (>1192)
260.1:   Two groups of animals make peace treaty
MN: GvMFa 53, GvMFa 119 (>1270), UBEd 93 (ca. 1345)
261.1:   Bat in war of birds and quadrupeds
MN: GvMFa 49 (>1270), UBEd 44 (ca. 1345)
262:   War between domestic and wild animals
MN: GvMFa 53 (>1270)
263:   War between other groups of animals
MN: GvMFa 115 (>1270), UBEd 26, UBEd 70 (ca. 1345)
263.8:   War between lion and other animals
MN: GvMFa 94 (>1270), HRFu 1239 (>1192)
264:   Single combat between animals
MdB: KvSGM 1715 (>1250), Lanc2 531, Lanc2 630 (<1250), Wiga 1448 (<1245)
HE: WDieB 511, WDieB 660, WDieD 48, WDieD 55 (ca. 1250)
RoA: GoTK 1764 (1280), UvEAlx 21245 (1278/83)
267:   Animal allies
MN: GvMFa 19 (>1270), UBEd 26 (ca. 1345)
268:   Animal soldiers [trained for combat or battle]
MdB: PlTand 9075 (<1270)
268.2.1:   War-Dogs
RoA: GrAlx 664 (1397), SeAlx 4317 (1352), UvEAlx 21245 (1278/83)
268.3:   War-elephants
MdB: AlbJT 3117 (<1272/1294), WvGW 10424, WvGW 10720 (>1210/20)
RoA: UvEAlx 13067 (1278/83)
268.14:   Giant crabs attack army
RoA: GrAlx 3639 (1397), SeAlx 5515 (1352), UvEAlx 21633, UvEAlx 22816 (1278/83)
270:   Animals in legal relations
MN: HRFu 1366 (>1192), UBEd 71 (ca. 1345)
270.1:   Lawsuit between animals [Th.: Lawsuit between the owl and kite]
MN: GvMFa 4, GvMFa 43, GvMFa 59, GvMFa 92 (>1270), UBEd 7, UBEd 35 (ca. 1345)
271:   Animals as plaintiffs
MN: HRFu 1097, HRFu 1366, HRFu 1458 (>1192)
272.1:   Lawsuit against animals
MN: HRFu 1097 (>1192)
274:   Animal as judge
MN: GvMFa 92 (>1270), HRFu 1366 (>1192)
291.0.1:   Bird as letter carrier
MR: JvWW 7100 (1314)
291.1:   Bird as messenger
MdB: PlGar 2617, PlGar 3170, PlGar 3300 (<1270)   Bird as letter carrier
OR: Orend 3653 (>1200)
291.1.12:   Pigeon as messenger
MdB: Lanc2 292, Lanc2 622, Lanc2 633 (<1250), WvEP 469 (<1200/10)
291.2.2:   Dog as messenger
MdB: AlbJT 1173 (<1272/1294), WvETi 132 (<1217/20)
291.3:   Wild beast as messenger
MdB: UvTTr 546 (<1234)
292.9:   Animal as farm laborer
RoA: SeAlx 4889 (1352)
299.1:   Animal takes revenge on man
MN: GvMFa 35 (>1270)
299.7:   Festival [beauty contest] of animals
MN: UBEd 79 (ca. 1345)

B300–349 Helpful animals –general

300:   Helpful animal
MR: JvWW 3392 (1314)
301:   Faithful animal
MdB: EvOTr 4368 (1175/80), KvSGM 1715 (>1250)
MR: KvWP 18162 (1277)
MN: GvMFa 20 (>1270), UBEd 27 (ca. 1345)
301.1:   Faithful animal at master’s grave dies of hunger
MdB: WvGW 9946 (>1210/20)
301.3:   Faithful animal plans suicide when it thinks master dead
MdB: HvAIw 3923 (>1190/1200)
301.4.8:   Faithful horse fights together with its master [saves master’s life]
CdG: KM1 4975 (1315/20), StrKG 6605 (1220/50)
RoA: RvEAlx 12575 (1235/1254)
301.5:   Faithful animal resuscitates master
MR: JvWW 3704 (1314)
301.8:   Faithful lion follows man who saved him
MdB: HvAIw 3869 (>1190/1200), KvSGM 686, KvSGM 1715 (>1250), Lanc3 124, Lanc3 127, Lanc3 137 (<1250), Wiga 1448 (<1245)
MR: KvWP 17817 (1277)
325.1:   Animal bribed with food
MN: GvMFa 20 (>1270), UBEd 27 (ca. 1345)
331:   Helpful animal killed through misunderstanding
RoA: HvVEn 69 (1170/74)
339:   Death of helpful animal–miscellaneous
RoA: HvNAp 6993 (1300)
339.2:   (Bm) Horse falls dead from being ridden too hard
RoA: SeAlx 2607 (1352)

