Motif Index of German Secular Narratives                 
Published by the Austrian Academy of Sciences, Vienna
 Introduction   Matière de Bretagne   Chansons de Geste   Miscellaneous Romances   Oriental Romances   Heroic Epic   Maere and Novellas   Romances of Antiquity   Index 

N. Chance and Fate

Index of Motifs
Y Z Back
N0–99 Wagers and gambling
N100–299 The ways of luck and fate
N300–399 Unlucky accidents
N440–499 Valuable secrets learned
N500–599 Treasure trove
N600–699 Other lucky accidents
N700–799 Accidental encounters
N800–899 Helpers

N. Chance and Fate

N0–99 Wagers and gambling

1:   Gamblers
MN: JVNVV 280 (>1350)
1.3:   Betting contest between two kings [nobles]
OR: SaMor 183 (>1200)
2.0.2:   Stakes not claimed by winner
OR: KFFB 4715, KFFB 5149 (ca. 1220)
2.3.1:   Head wagered
OR: SaMor 183 (>1200)
2.6:   Wife as wager
MN: RvWT 1, Wett 1 (>1300)
2.6.3:   Damsel as wager
OR: SaMor 208 (>1200)
6:   Luck in gambling
OR: KFFB 4539 (ca. 1220)
8:   Gambler’s attention distracted by women [trickster]
OR: SaMor 208 (>1200)
15:   Chastity wager: A man makes a wager on his wife’s chastity. In spite of unsuccessful attempts to seduce her and of false proofs presented he wins the wager
MN: RvWT 904, Wett 1 (>1300)
67:   Wager: woman can be forced to give alms. Trickster announces that only those who have deceived their husband are exempt
MN: StrPA 390 (>1220/50)
90:   Wagers and gambling–miscellaneous
MdB: Lanc1 438 (<1250)
MN: Wirt 370 (>1350)

N100–299 The ways of luck and fate

100:   Nature of luck and fate
MdB: HvdTCr 5902, HvdTCr 25135 (>1225)
RoA: KvWTK 13017 (1281/87)
101:   Inexorable fate
CdG: KM3 109 (1320/40)
HE: NL 25 (1191/1204)
MN: GvMFa 31 (>1270)
OR: Orend 88 (>1200)
RoA: HvNAp 6831 (1300), HvVEn 27, HvVEn 29 (1170/74), UvEAlx 2944 (1278/83)
111:   Fortuna
RoA: UvEAlx 6421 (1278/83)
111.1.1:   Home of Fortuna in otherworld
MdB: HvdTCr 15649, HvdTCr 15722, HvdTCr 15790 (>1225)
111.2.1:   Fortuna blind
MdB: HvdTCr 15790 (>1225)
111.2.2:   Fortuna with two faces.
MdB: HvdTCr 15790 (>1225)
111.2.3:   Fortune half white, half black
MdB: HvdTCr 15790 (>1225)
111.3:   Fortune’s wheel
MdB: HvdTCr 15790, HvdTCr 22847 (>1225), Lanc3 724 (<1250), WvGW 1036 (>1210/20)
RoA: KvWTK 7232 (1281/87), UvEAlx 17367 (1278/83)
111.4:   Fortune’s dealings with men
MdB: HvdTCr 15790 (>1225)
118:   Issues left to fate (luck)
MdB: WvEP 179, WvEP 224, WvEP 448 (<1200/10)
118.1:   Ship’s course left to the winds that it might be carried where fate wills it
MdB: EvOTr 1092 (1175/80)
MR: HvAGr 1825 (1190/1200), HvBKF 315, HvBKF 2645 (1400), MaBe 43, MaBe 50, MaBe 57, MaBe 180, MaBe 187 (1270/80)
RoA: HvVEn 56 (1170/74)
120:   Determination of luck or fate
MdB: HvdTCr 161 (>1225), HvFTr 225 (>1280)
RoA: RvEAlx 10373 (1235/1254)
121:   Fate decided before birth
MdB: WCRPa 590 (1331-1336)
CdG: PKRL 6990 (1172), UvTRW 5171 (>1243)
126:   Lots cast to determine luck or fate
MdB: Lanc1 117, Lanc1 598 (<1250)
CdG: KM3 88 (1320/40)
127:   The auspicious (lucky) days
MN: Pila 170 (>1200)
127.4:   Friday as auspicious [fateful] day
MR: KvWP 3905 (1277), Wuert 1 (>1300)
130:   Changing of luck or fate
MdB: Lanc3 698, Lanc3 724, Lanc3 760 (<1250)
RoA: HvVEn 12 (1170/74), UvEAlx 13987 (1278/83)
131:   Acts performed for changing luck
MN: FLWM 250 (>1271)
OR: KFFB 4539 (ca. 1220), TrFlor 7 (1170)
RoA: HMvNT 58 (1390/92)
131.4:   Luck changing after change of name
RoA: GoTK 1827 (1280)
134.1:   Person brings bad luck
MN: FLWM 250 (>1271)
170:   The capriciousness of luck
MN: HvAAH 1 (1190/1200)
RoA: GrAlx 1180 (1397), HvNAp 11 (1300)
200:   The good gifts of fortune
MdB: HvdTCr 14927 (>1225)
203:   Lucky person
MdB: HvdTCr 15870, HvdTCr 22847 (>1225)
211.1.2:   Key (to fetters) found in fish
MR: HvAGr 3275 (1190/1200)
250:   Persistent bad luck
MdB: AlbJT 3800 (<1272/1294)
255:   Escape from one misfortune into worse
MdB: HvdTCr 11286 (>1225)
270:   Crime inevitably comes to light
RoA: HvVEn 119 (1170/74)
271:   Murder will out
MN: UBEd 61 (ca. 1345)
275:   Criminal confesses because he thinks himself accused [because he gets afraid]
MN: UBEd 100 (ca. 1345)

