Motif Index of German Secular Narratives                 
Published by the Austrian Academy of Sciences, Vienna
 Introduction   Matière de Bretagne   Chansons de Geste   Miscellaneous Romances   Oriental Romances   Heroic Epic   Maere and Novellas   Romances of Antiquity   Index 

D. Magic

Index of Motifs
Y Z Back
D0–9 Transformations (general)
D10–99 Transformation of man to different man
D100–199 Transformation: man to animal
D200–299 Transformation: man to object
D400–499 Other forms of transformation
D500–599 Means of transformation
D600–699 Miscellaneous transformation incidents
D700–799 Disenchantment
D800–899 Ownership of magic objects
D900–1299 Kinds of magic objects
D1300–1599 Function of magic objects
D1600–1699 Characteristics of magic objects
D1710–1799 Possession and means of employment of magic powers
D1800–2199 Manifestations of magic power

D. Magic

D0–9 Transformations (general)

5:   Enchanted person
MdB: Lanc2 314, Lanc2 360, Lanc2 361 (<1250), UvZLa 7872, UvZLa 7962 (>1194)
6:   Enchanted castle (building)
MdB: HvdTCr 20378, HvdTCr 20433 (>1225), Lanc1 163, Lanc1 166, Lanc1 168, Lanc1 170, Lanc1 172, Lanc1 176, Lanc1 183, Lanc1 188, Lanc1 212, Lanc1 562 (<1250), WvEP 558, WvEP 562, WvEP 634 (<1200/10), WvGW 4295 (>1210/20)
7:   Enchanted valley
MdB: Lanc1 568, Lanc1 570 (<1250)
RoA: SeAlx 6675 (1352)

D10–99 Transformation of man to different man

42:   God in guise of mortal
RoA: GoTK 1764 (1280)
50:   Magic changes in man himself
MdB: HvdTCr 23211, HvdTCr 23316 (>1225), UvZLa 3526 (>1194)
52.1:   Transformation: man becomes hideous
MdB: HvdTCr 13004 (>1225), KvSGM 206 (>1250), StrDan 4584 (>1220/50)
52.2:   Ugly man becomes handsome
MdB: KvSGM 2764 (>1250)
52.3:   (G) Ugly woman becomes beautiful
MdB: WCRPa 386 (1331-1336)
55:   Magic change of person’s size
MdB: Lanc1 567 (<1250)
55.1:   Person becomes magically larger.
MdB: StrDan 761 (>1220/50)
92:   Transformation: Wild man to normal
MN: Buss 800 (>1300)

D100–199 Transformation: man to animal

100:   Transformation: man to animal
MdB: HvAEr 5153 (>1180), StrDan 4584 (>1220/50)
RoA: KvWTK 4496 (1281/87), TrojEl 19, TrojEl 127 (1375)
114.1.1:   Transformation: man to deer
MR: FvS 4216 (>1314)   Transformation: girl to deer (fawn) (by druid)
MR: FvS 402 (>1314)
141:   Transformation: man (boy) to dog
MdB: Lanc1 58, Lanc1 59, Lanc1 68 (<1250)
150:   Transformation: man to bird
MN: JuH 763, JuH 1283, JuH 1594, JuH 2025 (>1400)
151.4:   Transformation man [woman] to crow
HE: WDieD 33 (ca. 1250)
151.9:   Transformation: man [woman] to magpie
HE: WDieAF 286, WDieB 639 (ca. 1250)
154.1:   Transformation: man [woman] to dove
MR: FvS 535 (>1314)
181:   Transformation: man [goddess] to spider
RoA: HvVEn 88 (1170/74)
199.2:   Transformation: man to dragon
MdB: UvZLa 7962 (>1194)
RoA: BaAlx 203 (1150/60), GrAlx 163 (1397), RvEAlx 721, RvEAlx 1084 (1235/1254), SeAlx 384 (1352), UvEAlx 625 (1278/83)

D200–299 Transformation: man to object

231:   Transformation: man to stone
MdB: StrDan 4584 (>1220/50)
300–399:   Transformation: animal to person
300:   Transformation: animal to person. [power of transformation]
MdB: WCRPa 45, WCRPa 54 (1331-1336)
332:   Transformation: equine animal (domestic) to person
MdB: WCRPa 45 (1331-1336)
336:   Transformation: swine to person
MdB: WCRPa 45 (1331-1336)
341:   Transformation: dog to person
MdB: Lanc1 58, Lanc1 59, Lanc1 68 (<1250)
341.1:   Transformation: bitches to women
MdB: WCRPa 45 (1331-1336)

D400–499 Other forms of transformation

437:   Transformation: part of animal or person to person
RoA: HMvNT 3, HMvNT 14 (1390/92), KvWTK 7997, KvWTK 9196, KvWTK 9759 (1281/87), TrojEl 33 (1375)
441.4:   Transformation: plant to animal
HE: WDieAF 295 (ca. 1250)
454.9.1:   Transformation: spear to other object
CdG: KM3 89 (1320/40)
469:   Transformation: miscella-neous object to other objects
CdG: KM3 70 (1320/40)
471.1:   Transformation: bread to stone
MdB: Merl 233 (>1300)
474:   Transformation: object becomes bloody
RoA: RvEAlx 8951 (1235/1254)
475.1:   Transformation: objects to gold
RoA: UvEAA 822 (1278/83)
477.1:   Transformation: water becomes wine
MdB: WCRPa 164 (1331-1336)
478:   Water changed to other substance (or vice versa)
MdB: HvdTCr 14410 (>1225)
480:   Size of object transformed
RoA: KvWTK 7322 (1281/87)
482:   Stretching objects
MdB: HvdTM 449, HvdTM 613 (<1225), UvZLa 4845, UvZLa 5122, UvZLa 5795, UvZLa 5882, UvZLa 6075 (>1194)

D500–599 Means of transformation

521:   Transformation through wish
MN: GvMFa 109 (>1270)
522:   Transformation through magic word (charm)
MdB: StrDan 4584 (>1220/50)
562:   Transformation by bathing
HE: WDieB 330 (ca. 1250)
572:   Transformation by magic object.
MdB: HvdTCr 14410 (>1225)
581:   Petrification [death] by glance
MdB: PlGar 7170, PlGar 7326, PlGar 7627, PlGar 7840, PlGar 8896 (<1270), StrDan 1874, StrDan 2110, StrDan 2165 (>1220/50)

D600–699 Miscellaneous transformation incidents

620:   Periodic transformation.
MdB: UvZLa 7036 (>1194), WvGW 4592 (>1210/20)
621:   Daily transformation
RoA: BaAlx 3445 (1150/60), GrAlx 4521 (1397), StrAlx 5099 (1170), UvEAlx 22331 (1278/83)
621.0.1:   One shape by day, another by night
MdB: WvGW 4295 (>1210/20)
621.1:   Animal by day; man [woman] by night
MR: FvS 402, FvS 601 (>1314)
630:   Transformation and disenchantment at will
MN: JuH 763, JuH 1283, JuH 1594, JuH 2025 (>1400)
RoA: KvWTK 4496 (1281/87), TrojEl 19, TrojEl 127 (1375)
631.1.1:   Person changes appearance at will.
MdB: HvdTCr 13004 (>1225)
631.3.2:   Compressible tent.
MdB: UvZLa 4845 (>1194)
641.1:   Lover as bird visits mistress
MN: JuH 763, JuH 1283, JuH 1594, JuH 2025 (>1400)
657.2:   Transformation to horse so as to abduct king (hero)
MdB: WCRPa 738 (1331-1336)
658:   Transformation to seduce
RoA: BaAlx 203 (1150/60), GrAlx 163 (1397), RvEAlx 721 (1235/1254), SeAlx 384 (1352), UvEAlx 625 (1278/83)
658.3.2:   Transformation of animal to woman to seduce man [deceive husband]
MdB: WCRPa 45, WCRPa 54 (1331-1336)
661:   Transformation as punishment
MdB: UvZLa 7962 (>1194)
MR: FvS 402 (>1314)
665.2:   Transformation of stepchild to be rid of him [her]
MR: FvS 402 (>1314)
683:   Transformation by magician
MdB: WCRPa 45, WCRPa 54 (1331-1336)

D700–799 Disenchantment

700:   Person disenchanted
MdB: HvdTCr 8997, HvdTCr 26525, HvdTCr 29514, HvdTCr 29578 (>1225)
HE: WDieB 340 (ca. 1250)
701:   Gradual disenchantment
MdB: Lanc1 154, Lanc1 163, Lanc1 166, Lanc1 168, Lanc1 172, Lanc1 183, Lanc1 188, Lanc1 210, Lanc1 212 (<1250), WCRPa 272 (1331-1336)
703:   Disenchantment made permanent
MdB: Lanc1 154, Lanc1 163, Lanc1 166, Lanc1 212 (<1250), WCRPa 731 (1331-1336)
705:   Place [land] disenchanted
MdB: HvdTCr 29514, HvdTCr 29578 (>1225), Lanc1 572, Lanc2 290 (<1250), WCPap 326, WCRPa 731 (1331-1336)
705.1:   Castle disenchanted
MdB: HvdTCr 13514, HvdTCr 20854, HvdTCr 20982, HvdTCr 29514, HvdTCr 29578 (>1225), Lanc1 213, Lanc1 565, Lanc1 590 (<1250), WvEP 579 (<1200/10)
721:   Disenchantment by removing skin
MR: FvS 4303, FvS 4389 (>1314)
HE: WDieA 491 (ca. 1230)
732:   Loathly lady
RoA: HvVEn 35 (1170/74)
735:   Disenchantment by kiss
MdB: UvZLa 7872 (>1194)
735.4:   Disenchantment by enduring animal’s embrace
MR: FvS 4216 (>1314)
753:   Disenchantment by accomplishment of tasks
MdB: HvdTCr 13514, HvdTCr 20854, HvdTCr 20982 (>1225), Lanc1 154, Lanc1 163, Lanc1 166, Lanc1 168, Lanc1 210, Lanc1 212, Lanc1 213, Lanc1 549, Lanc1 561, Lanc2 287, Lanc2 360 (<1250), WCRPa 151 (1331-1336), WvEP 579 (<1200/10)
MR: FvS 402, FvS 1184 (>1314)
763:   Disenchantment by destroying enchanter
MdB: StrDan 4770 (>1220/50), WCRPa 621 (1331-1336)
765.1:   Disenchantment by removing cause of enchantment
MdB: WCRPa 143 (1331-1336)
765.1.1.1:   Disenchantment by removing ring from under dead girl’s tongue [from dead woman’s hair]
CdG: KM3 44 (1320/40)
766.1:   Disenchantment by bathing (immersing)
MdB: UvZLa 7872 (>1194), WCRPa 143 (1331-1336)
766.4:   Disenchantment by bathing in milk
MdB: WCRPa 151 (1331-1336)
771.10:   Disenchantment by ring
RoA: HvNAp 14294 (1300)
772:   Disenchantment by naming
MdB: HvdTCr 8906 (>1225)
782.2:   Disenchantment by touching earth
CdG: KM5 30 (1320/40)
785.1:   Disenchantment produced by hero winning contests with demons
MdB: WCRPa 731 (1331-1336)
788:   Disenchantment by sign of cross
HE: WDieD 26 (ca. 1250)
789:   Other means of disenchantment
HE: WDieB 653 (ca. 1250)
MN: UBEd 87 (ca. 1345)
789.6.1:   Disenchantment by speaking proper words
MdB: HvdTCr 29462 (>1225), WvEP 794 (<1200/10)
791:   Disenchantment possible under unique conditions
MR: FvS 402, FvS 1184, FvS 4303 (>1314)
791.2:   Disenchantment by only one person
MdB: HvdTCr 20378, HvdTCr 29462 (>1225), WCRPa 621, WCRPa 731 (1331-1336)
791.3:   Disenchantment fails because conditions are not fulfilled
MdB: WCRPa 272 (1331-1336)
793:   Disenchantment made permanent
MdB: WCRPa 621 (1331-1336), WvEP 579 (<1200/10)
794:   Enchanted person attracts attention of rescuer
MR: FvS 4660 (>1314)

D800–899 Ownership of magic objects

801:   Ownership of magic object
MdB: AlbJT 1289, AlbJT 4472 (<1272/1294)
801.1:   Magic objects possessed by witch, sorcerer or evil dwarf
MdB: StrDan 1221, StrDan 1598 (>1220/50)
MR: ReivB 21436 (>1291)
810:   Magic object a gift
MdB: AlbJT 5623 (<1272/1294), GvSTr 16179 (>1210), HvAEr 7124 (>1180), Lanc1 129, Lanc1 159, Lanc1 462, Lanc1 470, Lanc1 570, Lanc2 437 (<1250), Lohe 649 (>1285), UvZLa 4930, UvZLa 8470 (>1194), WvEP 239, WvEP 498 (<1200/10), WvGW 321, WvGW 599 (>1210/20)
RoA: HvNAp 5203 (1300)
811.2:   Magic object falls down from the heaven
RoA: HMvNT 88 (1390/92), HvFLvT 15595 (after 1190)
812:   Magic object received from supernatural being
MdB: GvSTr 15769 (>1210)
812.6:   Magic object received from witch or wizard
OR: SaMor 77 (>1200)
812.10:   Magic object received from angel
MdB: WvGW 4736 (>1210/20)
CdG: PKRL 6805 (1172), StrKG 364, StrKG 8133 (1220/50)
812.12:   Magic object received from dwarf
MdB: PlGar 6349, PlGar 6692, PlGar 10151, PlGar 11472, PlGar 15473 (<1270)
HE: SigJu 30, SigJu 50, WDieB 829, WDieD 9 (ca. 1250)
812.13:   Magic objects gifts of magician
MdB: HvdTCr 6973, HvdTCr 13514, HvdTCr 27309, HvdTCr 27678 (>1225), PlGar 6349 (<1270)
813:   Magic object received from fairy
MdB: HvAEr 5153 (>1180), HvdTCr 1003, HvdTCr 4803, HvdTCr 14927, HvdTCr 22974, HvdTCr 23112, HvdTCr 23211, HvdTCr 23418, HvdTCr 29514 (>1225), HvdTM 449 (<1225), UvZLa 4661, UvZLa 5679, UvZLa 5795 (>1194), WCRPa 160 (1331-1336)
MR: BvHDe 2373 (<1275)
HE: EckL 152 (<1230)
813.1:   Magic object received from river nymph [mermaid]
MdB: PlGar 11841 (<1270), StrDan 4277 (>1220/50)
MR: Abor 119 (<1350)
813.2:   Magic object received from grateful fairy
MdB: WCRPa 498 (1331-1336)
815.1:   Magic object received from mother
MdB: WvGW 1220 (>1210/20)
815.8:   Magic object received from wife
MdB: HvAIw 2945 (>1190/1200)
816:   Magic object inherited
MdB: HvdTCr 7853 (>1225), WCRPa 612 (1331-1336)
817:   Magic object received from grateful person
MdB: HvAIw 1135 (>1190/1200)
HE: DukH 70 (1382/83), SigJu 50 (ca. 1250)
825:   Magic object received from maiden
MdB: HvAIw 1135 (>1190/1200), WvGW 4370 (>1210/20)
RoA: HMvNT 12 (1390/92), HvFLvT 1013 (after 1190), KvWTK 9196, KvWTK 9598, KvWTK 9759 (1281/87)
829:   Acquisition of magic object–miscellaneous
MN: JuH 558 (>1400)
830:   Magic object acquired by trickery
MdB: HvdTCr 24882, HvdTCr 24994, HvdTCr 25224, HvdTCr 25366 (>1225)
838:   Magic object acquired by stealing
RoA: UvEAlx 26159 (1278/83)
838.1:   Stolen objects powerful in magic
RoA: UvEAlx 26159 (1278/83)
838.2:   Magic object taken from ogre’s house
RoA: HvNAp 5366 (1300)
840:   Magic object found
MdB: HvdTCr 14927 (>1225)
849.5.1:   Magic object found in heart [body] of whale
OR: Orend 595 (>1200)
851:   Magic object acquired by exchange
MdB: WCRPa 498 (1331-1336)
851.1:   Magic object purchased
RoA: OttEr 969 (after 1215)
855:   Magic object acquired as reward
MdB: GvSTr 16179 (>1210), WCRPa 498 (1331-1336)
856:   Magic object acquired by gaining love of owner
MN: DvGG 1 (1270/1290)
859:   Magic object obtained–miscellaneous means
MdB: AlbJT 4919 (<1272/1294)
859.2.1:   Magic object received from other world
MdB: HvdTCr 14927, HvdTCr 15870, HvdTCr 22847, HvdTCr 24772 (>1225), WvEP 452 (<1200/10)
859.8:   Magic object as ransom of captive
MdB: StrDan 7733 (>1220/50)
860:   Loss of magic object
MdB: AlbJT 1289, AlbJT 1667 (<1272/1294), HvdTCr 25224, HvdTCr 25366 (>1225), Lanc3 371, Lanc3 375 (<1250)
RoA: HvNAp 14294 (1300)
860.0.1:   Death to follow loss of magic object
MdB: AlbJT 4395 (<1272/1294)
861:   Magic object stolen
MdB: WvGW 5280, WvGW 6017 (>1210/20)
RoA: UvEAlx 26159 (1278/83)
862:   Magic object taken away by force [recovered by fighting]
MdB: HvdTCr 15224, HvdTCr 23316 (>1225), WvGW 6017 (>1210/20)
HE: NL 3 (1191/1204)
863:   Magic object mysteriously disappears
MdB: Lanc3 382 (<1250)
866:   Magic object destroyed
MdB: Lanc1 478 (<1250), PlGar 8896, PlGar 9110, PlGar 13632 (<1270), StrDan 2165 (>1220/50)
868.2:   (Bm) Magic ring must be returned by unfaithful lover.
MdB: HvAIw 3102 (>1190/1200)
876:   Magic treasure animal killed
MN: UBEd 80 (ca. 1345)
878:   Magic object voluntarily given away
MdB: AlbJT 4919, AlbJT 4990 (<1272/1294)
878.1:   Magic sword returned to lake whence it was received
MdB: Lanc3 764 (<1250)
880:   Recovery of magic object
MdB: HvdTCr 25550, HvdTCr 25727, HvdTCr 25911 (>1225)
RoA: HvNAp 14486 (1300)
881:   Magic object recovered by using second magic object
MdB: HvdTCr 27838, HvdTCr 27959, HvdTCr 28209 (>1225)
882:   Extraordinary fire
MdB: HvdTCr 28362 (>1225)
887:   (Li) Magic object recovered by fighting
MdB: HvdTCr 27838, HvdTCr 27959, HvdTCr 28209 (>1225)

