Motif Index of German Secular Narratives                 
Published by the Austrian Academy of Sciences, Vienna
 Introduction   Matière de Bretagne   Chansons de Geste   Miscellaneous Romances   Oriental Romances   Heroic Epic   Maere and Novellas   Romances of Antiquity   Index 

L. Reversal of Fortune

Index of Motifs
Y Z Back
L100–199 Unpromising Hero (Heroine)
L200–299 Modesty Brings Reward
L300–399 Triumph of the Weak
L400–499 Pride brought low

L. Reversal of Fortune

L100–199 Unpromising Hero (Heroine)

101:   Unpromising [clumsy] hero
MdB: UvZLa 241, UvZLa 389 (>1194), Wiga 419, Wiga 502, Wiga 555, Wiga 794, Wiga 925 (<1245), WvEP 109, WvEP 116, WvEP 120, WvEP 129, WvEP 138, WvEP 142, WvEP 147, WvEP 153, WvEP 156 (<1200/10)
CdG: Ali 121, Ali 301, Ali 351, Ali 542 (>1400), WvEW 68, WvEW 78, WvEW 113, WvEW 146 (1210/20)
RoA: OttEr 514 (after 1215)
102:   Unpromising heroine.
MdB: HvAEr 308 (>1180)
110:   Types of unpromising heroes (heroines)
MN: JuH 1145, JuH 1477 (>1400)
111.1:   Exile returns and succeeds
CdG: KM1 7979 (1315/20), StrKG 250 (1220/50)
HE: DietF 5591 (ca. 1275)
OR: HerEA 5261 (1160/70), HerEB 5815 (1208/09), HerED 5265 (1290)
111.2:   Foundling hero
MdB: Merl 211 (>1300)
MR: JohV 41, JohV 387 (1400/50?)
RoA: GoTK 1318 (1280), KvWTK 520, KvWTK 4776, KvWTK 41388 (1281/87), TrojEl 5, TrojEl 21 (1375)
111.2.1:   Future hero found in boat (basket, bushes)
MR: HvAGr 923 (1190/1200)
111.3:   Widow’s son as hero
MdB: WvEP 109, WvEP 116 (<1200/10)
RoA: OttEr 514 (after 1215)
111.4:   Orphan hero.
MdB: GvSTr 1654 (>1210)
111.5:   Bastard hero
MN: Pila 283 (>1200)
111.5.1:   (Bm) Hero begot illegitimately
MdB: WCRPa 45, WCRPa 54 (1331-1336)
112.2:   Very small hero
RoA: SeAlx 1997 (1352)
112.4:   Dirty boy as hero [Loathsome knight]
MdB: UvZLa 3676 (>1194)
113:   Hero (heroine) of unpromising occupation
MR: HvBKF 4415 (1400)
MN: RvEGG 549 (1210/1220)
113.1.2:   Stable [kitchen]-boy as hero
CdG: UvTRW 1920, UvTRW 17804 (>1243), WvEW 68 (1210/20)
113.1.7:   Slave as hero
RoA: OttEr 514 (after 1215)
113.2:   Menial heroine
MR: DgF 1719 (ca. 1230), HvBKF 528, HvBKF 4472 (1400)
113.4:   Peasant as hero
MN: GvMFa 99 (>1270)
114.2:   Spendthrift hero
MN: JuH 230, SohnB 1 (>1400)
116:   Insane hero
MN: Buss 605 (>1300)
122:   Unsophisticated hero
MdB: WCRPa 276 (1331-1336)
123:   Pauper hero
MR: UvEWW 5049 (<1297)
RoA: HvNAp 1443 (1300)
131:   Hearth abode of unpromising hero (heroine)
CdG: KM1 317, KM1 737, KM1 1041 (1315/20), UvTRW 1920, UvTRW 17804 (>1243), WvEW 68, WvEW 76, WvEW 99 (1210/20)
140:   The unpromising surpasses the promising
MN: JuH 1145, JuH 1477 (>1400)
141:   Stupid person surpasses clever
MN: UBEd 74 (ca. 1345)
143:   Poor man surpasses rich
MN: RvEGG 549 (1210/1220)
160:   Success of the unpromising hero (heroine)
MdB: WCRPa 276 (1331-1336)
MR: UvEWW 4327 (<1297)
161:   Lowly hero marries princess
MR: KvWE 4976 (<1260)
MN: HdKK 177 (>1400)
162:   Lowly heroine marries prince (king, [count])
MdB: HvAEr 440 (>1180)
MR: DgF 2103 (ca. 1230), HvBKF 1034 (1400)
165:   Lowly boy [man] becomes king
MN: RvEGG 5499 (1210/1220)
RoA: OttEr 4535 (after 1215)