N300–399 Unlucky accidents

300:   Unlucky accidents
MdB: EvOTr 791 (1175/80), Lanc3 456, Lanc3 491 (<1250)
MN: FLWM 250 (>1271)
RoA: HvVEn 70, HvVEn 103 (1170/74), UvEAlx 20557 (1278/83)
310:   Accidental separations
MdB: Lanc2 260 (<1250)
CdG: UvTRW 1694 (>1243)
MR: DgF 1781 (ca. 1230), MaBe 203 (1270/80)
HE: DietR 351 (ca. 1275)
RoA: HvNAp 2442, HvNAp 6427 (1300), HvVEn 120 (1170/74), UvEAlx 20557 (1278/83)
315:   Separation by being on different banks of stream
MR: DgF 1781 (ca. 1230)
318:   Accidental separation of lovers
MdB: Lanc3 427, Lanc3 509 (<1250), PlGar 3930 (<1270), Wiga 856, Wiga 5561 (<1245)
MN: RvEGG 1731 (1210/1220)
320:   Person unwittingly killed
MdB: WvEP 153, WvEP 474, WvEP 498 (<1200/10)
CdG: UvTRW 10676 (>1243)
HE: Kudr 18 (>1260)
323:   Parricide prophecy unwittingly fulfilled
RoA: UvEAlx 2944, UvEAlx 2997 (1278/83)
330:   Accidental killing or death
MdB: HvdTCr 22565 (>1225), Lanc2 111, Lanc2 145, Lanc3 554, Lanc3 760 (<1250)
MN: HeidinC 2400 (>1250), MovC 906 (1210/15)
RoA: GoTK 24629 (1280), HvVEn 70 (1170/74)
331:   Things accidentally fall and kill person
RoA: KvWTK 47105 (1281/87)
332:   Accidental poisoning
MdB: Lanc3 485 (<1250)
RoA: GrAlx 3549 (1397), HvVEn 166 (1170/74), UvEAlx 14181, UvEAlx 25543, UvEAlx 25645 (1278/83)
334:   Accidental fatal ending of game or joke [hunt]
RoA: HvVEn 70 (1170/74)
337:   Accidental death through misdirected weapon
HE: WDieB 502 (ca. 1250)
338.4:   (Bm) Son unwittingly slays father (Slays teacher who was rumored to be his father, finds rumor is true)
RoA: BaAlx 489 (1150/60), RvEAlx 1965 (1235/1254), SeAlx 675 (1352)
338.5:   (Bm) Friendly troops attacked in error
RoA: HvNAp 3116 (1300)
339:   Accidental death–miscellaneous
MdB: WCRPa 639 (1331-1336)
HE: DietF 2233 (ca. 1275)
RoA: RvEAlx 10637, RvEAlx 12598 (1235/1254), StrAlx 2395 (1170), UvEAlx 18157 (1278/83)
340.0.1:   (Bm) Erroneous news of death
MdB: Lanc1 586, Lanc1 636, Lanc2 232 (<1250), WCRPa 799 (1331-1336)
343:   Lover kills self believing his mistress dead. She has been frightened away by a lion (Pyramus and Thisbe)
RoA: PyrTh 209 (1350)
343.4:   Lover commits suicide on finding beloved dead
RoA: PyrTh 299 (1350)
352:   Bird carries off ring which lover has taken from sleeping mistress’s finger. He searches for the ring and becomes separated from her
MN: Buss 545 (>1300)
352.2:   Jewel (garment, [money-bag]) carried off by bird (from bather)
MR: DgF 1833 (ca. 1230)
352.3:   Serpent steals jewels
RoA: UvEAlx 26159 (1278/83)
361:   Sacred animal unwittingly killed
RoA: KvWTK 24030 (1281/87), TrojEl 70 (1375)
365.1:   Boy unwittingly commits incest with his mother
MR: HvAGr 2185 (1190/1200)
RoA: UvEAlx 2997 (1278/83)
380:   Other unlucky accidents
MdB: Lanc1 395, Lanc1 398, Lanc1 638, Lanc2 297, Lanc2 325, Lanc2 581 (<1250)
MN: RitHem 1 (>1300)
RoA: BaAlx 1998 (1150/60), RvEAlx 5699 (1235/1254), SeAlx 2751 (1352), StrAlx 2547 (1170), UvEAlx 6316 (1278/83)
384:   Death from fright
MN: MovC 64 (1210/15)
385:   Unintentional injuries bring unfortunate consequences
MR: JohV 329 (1400/50?)
MN: FLWM 378 (>1271)
386:   Lover’s wound breaks while he is in bed with mistress. He bleeds to death
MdB: EvOTr 3861 (1175/80), GvSTr 15121 (>1210)
MN: Frtreu 285 (ca. 1300)
387:   Feud starts over trifle
MdB: Lanc1 422 (<1250)
MN: StrKo 1 (>1220/50)
397:   Accidental self-injury
MdB: HvAIw 3923 (>1190/1200)
RoA: BaAlx 752, PLVAlx 423 (1150/60), RvEAlx 2634 (1235/1254), SeAlx 951 (1352), StrAlx 498 (1170)
399:   Additional unlucky accidents
MdB: HvdTCr 18779 (>1225)
MR: DgF 1781, DgF 1865 (ca. 1230), RvEWO 1365 (1235/40), UvEWW 5796 (<1297)
HE: DietR 351 (ca. 1275), NL 37, NLKl 1851 (1191/1204)
OR: HerEA 1900 (1160/70), HerEB 2079 (1208/09), HerED 1902 (1290)
RoA: GoTK 2786 (1280), HMvNT 58 (1390/92), HvNAp 1235, HvNAp 5435 (1300)
399.1.1:   (Bm) Wind carries ship to hostile [unknown] island [land]
MdB: EvOTr 1092, EvOTr 1419 (1175/80)
MR: HvBKF 4252 (1400)
HE: DietF 1521 (ca. 1275), Kudr 22 (>1260)
MN: RvEGG 1222, RvEGG 1731 (1210/1220)
RoA: HvNAp 4914, HvNAp 14774 (1300)