D900–1299 Kinds of magic objects

900:   Magic weather phenomena
MdB: PlGar 9110 (<1270)
RoA: KvWTK 10488 (1281/87), TrojEl 37 (1375)
901:   Magic cloud
MdB: HvAEr 8698 (>1180), Lanc3 113, Lanc3 283 (<1250), WCRPa 804 (1331-1336), WvGW 7266 (>1210/20)
902.2:   Magic dew
CdG: KM3 69 (1320/40)
905:   Magic storm
MdB: HvAIw 600, HvAIw 989, HvAIw 2446, HvAIw 7781 (>1190/1200), HvdTCr 15998, HvdTCr 16081, HvdTCr 16228, HvdTCr 16365 (>1225), Lanc3 331 (<1250), WCRPa 157, WCRPa 598 (1331-1336)
RoA: HvNAp 9129, HvNAp 10882 (1300), HvVEn 7 (1170/74), KvWTK 24030 (1281/87), TrojEl 70 (1375)
906:   Magic wind
MdB: HvdTCr 24994, HvdTCr 25074, HvdTCr 25550 (>1225), Lanc1 213, Lanc1 606, Lanc2 627 (<1250)
908:   Magic darkness
MdB: Lanc1 506, Lanc1 507, Lanc1 561, Lanc1 562, Lanc2 529, Lanc3 8, Lanc3 292, Lanc3 331, Lanc3 363 (<1250), WCRPa 598 (1331-1336), WvGW 7266 (>1210/20)
MR: FvS 2673 (>1314)
915:   Magic river
MdB: UvZLa 7036 (>1194)
915.6:   Magic flood
MdB: Lanc1 478 (<1250)
921:   Magic lake (pond [swamp])
MdB: Lanc1 212, Lanc2 229 (<1250), UvZLa 7036 (>1194), WvGW 6725 (>1210/20)
921.1:   Lake (pond) produced by magic
MdB: KvSGM 3465 (>1250)
HE: WDieAF 283, WDieB 639, WDieD 21 (ca. 1250)
925:   Magic fountain
MdB: AlbJT 6237 (<1272/1294), HvAIw 520, HvAIw 600, HvAIw 989, HvAIw 2446, HvAIw 7781 (>1190/1200), HvdTCr 26581, HvdTCr 26680 (>1225), Lanc2 523, Lanc2 524, Lanc2 529, Lanc3 357 (<1250), Wiga 1100, Wiga 1526 (<1245), WvEP 252, WvEP 433 (<1200/10)
MR: Abor 1, Abor 45 (<1350)
RoA: HvNAp 11716, HvNAp 12076, HvNAp 12943 (1300)
926:   Magic well
HE: WDieD 9, WDieD 10 (ca. 1250)
926.3:   (Bm) Knight guards magic well [body of water]
MdB: HvAIw 693, HvAIw 989, HvAIw 2542 (>1190/1200)
MR: BvHDe 2373 (<1275)
927.2:   Magic spring [fountain] guarded by demons (monsters) [dragon].
MdB: HvdTCr 26581, HvdTCr 26680 (>1225), Lanc2 524 (<1250)
930:   Magic land features
RoA: KvWTK 10488 (1281/87), TrojEl 37 (1375)
931:   Magic rock (stone)
MdB: Wiga 1100 (<1245), WvGW 1411 (>1210/20)
MR: FvS 3078, FvS 3519 (>1314), ReivB 21715 (>1291)
HE: Ortnit 240 (ca. 1230)
RoA: BaAlx 4189 (1150/60), SeAlx 6289 (1352), StrAlx 7072 (1170), UvEAlx 24578, UvEAlx 25379 (1278/83)
932:   Magic mountain
MdB: Lanc2 135 (<1250)
932.2:   Magic hill
MdB: UvZLa 5122 (>1194)
934.1:   Magic sod
MdB: HvdTCr 17314 (>1225)
937:   Magic plain [valley]
MdB: UvZLa 3930 (>1194)
940:   Magic forests
HE: WDieB 653 (ca. 1250)
941:   Magic forest
MdB: Lanc1 545, Lanc2 523 (<1250), UvZLa 3930 (>1194)
RoA: StrAlx 5157 (1170)
941.1:   Forest produced by magic
HE: WDieB 653 (ca. 1250)
950:   Magic tree
MdB: WCRPa 598, WCRPa 621 (1331-1336)
HE: WDieB 511, WDieB 821 (ca. 1250)
RoA: BaAlx 3445 (1150/60), GrAlx 4521 (1397), StrAlx 5099 (1170), UvEAlx 22331 (1278/83)
950.0.1.1:   Magic tree guarded by giant ogre
RoA: StrAlx 5064 (1170)
950.7:   Magic lime tree
MR: JvWW 4745 (1314)
953:   Magic twig
MdB: Lanc3 292 (<1250), WvEP 480 (<1200/10)
RoA: HvVEn 42, HvVEn 51 (1170/74)
954:   Magic bough
RoA: HvVEn 37 (1170/74)
961:   Magic garden
MdB: HvAEr 8458, HvAEr 8698 (>1180), WvGW 4592 (>1210/20)
965:   Magic plants
MdB: UvZLa 3930 (>1194), WvEP 516, WvEP 579 (<1200/10)
MR: Wuert 297 (>1300)
RoA: HvNAp 6877, HvNAp 7537, HvNAp 7637, HvNAp 7841, HvNAp 8387, HvNAp 9976, HvNAp 10013 (1300), HvVEn 37 (1170/74), KvWTK 20134 (1281/87)
967:   Magic roots
MdB: WvEP 480, WvEP 483, WvEP 516, WvEP 519 (<1200/10)
MR: Abor 87 (<1350), FvS 4216, FvS 4389, FvS 6309 (>1314), JvWW 4412 (1314), ReivB 20749 (>1291), Wuert 341 (>1300)
HE: EckL 172 (<1230), SigJu 30 (ca. 1250), WDieA 491 (ca. 1230)
OR: SaMor 118, SaMor 606 (>1200)
RoA: HvNAp 6877, HvNAp 7537, HvNAp 7637, HvNAp 7841, HvNAp 8387, HvNAp 9976, HvNAp 10013 (1300), UvEAlx 25307 (1278/83)
975:   Magic flower
MdB: HvdTCr 21095, HvdTCr 21270 (>1225), UvZLa 4015 (>1194), WvGW 4592, WvGW 4736, WvGW 4988 (>1210/20)
975.2:   Magic rose
MdB: HvdTCr 14323 (>1225)
CdG: UvTAr 30 (1261/69)
978:   Magic herbs
MdB: AlbJT 6139 (<1272/1294), WvEP 789 (<1200/10)
CdG: KM4 12 (1320/40)
RoA: BaAlx 203 (1150/60), KvWTK 10566 (1281/87), RvEAlx 721, RvEAlx 876 (1235/1254), SeAlx 343 (1352), TrojEl 37 (1375)
981:   Magic fruit
MdB: UvZLa 3930 (>1194)
981.1:   Magic apple
RoA: KvWTK 1244, KvWTK 1510 (1281/87), TrojEl 11 (1375)
991:   Magic hair
MR: JvWW 12645 (1314)
996:   Magic hand
MdB: Lanc1 507 (<1250), Lanc3 346 (<1250), WCRPa 255, WCRPa 598, WCRPa 621, WCRPa 723 (1331-1336)
1003:   Magic blood–human
MdB: HvdTCr 8997, HvdTCr 14712, HvdTCr 19178 (>1225), Lanc1 351, Lanc1 353, Lanc1 354, Lanc1 356, Lanc1 454, Lanc2 633, Lanc3 41 (<1250), Lohe 332, Lohe 388 (>1285), StrDan 4426 (>1220/50)
MR: KvWE 5136, KvWE 5623, KvWE 6107 (<1260), Wuert 240 (>1300)
MN: HvAAH 133, HvAAH 913 (1190/1200), KKJB 753 (>1372), Musp 30 (<876)
1010:   Magic bodily members–animal
RoA: KvWTK 3794 (1281/87)
1013:   Magic bone of animal
MdB: Lanc3 274 (<1250)
1015.1:   Magic heart of animal
MdB: WvEP 480 (<1200/10)
RoA: HvNAp 6939 (1300)
1015.2:   Magic gall-bladder of animal
RoA: KvWTK 3794 (1281/87)
1016:   Magic blood of animal
MdB: AlbJT 885 (<1272/1294), HvAEr 8307 (>1180), HvdTCr 15102 (>1225), Lanc3 229 (<1250), StrDan 4001 (>1220/50), WvEP 105, WvEP 483 (<1200/10), WvGW 6927 (>1210/20)
HE: NL 3 (1191/1204)
1025:   Magic skin of animal
MdB: WvEP 810 (<1200/10)
CdG: Ali 250, Ali 437 (>1400), UvTAr 101 (1261/69), WvEW 148, WvEW 149 (1210/20)
1025.2:   Magic fish-skin [Mermaid’s magic skin]
MdB: StrDan 4001 (>1220/50)
HE: WDieA 491 (ca. 1230)
1030:   Magic food
MdB: Lanc3 113 (<1250), Lohe 63 (>1285)
1030.1:   Food supplied by magic
CdG: UvTRW 34240, UvTRW 34382 (>1243)
1031.0.1:   Manna. Food from skies in basket each morning
CdG: KM3 70 (1320/40)
RoA: UvEAlx 11399 (1278/83)
1031.1:   Magic bread
MdB: HvdTCr 29396 (>1225), Lanc1 567 (<1250), WvGW 4370, WvGW 4988 (>1210/20)
1031.1.1:   Consecrated bread as magic object
MdB: WvEP 469 (<1200/10)
1040:   Magic drink
MdB: HvdTCr 8617 (>1225), Lanc1 593, Lanc2 294, Lanc2 473 (<1250)
1040.1:   Drink supplied by magic
MdB: WCRPa 164 (1331-1336)
1041:   Blood as magic drink
MdB: HvdTCr 14712, HvdTCr 29396 (>1225), StrDan 1874 (>1220/50)
HE: Kudr 2 (>1260)
1051:   Magic cloth
CdG: UvTAr 72, UvTAr 111 (1261/69)
MN: Vesp 175 (<1400)
1052:   Magic garment (robe, tunic)
MdB: Lohe 649 (>1285), StrDan 4001, StrDan 4277 (>1220/50)
CdG: Ali 250 (>1400), UvTAr 101 (1261/69)
MR: Abor 119 (<1350)
RoA: KvWTK 11266, KvWTK 38391 (1281/87), TrojEl 42, TrojEl 93 (1375)
1053:   Magic mantle (cloak)
MdB: HvdTCr 15224, HvdTCr 15294 (>1225), HvdTM 449, HvdTM 613 (<1225), PlGar 8408, PlGar 8714 (<1270), UvZLa 5795, UvZLa 5882, UvZLa 6075, UvZLa 9199 (>1194)
CdG: Ali 562 (>1400), KM5 25 (1320/40)
HE: NL 3, NL 6, NL 8, NL 10 (1191/1204)
1056:   Magic shirt
HE: Kudr 17 (>1260)
1057:   Magic belt
MdB: HvdTCr 4803, HvdTCr 23211, HvdTCr 23316, HvdTCr 23418 (>1225), KoAnt 14 (>1300), Lohe 52 (>1285), WvGW 321, WvGW 510, WvGW 599, WvGW 1053, WvGW 1220 (>1210/20)
HE: Laurin 1388 (>1250)
1066:   Magic glove
MdB: HvdTCr 22974, HvdTCr 23112, HvdTCr 23529, HvdTCr 23663, HvdTCr 23773, HvdTCr 23959, HvdTCr 24074, HvdTCr 24169, HvdTCr 24313, HvdTCr 24449, HvdTCr 24523, HvdTCr 24652, HvdTCr 25224 (>1225)
1071:   Magic jewel (jewels)
MdB: AlbJT 6139 (<1272/1294), HvAIw 1135, HvAIw 2945 (>1190/1200), HvdTCr 1003, HvdTCr 8154, HvdTCr 14927, HvdTCr 15294, HvdTCr 23211, HvdTCr 23418, HvdTCr 24882, HvdTCr 24994 (>1225), KoAnt 14 (>1300), Lanc1 393 (<1250), Lohe 379, Lohe 649 (>1285), PlGar 6349, PlGar 6572 (<1270), UvZLa 4091, UvZLa 8470 (>1194), WCRPa 448, WCRPa 577 (1331-1336), Wiga 4324 (<1245), WvEP 233, WvEP 452, WvEP 467, WvEP 738, WvEP 787, WvEP 789 (<1200/10), WvGW 510, WvGW 660 (>1210/20)
MR: BvHDe 2373 (<1275), FvS 1321, FvS 6309 (>1314), KobS 179 (>1350)
HE: DukH 70 (1382/83), SigJu 50 (ca. 1250)
MN: JuH 604 (>1400), UBEd 87 (ca. 1345)
RoA: HMvNT 12, HMvNT 14 (1390/92), HvNAp 8900, HvNAp 12632, HvNAp 13607, HvNAp 13888 (1300), KvWTK 9196, KvWTK 9759 (1281/87), OttEr 1128 (after 1215)
1076:   Magic ring
MdB: HvAIw 1135, HvAIw 2945 (>1190/1200), HvdTCr 15870, HvdTCr 22847, HvdTCr 24772, HvdTCr 24882, HvdTCr 24994 (>1225), KoAnt 18 (>1300), KvSGM 2870 (>1250), Lanc1 129, Lanc1 393, Lanc2 76, Lanc2 437 (<1250), UvZLa 4930 (>1194), WCRPa 448, WCRPa 485 (1331-1336)
CdG: KM3 44 (1320/40)
MR: FvS 1321, FvS 2099, FvS 3697, FvS 6187, FvS 6309 (>1314), ReivB 15050 (>1291)
479:   (1255), WDieD 9 (ca. 1250)
OR: SaMor 77 (>1200)
RoA: GoTK 7222, GoTK 12360 (1280), HMvNT 12 (1390/92), HvFLvT 1013 (after 1190), HvNAp 5203, HvNAp 5366, HvNAp 8503, HvNAp 9003, HvNAp 9437, HvNAp 10366, HvNAp 10685, HvNAp 12632, HvNAp 14294 (1300), KvWTK 1244, KvWTK 9196, KvWTK 9759 (1281/87), TrojEl 11 (1375)
1080:   Magic weapons
MdB: Lanc3 41 (<1250)
HE: Walb 744 (ca. 1250)
1081:   Magic sword
MdB: HvdTCr 8393, HvdTCr 29514 (>1225), Lanc1 357, Lanc2 633, Lanc2 695, Lanc3 278, Lanc3 280, Lanc3 283, Lanc3 285, Lanc3 303, Lanc3 306, Lanc3 310 (<1250), PlGar 6349, PlGar 6692, PlGar 11472, PlGar 15473 (<1270), StrDan 1221, StrDan 1291, StrDan 1734, StrDan 2702, StrDan 3072, StrDan 3694, StrDan 3893 (>1220/50), WCRPa 264, WCRPa 602, WCRPa 607, WCRPa 616 (1331-1336), WvEP 252 (<1200/10)
CdG: KM5 81 (1320/40), PKRL 3301, PKRL 6805 (1172), StrKG 364, StrKG 4043, StrKG 8133, StrKG 9785 (1220/50)
490:   (ca. 1250)
RoA: GoTK 11795 (1280), HvNAp 5366 (1300), HvVEn 38, HvVEn 44, HvVEn 86, HvVEn 169, HvVEn 176 (1170/74)
1081.1:   Sword of magic origin
RoA: HvVEn 86, HvVEn 169 (1170/74)
1084:   Magic spear
MdB: Lohe 388 (>1285)