B350–399 Grateful animals

360:   Animals grateful for rescue from peril of death
MdB: HvAIw 3869 (>1190/1200), KvSGM 1715 (>1250), Lanc3 124 (<1250), Wiga 1448 (<1245)
HE: WDieB 511, WDieD 60 (ca. 1250)
RoA: HvNAp 10157 (1300)
362:   Animal grateful for rescue from drowning
MR: KvWP 17817 (1277)
364.1:   Animal grateful for rescue from trap
MN: GvMFa 35 (>1270)
371.1:   Lion spared mouse: mouse grateful
MN: GvMFa 16 (>1270), UBEd 21 (ca. 1345)
380:   Animal grateful for relief of pain
HE: WDieD 59 (ca. 1250)
381:   Thorn removed from lion’s paw (Androcles and the Lion)
MN: GvMFa 47 (>1270), UBEd 47 (ca. 1345)
390:   Animals grateful for other kind acts
CdG: KM1 11955 (1315/20)

B400–499 Kinds of helpful animals

401:   Helpful horse
HE: WDieA 581 (ca. 1230)
401.1:   Helpful water-horse
RoA: SeAlx 4889 (1352)
403:   Helpful mule
MdB: WCRPa 448, WCRPa 485 (1331-1336)
421:   Helpful dog
MdB: WCRPa 492 (1331-1336)
430:   Helpful wild beasts
RoA: HvNAp 6701 (1300)
431.2:   Helpful lion
MdB: HvAIw 3869, HvAIw 4953, HvAIw 5307, HvAIw 6654 (>1190/1200)
431.4:   Helpful panther
RoA: HvNAp 10157 (1300)
437.2:   Helpful mouse
MN: GvMFa 16 (>1270), UBEd 21 (ca. 1345)
443.1:   Helpful deer
RoA: HvVEn 68 (1170/74)
443.3:   Helpful elephant
HE: WDieB 518 (ca. 1250)
450:   Helpful birds
MR: TybFB 1 (1250/1300)
451.4:   Helpful crow
MN: UBEd 11 (ca. 1345)
451.5:   Helpful raven
RoA: RvEAlx 10473 (1235/1254)
455.3:   Helpful eagle.
MdB: Wiga 1448 (<1245)
463.3:   Helpful crane
MN: GvMFa 8 (>1270)
469:   Helpful birds–miscellaneous
CdG: KM3 66 (1320/40)
469.2:   Helpful swan
MdB: WCRPa 285, WCRPa 289, WCRPa 308 (1331-1336)
469.9:   Helpful parrot
MR: TybFP 130 (1250/1300)
498:   Helpful mythical animal
RoA: HvNAp 6701, HvNAp 6939 (1300)