N440–499 Valuable secrets learned

440:   Valuable secrets learned
MdB: Lanc1 179 (<1250)
CdG: KEmd 1147 (1354), KM1 45 (1315/20), KM4 18 (1320/40)
MR: UvEWW 723 (<1297)
RoA: UvEAlx 17993 (1278/83)
450:   Secrets overheard
MdB: WCRPa 590 (1331-1336)
CdG: KM1 2987, KM1 4598 (1315/20)
MR: HvAGr 1201, HvAGr 2277 (1190/1200)
451:   Secrets overheard from animal (demon) conversation
CdG: KM4 12 (1320/40)
455:   Overheard (human) conversation
MdB: HvdTCr 26484, HvdTCr 26525, HvdTCr 26581 (>1225)
CdG: KEmd 698, KEmd 1147, KEmd 1635 (1354), KM4 15, KM4 22 (1320/40)
HE: DietF 6199 (ca. 1275)
RoA: KvWTK 4776 (1281/87), RvEAlx 14419 (1235/1254), TrojEl 22 (1375), UvEAlx 17993 (1278/83)
456:   Enigmatical smile (laugh) reveals secret knowledge
MdB: Lanc1 257, Lanc1 389 (<1250), Merl 121 (>1300)
HE: Kudr 25 (>1260)
465:   Secret physical peculiarity discovered by barber
RoA: AvHMB 29 (1190/1210)
476:   Secret of unique vulnerability disclosed
CdG: KM3 116 (1320/40)
HE: NL 15 (1191/1204)

N500–599 Treasure trove

500:   Treasure trove
MR: ReivB 21128 (>1291)
511:   Treasure in ground
RoA: StrAlx 3546 (1170)
511.1.1:   Treasure buried in graves
RoA: SeAlx 3462 (1352), UvEAlx 21121 (1278/83)
525:   Treasure found in chest (kettle, cask)
CdG: KM1 168 (1315/20)
529:   Where treasure is found–miscellaneous
MR: ReivB 21128 (>1291)
534:   Treasure discovered by accident
RoA: BaAlx 2660 (1150/60), StrAlx 3546 (1170)
538.2:   Treasure from defeated giant
MdB: PlGar 6879, PlGar 7050 (<1270)
570:   Guardian of treasure
MN: GvMFa 104 (>1270)
RoA: HMvNT 3 (1390/92), KvWTK 7997, KvWTK 9196, KvWTK 9598, KvWTK 9759 (1281/87), TrojEl 33 (1375)
573:   Sleeping old king (in mountain) as guardian of treasure
RoA: BaAlx 3528 (1150/60), StrAlx 5443 (1170)
575:   Griffin as guardian of treasure
MdB: AlbJT 3363, AlbJT 4735 (<1272/1294), WvEP 69 (<1200/10)