1086:   Magic lance
MdB: HvdTCr 19178 (>1225), Lanc1 606, Lanc2 627 (<1250), WCRPa 304 (1331-1336), WvEP 230 (<1200/10), WvGW 4736 (>1210/20)
RoA: HvNAp 6169, HvNAp 6303 (1300)
1091:   Magic bow
MR: Abor 87 (<1350)
1092:   Magic arrow
RoA: HvVEn 156 (1170/74)
1094:   Magic cudgel (club)
MdB: HvdTCr 16365 (>1225)
MR: JvWW 11930 (1314)
1101:   Magic [part of] armor
MdB: HvdTCr 13514, HvdTCr 27309, HvdTCr 27748 (>1225), PlGar 7050, PlGar 10151 (<1270), WvGW 6017, WvGW 6927 (>1210/20)
CdG: Ali 437 (>1400), WvEW 148 (1210/20)
RoA: BaAlx 3960 (1150/60), HvVEn 85, HvVEn 176 (1170/74), StrAlx 6363 (1170)
1101.1:   Magic shield
MdB: AlbJT 2603 (<1272/1294), Lanc1 159, Lanc1 462, Lanc1 470, Lanc1 475 (<1250), WCRPa 531, WCRPa 538, WCRPa 550 (1331-1336)
CdG: WvEW 148 (1210/20)
RoA: HvVEn 87, HvVEn 176 (1170/74)
1101.2:   Magic cuirass
MdB: StrDan 1598 (>1220/50)
1101.4:   Magic helmet
MdB: StrDan 1598 (>1220/50)
CdG: PKRL 2543, PKRL 3291 (1172), StrKG 4033 (1220/50), WvEW 149 (1210/20)
MR: JvWW 3900, JvWW 6433 (1314)
RoA: HvVEn 85, HvVEn 176 (1170/74)
1121:   Magic boat
MdB: WCRPa 285, WCRPa 289, WCRPa 308, WCRPa 498, WCRPa 747 (1331-1336)
1123:   Magic ship
MdB: Lanc3 150, Lanc3 306, Lanc3 331, Lanc3 337, Lanc3 343, Lanc3 372 (<1250)
MR: KobS 2168 (>1350), KvWP 562, KvWP 2676, KvWP 7138 (1277)
1131:   Magic castle
MdB: HvdTCr 8997, HvdTCr 14568, HvdTCr 14785, HvdTCr 15224, HvdTCr 15294, HvdTCr 15383, HvdTCr 20378, HvdTCr 20433, HvdTCr 27370, HvdTCr 29287, HvdTCr 29340, HvdTCr 29462 (>1225), Lanc1 154, Lanc1 156, Lanc1 163, Lanc1 166, Lanc1 168, Lanc1 170, Lanc1 172, Lanc1 176, Lanc1 183, Lanc1 185, Lanc1 188, Lanc1 204, Lanc1 212, Lanc2 622 (<1250), UvZLa 189, UvZLa 3526 (>1194), WvEP 248, WvEP 251, WvEP 558, WvEP 562, WvEP 634, WvEP 657 (<1200/10), WvGW 4295 (>1210/20)
MR: Wuert 417 (>1300)
1131.1:   Castle produced by magic
MdB: HvdTCr 20378 (>1225)
1132.1:   Palace produced by magic
RoA: GrAlx 3305 (1397)
1138:   Magic tent
MdB: UvZLa 4760, UvZLa 4845 (>1194), WCRPa 67, WCRPa 70 (1331-1336)
1144:   Magic stairs
RoA: HvNAp 11977, HvNAp 12632 (1300)
1146:   Magic door (gate)
MdB: Lanc1 464 (<1250)
RoA: BaAlx 3528 (1150/60), StrAlx 5443 (1170)
1148:   Magic tomb
MdB: Lanc1 165, Lanc1 615, Lanc1 616, Lanc1 617, Lanc2 287, Lanc2 523, Lanc2 524, Lanc2 531 (<1250), WCRPa 485 (1331-1336)
1149:   Magic buildings and parts–miscellaneous
HE: WDieD 32 (ca. 1250)
RoA: HvNAp 11977, HvNAp 12853, HvNAp 13513, HvNAp 14294 (1300)
1149.3:   Magic (house-)pillar
MdB: Lanc1 212 (<1250), WCRPa 314, WCRPa 506, WCRPa 582, WCRPa 586, WCRPa 590, WCRPa 594 (1331-1336)
1151:   Magic seat
MdB: Lanc2 294, Lanc2 663, Lanc2 672, Lanc3 5, Lanc3 8, Lanc3 12, Lanc3 99 (<1250)
OR: SaMor 171 (>1200)
1153:   Magic table
MdB: StrDan 47 (>1220/50)
1154.1:   Magic bed
MdB: HvdTCr 8285, HvdTCr 20433, HvdTCr 20543, HvdTCr 20701 (>1225), KvSGM 166 (>1250), Lanc1 606, Lanc2 627, Lanc2 695 (<1250), WvEP 566 (<1200/10)
RoA: GrAlx 5185 (1397)
1154.5:   Magic pillow
MdB: EvOTr 6654 (1175/80), HvFTr 4706, HvFTr 5964 (>1280), Lanc1 356 (<1250), UvTTr 1668 (<1234), WvEP 571 (<1200/10)
1162:   Magic light
MdB: Lanc1 212, Lanc1 606, Lanc2 627, Lanc2 633, Lanc2 797, Lanc3 337 (<1250), WCRPa 255, WCRPa 439, WCRPa 822 (1331-1336)
MR: ReivB 27010 (>1291)
1162.1:   Magic lamp
MdB: Lanc1 561, Lanc1 565 (<1250)
MR: KvWP 7647, KvWP 7778 (1277)
1162.2:   Magic candle
MdB: WCRPa 598, WCRPa 621 (1331-1336)
1163:   Magic mirror
MdB: StrDan 550 (>1220/50), UvZLa 4760, UvZLa 4845 (>1194)
CdG: UvTAr 55, UvTAr 97 (1261/69)
1171:   Magic vessel
MdB: WCRPa 834 (1331-1336)
1171.4:   Magic pitcher
RoA: HvNAp 9129, HvNAp 10770 (1300)
1171.6:   Magic cup
MdB: AlbJT 327 (<1272/1294), HvdTCr 29396 (>1225), Lanc2 292, Lanc2 622, Lanc2 633, Lanc2 797, Lanc2 806, Lanc3 18, Lanc3 73, Lanc3 346, Lanc3 368 (<1250), Lohe 715 (>1285), WCRPa 264, WCRPa 439, WCRPa 602, WCRPa 607, WCRPa 612, WCRPa 616, WCRPa 822, WCRPa 834 (1331-1336)
1171.6.1:   Magic tankard
MdB: HvdTCr 1003, HvdTCr 1179, HvdTCr 1361, HvdTCr 1521, HvdTCr 1892, HvdTCr 2070, HvdTCr 2154, HvdTCr 2258, HvdTCr 2456 (>1225)
1171.6.2:   Magic goblet (glass)
MdB: HvdTCr 28666 (>1225)
1171.6.3:   Magic drinking horn
MdB: WCRPa 164, WCRPa 166 (1331-1336)
1172:   Magic dish
MdB: HvdTCr 14712, HvdTCr 29396 (>1225)
1174:   Magic box
MdB: HvdTCr 27838 (>1225)
1176:   Magic key
MdB: HvdTCr 26581, HvdTCr 26680 (>1225), Lanc1 163, Lanc1 212 (<1250)
1184.1:   Magic ball of thread
MdB: HvdTCr 15294, HvdTCr 15649 (>1225)
1184.2:   Magic string
MdB: Lanc1 561, Lanc1 563 (<1250)
1196:   Magic net
MdB: StrDan 4109, StrDan 4277, StrDan 4426, StrDan 4473, StrDan 7435, StrDan 7733 (>1220/50)
HE: Walb 744 (ca. 1250)
RoA: HvVEn 84 (1170/74)
1207:   Magic wheel
RoA: HvNAp 8900, HvNAp 11205 (1300)
1209.1:   Magic bridle
MdB: HvdTCr 7853 (>1225)
1209.7:   Magic gameboard, chessboard
MdB: Lanc2 364, Lanc2 429 (<1250), WCRPa 322, WCRPa 326, WCRPa 498 (1331-1336)
1213:   Magic bell
MdB: Lohe 22, Lohe 29, Lohe 36 (>1285), PlGar 2345 (<1270)
1222:   Magic horn (musical)
CdG: KM5 13 (1320/40), PKRL 305 (1172), StrKG 364, StrKG 772, StrKG 7245 (1220/50)
MR: JvWW 4745 (1314)
1231:   Magic harp
MdB: WCRPa 67 (1331-1336)
1242:   Magic fluid
MdB: HvdTCr 14410, HvdTCr 28699 (>1225)
1242.1:   Magic water
MdB: HvdTCr 26581, HvdTCr 26680, HvdTCr 26794 (>1225)
HE: WDieD 10 (ca. 1250)
RoA: HMvNT 12, HMvNT 14 (1390/92), HvNAp 6701, HvNAp 6877, HvNAp 8387, HvNAp 11716 (1300), HvVEn 43 (1170/74), KvWTK 9196, KvWTK 9598, KvWTK 31018 (1281/87), SeAlx 4967 (1352)
1242.1.1:   Holy water as magic object
MdB: WCRPa 723, WCRPa 728 (1331-1336)
1242.1.2:   Holy water as magic object
MdB: Lanc1 617 (<1250), WCRPa 621 (1331-1336)
1242.2:   Magic potion
RoA: KvWTK 10670 (1281/87), TrojEl 39 (1375)
1244:   Magic salve (ointment)
MdB: HvAEr 4860, HvAEr 5243, HvAEr 7124 (>1180), HvAIw 3359, HvAIw 3436 (>1190/1200), KvSGM 2764 (>1250), Lanc1 356, Lanc1 470, Lanc1 567 (<1250), PlGar 11841, PlGar 16004, PlGar 16282, PlGar 16925 (<1270), StrDan 4277, StrDan 7733 (>1220/50), WvEP 579 (<1200/10), WvGW 10311 (>1210/20)
CdG: WvEW 158 (1210/20)
RoA: HMvNT 12, HMvNT 14 (1390/92), HvFLvT 1013, HvFLvT 1045 (after 1190), HvVEn 38 (1170/74), KvWTK 9196, KvWTK 9369, KvWTK 9598, KvWTK 9759 (1281/87)
1252.3:   Magic gold
MdB: AlbJT 1667, AlbJT 4609 (<1272/1294), WCRPa 160 (1331-1336)
1254.2:   Magic rod
HE: NL 19 (1191/1204)
1256:   Magic ball
MdB: UvZLa 8041 (>1194)
1258:   Magic bridge
MdB: HvdTCr 27503, HvdTCr 27610 (>1225), Lanc1 608, Lanc1 628, Lanc2 5 (<1250), UvZLa 7074 (>1194), WCRPa 448, WCRPa 457, WCRPa 466 (1331-1336)
HE: WDieD 32 (ca. 1250)
1258.1:   Bridge made by magic
MdB: WCRPa 466 (1331-1336)
1266:   Magic book
MdB: Lanc1 478, Lanc1 502, Lanc1 506, Lanc1 507, Lanc1 598, Lanc1 619 (<1250), UvZLa 7320 (>1194)
MR: ReivB 21436, ReivB 24251 (>1291)
1266.1:   Magic writings (gramerye, runes)
MdB: Lanc1 357, Lanc1 507, Lanc2 99, Lanc2 524 (<1250), Lohe 537, Lohe 715 (>1285), WvGW 4370 (>1210/20)
MR: ReivB 21436 (>1291)
RoA: HMvNT 12, HMvNT 14 (1390/92), HvNAp 6939, HvNAp 6993 (1300), KvWTK 1244, KvWTK 1510, KvWTK 9196, KvWTK 9598 (1281/87), TrojEl 11 (1375)
1266.2:   Magic picture
MdB: HvdTCr 27838 (>1225), UvZLa 5795 (>1194)
RoA: HMvNT 12, HMvNT 14 (1390/92), KvWTK 9369, KvWTK 9598 (1281/87)
1268:   Magic statue (doll)
MdB: HvdTCr 6973 (>1225), Lanc1 154, Lanc1 163, Lanc1 212 (<1250), PlGar 13463 (<1270), WCRPa 67 (1331-1336)
CdG: KM3 83 (1320/40)
MN: JVNVV 167 (>1350)
RoA: HMvNT 40, HMvNT 88 (1390/92), HvFLvT 15595 (after 1190), KvWTK 47586 (1281/87), UvEAlx 25212 (1278/83)
1271:   Magic fire
MdB: HvdTCr 14009, HvdTCr 14323, HvdTCr 14642, HvdTCr 19178, HvdTCr 27370, HvdTCr 28362, HvdTCr 28666 (>1225), Lanc1 567, Lanc1 616, Lanc1 617, Lanc2 672, Lanc3 346, Lanc3 350, Lanc3 361, Lanc3 363 (<1250), WCRPa 723 (1331-1336), WvGW 4295, WvGW 4510, WvGW 6927 (>1210/20)
MR: ReivB 21500 (>1291)
RoA: BaAlx 1211, BaAlx 1894 (1150/60), KvWTK 11266, KvWTK 38391 (1281/87), PLVAlx 939 (1150/60), StrAlx 1331, StrAlx 2395 (1170), TrojEl 42, TrojEl 93 (1375)
1272:   Magic circle
MdB: WCRPa 822 (1331-1336)
1273:   Magic formula (charm)
MdB: Lanc1 19, Lanc1 20, Lanc1 478, Lanc1 506, Lanc1 507, Lanc1 552, Lanc2 364 (<1250), Lohe 46 (>1285), StrDan 4584, StrDan 4770 (>1220/50), WCRPa 151 (1331-1336), WvEP 252, WvEP 490, WvEP 503 (<1200/10)
CdG: KEmd 563, KEmd 621, KEmd 1094 (1354), KM4 17 (1320/40)
MR: DgF 2429 (ca. 1230)
RoA: HMvNT 12, HMvNT 14 (1390/92), HvNAp 6939 (1300), HvVEn 46 (1170/74), KvWTK 9196, KvWTK 9598, KvWTK 10488, KvWTK 10566, KvWTK 10670, KvWTK 10732 (1281/87), TrojEl 37, TrojEl 40 (1375)
1273.1.1:   Three as magic number
CdG: KEmd 563, KEmd 621, KEmd 1094 (1354)
RoA: HMvNT 12 (1390/92), KvWTK 9196 (1281/87)
1273.1.3:   Seven as magic number
RoA: HMvNT 14 (1390/92)
1274:   Magic fetish
MdB: AlbJT 1667, AlbJT 4609 (<1272/1294)
1275:   Magic song
MdB: HvAIw 600 (>1190 /1200), Lohe 63 (>1285), StrDan 4426, StrDan 4473 (>1220/50)
MR: ReivB 21970, ReivB 22050 (>1291)
RoA: KvWTK 3618 (1281/87)
1275.1:   Magic music
MdB: WCRPa 58, WCRPa 67, WCRPa 109 (1331-1336)
MR: ReivB 23047 (>1291)
RoA: StrAlx 5157 (1170)
1291.2.1:   Sign in stars as portent
HE: Virg 543 (ca. 1250)
1293.4:   Black as magic color
MdB: WCRPa 598, WCRPa 621, WCRPa 738 (1331-1336)
1296:   Sacred relic[s] as [part of] magic object
CdG: KM5 155 (1320/40), PKRL 6805 (1172), StrKG 8133 (1220/50)
HE: DietR 651 (ca. 1275)
RoA: OttEr 5434 (after 1215), RvEAlx 10589 (1235/1254)
1299.2:   Magic sepulchre (grave) [sarkophag]
MdB: Lanc1 565 (<1250)