B500–599 Services of helpful animals

505:   Magic object received from animal
MN: JuH 558 (>1400)
514:   Animal fetches remedy for man
RoA: HvNAp 6701 (1300)
524:   Animal overcomes man’s adversary
HE: WDieB 771 (ca. 1250)
525:   Animal spares man he is about to devour
MN: GvMFa 47 (>1270), UBEd 47 (ca. 1345)
526:   Animal saves man from death by burning
RoA: HvNAp 10157 (1300)
531:   Animals provide food for men
MdB: HvAIw 3869 (>1190/1200)
RoA: HvNAp 6701 (1300)
535:   Animal nurse - Animal nourishes abandoned child
RoA: KvWTK 520, KvWTK 41388 (1281/87), TrojEl 4 (1375)
538:   Animals provide shelter
RoA: HvNAp 6701 (1300)
542.2.1:   Transportation to fairyland on griffin’s back
MdB: AlbJT 4735 (<1272/1294)
OR: HerEA 3361 (1160/70), HerEB 4113 (1208/09), HerED 3347 (1290)
551:   Animal carries man across water
RoA: HvNAp 10256 (1300)
551.1:   Fish carries man accross water
RoA: KvWTK 13974 (1281/87), TrojEl 48 (1375)
552:   Man carried by bird
OR: HerEA 3361 (1160/70), HerEB 4113 (1208/09), HerED 3347 (1290)
557:   Unusual animal as riding horse
MdB: Edol 1 (>1250), HvdTCr 24693 (>1225), KvSGM 3191, KvSGM 3658 (>1250), Lanc3 127 (<1250)
RoA: SeAlx 4889 (1352), UvEAlx 12073 (1278/83)
557.5:   Person carried by lion [panther]
MdB: Lanc3 127, Lanc3 132 (<1250)
RoA: HvNAp 10256 (1300)
557.11.4:   (Bm) Soldiers fight from “castles” on elephant’s backs
RoA: BaAlx 3029 (1150/60), GrAlx 3195, GrAlx 3213 (1397), SeAlx 4635 (1352), StrAlx 4325, StrAlx 4410 (1170), UvEAlx 19919 (1278/83)
558.1:   Boat drawn by swans (geese)
MdB: HvdTCr 26484 (>1225), Lohe 63 (>1285), WCRPa 285, WCRPa 289, WCRPa 308 (1331-1336), WvEP 823 (<1200/10)
MN: KvWSR 247, KvWSR 1570 (1257/58)
563:   Animals direct man on journey
MdB: HvdTCr 12611, HvdTCr 12751, HvdTCr 12840, HvdTCr 12926 (>1225), WCRPa 255, WCRPa 326, WCRPa 448, WCRPa 485, WCRPa 492 (1331-1336)
570:   Animals serve man
MN: KvWSR 380 (1257/58)
571.3:   Animals fight together with their master
MdB: HvAIw 4953, HvAIw 5307, HvAIw 6654 (>1190/1200), KvSGM 279, KvSGM 686, KvSGM 1715 (>1250), PlTand 9075 (<1270)
574:   Animals as domestic servants
RoA: HvVEn 68 (1170/74)
575:   Animal as constant attendant of man.
MdB: StrDan 550 (>1220/50)
575.1:   Wild animals kept as dogs
MdB: HvAIw 3869 (>1190/1200)
RoA: HvNAp 6939 (1300)
576:   Animal as guard.
MdB: Lanc2 523, Lanc2 531, Lanc3 320 (<1250), WCRPa 338 (1331-1336), Wiga 1448 (<1245)
576.1:   Animal as guard of person or house.
MdB: HvAIw 3869 (>1190/1200), KvSGM 2278, KvSGM 3600 (>1250), UvZLa 5034 (>1194)
579:   Animals serve men otherwise
CdG: KEmd 277 (1354), PKRL 625 (1172)
RoA: SeAlx 4889 (1352)
579.1:   Animal accompanies man on journey
MdB: WCRPa 326 (1331-1336)
582.1:   Animal wooer
MR: TybFP 130 (1250/1300)
583:   Animal gives treasure to man
MdB: AlbJT 3363 (<1272/1294)
599:   Other services of helpful animals
MR: TybFB 66 (1250/1300)