N600–699 Other lucky accidents

610:   Accidental discovery of crime
CdG: KEmd 698, KEmd 1147, KEmd 1635 (1354), KM4 15, KM4 18, KM4 22 (1320/40)
MN: UBEd 100 (ca. 1345)
RoA: HvNAp 142 (1300), UvEAlx 17993 (1278/83)
630:   Accidental acquisition of treasure or money
CdG: KM3 39 (1320/40)
HE: NL 3 (1191/1204)
634:   Accidental meeting of brother and sister
MdB: Lanc3 462 (<1250)
650:   Life saved by accident
MdB: Lanc1 226 (<1250), WvGW 6365 (>1210/20)
RoA: GoTK 3189, GoTK 6227 (1280)
656:   Scorning stops when it turns out that the scorned has saved the king by fighting alone against four
HE: AT 570 (1275)
659:   Life saved by accident–misc.
MdB: HvAIw 989 (>1190/1200), WvGW 3751 (>1210/20)
HE: Kudr 28 (>1260)
MN: HRFu 779, HRFu 959, HRFu 1658 (>1192)
RoA: HvNAp 2593, HvNAp 15277 (1300)
660:   Accidental escapes
MdB: Lanc1 466, Lanc2 481 (<1250), StrDan 4426 (>1220/50)
680:   Lucky accidents–misc.
RoA: GoTK 7947 (1280)
681:   Husband (lover) arrives home just as wife (mistress) is to marry another
MR: BvHDe 3763 (<1275)
MN: RvEGG 3704 (1210/1220)
686:   Hero’s (Heroine’s) identity established, as he (she) is on the point of being executed
MR: JvWW 5430 (1314)
699:   Other lucky accidents
MR: BvHDe 2913 (<1275), JohV 135 (1400/50?), MaBe 50, MaBe 180, MaBe 187 (1270/80)
HE: DietF 4640 (ca. 1275), Kudr 16 (>1260)
RoA: HvNAp 9615 (1300), RvEAlx 21468 (1235/1254)