D1300–1599 Function of magic objects

1300:   Magic object gives supernatural wisdom
MdB: WvGW 321 (>1210/20)
RoA: HvNAp 12076, HvNAp 13607 (1300)
1301:   Magic object teaches animal languages
CdG: KM4 12 (1320/40)
1310:   Magic object gives supernatural information.
MdB: AlbJT 440, AlbJT 604 (<1272/1294), Lohe 46, Lohe 537, Lohe 715 (>1285), WvEP 469, WvEP 483, WvEP 780, WvEP 787, WvEP 817 (<1200/10), WvETi 1 (<1217/20)
1310.9:   Magic water gives knowledge
RoA: HvNAp 11716 (1300)
1311.3.1.1:   Divination by water
RoA: KvWTK 18965 (1281/87)
1311.4:   Oracular tree
RoA: GrAlx 4777 (1397), UvEAlx 25887, UvEAlx 26007, UvEAlx 26036 (1278/83)
1311.6.0.1:   Divination by looking upon astrolabe [astrological instrument]
RoA: BaAlx 131 (1150/60), RvEAlx 574 (1235/1254), SeAlx 271 (1352)
1311.6.4:   Divination by stars
MdB: WCRPa 685 (1331-1336), WvEP 452 (<1200/10)
MR: KvWP 16610 (1277)
RoA: BaAlx 463 (1150/60), GoTK 15059 (1280), GrAlx 315 (1397), OttEr 5504 (after 1215), RvEAlx 1917 (1235/1254), SeAlx 649 (1352), UvEAlx 8351 (1278/83)
1311.7:   Oracular image
MN: StrPA 337 (>1220/50)
RoA: HMvNT 40 (1390/92), HvFLvT 3420 (after 1190), TrojEl 128 (1375)
1311.19:   Divination by water
RoA: BaAlx 1 (1150/60), RvEAlx 299 (1235/1254), SeAlx 121 (1352)
1313.5.2:   Reed [bough] as direction-finder
RoA: HvVEn 51 (1170/74)
1313.16:   Magic pillar of fire indicates direction.
MdB: HvdTCr 28362 (>1225)
1316:   Magic object reveals truth
MdB: WCRPa 164, WCRPa 166 (1331-1336)
CdG: KM5 155 (1320/40)
1316.5:   Magic speaking reed (tree) betrays secret
RoA: AvHMB 29 (1190/1210)
1316.5.1:   Voice comes forth from tree, revealing truth [future]
RoA: GrAlx 4777 (1397), UvEAlx 26036 (1278/83)
1317:   Magic object warns of danger
RoA: HvNAp 13888 (1300)
1317.0.2:   (G) Magic ring detects enchantments
MdB: Lanc1 129, Lanc1 475, Lanc1 570, Lanc1 628, Lanc2 437 (<1250)
1317.7:   Magic bell gives alarm
MdB: Lohe 22, Lohe 29, Lohe 36 (>1285)
1317.9.1:   Brass (copper) statue at city gates blows on trumpet at stranger’s approach
MdB: HvdTCr 6973 (>1225)
1318.5:   Blood indicates guilt or innocence
OR: Orend 1 (>1200)
1318.5.2:   Corpse bleeds when murderer touches it
MdB: HvAIw 1355 (>1190/1200), Lanc1 395 (<1250)
HE: NL 17 (1191/1204)
1318.8:   Magic cloth reveals guilt
OR: Orend 1 (>1200)
1322.3:   (Bm) Red cross on shoulders as sign of doomed knights
CdG: KM3 107 (1320/40)
1323:   Magic object gives clairvoyance
MdB: WvEP 587, WvEP 592, WvEP 755, WvEP 759 (<1200/10)
RoA: HvNAp 11977, HvNAp 12853, HvNAp 13513, HvNAp 14294 (1300)
1323.1:   Magic clairvoyant mirror
MdB: AlbJT 6237 (<1272/1294), UvZLa 4760, UvZLa 4845 (>1194)
CdG: UvTAr 55 (1261/69)
1323.4.1:   Salvatio Romae
CdG: KM3 83 (1320/40)
1323.5:   Magic salve gives clairvoyance.
MdB: StrDan 4277, StrDan 7733 (>1220/50)
1330:   Magic object works physical change
MdB: Lanc1 567 (<1250)
OR: Orend 730 (>1200)
1331:   Magic object affects eyesight
1331.1:   Object gives magic sight
MdB: WvEP 759 (<1200/10)
RoA: HvFLvT 9195 (after 1190)
1331.1.4:   Stone gives magic sight
MdB: AlbJT 6139 (<1272/1294)
1331.2:   Magic object blinds
MdB: StrDan 4584 (>1220/50)
1332.1:   Magic object deafens
MdB: StrDan 4584 (>1220/50)
1335:   Object gives magic strength
MdB: HvdTCr 14323, HvdTCr 28699 (>1225), Lanc1 159, Lanc1 565, Lanc2 627, Lanc2 797 (<1250), UvZLa 3930 (>1194), WCRPa 531 (1331-1336)
MR: BvHDe 2373 (<1275)
HE: NL 6 (1191/1204), WDieA 491 (ca. 1230)
1335.1:   Magic strength-giving food
MdB: WvGW 4370, WvGW 4988 (>1210/20)
RoA: HvNAp 6877, HvNAp 6993, HvNAp 7537, HvNAp 7637, HvNAp 7841, HvNAp 8387, HvNAp 9976, HvNAp 10013 (1300)
1335.2.1:   Blood as magic strengthening drink
HE: Kudr 2 (>1260)
1335.2.2:   Water as magic strengthening drink
MdB: HvdTCr 26680, HvdTCr 26794 (>1225)
HE: WDieD 9 (ca. 1250)
RoA: HvNAp 6877 (1300)
1335.4:   Magic belt gives strength
MdB: HvdTCr 4803 (>1225), KoAnt 14 (>1300), Lohe 52 (>1285), WvGW 321, WvGW 510, WvGW 599 (>1210/20)
HE: Laurin 94, Laurin 484 (>1250)
1335.5:   Magic ring gives strength
MdB: PlGar 6349, PlGar 6572, PlGar 11472, PlGar 15473 (<1270), WvEP 738 (<1200/10)
MR: FvS 1321, FvS 2099, FvS 3697, FvS 6187 (>1314)
HE: Laurin 1116, Laurin 1388 (>1250), WDieD 46 (ca. 1250)
RoA: GoTK 7222 (1280), KvWTK 9196, KvWTK 9759 (1281/87)
1336:   Magic object gives weakness
MdB: Lanc2 473 (<1250), UvZLa 3526 (>1194), Wiga 1100 (<1245)
1336.4:   Magic shield gives weakness
MdB: WCRPa 531, WCRPa 550 (1331-1336)
1336.8:   Magic spell gives weakness
MR: DgF 2429 (ca. 1230)
RoA: HvNAp 6939 (1300)
1337.1:   Magic object beautifies
479:   (1255)
1337.2.2:   Magic herbs render hideous
MdB: WvEP 516 (<1200/10)
1337.2.5:   Magic skin makes person appear ugly
HE: WDieA 491 (ca. 1230)
1338:   Magic object rejuvenates
MdB: WvEP 467 (<1200/10)
RoA: HvNAp 6993 (1300)
1338.1:   Magic drink rejuvenates
MdB: AlbJT 6139 (<1272/1294)
1338.1.1:   Fountain of youth
MdB: AlbJT 6139, AlbJT 6287 (<1272/1294), HvdTCr 8997 (>1225), Wiga 1526 (<1245)
MR: Abor 1, Abor 45 (<1350)
RoA: HvNAp 12076, HvNAp 12943 (1300)
1338.2:   Rejuvenation by plant.
MdB: HvdTCr 21095 (>1225)
1338.7:   Land of youth. Land which keeps off old age
RoA: HvNAp 8827 (1300)
1339.1:   Automata as door-keepers
MdB: Lanc1 212 (<1250)
1342:   Magic object gives health
MdB: KvSGM 166 (>1250), Lohe 649 (>1285), UvZLa 4760 (>1194), WCRPa 70 (1331-1336)
MR: Abor 1 (<1350)
RoA: HvNAp 6993 (1300)
1342.1:   Magic ring gives health
OR: SaMor 625 (>1200)
1344:   Magic object gives invulnerability
MR: BvHDe 2373 (<1275)
HE: NL 3 (1191/1204)
RoA: KvWTK 31018 (1281/87), OttEr 1128 (after 1215)
1344.9:   Magic garment renders invulnerable
MdB: PlGar 7840, PlGar 8108, PlGar 8294, PlGar 11472, PlGar 15473 (<1270), StrDan 4001, StrDan 4277 (>1220/50)
RoA: KvWTK 3618 (1281/87)
1344.13:   Magic (golden) helmet renders invulnerable
RoA: HvVEn 85 (1170/74)
1346.2:   Fountain of immortality
MN: AlbTund 1510 (ca. 1190)
1346.14:   Magic cup gives immortality
MdB: AlbJT 604, AlbJT 6287 (<1272/1294)
1349:   Magic object produces miscellaneous physical changes in persons or things
RoA: HvNAp 11716 (1300)
1349.1:   Magic object produces immunity from hunger and thirst
MdB: Lanc3 132, Lanc3 142, Lanc3 150, Lanc3 295, Lanc3 340 (<1250), WCRPa 67 (1331-1336)
1349.1.6:   Tiny amount of food magically satisfies
MdB: WvGW 4370 (>1210/20)
1349.2:   Magic object produces immunity from old age
MdB: AlbJT 440 (<1272/1294), HvdTCr 17377 (>1225), UvZLa 189 (>1194), WvEP 467, WvEP 501 (<1200/10)
1351.2:   Magic branch of peace
3245:   (ca. 1250)
1354:   Magic object makes person kind.
MdB: HvdTCr 24994 (>1225)
1355.0.1:   Magic spear [bearing love letter] produces love-sickness
RoA: HvVEn 152 (1170/74)
1355.2:   Magic love-philtre
MdB: EvOTr 2264, EvOTr 4702, EvOTr 9446 (1175/80), GvSTr 11433, GvSTr 11649, GvSTr 11711 (>1210), HvFTr 1, HvFTr 3005, HvFTr 6326, HvFTr 6658, HvFTr 6753 (>1280), Lanc1 393 (<1250)
MR: KvWP 6789, KvWP 6912 (1277)
RoA: HvFLvT 17620 (after 1190)
1355.3:   Love charm
MdB: HvdTCr 26525 (>1225), Lanc1 458, Lanc1 478, Lanc2 76 (<1250)
MN: JVNVV 167 (>1350)
RoA: HvFLvT 17620 (after 1190), HvVEn 15, HvVEn 148 (1170/74)
1355.4:   Ring produces love
MdB: Lanc2 76 (<1250)
CdG: KM3 44 (1320/40)
479:   (1255)
OR: SaMor 77, SaMor 591 (>1200)
1358:   Magic object makes person courageous
RoA: HvNAp 13607 (1300)
1359:   Magic object changes person’s disposition–miscellaneous
RoA: UvEAA 822 (1278/83)
1359.3:   Magic object causes joy
MdB: AlbJT 1505, AlbJT 1840, AlbJT 6237 (<1272/1294), HvAEr 8698 (>1180), HvAIw 2945 (>1190/1200), HvdTCr 28699 (>1225), Lohe 649 (>1285), PlGar 2345 (<1270), UvZLa 189, UvZLa 3930, UvZLa 4760, UvZLa 6075 (>1194), WCRPa 67, WCRPa 448 (1331-1336), Wiga 1100 (<1245), WvGW 321, WvGW 660, WvGW 10311 (>1210/20)
MR: KobS 179 (>1350)
RoA: HvFLvT 9195 (after 1190), HvNAp 13607 (1300), UvEAA 822 (1278/83)
1359.3.1:   Magic music causes joy
MdB: HvAIw 600 (>1190/1200), HvdTCr 14267 (>1225)
RoA: StrAlx 5157 (1170)
1359.3.1.2:   Magic musical branch soothes listeners
RoA: KvWTK 17560 (1281/87)
1359.3.1.3:   Grief dispelled by sound of bell attached to magic fairy dog.
MdB: GvSTr 15769 (>1210), PlGar 2345 (<1270)
1360:   Magic object effects temporary change in person
MdB: Wiga 1100 (<1245)
HE: WDieB 310 (ca. 1250)
OR: SaMor 606 (>1200)
1361:   Magic object renders invisible.
MdB: HvdTCr 22974, HvdTCr 23529, HvdTCr 23663, HvdTCr 23773, HvdTCr 23959, HvdTCr 24074, HvdTCr 24169, HvdTCr 24313, HvdTCr 24449, HvdTCr 24523, HvdTCr 25224, HvdTCr 25366 (>1225)
MR: FvS 4216, FvS 4389, FvS 6309 (>1314)
1361.11:   Magic herb [root] renders invisible
OR: SaMor 111 (>1200)
1361.12:   Magic cloak of invisibility
MdB: PlGar 7840, PlGar 8714 (<1270)
HE: NL 3 (1191/1204), WDieB 795 (ca. 1250)
1361.15:   Magic cap renders invisible: tarnkappe
HE: Laurin 350, Laurin 685 (>1250), Ortnit 169 (ca. 1230)
OR: SaMor 712 (>1200)
1361.17:   Magic ring renders invisible
MdB: HvAIw 1135 (>1190/1200), KoAnt 18 (>1300)
RoA: HMvNT 12 (1390/92), HvFLvT 1013 (after 1190), HvNAp 5203, HvNAp 5366, HvNAp 10366, HvNAp 10685, HvNAp 14294 (1300), KvWTK 1244, KvWTK 9196, KvWTK 9759 (1281/87), TrojEl 11 (1375)
1361.19:   Magic jewel renders invisible
MdB: HvAIw 1135 (>1190/1200), KoAnt 14 (>1300)
RoA: HMvNT 12 (1390/92), HvFLvT 1013 (after 1190), KvWTK 9196, KvWTK 9759 (1281/87)
1364:   Object causes magic sleep
MdB: HvdTCr 27838 (>1225)
HE: WDieB 310 (ca. 1250)
1364.3:   Flowers cause magic sleep
MdB: HvdTCr 21270 (>1225)
1364.7:   Sleeping potion
MdB: Lanc2 473 (<1250)
HE: WDieAF 265, WDieB 561, WDieD 20, WDieD 23 (ca. 1250)
OR: Orend 3783 (>1200)
1364.11:   Pillow causes magic sleep
MdB: EvOTr 6654 (1175/80), HvFTr 4706 (>1280), Lanc1 356 (<1250), UvTTr 1668 (<1234), WvEP 571 (<1200/10)
1364.22:   Sleep-charm
MdB: Lanc1 572, Lanc1 586, Lanc2 267 (<1250), UvZLa 7320 (>1194)
CdG: KM4 17 (1320/40)
MR: KvWP 10456 (1277)
RoA: HvVEn 46 (1170/74), KvWTK 10732 (1281/87), TrojEl 40 (1375)
1364.31:   Plant produces [deathlike] sleep
MdB: WvEP 579 (<1200/10)
OR: SaMor 118 (>1200)
RoA: KvWTK 20134 (1281/87)
1365:   Object causes magic forgetfulness
MdB: Lanc3 274 (<1250)
1365.2:   Drink causes magic forgetfulness
MdB: HvdTCr 8617 (>1225), Lanc2 294, Lanc2 473 (<1250)
MR: KvWP 6912 (1277)
1367:   Magic object causes insanity
MdB: WCRPa 506, WCRPa 582 (1331-1336)
HE: WDieB 310 (ca. 1250)
1368:   Magic object causes illusions
MdB: Lanc2 294 (<1250), UvZLa 8041 (>1194)
1368.4:   Tree of delusion
MdB: WCRPa 621 (1331-1336)
1374.1:   Magic music causes longing
MR: ReivB 22576 (>1291)
1379.1.1:   Magic object controls person’s will
MdB: StrDan 4329, StrDan 4426, StrDan 4473 (>1220/50)
1380:   Magic object protects.
MdB: AlbJT 6096 (<1272/1294), Lanc1 617 (<1250), WvEP 480 (<1200/10)
1380.0.1:   Magic object protects a city [land]
MdB: HvdTCr 27309, HvdTCr 27370, HvdTCr 27454, HvdTCr 27503, HvdTCr 27610 (>1225), PlGar 13463 (<1270), StrDan 2444, StrDan 2517, StrDan 4109 (>1220/50)
RoA: RvEAlx 10589 (1235/1254), UvEAA 822 (1278 /83)
1380.0.1.1:   Palladium: city impregnable while statue remains
RoA: HMvNT 88 (1390/92), HvFLvT 15595, HvFLvT 16390 (after 1190), KvWTK 47184, KvWTK 47586 (1281/87), TrojEl 116, TrojEl 131 (1375), UvEAA 822 (1278/83)
1380.1:   Waberlohe. Magic fire surrounds and protects
MR: JvWW 4182 (1314)
1380.2:   Tree (plant) protects
MdB: WvGW 4736, WvGW 4988 (>1210/20)
RoA: HvVEn 37 (1170/74)
1380.11:   Magic jewel protects
MdB: HvdTCr 8154, HvdTCr 15102, HvdTCr 15294, HvdTCr 23211, HvdTCr 23418 (>1225), Lohe 379 (>1285), UvZLa 4091 (>1194), WvEP 467, WvEP 480, WvEP 501, WvEP 787 (<1200/10)
MR: BvHDe 2373 (<1275), FvS 1321, FvS 6309 (>1314)
HE: SigJu 50, SigJu 107 (ca. 1250)
RoA: HvNAp 13607 (1300), OttEr 1128 (after 1215)
1380.17:   Magic cup protects
MdB: WCRPa 439 (1331-1336)
1380.23:   Magic ring protects
MdB: HvdTCr 15870 (>1225), KvSGM 2870 (>1250), Lanc1 129, Lanc1 570, Lanc1 628, Lanc2 437 (<1250)
RoA: HvFLvT 1013 (after 1190), HvNAp 9003 (1300)
1381:   Magic object protects from attack
MdB: UvZLa 3526 (>1194)
RoA: UvEAA 822 (1278/83)
1381.3:   Magic garment protects against attack
CdG: Ali 562 (>1400)
MR: Abor 119 (<1350)
HE: WDieAF 235, WDieB 673 (ca. 1250)
OR: Orend 660 (>1200)
1381.3.2:   Magic unpierceable (horn) skin protects against attack
MdB: PlGar 7840, PlGar 8108, PlGar 8294, PlGar 10151, PlGar 11472, PlGar 15473 (<1270), StrDan 761, StrDan 1115, StrDan 2702, StrDan 2845 (>1220/50)
CdG: Ali 250 (>1400)
MR: JvWW 12001 (1314)
HE: SigJu 30, SigJu 70 (ca. 1250)
RoA: SeAlx 1395 (1352)
1381.3.3:   A protective garment which spears could not penetrate
MdB: PlGar 7840, PlGar 8108, PlGar 8294, PlGar 11472, PlGar 15473 (<1270), StrDan 4001, StrDan 4277 (>1220/50)
MR: JvWW 12001 (1314)
1381.4:   Magic coat protects against attack
MdB: HvdTCr 15224, HvdTCr 15294 (>1225)
OR: Orend 660 (>1200)
1381.5:   Magic shirt protects against attack
HE: WDieA 24, WDieA 420 (ca. 1230)
1381.7:   Magic ring protects from attack