L200–299 Modesty Brings Reward

210:   Modest choice best
RoA: GoTK 9113 (1280)
212:   Choice among several gifts
MR: JvWW 3790 (1314)
221:   Modest request: present from the journey. Asked what her father shall bring her as a present, the heroine chooses a modest gift. It is usually a flower but sometimes does not turn out to be a such a simple gift at all (golden cloak, golden apple)
MN: HFHel 1 (>1325)
225:   Hero refuses reward
MdB: HvAIw 6799 (>1190/1200), HvdTCr 9653, HvdTCr 10039, HvdTCr 18622 (>1225), KvSGM 2131 (>1250), Lanc2 58, Lanc2 73 (<1250), StrDan 2253 (>1220/50), WCRPa 355, WCRPa 834 (1331-1336), Wiga 1838, Wiga 1974, Wiga 2170 (<1245), WvEP 618 (<1200/10)
CdG: KEmd 957 (1354)
MR: DgF 551 (ca. 1230), MaBe 124 (1270/80), ReivB 2000 (>1291)
HE: BitD 1875, BitD 4386, BitD 6508 (ca. 1250), DukH 70 (1382/83), Kudr 6 (>1260), RosGA 286, RosGA 310 (ca. 1250)
RoA: HvNAp 3852, HvNAp 7293, HvNAp 9615 (1300)
225.1:   (Bm) Messenger refuses reward
MdB: PlGar 396 (<1270)
20:   (1191/1204)

L300–399 Triumph of the Weak

310:   Weak overcomes strong in conflict
RoA: UvEAlx 12903 (1278/83)
311:   Weak (small) [young] hero overcomes large fighter
CdG: KM1 5727 (1315/20), KM3 118, KM5 157 (1320/40), PKRL 8979 (1172), StrKG 12056 (1220/50)
HE: AT 127 (1275)
MN: UBEd 62 (ca. 1345)
RoA: UvEAlx 5047, UvEAlx 11507, UvEAlx 12903 (1278/83)
315:   Small animal overcomes large
MN: GvMFa 115 (>1270), HRFu 136 (>1192)
RoA: UvEAlx 21245 (1278/83)
315.3:   Fox burns tree in which eagle has nest
MN: GvMFa 11 (>1270), UBEd 16 (ca. 1345)
315.6:   Insects worry large animal to despair or death
MN: HRFu 1239 (>1192)
325:   (Bm) Victory over superior force
MdB: Lanc1 261, Lanc1 271 (<1250)
CdG: KM1 9672 (1315/20), UvTAr 59, UvTAr 89 (1261/69), UvTAr2 1403 (>1300), UvTRW 23318, UvTRW 26707, UvTRW 31460 (>1243)
MR: DgF 880 (ca. 1230), UvEWW 4881 (<1297)
HE: AT 358 (1275), DietF 3529, DietF 8300, DietF 9519 (ca. 1275)
RoA: UvEAlx 7149, UvEAlx 14219 (1278/83)
325.1:   (Bm) Victory over superior force: one against many
MdB: Lanc1 180 (<1250), WCRPa 779, WCRPa 786 (1331-1336)
CdG: KM5 34 (1320/40), UvTRW 779, UvTRW 1634, UvTRW 5833, UvTRW 10488, UvTRW 11494, UvTRW 33945 (>1243), WvEW 34 (1210/20)
MR: BvHCra 974 (<1275)
HE: AT 153 (1275), DietR 782 (ca. 1275)
RoA: UvEAlx 13581, UvEAlx 20557 (1278/83)
325.4:   (Bm) Victory over superior force: victory over devils
MdB: WCRPa 723, WCRPa 728, WCRPa 731 (1331-1336)
330:   Easy escape of weak (small)
MN: UBEd 83 (ca. 1345)
350:   Mildness triumphs over violence
OR: HerEA 5470 (1160/70), HerEB 5940 (1208/09), HerED 5469 (1290)
351:   Contest of wind and sun
MN: UBEd 66 (ca. 1345)
392:   Mouse stronger than wall, wind, mountain
MN: GvMFa 78 (>1270)