N700–799 Accidental encounters

700:   Accidental encounters
MdB: HvdTCr 13935 (>1225)
710:   Accidental meeting of hero and heroine
MdB: WCRPa 58 (1331-1336)
MR: JvWW 9131 (1314)
711.1:   King, prince finds maiden in the woods and marries her
MdB: WCRPa 191 (1331-1336)
715.1:   Hero finds maiden at fountain, well, river
MdB: WCRPa 430 (1331-1336)
730:   Accidental reunion of families
MdB: HvdTCr 22164, HvdTCr 22307 (>1225), WCRPa 399 (1331-1336)
MR: DgF 2907 (ca. 1230), HvBKF 5011 (1400), MaBe 180 (1270/80)
HE: BitD 4185 (ca. 1250)
RoA: GoTK 4729, GoTK 11000, GoTK 22405 (1280)
731:   Unexpected meeting of father and son
MdB: Lanc2 806, Lanc3 340 (<1250), WCRPa 54, WCRPa 209, WCRPa 282, WCRPa 573 (1331-1336), Wiga 4049 (<1245), WvGW 1518 (>1210/20)
MR: HvBKF 5141 (1400), UvEWW 6409 (<1297)
HE: BitD 3305 (ca. 1250), HiLi 1 (830/40)
RoA: HvVEn 32 (1170/74)
731.1:   Unknown son returns to father’s court
HE: Kudr 3 (>1260)
RoA: KvWTK 4670, KvWTK 41738 (1281/87), TrojEl 23, TrojEl 129 (1375), UvEAlx 2944 (1278/83)
731.2:   Father-son combat
MdB: Lanc3 71, Lanc3 756 (<1250), WCRPa 282 (1331-1336)
CdG: UvTRW 17533, UvTRW 19978 (>1243)
MR: JohV 2445 (1400/50?), ReivB 23631 (>1291)
HE: BitD 3446 (ca. 1250), HiLi 1 (830/40)
RoA: TrojEl 129 (1375)
731.2.2:   Undesired combat [between sworn (blood) brothers (foster brothers)
MdB: AlbJT 3591 (<1272/1294)
732:   Accidental meeting of father and daughter
MR: HvBKF 6041 (1400), MaBe 235 (1270/80)
RoA: HvNAp 16137, HvNAp 16223 (1300)
733:   Accidental meeting of brothers
MdB: Lanc1 214, Lanc1 354, Lanc2 181, Lanc2 443, Lanc2 574, Lanc2 601, Lanc2 822, Lanc3 512, Lanc3 781 (<1250), WCRPa 717 (1331-1336)
MR: UvEWW 5211 (<1297)
733.1:   Brothers unwittingly fight each other
MdB: Lanc2 601, Lanc3 452 (<1250), WvEP 688, WvEP 738, WvEP 743 (<1200/10)
CdG: Ali 575 (>1400), WvEW 47 (1210/20)
RoA: GoTK 10880 (1280), KvWTK 5005, KvWTK 37119, KvWTK 37367, KvWTK 41738 (1281/87), TrojEl 88, TrojEl 89 (1375)
733.2:   Brother unwittingly kills (half) brother in fight
CdG: WvEW 154 (1210/20)
733.3:   Joseph and his brethren
RoA: UvEAlx 11287 (1278/83)
734:   Accidental meeting of brother and sister
MdB: HvdTCr 20982, HvdTCr 22307 (>1225), Lanc3 274 (<1250), WCRPa 394 (1331-1336)
CdG: UvTRW 2373 (>1243)
735:   Accidental meeting of mother and son
MdB: HvdTCr 20982, HvdTCr 22307 (>1225)
MR: HvAGr 1825 (1190/1200), UvEWW 6739 (<1297)
OR: HerEA 5261 (1160/70), HerEB 5815 (1208/09), HerED 5265 (1290)
RoA: UvEAlx 2997 (1278/83)
737:   Accidental reunion of lovers
MdB: WCRPa 372 (1331-1336), Wiga 5679 (<1245)