MR: ReivB 15050 (>1291)
RoA: GoTK 4423 (1280)
1381.10:   Magic [part of] armor protects from attack
MdB: AlbJT 1667 (<1272/1294), HvdTCr 13514 (>1225), PlGar 7050, PlGar 10151 (<1270), WvGW 6017 (>1210/20)
CdG: Ali 437 (>1400), WvEW 148 (1210/20)
HE: Ortnit 100 (ca. 1230)
RoA: BaAlx 3960 (1150/60), HvVEn 85 (1170/74), StrAlx 6363 (1170)
1381.10.1:   Magic impenetrable breast-plate
HE: Laurin 94 (>1250)
1381.10.2:   Magic unpiercable cuirass [shield]
MdB: Lanc3 33, Lanc3 41 (<1250), StrDan 1598 (>1220/50)
MR: JvWW 13807 (1314)
RoA: KvWTK 3618 (1281/87)
1381.10.3:   Magic unpierceable helmet
MdB: AlbJT 885 (<1272/1294), StrDan 1598 (>1220/50)
CdG: PKRL 2543, PKRL 3291 (1172), StrKG 4033 (1220/50), WvEW 149 (1210/20)
HE: RosGA 322 (ca. 1250)
RoA: HvVEn 85, HvVEn 176 (1170/74)
1381.18:   Magic belt assures victory
MdB: HvdTCr 14927, HvdTCr 23211, HvdTCr 23418 (>1225)
MN: DvGG 1 (1270/1290)
1381.20:   Sacred relics protect against attack
HE: DietR 651 (ca. 1275), WDieB 360, WDieB 673, WDieB 690, WDieB 722, WDieD 10 (ca. 1250)
RoA: SeAlx 1539 (1352)
1382:   Magic object protects against cold or burning
MdB: WvEP 810 (<1200/10)
MR: FvS 6309 (>1314)
RoA: HMvNT 14 (1390/92), HvFLvT 1045 (after 1190), HvNAp 13607 (1300)
1382.1:   Magic pebble [gem] prevents burning.
MdB: HvdTCr 15102 (>1225)
MR: FvS 1321, FvS 6309 (>1314)
1382.4.1:   (Bm) Ointment protects against fire
RoA: HMvNT 12 (1390/92), HvFLvT 1013 (after 1190), KvWTK 9196, KvWTK 9598, KvWTK 9759 (1281/87)
1382.5:   Magic fire does not burn one
MR: JvWW 3790 (1314)
1382.6:   Magic shirt protects from cold and burning
MdB: Lohe 649 (>1285)
HE: WDieA 24, WDieA 420 (ca. 1230)
1382.10:   Magic garment prevents burning
MR: JvWW 12183 (1314)
1382.13:   Blood of salamander protects against fire [injuries]
HE: Walb 744 (ca. 1250)
1383:   Magic object protects from poison
RoA: HvNAp 6993 (1300)
1383.2:   Charms protect from poison
RoA: HvNAp 6993 (1300)
1383.3:   Magic ring protects against poison
MR: ReivB 15050 (>1291)
RoA: HMvNT 12 (1390/92), HvNAp 9437 (1300), KvWTK 9196, KvWTK 9759 (1281/87)
1383.6:   Magic red stone protects from poison
MdB: HvdTCr 8154 (>1225)
MR: FvS 1321, FvS 6092 (>1314)
1384:   Magic object protects from discomfort or from accident on journey
MdB: AlbJT 6052 (<1272/1294)
1384.1:   Magic ring prevents discomfiture [discomfort]
MR: ReivB 15050 (>1291)
HE: Ortnit 70 (ca. 1230)
1384.7:   Magic ring prevents losing one’s way
HE: Ortnit 70 (ca. 1230)
1385:   Magic object protects from evil spirits
MdB: AlbJT 297, AlbJT 6139 (<1272/1294), WCRPa 439 (1331-1336)
1385.2.6:   Root protects from evil spirits
MR: JvWW 4412 (1314)
RoA: UvEAlx 25307 (1278/83)
1385.3.2:   (Bm) Magic stone in ring protects against witchcraft
MdB: HvdTCr 8154 (>1225), Lanc1 129, Lanc1 570, Lanc1 628 (<1250), UvZLa 8470 (>1194)
1387:   Magic object preserves chastity
MdB: AlbJT 6218 (<1272/1294), HvdTCr 8393 (>1225), Lohe 379, Lohe 649 (>1285)
1388:   Magic object protects from drowning
MdB: HvdTCr 8154 (>1225)
RoA: HvNAp 13607 (1300)
1388.0.1:   Magic ring protects from drowning
RoA: HvNAp 8503 (1300)
1389:   Magic object affords miscellaneous protection
MdB: AlbJT 6218 (<1272/1294), HvdTCr 7853 (>1225)
1389.9.1:   Magic red stone protects against poverty
MdB: UvZLa 8470 (>1194)
1395.5:   Magic ring enables captive to escape
MdB: HvAIw 1135 (>1190/1200)
1400:   Magic object [twig] overcomes person
RoA: HvVEn 42 (1170/74)
1400.1.14:   Magic stone (jewel) gives victory
MdB: AlbJT 1958 (<1272/1294), HvdTCr 14927, HvdTCr 15294, HvdTCr 23211, HvdTCr 23418, HvdTCr 24882, HvdTCr 24994 (>1225)
1400.1.15:   Armor gives victory
MdB: AlbJT 1667 (<1272/1294)
1400.1.17:   Magic helmet gives victory
RoA: HvVEn 85 (1170/74)
1401:   Magic object cudgels person
RoA: BaAlx 3445 (1150/60), StrAlx 5099 (1170)
1402:   Magic object kills
MdB: UvZLa 7036 (>1194), WvGW 6725 (>1210/20)
1402.0.5:   Nessus-shirt. Magic shirt burns wearer up
RoA: KvWTK 11266, KvWTK 38391 (1281/87), TrojEl 42, TrojEl 93 (1375)
1402.7.1:   Magic sword kills man
CdG: PKRL 3301, PKRL 6805 (1172), StrKG 4043, StrKG 8133, StrKG 9785 (1220/50)
1402.7.1.2:   Magic sword always inflicts mortal wounds
CdG: StrKG 364 (1220/50)
1402.19:   Magic statue kills
MdB: WCRPa 67 (1331-1336)
1404:   Magic object pierces
RoA: HvNAp 6169, HvNAp 6303 (1300)
1408:   Magic object devastates country
MdB: Lanc3 278 (<1250)
1409:   Magic object overcomes person–miscellaneous
MdB: HvdTCr 8154 (>1225)
1410:   Magic object renders person helpless
MdB: StrDan 4426, StrDan 4473 (>1220/50)
1410.5:   Serpent [animal] charmed into helplessness by magic formula
RoA: HvNAp 6939 (1300)
1411:   Magic object binds person (animal)
MdB: StrDan 4109, StrDan 4277, StrDan 4426, StrDan 4473, StrDan 7435, StrDan 7733 (>1220/50), WvEP 615 (<1200/10)
RoA: HvVEn 84 (1170/74)
1414:   Magic object renders weapon [armor] useless
MdB: AlbJT 885 (<1272/1294), WvEP 105 (<1200/10)
1417:   Magic object imprisons person
MdB: Lanc1 549, Lanc1 550, Lanc1 552, Lanc2 287 (<1250)
1419.2:   Magic object paralyses
MdB: PlGar 13463 (<1270), StrDan 731, StrDan 2939, StrDan 4929, StrDan 5715 (>1220/50)
1421.0.1:   Magic bell summons helper
MdB: Lohe 29, Lohe 36 (>1285)
1421.1.3:   Magic book summons genie
MdB: Lanc1 506, Lanc1 507 (<1250)
MR: ReivB 20989 (>1291)
1421.3:   Magic object summons dwarfs
HE: WDieB 829 (ca. 1250)
1421.5:   Magic object summons army for rescue
HE: WDieB 829, WDieB 849 (ca. 1250)
1421.6:   Magic object summons fairy
MdB: KvSGM 166, KvSGM 2870 (>1250)
1426:   Magic object draws woman to man
OR: SaMor 77 (>1200)
1429:   Magic object draws person (thing) to it – miscellaneous
RoA: HvNAp 14693 (1300)
1440:   Magic object gives power over animals
MdB: WCRPa 448 (1331-1336)
RoA: UvEAA 822 (1278/83)
1442:   Magic object tames or restrains animal
MdB: WCRPa 485 (1331-1336)
RoA: HMvNT 12 (1390/92), KvWTK 9196, KvWTK 9598 (1281/87)
1445:   Magic object kills animal
RoA: HMvNT 14 (1390/92)
1445.1:   Revelation of magic secret permits animal to be killed
MdB: WCRPa 143, WCRPa 146 (1331-1336)
1447:   Magic object expels animals
RoA: RvEAlx 10589 (1235/1254)
1449:   Magic object gives miscellaneous powers over animals
RoA: HMvNT 14 (1390/92), HvNAp 6939 (1300)
1454.5:   Treasure from excrements
MdB: AlbJT 1667 (<1272/1294)
1470.1.15:   Magic wishing-ring.
MdB: UvZLa 4930 (>1194)
1472:   Food and drink from magic object [Grail]
MdB: AlbJT 6052 (<1272/1294), WCRPa 264 (1331-1336)
1472.1.2:   Stone provides food
MdB: WvEP 236, WvEP 467, WvEP 469, WvEP 807 (<1200/10)
1472.1.14.1:   Magic food-providing cup [Grail]
MdB: AlbJT 297 (<1272/1294), Lanc2 292, Lanc2 348, Lanc2 622, Lanc2 797, Lanc3 368, Lanc3 377 (<1250), WCPap 326, WCRPa 834 (1331-1336)
1472.1.14.1:   Magic food-providing cup [grail]
MdB: Lanc3 18, Lanc3 97, Lanc3 110, Lanc3 353 (<1250)
1472.1.24.1:   Magic drinking horn supplies drink
MdB: WCRPa 164 (1331-1336)
1478:   Magic object provides light
MdB: WCRPa 822 (1331-1336)
1500.1.1:   Magic healing fountain
MdB: Lanc1 396 (<1250)
MR: Abor 1 (<1350)
1500.1.3:   Magic tree heals (cures)
MdB: Lanc3 295 (<1250)
1500.1.4:   Magic healing plant
MdB: HvAEr 5153 (>1180), HvdTCr 6617 (>1225), WvEP 480, WvEP 483 (<1200/10)
HE: EckL 172 (<1230)
1500.1.5:   Magic healing fruit
MdB: UvZLa 3930 (>1194)
RoA: UvEAlx 22547 (1278/83)
1500.1.7.3:   Magic healing blood
MdB: Lanc1 353, Lanc1 354, Lanc1 356, Lanc1 454, Lanc2 531, Lanc2 633, Lanc3 328, Lanc3 331, Lanc3 371 (<1250), Lohe 388 (>1285), StrDan 4329, StrDan 4426 (>1220/50), WvEP 480 (<1200/10)
MR: KvWE 5136, KvWE 5623, KvWE 6107 (<1260), Wuert 240 (>1300)
MN: HvAAH 133, HvAAH 913 (1190/1200), KKJB 753 (>1372)
1500.1.10:   Sacred objects cure disease
MdB: Lanc2 633, Lanc2 806, Lanc2 814, Lanc3 41, Lanc3 73 (<1250)
MN: Vesp 175 (<1400)
1500.1.12:   Magic statue cures disease
CdG: KM3 83 (1320/40)
1500.1.17:   Magic weapon cures disease
MdB: Lohe 388 (>1285)
1500.1.18:   Magic healing water
RoA: HvNAp 6701 (1300)
1500.1.19:   Magic healing salve
MdB: HvAEr 4860, HvAEr 5243, HvAEr 7124 (>1180), HvAIw 3359, HvAIw 3436 (>1190/1200), KvSGM 2764 (>1250), Lanc1 470, Lanc1 567 (<1250), PlGar 11841, PlGar 16004, PlGar 16282, PlGar 16925 (<1270), WvEP 579 (<1200/10), WvGW 10311 (>1210/20)
1500.1.33:   Parts or products of animals cure disease
MN: GvMFa 121 (>1270)
1500.2:   Magic object wards off disease
RoA: HvNAp 13607 (1300)
1500.4:   Magic object causes disease
MdB: Lanc1 356 (<1250)
1502.4.2.1:   Blood of children (innocent maidens) as cure for leprosy
MdB: Lanc3 328, Lanc3 331 (<1250)
MR: KvWE 5136, KvWE 5623, KvWE 6107 (<1260)
MN: HvAAH 133, HvAAH 913 (1190/1200), KKJB 753 (>1372)
1503.4:   Magic balm heals wounds
MdB: AlbJT 2785 (<1272/1294), HvAEr 4860, HvAEr 5243, HvAEr 7124 (>1180), WvEP 579 (<1200/10)
1503.6:   Magic jewel heals wounds
MdB: WvEP 480 (<1200/10)
1503.8:   Magic goblet (Grail) heals wounds
MdB: WCRPa 822 (1331-1336)
1503.10:   Magic plant heals wounds.
MdB: WvEP 480, WvEP 483, WvEP 516, WvEP 519 (<1200/10)
1505.8.1:   Blood from Christ’s wounds restores sight
MdB: Lohe 388 (>1285)
1508.5:   (Bm) Magic ointment cures madness
MdB: HvAIw 3359, HvAIw 3436 (>1190/1200), Lanc1 470 (<1250)
1514:   Magic object relieves pain
RoA: HvNAp 6701, HvNAp 6939 (1300)
1514.1:   Magic music relieves pain
MdB: WCRPa 67 (1331-1336)
1515:   Magic antidote for poison
MdB: Lanc1 567 (<1250)
RoA: HvNAp 6993 (1300)
1515.1:   Remedies for poison
MdB: Lanc2 237, Lanc2 239 (<1250)
MN: AlbTund 75 (ca. 1190), TundFr1 1 (ca. 1200)
RoA: SeAlx 6201 (1352), UvEAlx 20708, UvEAlx 22994 (1278/83)
1515.2:   Charms as antidote for poison
RoA: HvNAp 6993 (1300)
1518:   Magic object restores bodily members
MdB: Lanc3 41 (<1250), WCRPa 160 (1331-1336)
1518.2:   Root restores amputated hands and feet
MdB: GvSTr 16078 (>1210)
1520.6:   Magic transportation by cloak (cape)
MdB: PlGar 8408 (<1270)
1520.12:   Magic transportation by ring
RoA: HvNAp 8503 (1300)
1520.13:   Magic transportation by arrow
MR: Abor 87 (<1350)
1520.15:   Transportation in magic ship
MdB: Lanc3 150, Lanc3 283, Lanc3 343, Lanc3 372, Lanc3 766 (<1250), WCRPa 285, WCRPa 289, WCRPa 308, WCRPa 498, WCRPa 747 (1331-1336)
MR: KvWP 562, KvWP 2676, KvWP 7138 (1277)
1520.16:   Magic transportation by chair
MR: JvWW 4745 (1314)
1520.28:   Magic transportation in whirlwind.
MdB: HvdTCr 24994, HvdTCr 25074, HvdTCr 25550 (>1225)
1521.2:   Ship with miraculous speed
MR: KvWP 562, KvWP 2676 (1277)
1523.2:   Self-propelling (ship) boat
MdB: Lanc3 283, Lanc3 306, Lanc3 314, Lanc3 331, Lanc3 337, Lanc3 343, Lanc3 372 (<1250), WCRPa 747 (1331-1336)
MR: KvWP 562, KvWP 2676 (1277)
1524:   Magic object enables person to cross water
MdB: HvdTCr 15294, HvdTCr 15649 (>1225)
RoA: HvNAp 8503 (1300)
1524.7:   Magic sod serves as boat
MdB: HvdTCr 17314 (>1225)
1531:   Magic object gives power of flying
MR: Abor 87 (<1350)
1531.11:   Gem gives power of flying
MN: JuH 604 (>1400)
1533.1.1:   Magic land and water ship
MN: MovC 627 (1210/15)
1540:   Magic object controls elements
MdB: PlGar 9110 (<1270)
1541.1:   Magic object raises storm
MdB: HvdTCr 16365 (>1225)
RoA: HvNAp 9129, HvNAp 10882 (1300)
1541.1.3:   Magic fountain causes storm (rain)
MdB: HvAIw 600, HvAIw 989, HvAIw 2446 (>1190/1200)
1542.1:   Magic object produces rain
RoA: HvNAp 10770 (1300)
1551.3:   Magic root causes water to divide and close
HE: WDieB 801 (ca. 1250)
1552.1:   Mountain opens at blow of divine rod
MR: FvS 2597, FvS 3078, FvS 3519 (>1314), KobS 2710 (>1350)
1552.12:   Magic key opens treasure mountain
MdB: HvdTCr 26581, HvdTCr 26680 (>1225)
1554.4.1:   Sword can be moved only by right person–sword in stone
MdB: Lanc3 5, Lanc3 12 (<1250)
1557:   Magic charm causes door to open
CdG: KEmd 563, KEmd 621, KEmd 1094 (1354)
1557.2:   Magic herb causes door to open
HE: WDieB 801 (ca. 1250)
1561.1:   Magic object brings luck
MdB: HvdTCr 4803 (>1225), WvGW 1036 (>1210/20)
1561.1.2:   Magic ring brings good luck
MdB: HvAIw 2945 (>1190/1200), HvdTCr 15870, HvdTCr 22847, HvdTCr 24772 (>1225)
1561.1.7:   Magic stone brings good luck
MdB: HvAIw 2945 (>1190/1200), Wiga 1100 (<1245)
1563.0.1:   Magic springs sterilizes or fertilizes earth
MdB: WCPap 326
1566.1:   Magic object sets things afire
MdB: HvdTCr 28666 (>1225), WvEP 490 (<1200/10)
1566.2:   Magic object quenches fire
RoA: HMvNT 12, HMvNT 14 (1390/92), KvWTK 9196, KvWTK 9759 (1281/87)
1566.2.6:   Salamander’s blood quenches fire
MdB: WvGW 6927 (>1210/20)
MR: ReivB 26391 (>1291)
1578:   Magic object keeps off enchantment
MdB: HvdTCr 26581, HvdTCr 27309, HvdTCr 27748 (>1225), WvGW 4370 (>1210/20)
1581:   Tasks performed by use of magic object
RoA: HMvNT 14 (1390/92)
1584.1:   Charm induces dream
RoA: BaAlx 203 (1150/60), RvEAlx 721, RvEAlx 876 (1235/1254)
1585:   Magic object saves corpse from corruption
CdG: WvEW 158 (1210/20)
1599:   Magic object performs services–miscellaneous
RoA: HMvNT 12 (1390/92), HvFLvT 1013 (after 1190)