L400–499 Pride brought low

400:   Pride brought low
MdB: HvAEr 824 (>1180), HvAIw 2542, HvAIw 4624 (>1190/1200), HvdTCr 2989 (>1225), KvSGM 891 (>1250), PlGar 17838, PlGar 17980 (<1270), StrDan 3177 (>1220/50), UvZLa 2889 (>1194)
MN: HvAAH 1 (1190/1200), PKvWB 335 (>1300), WdGMH 1704 (1280/90)
RoA: GoTK 5773 (1280)
410:   Proud ruler (deity) humbled.
MdB: StrDan 2939 (>1220/50)
410.1:   Proud king humbled
MdB: Lanc1 486, Lanc1 534 (<1250)
RoA: BaAlx 2554 (1150/60), GrAlx 393, GrAlx 2583 (1397), RvEAlx 14882 (1235/1254), SeAlx 3034 (1352), StrAlx 3384, StrAlx 7271 (1170)
410.4:   Defeated king must be peddler or beggar [juggler]
HE: Laurin 1757 (>1250)
412:   Rich man made poor to punish pride
RoA: UvEAlx 17613 (1278/83)
419:   Proud ruler (deity) humbled–miscellaneous
MdB: GvSTr 243 (>1210)
HE: Kudr 29 (>1260)
MN: RvEGG 494 (1210/1220)
RoA: BaAlx 3828 (1150/60), GrAlx 5185 (1397), HvNAp 6303 (1300), OttEr 5305, OttEr 5361 (after 1215), RvEAlx 6421 (1235/1254), SeAlx 7196 (1352), StrAlx 6116 (1170), UvEAlx 1101, UvEAlx 2761, UvEAlx 20271 (1278/83)
420:   Overweening ambition punished
MN: GvMFa 27, GvMFa 78, GvMFa 79, GvMFa 93, GvMFa 120 (>1270), HdTRH 1 (1350/65), UBEd 64, UBEd 67 (ca. 1345)
RoA: GoTK 7601 (1280), RvEAlx 20459 (1235/1254), UvEAlx 7619 (1278/83)
421:   Attempt to fly to heaven punished
RoA: GrAlx 5567 (1397), SeAlx 6375 (1352)
430:   Arrogance repaid
MdB: GvSTr 7147 (>1210), HvAEr 4665 (>1180), Lanc1 358, Lanc1 422 (<1250), WCRPa 179, WCRPa 184 (1331-1336)
CdG: KM1 8596 (1315/20)
MN: GvMFa 103 (>1270), PKvWB 335 (>1300), UBEd 79, UBEd 81, UBEd 86 (ca. 1345), WdGMH 1704 (1280/90)
451.3:   Wolf prefers liberty and hunger to dog’s servitude and plenty
MN: GvMFa 55 (>1270), UBEd 59 (ca. 1345)
460:   Pride brought low–miscellaneous
HE: NLKl 1249, NLKl 3287 (1191/1204)
MN: GvMFa 28, GvMFa 89 (>1270), UBEd 19, UBEd 39, UBEd 46, UBEd 49, UBEd 51, UBEd 68, UBEd 69, UBEd 82 (ca. 1345)
461:   Stag scorns his legs but is proud of his horns
MN: GvMFa 50 (>1270), UBEd 56 (ca. 1345)