MR: BvHDe 3763 (<1275), JvWW 15500 (1314)
MN: Socia 180 (>1400)
OR: KFFB 5589 (ca. 1220), TrFlor 11 (1170)
RoA: UvEAlx 24749 (1278/83)
737.1:   (Bm) Accidental encounter leads to eventual reuniting of lovers
MdB: WCRPa 209 (1331-1336)
738:   Accidental meeting of nephew and uncle
MdB: GvSTr 3146, GvSTr 3316 (>1210), Lanc3 94 (<1250), PlMel 2015 (<1270)
HE: Walb 611 (ca. 1250)
OR: Orend 3430 (>1200)
RoA: HvNAp 10305 (1300)
738.1:   Uncle and nephew unwittingly about to kill one another
HE: AT 127, AT 393 (1275)
741:   Unexpected meeting of husband and wife
MR: DgF 2672 (ca. 1230), UvEWW 5883 (<1297)
HE: Kudr 25 (>1260)
RoA: HvNAp 17219 (1300)
741.2:   Husband and wife become separated in shipwreck
MN: RvEGG 1731 (1210/1220)
741.3.1:   Calumniated wife is forced to flee
MR: HvBKF 6041 (1400), MaBe 235 (1270/80)
741.4:   Husband and wife reunited after long separation and tedious quest
MN: RvEGG 3704 (1210/1220)
746:   Accidental meeting of cousins
MdB: HvAEr 9628 (>1180), Lanc1 304, Lanc1 420, Lanc1 546, Lanc2 653, Lanc3 1, Lanc3 516 (<1250), WCRPa 94 (1331-1336), WvEP 45, WvEP 138, WvEP 248, WvEP 251, WvEP 436, WvEP 688 (<1200/10)
CdG: KM1 10604 (1315/20), UvTRW 1105 (>1243)
MR: RvEWO 13509 (1235/40)
HE: Kudr 6 (>1260)
RoA: HMvNT 58 (1390/92), HvFLvT 5690 (after 1190), HvNAp 3308 (1300), KvWTK 37367 (1281/87), TrojEl 89 (1375)
760:   Other accidental encounters
MdB: HvdTCr 4574, HvdTCr 28970 (>1225), Lanc1 311, Lanc3 261, Lanc3 270 (<1250), WvEP 391 (<1200/10)
CdG: GeRo 665 (ca. 1350), KM1 6805 (1315/20), KM4 6 (1320/40)
MR: BvHCra 703 (<1275), DgF 1441 (ca. 1230), KvWP 10456 (1277), RvEWO 752 (1235/40), UvEWW 454 (<1297)
HE: DietF 4675, DietF 7219, DietR 376 (ca. 1275), Kudr 3 (>1260)
MN: GvMFa 47 (>1270), JuH 201 (>1400), RvEGG 5336 (1210/1220), UBEd 47 (ca. 1345)
RoA: GoTK 6890, GoTK 7419, GoTK 8132, GoTK 9231 (1280), RvEAlx 10373 (1235/1254)
760.1:   (Bm) Chance meeting of seeker and sought
MdB: Lanc1 219, Lanc1 221, Lanc1 320, Lanc1 334, Lanc1 409, Lanc1 424, Lanc2 80, Lanc2 111, Lanc2 456, Lanc2 487 (<1250), WCRPa 8, WCRPa 205, WCRPa 623 (1331-1336)
RoA: HvNAp 2257 (1300)
762:   Person accidentally met unexpectedly knows the other’s name
MdB: AlbJT 5236 (<1272/1294), HvdTCr 14568 (>1225), Lanc1 406, Lanc2 509, Lanc3 132, Lanc3 137, Lanc3 150 (<1250), PlMel 895 (<1270), WvEP 138 (<1200/10)
MR: FvS 122 (>1314), KobS 226 (>1350)
764:   Unexpected meeting with wild man
MdB: HvAIw 396, HvAIw 911 (>1190/1200), WvGW 6284 (>1210/20)
HE: SigJu 29 (ca. 1250)
765:   Meeting with robber band