D1600–1699 Characteristics of magic objects

1600:   Automatic object
MdB: WCRPa 264 (1331-1336)
MR: JvWW 3535 (1314)
1601.3:   Magic hat [helmet] works independently
HE: Walb 820 (ca. 1250)
1601.4:   Automatic weapons
MdB: WvEP 566 (<1200/10)
1601.4.1:   Automatic sword
MdB: HvdTCr 8393 (>1225)
1601.7:   Lamp (fire) lights itself
MdB: HvdTCr 14642 (>1225)
1601.18:   Self-playing musical instrument
MdB: AlbJT 391 (<1272/1294)
1601.18.1:   Self-ringing bell
MdB: Lohe 29, Lohe 36 (>1285)
1601.29:   Self-playing gameboard
MdB: WCRPa 326, WCRPa 498 (1331-1336)
1601.37:   Self-opening door
MdB: Lanc3 8, Lanc3 353 (<1250)
RoA: BaAlx 3528 (1150/60), StrAlx 5443 (1170)
1606:   Magic objects automatically keep out of reach
RoA: UvEAlx 25379 (1278/83)
1610.2:   Magic speaking tree
MdB: Lanc3 292 (<1250)
RoA: BaAlx 4313 (1150/60), GrAlx 4777 (1397), UvEAlx 22625, UvEAlx 26036 (1278/83)
1610.5:   Speaking head
MN: StrPA 337 (>1220/50)
1610.9.1:   Speaking sword
MN: GvMFa 42 (>1270)
1610.21:   Speaking image
MdB: HvdTCr 6973 (>1225)
1610.35:   Speaking [shrieking] river [body of water].
MdB: UvZLa 7036 (>1194)
1615:   Magic singing object
MdB: TrMo 353 (<1250), UvZLa 4760 (>1194), WCRPa 67 (1331-1336)
1615.2:   Magic musical branch
RoA: KvWTK 17560 (1281/87)
1619:   Miscellaneous speaking objects
RoA: AvHMB 29 (1190/1210)
1620:   Magic automata
MdB: AlbJT 327, AlbJT 391 (<1272/1294)
MR: JvWW 11845 (1314)
HE: RosGBr 4, RosGBr 10, RosGD 29, RosGD 233, Virg 184, WDieB 801, WDieD 22 (ca. 1250)
OR: KFFB 1731 (ca. 1220), Orend 966, Orend 1200 (>1200)
1620.1:   Automatic statue of man
MdB: Lanc1 154, Lanc1 163, Lanc1 212 (<1250)
MR: ReivB 21150 (>1291)
HE: WDieB 801, WDieB 811 (ca. 1250)
OR: KFFB 4224 (ca. 1220), Orend 1200 (>1200), TrFlor 3
RoA: StrAlx 4386 (1170), UvEAlx 25212 (1278/83)
1620.1.1:   Automatic statue of trumpeter
MdB: HvdTCr 6973 (>1225)
1620.1.5:   Magic statue of archer
MdB: WCRPa 67 (1331-1336)
1620.2:   Automatic statue of animal
MdB: PlTand 389 (<1270), StrDan 731, StrDan 2845, StrDan 2939, StrDan 4929, StrDan 5715 (>1220/50), UvZLa 4760, UvZLa 4845 (>1194), WCRPa 67 (1331-1336)
MR: JvWW 11845 (1314)
HE: Laurin 200 (>1250), Virg 6, Virg 29, WDieAF 259, WDieB 540, WDieB 801 (ca. 1250)
OR: Orend 966, SaMor 208 (>1200)
RoA: KvWTK 17560, KvWTK 26184 (1281/87), SeAlx 4851 (1352), TrojEl 56 (1375), UvEAlx 6147 (1278/83)
1620.2.4:   Automatic statue of lion
MdB: PlGar 13463 (<1270)
OR: Orend 1200 (>1200)
1620.3:   Other automatic constructions
MdB: Lanc1 213 (<1250)
RoA: HvNAp 11977 (1300), StrAlx 5997 (1170)
1622.1:   Crucifix bows [speaks] as sign of favor
CdG: UvTRW 11184 (>1243)
1624.2:   Wounds of crucifix bleed
MdB: Lohe 332 (>1285)
1626:   Image flies through air
RoA: RvEAlx 5441 (1235/1254), UvEAlx 6147 (1278/83)
1639:   Automata: other motifs
RoA: UvEAlx 25212 (1278/83)
1639.1:   Automata as door-keepers
MdB: WCRPa 67 (1331-1336)
MR: ReivB 21227 (>1291)
RoA: HvNAp 11977 (1300)
1641:   Object removes itself
MdB: WvEP 566 (<1200/10)
1645:   Self-luminous objects
MdB: PlGar 3429 (<1270), StrDan 550 (>1220/50), WvEP 592 (<1200/10)
1645.1:   Incandescent jewel
MdB: AlbJT 327, AlbJT 391, AlbJT 6237 (<1272/1294), HvAEr 7669 (>1180), HvdTCr 14323, HvdTCr 15649, HvdTCr 15722, HvdTCr 15790 (>1225), KvSGM 3465 (>1250), PlMel 1307 (<1270), TrMo 353 (<1250), UvZLa 4091, UvZLa 4760 (>1194), WCRPa 67 (1331-1336), WvGW 660, WvGW 7054, WvGW 10311 (>1210/20)
CdG: PKRL 1538 (1172), UvTRW 2726 (>1243), WvEW 133 (1210/20)
MR: JvWW 6224, JvWW 12840 (1314), MaBe 43 (1270/80)
HE: SigJu 155 (ca. 1250)
RoA: HvNAp 12943 (1300), HvVEn 125 (1170/74), RvEAlx 15087 (1235/1254), SeAlx 7196 (1352), StrAlx 5973, StrAlx 6079, StrAlx 7028 (1170)
1645.2:   Incandescent cup
MdB: WCRPa 439, WCRPa 822 (1331-1336)
1645.3:   Magic castle shines from afar
MdB: HvdTCr 15790 (>1225)
1645.7:   Self-luminous artificial boar [gold eagle]
CdG: UvTAr 97 (1261/69)
1649.2:   Magic object comes at owner’s call
MdB: HvdTCr 1003 (>1225)
1652:   Inexhaustible object
MdB: HvdTCr 14785 (>1225), UvZLa 4015, UvZLa 4760, UvZLa 4845 (>1194), WvEP 592 (<1200/10)
1652.1:   Inexhaustible food
MR: HvAGr 3490 (1190/1200)
1652.5:   Inexhaustible vessel
MdB: WCRPa 264 (1331-1336)
1652.6:   Ever-burning lamp
MdB: WvGW 8224 (>1210/20)
RoA: SeAlx 3737, SeAlx 5855 (1352)
1652.7:   Unfading garlands.
MdB: HvdTCr 21095 (>1225)
1652.8:   Inexhaustible cloth
MdB: AlbJT 6167 (<1272/1294)
CdG: UvTAr 72, UvTAr 111 (1261/69)
1652.11:   Ever-burning candle [light]
MdB: WCRPa 728 (1331-1336)
RoA: HvVEn 125 (1170/74)
1652.17:   Inexhaustible horn
MdB: WCRPa 164 (1331-1336)
1654:   Immovable object
MdB: UvZLa 8041 (>1194)
1654.4:   Incandescent sword
RoA: HvVEn 38, HvVEn 44 (1170/74)
1654.4.1:   Sword can be moved only by right person: Sword in stone
HE: RosGA 322 (ca. 1250)
1654.4.1.1:   Sword can only be used by strong hero
MdB: Lanc1 357 (<1250)
1654.7:   Statues that cannot be removed
CdG: KM3 83 (1320/40)
1654.9.1:   Corpse cannot be moved
MdB: Lanc1 579, Lanc2 523, Lanc2 531 (<1250)
1656:   Incombustible objects
MdB: Lohe 649 (>1285), WvEP 490 (<1200/10)
MR: KobS 2168 (>1350)
RoA: RvEAlx 299, RvEAlx 16867 (1235/1254), StrAlx 5534, StrAlx 6089 (1170)
1664:   Summer and winter garden
MdB: Wiga 1526 (<1245)
CdG: UvTAr 30 (1261/69)
1665.1:   Drink has taste of any liquor desired
MdB: Wiga 1526 (<1245)
1665.3:   Fruit has any taste desired.
MdB: UvZLa 3930 (>1194)
1672:   Unquenchable fire
MdB: Lanc1 617, Lanc3 361 (<1250), WvGW 4295, WvGW 6927 (>1210/20)
RoA: BaAlx 1211, PLVAlx 939 (1150/60), StrAlx 1331, StrAlx 2395 (1170)
1682:   Magic jewel which outweighs many heavy objects in the scale
RoA: BaAlx 4189 (1150/60), SeAlx 6289 (1352), StrAlx 7072 (1170), UvEAlx 24578 (1278/83)
1687:   Object magically becomes heavy
MdB: Wiga 1100 (<1245), WvEP 474 (<1200/10)
1692:   Cloak (and shirt) fit person of any size
CdG: KM5 25 (1320/40)

D1710–1799 Possession and means of employment of magic powers

1710:   Possession of magic powers.
MdB: HvdTCr 19447 (>1225), WvEP 657 (<1200/10)
1711:   Magician
MdB: HvAEr 5153 (>1180), HvdTCr 1003, HvdTCr 13004, HvdTCr 20378, HvdTCr 27309 (>1225), Lanc1 19, Lanc1 20, Lanc1 456, Lanc1 458, Lanc1 460, Lanc1 499, Lanc1 500, Lanc1 502, Lanc1 505, Lanc1 506, Lanc1 507, Lanc1 552, Lanc1 567, Lanc2 76, Lanc2 265, Lanc2 361, Lanc2 392, Lanc3 462 (<1250), Lohe 227 (>1285), PlGar 6349, PlMel 895 (<1270), StrDan 4584, StrDan 4770 (>1220/50), UvZLa 6874, UvZLa 7169 (>1194), WCRPa 45, WCRPa 54, WCRPa 58, WCRPa 109, WCRPa 115, WCRPa 143, WCRPa 466, WCRPa 498, WCRPa 590, WCRPa 594 (1331-1336), WvEP 312, WvEP 416, WvEP 566, WvEP 615, WvEP 652 (<1200/10)
MR: DgF 2429 (ca. 1230), FvS 203, FvS 1031, FvS 5381, FvS 6007 (>1314), JvWW 4745, JvWW 10715 (1314), KvWP 8064, KvWP 10456 (1277)
MN: UBEd 94 (ca. 1345)
RoA: BaAlx 1 (1150/60), GrAlx 91 (1397), HMvNT 9, HMvNT 42 (1390/92), HvFLvT 500, HvFLvT 17620 (after 1190), HvNAp 11 (1300), KvWTK 804, KvWTK 4496, KvWTK 7322, KvWTK 8289, KvWTK 10223, KvWTK 10488, KvWTK 18965, KvWTK 19110, KvWTK 19342, KvWTK 24158, KvWTK 27154 (1281/87), RvEAlx 107 (1235/1254), StrAlx 2979 (1170), TrojEl 9, TrojEl 19, TrojEl 31, TrojEl 36, TrojEl 60, TrojEl 61, TrojEl 71, TrojEl 127 (1375), UvEAlx 625 (1278/83)
1711.1.1:   Salomon as master of magicians
MR: ReivB 20989 (>1291)
1711.2:   Virgil as magician
MdB: WvEP 652 (<1200/10)
MR: ReivB 20989, ReivB 21548 (>1291)
1711.5:   Fairy as magician
MdB: HvAEr 5153 (>1180), Lanc1 19, Lanc1 50, Lanc1 117, Lanc1 568, Lanc1 598 (<1250), UvZLa 3526 (>1194)
1711.8:   Strong man as magician
MdB: StrDan 761, StrDan 6983 (>1220/50)
MR: FvS 6092 (>1314)
1711.10:   People of certain place as magicians
MdB: Lanc3 462 (<1250)
1712:   Soothsayer (diviner, oracle, etc.)
MdB: GvSTr 9268 (>1210), HvdTCr 24994, HvdTCr 25074, HvdTCr 25550 (>1225), Lanc1 50, Lanc1 117, Lanc1 500, Lanc1 501, Lanc1 502, Lanc1 505, Lanc1 506, Lanc1 507, Lanc1 598, Lanc2 76, Lanc2 88 (<1250), Merl 1 (>1300)
CdG: KM5 133 (1320/40)
RoA: GoTK 1 (1280), HvFLvT 1617 (after 1190), KvWTK 4496, KvWTK 7322, KvWTK 18965, KvWTK 19110, KvWTK 19342, KvWTK 23230, KvWTK 24158, KvWTK 27154, KvWTK 38946, KvWTK 47468 (1281/87), RvEAlx 515, RvEAlx 8951, RvEAlx 10175 (1235/1254), SeAlx 199 (1352), TrojEl 19, TrojEl 31, TrojEl 60, TrojEl 61, TrojEl 71 (1375), UvEAlx 913 (1278/83)
1712.0.1:   Astrologer-magician
MdB: Lanc1 499, Lanc1 500, Lanc1 501, Lanc1 502 (<1250), WCRPa 498 (1331-1336)
RoA: BaAlx 131, BaAlx 367, BaAlx 463 (1150/60), GrAlx 315 (1397), HMvNT 22, HMvNT 28 (1390/92), HvNAp 4170 (1300), KvWTK 4496, KvWTK 7322, KvWTK 18965, KvWTK 19110, KvWTK 19342, KvWTK 24158 (1281/87), RvEAlx 574, RvEAlx 1205, RvEAlx 1917 (1235/1254), SeAlx 81, SeAlx 271, SeAlx 649 (1352), TrojEl 19, TrojEl 31, TrojEl 60, TrojEl 61, TrojEl 71 (1375), UvEAlx 8351 (1278/83)
1712.3:   Interpreter of dreams
MdB: Lanc1 222, Lanc1 223, Lanc1 247, Lanc1 334, Lanc1 487, Lanc1 489, Lanc1 500, Lanc1 501, Lanc3 132, Lanc3 137, Lanc3 178, Lanc3 244, Lanc3 250, Lanc3 254, Lanc3 724 (<1250)
RoA: RvEAlx 8865, RvEAlx 15377, RvEAlx 15497 (1235/1254), SeAlx 1718 (1352), UvEAlx 11287, UvEAlx 23591 (1278/83)
1713:   Magic power of hermit (saint, yogi)
MdB: Lanc3 377, Lanc3 677 (<1250), Merl 233, Merl 274 (>1300)
1714:   Magic power of person without sin
MdB: Lanc1 616, Lanc3 357 (<1250)
1714.1:   Magic power of chaste women
MdB: Lanc2 344, Lanc2 348, Lanc3 280, Lanc3 306, Lanc3 310, Lanc3 328, Lanc3 331 (<1250), Merl 41 (>1300), WCRPa 151, WCRPa 616 (1331-1336), WvEP 233, WvEP 474, WvEP 480, WvEP 807 (<1200/10)
CdG: UvTRW 31966 (>1243)
HE: NL 10 (1191/1204)
RoA: HvVEn 79 (1170/74)
1719:   Possession of magic powers–miscellaneous
CdG: KM3 83 (1320/40)
MR: UvEWW 503 (<1297)
RoA: HvFLvT 17620 (after 1190)
1719.5:   Magic power of fairy
MdB: HvAEr 5153 (>1180), HvAIw 3359 (>1190/1200), KvSGM 206 (>1250), Lanc1 19 (<1250), UvZLa 3526 (>1194)
1719.7:   Magic power of mermaid
MdB: StrDan 4277 (>1220/50)
HE: NL 25 (1191/1204)
1720:   Acquisition of magic powers
1:   (ca. 1250)
1720.1:   Man given power of wishing
MR: ReivB 21644 (>1291)
HE: WDieB 829 (ca. 1250)
MN: StrDW 1 (>1220/50)
1721.1:   Magic power from devil
MR: JvWW 10715 (1314), ReivB 20989 (>1291)
1721.1.2:   Magic power from demon
MR: ReivB 21548 (>1291)
1723:   Magic power from fairy [goddess]
RoA: GoTK 18765 (1280)
1725:   Magic power obtained from angels
MN: StrDW 1 (>1220/50)
1726:   Magic power from deity [god].
MdB: WvEP 469 (<1200/10)
1731.2.3:   (Bm) Dream of visit by god
RoA: BaAlx 203, BaAlx 254 (1150/60), GrAlx 191, GrAlx 771 (1397), RvEAlx 721, RvEAlx 876 (1235/1254), SeAlx 343, SeAlx 421, SeAlx 1443, SeAlx 1773, SeAlx 1867, SeAlx 2329, SeAlx 6201 (1352), UvEAlx 5095, UvEAlx 22994 (1278/83)
1738:   Magic arts studied
MdB: Lanc1 19, Lanc1 20, Lanc1 568 (<1250), PlMel 895 (<1270), WvEP 657 (<1200/10)
MR: KvWP 8064 (1277)
MN: VNo 81 (>1200)
RoA: HvFLvT 500 (after 1190), KvWTK 8289 (1281/87), TrojEl 34 (1375)
1739:   Acquisition of magic power–miscellaneous
CdG: KM4 12 (1320/40)
1741:   Magic powers lost
MdB: GvSTr 16337 (>1210)
MR: KvWP 17363 (1277)
1749:   Loss of magic power–miscellaneous
MdB: HvdTCr 2456 (>1225)
CdG: UvTRW 31966 (>1243)
HE: NL 10 (1191/1204)
1760:   Means of producing magic power
RoA: KvWTK 10488, KvWTK 10566 (1281/87), TrojEl 37 (1375)
1761.0.2:   Limited number of wishes granted
MN: StrDW 1 (>1220/50)
1766.1:   Magic results produced by prayer
MdB: HvdTCr 14642 (>1225), Lanc3 340 (<1250), WCRPa 723, WCRPa 728 (1331-1336), WvGW 6365, WvGW 6725 (>1210/20)
HE: WDieD 31, WDieD 32 (ca. 1250)
MN: KKJB 505 (>1372)
1766.6:   Magic results from sign of cross
MdB: WCRPa 799 (1331-1336)
HE: WDieD 26, WDieD 29 (ca. 1250)
1781:   Magic results from singing
HE: DukH 52, DukH 65 (1382/83), Kudr 6 (>1260)
1782:   Sympathetic magic: Magic results obtained by imitating desired action
MdB: Lanc1 565 (<1250)
RoA: HvNAp 5203, HvNAp 5366, HvNAp 9129 (1300)
1787:   Magic results from burning.
MdB: WvEP 467 (<1200/10)
1788:   Magic results from bathing
MdB: HvdTCr 17377 (>1225), Wiga 1100 (<1245)
HE: NL 3 (1191/1204), WDieB 330 (ca. 1250)
1788.1:   Magic results from contact with water
RoA: SeAlx 4967 (1352)
1791:   Magic power by circumambulation
MdB: WCRPa 822 (1331-1336)
MN: JVNVV 167 (>1350)
1793:   Magic results from eating or drinking
MdB: WCRPa 164, WCRPa 166 (1331-1336)
1794:   Magic results from kissing
MdB: UvZLa 7872 (>1194)
RoA: HvVEn 16 (1170/74)
1799:   Magic results from other acts
RoA: HvNAp 5203, HvNAp 11794 (1300)
1799.4:   Magic powers from touching
MN: JuH 604 (>1400)
RoA: HMvNT 12 (1390/92), HvFLvT 1013 (after 1190)