B700–799 Fanciful traits of animals

700:   Fanciful traits of animals
RoA: HvVEn 77 (1170/74)
710:   Fanciful origin of animals
RoA: RvEAlx 2097 (1235/1254)
718:   (Bm) Adder creeps out of egg, dies before it can crawl back in
RoA: BaAlx 337 (1150/60), GrAlx 239 (1397), RvEAlx 1117 (1235/1254), SeAlx 515 (1352)
720:   Fanciful bodily members of animals
RoA: BaAlx 3406, BaAlx 3475 (1150/60), StrAlx 4325, StrAlx 5047, StrAlx 5143 (1170)
722:   Magic stone in animal’s head
MdB: WvEP 480 (<1200/10)
731:   Fanciful color of animal
MdB: Edol 1 (>1250), HvdTCr 918, HvdTCr 14149, HvdTCr 24693 (>1225)
CdG: KM2 1308 (1320/40)
MR: JvWW 12645 (1314)
RoA: BaAlx 3544 (1150/60), StrAlx 4969, StrAlx 5473 (1170)
731.0.1:   Animals of strange and varied coloring
MdB: HvAEr 7264 (>1180), TrMo 353 (<1250), WCRPa 326, WCRPa 448 (1331-1336), WvGW 2356 (>1210/20)
CdG: UvTAr 71, UvTAr 111 (1261/69), WvEW 128, WvEW 129 (1210/20)
RoA: HvVEn 79 (1170/74), KvWTK 20134 (1281/87)
731.2.1:   Horse with crimson mane and green legs [Polychromatic horse]
MdB: HvAEr 7264 (>1180), PlTand 389 (<1270)
CdG: UvTAr 94, UvTAr 119 (1261/69), UvTRW 2681, UvTRW 23433 (>1243)
RoA: BaAlx 535, PLVAlx 237 (1150/60), StrAlx 270 (1170)
731.6:   Hound of every color
MR: JvWW 3330 (1314)
731.6.0.1:   Polychromatic dogs
MdB: GvSTr 15769 (>1210), HvdTCr 14410 (>1225), WvGW 2207 (>1210/20)
RoA: HvVEn 24 (1170/74)
731.7:   Fancifully colored deer.
MdB: UvTTr 546 (<1234)
731.7.3:   (Bm) Milk-white deer
MdB: GvSTr 17279 (>1210), HvAEr 1698 (>1180), HvdTCr 16714 (>1225), Lanc2 534, Lanc2 586, Lanc3 320 (<1250), UvZLa 6673 (>1194), WCRPa 326 (1331-1336)
731.15:   (Bm) White lion
RoA: GrAlx 3647 (1397), SeAlx 5531 (1352), UvEAlx 21649, UvEAlx 25769 (1278/83)
732:   Panther’s sweet smell protects him from other beasts [attracts other beasts]
RoA: HvNAp 10157 (1300)
733:   Animals are spirit-sighted. Scent danger
MdB: WCRPa 322 (1331-1336)
739:   Fanciful color, smell etc. of animals–miscellaneous
MdB: HvdTCr 14410 (>1225)
RoA: HvNAp 6618 (1300)
742:   Animal breathes fire
MdB: WvGW 3840, WvGW 4510 (>1210/20)
HE: WDieB 722 (ca. 1250)
MN: TundFr1 90, TundFr2 1 (ca. 1200)
RoA: HMvNT 3, HMvNT 14 (1390/92), HvFLvT 1045 (after 1190), KvWTK 7997, KvWTK 9196, KvWTK 9598 (1281/87), SeAlx 6593 (1352), TrojEl 33 (1375), UvEAlx 23080 (1278/83)
742.2:   Birds spit [drop] fire
RoA: GrAlx 4544 (1397)
745.1:   (Bm) Crabs, invulnerable to swords, routed by fire
RoA: SeAlx 5515 (1352), UvEAlx 21633 (1278/83)
750:   Fanciful habits of animals
MdB: AlbJT 2785 (<1272 /1294), Lanc2 523 (<1250)
CdG: Ali 238 (>1400), UvTAr 72, UvTAr 103, UvTAr 111 (1261/69)
MR: JvWW 12380 (1314)
751:   Animal’s fanciful treatment of their young
MdB: Lohe 41 (>1285)
751.2:   Pelican kills young and revives them with own blood [kills self to give blood to his young].
MdB: Lanc3 229 (<1250), WvEP 480 (<1200/10)
751.3:   Eagle tests eaglets by having them gaze at sun
MdB: AlbJT 6139 (<1272/1294)
CdG: WvEW 68 (1210/20)
751.4:   The lion blows first life into its cubs three days after their birth
MdB: WvEP 738 (<1200/10)
CdG: WvEW 20 (1210/20)
752:   Fanciful behavior of animal at death
RoA: StrAlx 4325 (1170)
754.6.1:   Unusual impregnation of animal
MdB: Lohe 41 (>1285)
RoA: HvVEn 77 (1170/74)
754.7:   Unusual parturition of animal
MdB: Lohe 41 (>1285)
756:   Gold-digging ants
RoA: SeAlx 6615 (1352), UvEAlx 23104 (1278/83)
758:   Eagle renews youth
MN: VNo 560 (>1200)
765.4.1:   Snake attaches itself to a woman’s breast and draws away her milk
MdB: WCRPa 151 (1331-1336)
765.15:   Snakes stand up, whistle
RoA: SeAlx 5469 (1352)
766:   Fanciful dangers from animals
MN: GvMFa 96, GvMFa 115 (>1270)
RoA: StrAlx 4325 (1170)
768:   Fancied nourishment of animals
RoA: KvWTK 39580 (1281/87)
768.2:   Salamander subsists on fire
MdB: AlbJT 1667, AlbJT 6167 (<1272/1294), Lohe 649 (>1285), WvEP 734, WvEP 755 (<1200/10), WvGW 7395 (>1210/20)
MR: KvWE 785 (<1260), ReivB 26335 (>1291)
768.5:   (Bm) Hippopotamus as cannibal
RoA: SeAlx 5386 (1352), UvEAlx 25559 (1278/83)
770:   Other fanciful traits of animals
RoA: HvNAp 6427 (1300), UvEAlx 1155 (1278/83)
771:   Wild animal miraculously tamed
HE: WDieA 71 (ca. 1230)
MN: GvMFa 84 (>1270)
RoA: HvNAp 12505 (1300)
771.1:   Animal [deer] tamed by maiden’s beauty
RoA: HvVEn 68 (1170/74)
771.3:   Wild animal will not attack royal person
HE: WDieA 71 (ca. 1230)
771.6:   (Bm) Only hero able to tame wild horse
RoA: BaAlx 570 (1150/60), GrAlx 357 (1397), PLVAlx 267 (1150/60), RvEAlx 2133 (1235/1254), SeAlx 785 (1352), StrAlx 308 (1170), UvEAlx 1670 (1278/83)
773:   Animals with human emotions
MdB: WCRPa 285, WCRPa 289 (1331-1336)
773.3:   Lion (wolf) protects the saint’s body
MdB: Lanc2 523 (<1250)
776:   Venomous animals
RoA: GrAlx 3692 (1397), HvNAp 9437 (1300), SeAlx 5597, SeAlx 7625 (1352)
776.7:   Venomous serpent
MdB: Lanc2 237, Lanc2 371 (<1250), WvEP 734 (<1200/10)
MN: GvMFa 75 (>1270), UBEd 13 (ca. 1345)
RoA: SeAlx 5469 (1352), UvEAlx 21215, UvEAlx 21595 (1278/83)
784.2.4:   Physician removes animal from stomach [head] of patient
MN: HRFu 1999 (>1192)