MdB: HvAEr 3106, HvAEr 3190, HvAEr 3291 (>1180), Lanc1 553 (<1250), PlTand 4107, PlTand 4894 (<1270)
RoA: GoTK 125, GoTK 2301, GoTK 6485, GoTK 7947 (1280)
767.1:   (Bm) Unwitting combat between friends. [Unwitting attack on friend]
MdB: HvAEr 6814 (>1180), HvAIw 6908 (>1190/1200), HvFTr 1641 (>1280), Lanc1 406, Lanc1 451, Lanc2 34, Lanc2 243, Lanc2 256, Lanc2 260, Lanc2 318, Lanc2 515, Lanc2 643 (<1250), LocAR 5 (<1300), WvEP 679, WvEP 688 (<1200/10)
CdG: KM5 77 (1320/40), PKRL 6466 (1172), StrKG 7581 (1220/50)
MR: BvHCra 3002 (<1275)
769:   Accidental meeting of friends
MdB: Lanc2 167 (<1250)
769.1:   (Bm) Accidental meeting leads to pledge of sworn brotherhood
HE: EckL 195 (<1230)
MN: KKJB 369 (>1372)
770:   Experiences leading to adventures
MdB: HvAEr 7767 (>1180), HvdTCr 28362 (>1225), KvSGM 1 (>1250), Lanc1 125, Lanc3 103 (<1250), PlTand 8301 (<1270), StrDan 2361 (>1220/50), WvEP 224 (<1200/10)
RoA: GoTK 4075 (1280), HvNAp 4975 (1300)
770.0.1:   Feast as occasion for the beginning of adventures or the arrival of questers
MdB: HvAIw 803, HvAIw 3102 (>1190/1200), HvdTCr 7667, HvdTCr 12611, HvdTCr 24693 (>1225), HvdTM 449 (<1225), Lanc1 51, Lanc2 7, Lanc2 25, Lanc3 5 (<1250), PlGar 1, PlTand 354 (<1270), StrDan 4329 (>1220/50), UvZLa 5679 (>1194), WCRPa 50, WCRPa 54, WCRPa 164, WCRPa 304 (1331-1336), Wiga 2540 (<1245), WvEP 312, WvEP 776 (<1200/10), WvGW 1717, WvGW 9799 (>1210/20)
MR: BvHCra 2067 (<1275), JohV 41, JohV 564 (1400/50?)
RoA: HvNAp 19856 (1300)
770.1:   Chance meeting of seeker and sought
MdB: HvdTCr 10213 (>1225)
771:   King (prince) (lost) on hunt has adventures
MdB: HvdTCr 13935 (>1225), PlMel 334 (<1270), WCRPa 157, WCRPa 466 (1331-1336), WvEP 224 (<1200/10), WvGW 6204 (>1210/20)
MR: DgF 1441 (ca. 1230), KobS 43 (>1350)
HE: Virg 317 (ca. 1250)
772:   Parting at crossroads to go on adventure
MdB: HvdTCr 28262 (>1225), Lanc3 52 (<1250), WCRPa 364, WCRPa 527, WCRPa 799, WCRPa 804 (1331-1336)
774:   Adventure from pursuing enchanted animal (hind, boar, bird)
MdB: Lanc3 320 (<1250), WCRPa 308, WCRPa 466 (1331-1336)
774.3:   Adventures from pursuing animal (not magic)
MdB: WCRPa 235, WCRPa 326 (1331-1336)
RoA: HvNAp 6427 (1300)
779:   (G) Pursuit leads to adventures
MdB: WCRPa 639 (1331-1336)
781:   Hero [heroine] embarks in rudderless boat
MdB: EvOTr 1092 (1175/80), GvSTr 8588 (>1210), WCRPa 747 (1331-1336)
MR: HvBKF 315, HvBKF 2645 (1400), KvWP 562, KvWP 2676, KvWP 12670 (1277), MaBe 43 (1270/80)
785:   Adventures from seeking water
RoA: GrAlx 3571 (1397), SeAlx 5431 (1352), UvEAlx 21522, UvEAlx 21575 (1278/83)