D1800–2199 Manifestations of magic power

1810:   Magic knowledge
MdB: Lanc3 462 (<1250)
RoA: GoTK 21523 (1280)
1810.0.1:   Omniscience of a god
RoA: RvEAlx 4089 (1235/1254), StrAlx 6411 (1170)
1810.0.2:   Magic knowledge of magician
MdB: HvdTCr 1003 (>1225), WCRPa 45, WCRPa 466, WCRPa 498, WCRPa 590, WCRPa 594 (1331-1336)
MR: FvS 1031 (>1314), KvWP 8064 (1277), ReivB 21436 (>1291)
RoA: BaAlx 1, BaAlx 131 (1150/60), HMvNT 42 (1390/92), HvFLvT 500 (after 1190), KvWTK 804, KvWTK 7322 (1281/87), RvEAlx 107, RvEAlx 299, RvEAlx 574 (1235/1254), SeAlx 81, SeAlx 271, SeAlx 619 (1352), TrojEl 9, TrojEl 31, TrojEl 127 (1375)
1810.0.3:   Magic knowledge of saints and holy men
RoA: RvEAlx 17320 (1235/1254)
1810.0.4:   Magic knowledge of fairies.
MdB: HvdTCr 28528 (>1225), Lanc1 50, Lanc1 117, Lanc1 598, Lanc2 88 (<1250), UvZLa 4661 (>1194)
1810.0.10:   Magic knowledge (wisdom) of Solomon [biblical prophet]
MdB: Lanc3 295, Lanc3 300, Lanc3 303 (<1250)
RoA: RvEAlx 16445 (1235/1254)
1810.2:   Magic knowledge from devil
MR: JvWW 10715 (1314)
1810.5:   Magic knowledge from angel
HE: Kudr 24 (>1260)
RoA: HvNAp 63 (1300)
1810.8:   Magic knowledge from dream
MdB: HvAEr 8057 (>1180), Lanc3 73, Lanc3 127, Lanc3 183, Lanc3 186, Lanc3 193, Lanc3 200, Lanc3 204, Lanc3 231, Lanc3 233, Lanc3 306, Lanc3 379, Lanc3 698, Lanc3 724, Lanc3 783 (<1250)
CdG: UvTRW 35841 (>1243)
MR: KvWE 5136 (<1260), UvEWW 2327 (<1297)
1810.8.2:   Information received through dream.
MdB: GvSTr 9268, GvSTr 13515 (>1210), Lanc2 520 (<1250)
1810.8.3:   Warning in dreams
MdB: Lanc2 379, Lanc3 193, Lanc3 721, Lanc3 724 (<1250)
CdG: KM5 89 (1320/40)
HE: NL 16, NL 25 (1191/1204)
MN: HRFu 41 (>1192), WdGMH 912 (1280/90)
RoA: SeAlx 8259 (1352), UvEAlx 25946 (1278/83)
1810.9:   Magic knowledge from God
MN: StrPA 1408 (>1220/50)
RoA: HMvNT 40, HMvNT 41 (1390/92), HvFLvT 3512 (after 1190), RvEAlx 17320 (1235/1254)
1810.10:   Magic knowledge from goddess
RoA: HvNAp 11268, HvNAp 11318, HvNAp 12076, HvNAp 12632 (1300)
1811:   Magic wisdom
MdB: WvEP 516 (<1200/10), WvGW 321 (>1210/20)
RoA: HvNAp 12076 (1300)
1811.2:   Magic wisdom received from supernatural being
MN: StrPA 1408 (>1220/50)
1812:   Magic power of prophecy
MdB: HvdTCr 24994, HvdTCr 25074, HvdTCr 25550 (>1225), Merl 1 (>1300)
1812.0.1:   Foreknowledge of hour of death
MdB: Lanc1 501, Lanc1 507 (<1250)
CdG: UvTRW 8881 (>1243)
MR: HvBKF 7873 (1400)
1812.0.1.2:   Foreknowledge of means of death
RoA: BaAlx 463 (1150/60), GrAlx 315 (1397), RvEAlx 1917 (1235/1254), SeAlx 649 (1352)
1812.0.1.3:   (Bm) Magician flees when he foresees his own doom
RoA: BaAlx 45 (1150/60), RvEAlx 341 (1235/1254), SeAlx 137 (1352)
1812.0.2.1:   Foreknowledge of unwished guests [coming of certain person]
RoA: RvEAlx 16445 (1235/1254)
1812.0.3:   Foreknowledge of wounding [death] in battle (combat)
CdG: KM3 107 (1320/40)
1812.1.2:   Power of prophecy from God
MdB: Lanc1 19 (<1250), Merl 211 (>1300)
1812.2.4:   Dying man’s power of prophecy
MdB: Lanc3 317, Lanc3 320, Lanc3 328 (<1250)
1812.3:   Means of learning future
MdB: Lanc1 500, Lanc1 502, Lanc1 506, Lanc1 507 (<1250)
RoA: BaAlx 1, BaAlx 131 (1150/60), HvNAp 4170, HvNAp 4843, HvNAp 4914, HvNAp 6831 (1300), OttEr 5504 (after 1215), RvEAlx 299, RvEAlx 574 (1235/1254), SeAlx 121 (1352), UvEAlx 8351 (1278/83)
1812.3.3:   Future revealed in dream
MdB: HvAEr 8057 (>1180), Lanc1 334, Lanc2 498 (<1250)
MR: DgF 2300 (ca. 1230), JvWW 18747 (1314), ReivB 13315, ReivB 14883, ReivB 24610 (>1291)
HE: NL 23 (1191/1204), WDieA 59 (ca. 1230), WDieD 68 (ca. 1250)
OR: KFFB 1015 (ca. 1220), Orend 3169, SaMor 518 (>1200)
RoA: GoTK 1, GoTK 4687 (1280), HMvNT 27 (1390/92), HvFLvT 9390 (after 1190), KvWTK 325, KvWTK 41388 (1281/87), TrojEl 1, TrojEl 24, TrojEl 99, TrojEl 129 (1375)
1812.   Dream interpreter corrects dream
CdG: KM5 133 (1320/40)
RoA: RvEAlx 5319 (1235/1254), UvEAlx 23591 (1278/83)
1812.   (Bm) Interpretation of dream by second party
MdB: Lanc1 334, Lanc1 500, Lanc1 501 (<1250)
CdG: GeRo 655, GeRo 664 (ca. 1350), KM2 1222 (1320/40)
HE: NL 1 (1191/1204)
RoA: BaAlx 254 (1150/60), RvEAlx 876, RvEAlx 8865, RvEAlx 15497 (1235/1254), SeAlx 451, SeAlx 1523, SeAlx 8259 (1352), UvEAlx 7718, UvEAlx 10088, UvEAlx 23591, UvEAlx 25946 (1278/83)
1812.3.3.5:   Prophetic dream allegorical
MdB: Lanc1 222, Lanc1 223, Lanc1 247, Lanc1 319, Lanc1 334, Lanc1 482, Lanc1 487, Lanc1 500, Lanc1 501, Lanc2 379, Lanc2 598, Lanc3 127, Lanc3 176, Lanc3 183, Lanc3 724 (<1250), WvEP 103, WvEP 474 (<1200/10)
CdG: GeRo 655, GeRo 664 (ca. 1350), KM2 1159, KM5 130, KM5 138 (1320/40), PKRL 3020, PKRL 7070 (1172), StrKG 3587, StrKG 8494 (1220/50), UvTAr 60 (1261/69)
MR: ReivB 13315 (>1291)
HE: DietR 123 (ca. 1275), NL 1, NL 16, NL 25 (1191/1204)
RoA: KvWTK 325, KvWTK 41388 (1281/87), PLVAlx 467 (1150/60), RvEAlx 5319, RvEAlx 8865, RvEAlx 15497 (1235/1254), SeAlx 1718 (1352), TrojEl 1, TrojEl 24, TrojEl 99, TrojEl 129 (1375), UvEAlx 7085, UvEAlx 7718, UvEAlx 21061, UvEAlx 25946 (1278/83)
1812.3.3.9:   Future husband (wife) revealed in dream
MdB: UvZLa 4215 (>1194)
MN: Socia 1 (>1400)
1812.   (Bm) Dream of future reveals husband’s death
HE: NL 1, NL 16 (1191/1204)
1812.3.3.11:   Death of another revealed in dream
HE: DietR 123 (ca. 1275), NL 25 (1191/1204)
RoA: HMvNT 71 (1390/92)
1812.3.4:   (Bm) Future revealed by speaking tree
RoA: BaAlx 4313 (1150/60), UvEAlx 22625 (1278/83)
1812.4:   Future revealed by presentiment: “knowledge within”
MdB: HvAIw 3064 (>1190/1200), Lohe 52 (>1285)
CdG: UvTRW 7116, UvTRW 7294 (>1243)
MR: HvBKF 1321, HvBKF 7873 (1400), JohV 545 (1400/50?), RvEWO 1850 (1235/40)
HE: Laurin 830 (>1250)
1812.5:   Future learned through omens
MdB: HvAEr 8057 (>1180), UvZLa 7036 (>1194)
RoA: GrAlx 2480 (1397), SeAlx 2585 (1352), TrojEl 117 (1375)
1812.5.0.2:   Omens from flight of birds
MdB: HvAEr 8057 (>1180)
RoA: KvWTK 18965 (1281/87)
1812.5.0.3:   Behavior of fire as omen
MdB: HvAEr 8057 (>1180)
RoA: HMvNT 89 (1390/92), HvFLvT 15807 (after 1190)
1812.5.0.13:   Magic manifestation as omen
MdB: Lanc1 112, Lanc1 487, Lanc1 489 (<1250)
RoA: UvEAlx 7149 (1278/83)
1812.5.0.15:   Weather signs
MdB: HvAEr 8057 (>1180)
1812.5.1:   Bad omens
MdB: WvGW 6155 (>1210/20)
MR: ReivB 19722 (>1291)
RoA: GrAlx 2480 (1397), KvWTK 47554 (1281/87), RvEAlx 6635 (1235/1254), SeAlx 2585 (1352), UvEAlx 26159 (1278/83)
1812.5.1.1:   Prodigy as evil omen
MdB: Lanc1 487, Lanc1 489 (<1250)
CdG: KM3 89 (1320/40)
RoA: BaAlx 4346 (1150/60), GrAlx 5935 (1397), RvEAlx 11122 (1235/1254), SeAlx 8119 (1352), UvEAlx 23636 (1278/83)
1812.   Wave of blood as sign of death
RoA: RvEAlx 8951 (1235/1254)
1812.5.1.2:   Bad dream as evil omen
MdB: AlbJT 1011 (<1272/1294), Lanc1 240, Lanc1 319, Lanc1 482, Lanc1 487, Lanc2 379, Lanc2 598 (<1250), WvEP 242 (<1200/10)
MN: WdGMH 912 (1280/90)
RoA: GoTK 1 (1280), KvWTK 325, KvWTK 41388 (1281/87), SeAlx 8259 (1352), TrojEl 1, TrojEl 24, TrojEl 99, TrojEl 129 (1375)
1812.   Pale or red moon an evil omen
RoA: UvEAlx 9991 (1278/83)
1812.5.1.6:   Stars furnish omens
RoA: HvNAp 4914 (1300), KvWTK 18965 (1281/87)
1812.5.1.7:   Meeting certain persons (animals) as bad omen
CdG: KM2 1308, KM2 1397 (1320/40)
1812.5.1.12:   Animal behavior as bad omen
CdG: KM2 1338 (1320/40)
RoA: HMvNT 89 (1390/92), SeAlx 1494 (1352), UvEAlx 26159 (1278/83)
1812.5.1.23:   Man killed by accident when ship is pushed into the sea taken as an evil omen [Accidental killing as bad omen}
MN: MovC 906 (1210/15)
1812.5.2:   Favorable omens
RoA: RvEAlx 6396 (1235/1254), SeAlx 2465 (1352), UvEAlx 10088 (1278/83)
1812.5.2.2:   Meeting certain person (animal) a good omen
RoA: BaAlx 337 (1150/60), GrAlx 239 (1397), RvEAlx 1117, RvEAlx 10175 (1235/1254), SeAlx 515 (1352)
1813:   Magic knowledge of events in distant place
MdB: WCRPa 685, WCRPa 704 (1331-1336)
HE: Kudr 24 (>1260)
RoA: HvNAp 16005 (1300)
1813.1:   (Allegorical) Dream shows events in distant places
MdB: AlbJT 2909 (<1272/1294)
1813.1.4:   Dream reveals death of brother [husband, father]
HE: NLKl 2845, NLKl 2903 (1191/1204)
1814:   Magic advice
RoA: HvNAp 13888 (1300)
1814.1:   Advice from magician (fortune-teller, etc.) [prophet]
MdB: HvdTCr 25550 (>1225), Lanc3 630 (<1250)
1814.2:   Advice from dream
MdB: Lanc3 231, Lanc3 233, Lanc3 337 (<1250)
MR: DgF 2300 (ca. 1230)
MN: RvEGG 1821 (1210/1220)
OR: KRot 2298 (ca. 1160/70)
RoA: BaAlx 2287 (1150/60), GrAlx 2336 (1397), HvNAp 17219 (1300), RvEAlx 6168 (1235/1254), SeAlx 2329 (1352), StrAlx 2979 (1170), UvEAlx 22994 (1278/83)
1814.3:   Advice from God (or the gods)
RoA: BaAlx 2287 (1150/60), GoTK 1827 (1280), GrAlx 2336 (1397), HMvNT 41 (1390/92), HvNAp 12076 (1300), RvEAlx 6168 (1235/1254), SeAlx 1773, SeAlx 2329, SeAlx 6201 (1352), UvEAlx 22994 (1278/83)
1815:   Magic knowledge of strange tongues [language]
MdB: WvGW 321 (>1210/20)
HE: Ortnit 240 (ca. 1230)
RoA: KvWTK 944 (1281/87), TrojEl 9 (1375)
1815.2:   Magic knowledge of language of animals
CdG: KM4 12 (1320/40)
MR: Abor 87 (<1350)
1817:   Magic detection of crime
MdB: WCRPa 685, WCRPa 704 (1331-1336)
1817.0.3:   Magic detection of murder
MdB: Lanc1 395 (<1250)
HE: NL 17 (1191/1204)
1819:   Magic knowledge –misc.
RoA: HMvNT 42, HMvNT 89 (1390/92), HvFLvT 15807 (after 1190), OttEr 447, OttEr 779, OttEr 969, OttEr 1399, OttEr 2048, OttEr 4206 (after 1215)
1819.2:   Deception revealed in dream
MdB: GvSTr 9268 (>1210)
1819.7:   Man is able to tell king dream which king himself does not remember
RoA: HvNAp 63 (1300), RvEAlx 15497 (1235/1254)
1821.3.7.3:   Crystal-gazing. Clair-voyance by looking into crystal
MR: BvHCra 430 (<1275)
RoA: HvNAp 12853, HvNAp 13513, HvNAp 14294 (1300)
1821.4:   Magic sight by putting ointment into eye.
MdB: StrDan 4277, StrDan 7733 (>1220/50)
1825.2:   Magic power to see distant objects.
MdB: WvEP 587, WvEP 592, WvEP 755 (<1200/10)
1825.2.2:   Magic power to see whole country at once.
MdB: UvZLa 5122 (>1194)
1825.3:   Magic power to see invisible creatures
MdB: StrDan 4277, StrDan 7733 (>1220/50)
HE: Walb 445 (ca. 1250)
1830:   Magic strength
MdB: HvdTCr 15294 (>1225), KoAnt 14 (>1300), Lanc1 159, Lanc1 328, Lanc1 451, Lanc2 627, Lanc2 797, Lanc3 673, Lanc3 677 (<1250), PlGar 6349, PlGar 6572, PlGar 11472, PlGar 15473 (<1270), StrDan 761 (>1220/50), UvZLa 3930 (>1194), WCRPa 531 (1331-1336), WvGW 321, WvGW 510 (>1210/20)
CdG: UvTRW 31966 (>1243)
MR: FvS 6092 (>1314)
HE: NL 6, NL 7, NL 8 (1191/1204), WDieA 31 (ca. 1230)
RoA: KvWTK 5858, KvWTK 9196, KvWTK 9759 (1281/87), TrojEl 28 (1375)
1833:   Magic strength by touching earth
RoA: UvEAlx 9897 (1278/83)
1835:   Other means of acquiring magic strength
HE: Kudr 2 (>1260), WDieD 9 (ca. 1250)
1836:   Magic waxing and waning of strength
MdB: HvdTCr 2070 (>1225), Lanc1 328, Lanc1 451, Lanc2 5, Lanc3 673, Lanc3 677 (<1250), WCRPa 209, WCRPa 242 (1331-1336)
1837:   Magic weakness
MdB: Lanc2 473, Lanc3 190 (<1250), UvZLa 3526, UvZLa 3676, UvZLa 3698 (>1194), Wiga 1100 (<1245)
MR: DgF 2429 (ca. 1230)
RoA: HvNAp 6939 (1300)
1840:   Magic invulnerability
MdB: HvdTCr 15294 (>1225), Lanc3 162, Lanc3 190 (<1250), PlGar 11472 (<1270), StrDan 4001, StrDan 4277 (>1220/50)
MR: Abor 119 (<1350)
HE: SigJu 30 (ca. 1250)
RoA: GoTK 18765 (1280), KvWTK 31018 (1281/87)
1840.2:   Magic invulnerability of animals
MdB: Lanc1 569, Lanc1 570 (<1250), WvGW 4736, WvGW 6927 (>1210/20)
1840.2.2:   Invulnerable stag
RoA: SeAlx 1395 (1352)
1840.3:   Magic invulnerability of ogres.
MdB: PlGar 7840, PlGar 8108, PlGar 8294 (<1270), StrDan 761, StrDan 1115, StrDan 2702, StrDan 3177, StrDan 3694 (>1220/50)
1841:   Invulnerability from certain things
MR: BvHDe 2373 (<1275)
1841.3:   Burning magically evaded
MdB: HvdTCr 15102 (>1225), Lanc1 617, Lanc3 162, Lanc3 334 (<1250)
RoA: OttEr 1257 (after 1215)
1841.3.1:   Magic animal proof against burning
CdG: UvTAr 72 (1261/69)
1841.3.2:   Fire does not injure a saint
MdB: Lanc3 162 (<1250)
1841.5.1:   Man proof against weapons
CdG: Ali 470 (>1400), KM5 108 (1320/40)
HE: DietR 651 (ca. 1275)
1845:   Invulnerability for limited time
RoA: OttEr 1128 (after 1215)
1846:   Attainment of invulnerability
MdB: StrDan 4001 (>1220/50)
1846.4:   Invulnerability through bathing in dragon’s blood
HE: NL 3 (1191/1204)
1846.5:   Invulnerability bestowed by saint [God]
MdB: Lanc3 162 (<1250)
1850:   Immortality
MdB: WCRPa 308 (1331-1336)
RoA: HvNAp 8827 (1300), UvEAlx 25181 (1278/83)
1856.1:   Hero (saint) taken to Paradise (Heaven) alive
RoA: HvNAp 14774 (1300)
1857:   Magic longevity.
MdB: StrDan 575 (>1220/50)
1860:   Magic beautification
MdB: HvdTCr 23316 (>1225), KvSGM 2764 (>1250), Lanc1 19 (<1250)
HE: WDieA 491 (ca. 1230)
1860.0.1:   Magic beautification of fairy
MdB: WCRPa 386 (1331-1336)
1866:   Other means of beautification
479:   (1255)
1866.1:   Beautification by bathing
HE: WDieB 330 (ca. 1250)
RoA: HvNAp 12943 (1300)
1870:   Magic hideousness
MdB: HvdTCr 13004 (>1225), WvEP 516 (<1200/10)
OR: SaMor 606 (>1200)
1872:   Man made hideous
MdB: KvSGM 206 (>1250), StrDan 4584 (>1220/50)
1880:   Magic rejuvenation
RoA: HMvNT 1 (1390/92), KvWTK 10223, KvWTK 10609, KvWTK 10670, KvWTK 10732 (1281/87), TrojEl 36, TrojEl 38, TrojEl 40 (1375)
1881:   Magic self-rejuvenation
MN: VNo 560 (>1200)
1882.3:   (Bm) Rejuvenation by magician (sorceress)