B800–899 Miscellaneous animal motifs

801:   Elephants in folktales
MdB: StrDan 575 (>1220/50), WvGW 9049, WvGW 10311, WvGW 10424 (>1210/20)
RoA: StrAlx 4325 (1170)
811:   Sacred animals [dove, falcon]
MdB: Lanc2 292, Lanc2 622, Lanc2 633 (<1250), Lohe 46 (>1285)
811.5:   Sacred swan
MdB: Lohe 63, Lohe 73 (>1285)
841:   Long-lived animals
MdB: StrDan 575 (>1220/50)
845:   Wild animals herded
MdB: HvAEr 7124 (>1180), HvAIw 396, HvAIw 911 (>1190/1200), UvZLa 3930 (>1194)
CdG: KM5 45 (1320/40), PKRL 625 (1172), UvTRW 5698 (>1243)
MN: GvMFa 47 (>1270), UBEd 47 (ca. 1345)
847:   Lion placed in city to prevent entrance
MdB: Lanc3 346 (<1250), WCRPa 338 (1331-1336)
871.1.2:   Giant boar
RoA: GrAlx 3647 (1397), SeAlx 5549 (1352), StrAlx 4969, StrAlx 5039 (1170), UvEAlx 21649 (1278/83)
871.   (Bm) Wild boar’s tusk 1/2 yard long [1 yard long]
RoA: GrAlx 3647 (1397)
871.2.5:   Giant lion
RoA: GrAlx 3647 (1397), UvEAlx 25441 (1278/83)
873:   Giant insects
RoA: StrAlx 5047 (1170)
873.4:   Giant ant
RoA: SeAlx 5597, SeAlx 6615 (1352), UvEAlx 23104 (1278/83)
874:   Giant fish
MR: JvWW 820 (1314)
RoA: BaAlx 3544 (1150/60), StrAlx 5473 (1170)
874.2:   Giant eel
RoA: HvNAp 9976 (1300)
875.1:   Giant serpent
RoA: GrAlx 5722 (1397), SeAlx 5469, SeAlx 6577, SeAlx 7625 (1352), UvEAlx 21595 (1278/83)
876.2:   Giant crustacean
RoA: HvNAp 10013 (1300)
876.2.1:   Giant crab
RoA: GrAlx 3639 (1397), SeAlx 5515 (1352), UvEAlx 21633, UvEAlx 22816 (1278/83)
877.1:   Giant sea-monster
MdB: PlGar 7170, PlGar 7326, PlGar 7627 (<1270), StrDan 1874 (>1220/50)
RoA: HvNAp 6795 (1300), RvEAlx 9311 (1235/1254)
878.1:   Giant flock of birds
RoA: SeAlx 5627 (1352), UvEAlx 21707 (1278/83)