RoA: KvWTK 10609, KvWTK 10732 (1281/87), TrojEl 38, TrojEl 40 (1375)
1883:   Eternal youth
MdB: AlbJT 440 (<1272/1294), HvdTCr 17377 (>1225), Lanc1 19 (<1250), StrDan 761 (>1220/50)
MR: JvWW 4130 (1314)
RoA: HvNAp 8827 (1300)
1886:   Rejuvenation by burning
MdB: WvEP 467 (<1200/10)
1887:   Rejuvenation by bathing
MR: Abor 1, Abor 45 (<1350)
RoA: HvNAp 12076, HvNAp 12943 (1300)
1889.4:   Rejuvenation by smelling apple [flower]
MdB: HvdTCr 21095 (>1225)
1889.6:   Rejuvenation by changing skin
RoA: KvWTK 10609 (1281/87), TrojEl 38 (1375)
1889.7:   Rejuvenation by being reborn
RoA: GrAlx 4685 (1397)
1900:   Love induced by magic
CdG: KM3 44 (1320/40)
MR: JvWW 10715 (1314)
MN: JVNVV 167 (>1350)
RoA: HvVEn 15, HvVEn 148 (1170/74)
1905:   Means of inducing love
479:   (1255)
RoA: UvEAlx 25645 (1278/83)
1925.3:   Barrenness removed by prayer
MN: KKJB 72 (>1372)
1960:   Magic sleep
MdB: EvOTr 6654 (1175/80), HvdTCr 21270, HvdTCr 26305, HvdTCr 27838, HvdTCr 29287, HvdTCr 29396 (>1225), HvFTr 4706 (>1280), Lanc1 356, Lanc1 572, Lanc1 586, Lanc2 267, Lanc2 473 (<1250), UvTTr 1668 (<1234), UvZLa 7320 (>1194), WCRPa 1, WCRPa 272, WCRPa 430, WCRPa 434 (1331-1336), WvEP 571, WvEP 579 (<1200/10)
MR: KvWP 10456 (1277)
HE: WDieB 511 (ca. 1250)
OR: SaMor 712 (>1200)
RoA: KvWTK 20134 (1281/87)
1960.2:   Kyffhäuser. King asleep in mountain
MdB: Lohe 22 (>1285)
1960.4:   Deathlike sleep
MdB: MaAm 3 (>1300)
HE: Ortnit 513 (ca. 1230)
OR: SaMor 118 (>1200)
1962:   Means of inducing magic sleep
MdB: Lanc1 586, Lanc2 473 (<1250)
CdG: KM4 17 (1320/40)
OR: SaMor 118 (>1200)
RoA: UvEAlx 25645 (1278/83)
1975:   Dragon fighter’s magic sleep: while waiting for the fight with dragon hero falls into magic sleep
HE: Ortnit 513 (ca. 1230)
1976.1:   Transportation during magic sleep
MdB: WCRPa 272, WCRPa 308, WCRPa 415 (1331-1336)
MN: EnWb 475 (<1350)
RoA: UvEAlx 25645 (1278/83)
1978:   Waking from sleep
MdB: HvdTCr 21270, HvdTCr 26305 (>1225), UvZLa 7320 (>1194)
OR: SaMor 129 (>1200)
1980:   Magic invisibility
MdB: HvAEr 8458, HvAEr 8698 (>1180), HvAIw 1135 (>1190/1200), HvdTCr 1521, HvdTCr 14009, HvdTCr 14642, HvdTCr 14712, HvdTCr 22974, HvdTCr 23529, HvdTCr 23663, HvdTCr 23773, HvdTCr 23959, HvdTCr 24074, HvdTCr 24169, HvdTCr 24313, HvdTCr 24449, HvdTCr 24523, HvdTCr 25224, HvdTCr 25366, HvdTCr 28753, HvdTCr 28891 (>1225), KoAnt 8, KoAnt 14, KoAnt 18 (>1300), KvSGM 166 (>1250), Lanc1 568, Lanc2 627, Lanc3 73, Lanc3 165 (<1250), PlGar 7840, PlGar 8714 (<1270), UvZLa 7074 (>1194), WCRPa 434 (1331-1336), WvEP 810 (<1200/10), WvGW 4592 (>1210/20)
MR: FvS 122, FvS 402, FvS 4216, FvS 4389, FvS 6309 (>1314), KvWP 885, KvWP 1109, KvWP 6552 (1277)
HE: NL 3 (1191/1204), Walb 176 (ca. 1250)
RoA: HvNAp 10685, HvNAp 14294 (1300), KvWTK 1244, KvWTK 9196, KvWTK 9759 (1281/87), TrojEl 11 (1375), UvEAlx 19115 (1278/83)
1981:   Certain persons invisible
MdB: AlbJT 2299 (<1272/1294)
1982:   Certain objects invisible
MdB: StrDan 4109, StrDan 4277, StrDan 7733 (>1220/50)
RoA: HvVEn 84 (1170/74)
2000:   Magic forgetfulness
MdB: Lanc2 314, Lanc2 361, Lanc2 695, Lanc3 274 (<1250)
2004.3.1:   Forgetfulness by drinking
MdB: HvdTCr 8617 (>1225)
MR: KvWP 6912 (1277)
RoA: HvVEn 43 (1170/74)
2011.1:   Years seem moments while man listens to song of bird
MN: MoeF 310 (>1400)
2020:   Magic dumbness
MdB: StrDan 4584 (>1220/50)
RoA: GoTK 10762 (1280)
2025.0.1:   Magic (loss and) recovery of speech
RoA: GoTK 10762 (1280)
2031:   Magic illusion
MdB: AlbJT 2299 (<1272/1294), HvdTCr 8617, HvdTCr 19447 (>1225), Lanc1 20, Lanc1 59, Lanc1 68, Lanc1 86, Lanc1 464, Lanc1 475, Lanc1 550, Lanc1 570, Lanc1 572, Lanc1 628, Lanc2 229 (<1250), UvZLa 8041 (>1194), WCRPa 799 (1331-1336)
MR: KvWP 8064 (1277), Wuert 240, Wuert 417 (>1300)
MN: UBEd 94 (ca. 1345)
2031.0.2:   Faires cause illusions
MdB: Lanc1 20 (<1250)
2031.4:   Hideous person magically makes self seem beautiful
MdB: WCRPa 386 (1331-1336)
2033:   Thirst magically caused to disappear
MdB: Lanc3 295 (<1250)
2060:   Death or bodily injury by magic.
MdB: UvZLa 7036 (>1194)
2061.1.3:   Poisoning by magic
MdB: Lanc1 567, Lanc2 237, Lanc2 239, Lanc2 371 (<1250)
RoA: UvEAA 630 (1278/83)
2061.1.4:   Persons magically made to decay and die
MdB: Lanc1 535 (<1250)
2061.2.1:   Death-giving glance
MdB: PlGar 7170, PlGar 7326, PlGar 7627, PlGar 7840, PlGar 8896 (<1270), StrDan 1874, StrDan 2110, StrDan 2165 (>1220/50)
2062.2:   Blinding by magic
MdB: Lanc3 113 (<1250), StrDan 4584 (>1220/50)
MR: FvS 203 (>1314)
2063.1:   Tormenting by magic
MdB: HvdTCr 26525 (>1225), Lanc2 287 (<1250)
2064:   Magic sickness
MdB: Lanc1 356, Lanc1 535, Lanc1 567, Lanc2 237, Lanc2 239, Lanc2 243, Lanc2 371 (<1250)
2065:   Magic insanity
MdB: WCRPa 506, WCRPa 582 (1331-1336)
2065.1:   Madness from demonic possession
MdB: WCRPa 804 (1331-1336)
2066:   Elfshot. Magic shooting of object into person’s (or animal’s) body
CdG: WvEW 114 (1210/20)
2066.1:   Sword magically dulled
MdB: Lanc1 357 (<1250)
2069.1:   Person magically caused to fall
RoA: HvNAp 11977, HvNAp 12632 (1300)
2072.0.1:   Sword made magically helpless
CdG: KM5 30 (1320/40)
2072.0.5:   Person paralzed
MdB: Lanc1 535, Lanc1 549, Lanc1 550, Lanc1 552, Lanc2 287 (<1250)
2074:   Attracting by magic
RoA: HvNAp 14693 (1300)
2078:   Imprisoning by magic
MR: JvWW 12183 (1314)
2081:   Land made magically sterile
MdB: Lanc2 290, Lanc3 278 (<1250), (, WCPap 326
2088:   Locks opened by magic
MdB: Lanc1 20, Lanc3 346 (<1250), WCRPa 58 (1331-1336)
CdG: KEmd 563, KEmd 621, KEmd 1094 (1354)
2091:   Magic attack against enemy
MdB: AlbJT 3984 (<1272/1294)
2091.7:   Magic lake (river) sent against enemy
HE: WDieAF 283, WDieB 639 (ca. 1250)
RoA: UvEAA 491 (1278/83)
2091.7.1:   River magically caused to rise against enemy
MdB: HvdTCr 27503, HvdTCr 27610 (>1225), StrDan 2517, StrDan 4109 (>1220/50)
2093:   Walls overthrown by magic (Jericho)
CdG: KM3 77, KM3 79 (1320/40)
2095:   Magic disappearance
MdB: HvdTCr 14642, HvdTCr 14785, HvdTCr 16365 (>1225), Lanc1 213, Lanc1 507, Lanc1 562, Lanc2 524, Lanc2 797, Lanc3 41, Lanc3 204, Lanc3 247 (<1250), Lohe 631 (>1285), WvEP 469 (<1200/10)
MR: KobS 1131 (>1350)
2100:   Magic wealth
MdB: Lanc1 19 (<1250)
2100.1:   Inexhaustible treasure
MdB: AlbJT 2963 (<1272/1294)
2105:   Provisions magically furnished
CdG: UvTRW 34240, UvTRW 34382 (>1243)
2120:   Magic transportation
CdG: KM3 26 (1320/40)
MdB: Lanc3 283 (<1250)
2121.5:   Magic journey: man carried by spirit or devil
MdB: WCRPa 738 (1331-1336)
2122:   Journey with magic speed
MdB: HvAEr 5153 (>1180), Lanc3 119, Lanc3 372 (<1250), PlGar 8408 (<1270)
2126:   Magic underwater journey
RoA: KvWTK 13974 (1281/87), TrojEl 48 (1375)
2135:   Magic air journey
MdB: Lanc3 283 (<1250)
MN: JuH 604 (>1400)
RoA: KvWTK 24509 (1281/87), TrojEl 72 (1375)
2135.0.1:   Levitation
MdB: HvAEr 5153 (>1180), HvdTCr 24994, HvdTCr 25074, HvdTCr 25550 (>1225)
CdG: WvEW 72 (1210/20)
2135.0.2:   Object magically raised in air
MdB: AlbJT 297 (<1272/1294)
2135.0.3:   Magic ability to fly
MR: Abor 87 (<1350)
2136.3.1:   Mountain moved by prayer
RoA: SeAlx 4204 (1352), UvEAlx 20913 (1278/83)
2141:   Storm produced by magic
MdB: AlbJT 2603, AlbJT 4395 (<1272/1294)
RoA: HvNAp 8900, HvNAp 9129, HvNAp 10882 (1300), KvWTK 24030 (1281/87), TrojEl 70 (1375)
2141.1:   Storm magically stilled
MdB: WCRPa 157 (1331-1336)
2143.1.1:   Rain produced by pouring water
MdB: HvAIw 600, HvAIw 989, HvAIw 2446 (>1190/1200)
RoA: HvNAp 9129 (1300)
2143.3:   Fog produced by magic
HE: WDieD 30 (ca. 1250)
RoA: UvEAA 630 (1278/83)
2144.4:   Burning by magic
HE: WDieB 653 (ca. 1250)
2145:   Magic control of seasons
MdB: WCRPa 157 (1331-1336)
2146:   Magic control of day and night
RoA: KvWTK 7322 (1281/87), TrojEl 31 (1375)
2151:   Magic control of waters
MdB: HvAEr 5153 (>1180)
RoA: KvWTK 7322 (1281/87), TrojEl 31 (1375), UvEAA 491 (1278/83)
2151.1:   Magic control of seas
RoA: BaAlx 4247 (1150/60), UvEAA 491, UvEAA 630, UvEAlx 24235 (1278/83)
2151.2:   Magic control of rivers.
MdB: HvdTCr 7964, HvdTCr 14410, HvdTCr 27503, HvdTCr 27610 (>1225)
2151.2.1:   Direction of river’s flow magically reversed
MdB: Lanc1 506 (<1250)
2156:   Magic control over animals
MdB: HvdTCr 12751, HvdTCr 12926 (>1225), WCRPa 143 (1331-1336)
RoA: HvNAp 6939 (1300), UvEAA 385 (1278/83)
2157.1:   Land made magically fertile
MdB: WCPap 163, WCPap 326, WCRPa 272 (1331-1336)
2157.4:   Miraculous speedy growth of a tree
MdB: Lanc1 506 (<1250)
2158:   Magic control of fires
MdB: HvAEr 5153 (>1180), WCRPa 723 (1331-1336)
HE: WDieD 26 (ca. 1250)
2160:   (Bm) Dream created by magic
MdB: Lanc1 593 (<1250)
RoA: BaAlx 203, BaAlx 254 (1150/60), RvEAlx 721, RvEAlx 876 (1235/1254), SeAlx 343, SeAlx 421 (1352), StrAlx 2979 (1170)
2161:   Magic healing power
MdB: KvSGM 166 (>1250), UvZLa 4760 (>1194), WCRPa 160 (1331-1336)
CdG: KM3 71, KM3 72, KM3 83 (1320/40)
RoA: HvNAp 6701 (1300)
2161.1.1:   Magic cure of leprosy
CdG: KM3 72 (1320/40)
MR: KvWE 5136, KvWE 5623, KvWE 6107 (<1260)
MN: HvAAH 133, HvAAH 913, HvAAH 1366 (1190/1200), KKJB 753 (>1372)
2161.1.2:   Magic cure for fever
MN: HRFu 1481 (>1192)
2161.2:   Magic cure of wound
MdB: AlbJT 2785 (<1272/1294), HvAEr 4860, HvAEr 5243 (>1180), HvdTCr 13318 (>1225), Lanc1 353, Lanc1 354, Lanc1 356, Lanc1 454, Lanc2 531, Lanc2 633, Lanc2 797 (<1250), UvZLa 3930 (>1194), WCRPa 70, WCRPa 822, WCRPa 834 (1331-1336), WvEP 480, WvEP 483, WvEP 794 (<1200/10)
2161.3:   Magic cure of physical defect
MdB: HvAEr 7124 (>1180)
CdG: UvTRW 31966 (>1243)
MR: FvS 4216 (>1314)
2161.3.1:   Blindness magically cured
MdB: Lanc3 677 (<1250)
CdG: KM3 71, KM3 72 (1320/40), UvTAr 8 (1261/69), UvTAr2 147 (>1300), UvTRW 35841 (>1243)
MR: FvS 203 (>1314)
2161.3.1.1:   Eyes torn out magically replaced
CdG: KM3 53 (1320/40)
MR: FvS 4216 (>1314)
2161.3.2:   Magic restoration of severed hand
MR: Wuert 419 (>1300)
2161.3.3:   Magic cure of broken limbs
RoA: BaAlx 752, PLVAlx 423 (1150/60)
2161.3.5:   Deafness magically cured
CdG: KM3 71 (1320/40)
2161.3.6:   Dumbness magically cured
CdG: KM3 71 (1320/40)
2161.3.6.1:   Magic restoration of cut-out tongue
CdG: KM3 53 (1320/40)
2161.3.7:   Lameness magically cured
MdB: Lanc3 377, Lanc3 677 (<1250)
CdG: KM3 72 (1320/40)
2161.3.8:   Insanity magically cured
MN: PfafSA 390 (>1400)
2161.3.11:   Barrenness magically cured
MN: KKJB 72 (>1372)
2161.   Only one person possesses power to heal certain wound
MdB: WCRPa 834 (1331-1336)
2161.4.10.1:   Wound healed [pain from wound alleviated] by same spear that caused it.
MdB: WvEP 485, WvEP 490 (<1200/10)
2161.4.12:   Magic cure during sleep
MdB: WvEP 579 (<1200/10)
MN: HRFu 1481 (>1192)
2161.4.14.3:   Cure by washing in dew
RoA: GrAlx 4137 (1397)
2161.4.19:   Methods of magic cure–miscellaneous
MN: GvMFa 121 (>1270), KKJB 753 (>1372), Vesp 175 (<1400)
2161.5.2:   Cure by Virgin Mary
2161.5.5:   Cure by angel
MdB: WCRPa 822 (1331-1336)
CdG: UvTAr 8 (1261/69), UvTAr2 147 (>1300)
2162:   Magic control of disease
MdB: WvEP 483, WvEP 485, WvEP 490, WvEP 787 (<1200/10)
2163:   Magic defense in battle
MdB: HvdTCr 27309, HvdTCr 27748, HvdTCr 29010 (>1225)
RoA: UvEAA 385 (1278/83)
2163.1:   Broken weapons magically restored
MdB: AlbJT 5740 (<1272/1294), Lanc3 283, Lanc3 363 (<1250), WvEP 252, WvEP 433 (<1200/10)
2163.4:   Magic mist as defense in battle
RoA: UvEAA 630 (1278/83)
2163.6:   Obstructions magically produced before enemy
RoA: UvEAA 491 (1278/83)
2167:   Corpse magically saved from corruption
MdB: Lanc2 524 (<1250)
CdG: WvEW 125 (1210/20)
RoA: StrAlx 3546 (1170)
2173:   Magic singing
RoA: StrAlx 5157 (1170)
2174:   Magic dancing. Enchanted persons dance till released
MdB: Lanc2 314, Lanc2 360, Lanc2 361 (<1250)
2176:   Exorcising by magic
RoA: OttEr 5434 (after 1215)
2176.1:   Snakes banned by magic
MN: AlbTund 75 (ca. 1190)
2176.3:   Evil spirit exorcised
MN: ZwMN 480 (>1300)
RoA: BaAlx 1266, PLVAlx 1009 (1150/60), StrAlx 1402 (1170)
2176.3.2:   Devil cast out of man possessed
MdB: WCRPa 804 (1331-1336)
2177:   Imprisoning by magic
RoA: GrAlx 5513 (1397), UvEAlx 20868 (1278/83)
2177.1:   Demon enclosed in bottle
MR: ReivB 20989, ReivB 21548 (>1291)
2178.1:   City (castle) built by magic
MdB: WCRPa 415 (1331-1336)
2183:   Magic spinning
RoA: HvVEn 88 (1170/74)
2188:   Magic disappearance
MdB: HvdTCr 14642, HvdTCr 14785, HvdTCr 16365, HvdTCr 29578 (>1225), Lanc1 213, Lanc1 507, Lanc1 562, Lanc2 524, Lanc2 797, Lanc3 41, Lanc3 204, Lanc3 247 (<1250), Lohe 631 (>1285), WCRPa 272, WCRPa 415, WCRPa 738, WCRPa 799, WCRPa 822 (1331-1336), WvEP 469 (<1200/10)
MR: BvHDe 2591 (<1275)
MN: EnWb 450 (<1350)
2188.2:   Person vanishes
MdB: Lanc3 41, Lanc3 150 (<1250), WCRPa 582 (1331-1336)
2188.3:   Village vanishes
MR: KobS 1131 (>1350)
2197:   Magic dominance over animals
MdB: HvAEr 5153 (>1180), KvSGM 3600, KvSGM 3658 (>1250), UvZLa 3930, UvZLa 5034 (>1194)
RoA: KvWTK 6016 (1281/87), SeAlx 4889 (1352)
2198:   Magic control of spirits (angels, [gods])
MdB: HvAEr 5153 (>1180), Lanc1 506, Lanc1 507 (<1250), WvEP 657 (<1200/10)
RoA: HvFLvT 565 (after 1190), HvNAp 6831 (1300), KvWTK 7322 (1281/87), TrojEl 31 (1375)
2199:   Additional magic manifestations
MN: EnWb 475 (<1350), KKJB 505 (>1372)
RoA: UvEAlx 913, UvEAlx 4803 (1278/83)