N800–899 Helpers

800:   Helpers
MR: JvWW 1095 (1314)
810:   Supernatural helpers
MdB: PlGar 6692, PlGar 6879, PlGar 7627, PlGar 8408, PlGar 8714, PlGar 8896 (<1270), WCRPa 582 (1331-1336), Wiga 1078 (<1245)
MR: Wuert 341 (>1300)
RoA: HvVEn 32 (1170/74)
812:   Giant or ogre as helper
MdB: HvAIw 520, HvAIw 911 (>1190/1200), PlGar 11841, PlGar 13463, PlGar 16282 (<1270), UvZLa 7586 (>1194), Wiga 336, Wiga 1222 (<1245)
CdG: UvTRW 620 (>1243)
HE: EckL 68 (<1230), WDieD 39 (ca. 1250)
RoA: HvVEn 112 (1170/74)
814:   Helpful angel
RoA: HvNAp 63 (1300)
815:   Fairy as helper
MdB: HvdTCr 18680, HvdTCr 28455 (>1225), Lanc1 50, Lanc1 468, Lanc1 470, Lanc1 598 (<1250)
MR: BvHDa 148 (<1275)
HE: EckL 152 (<1230), WDieAF 295 (ca. 1250)
815.0.2:   Helpful water-spirit
MR: Abor 45 (<1350)
817:   Deity [saint] as helper
MdB: WCRPa 747 (1331-1336)
817.0.1:   God as helper
MdB: AlbJT 129 (<1272/1294), GvSTr 2399 (>1210), Lanc1 247, Lanc2 76, Lanc3 377 (<1250), Lohe 259 (>1285), WvGW 6365, WvGW 6725 (>1210/20)
CdG: KEmd 534, KEmd 869, KEmd 1058 (1354), KM3 21, KM5 83, KM5 122 (1320/40), PKRL 4452, PKRL 5625, PKRL 6990, PKRL 8563 (1172), StrKG 5476, StrKG 8390, StrKG 10296, StrKG 10844 (1220/50), UvTRW 6212, UvTRW 6610, UvTRW 31327, UvTRW 31966 (>1243)
MR: DgF 1993 (ca. 1230), HvAGr 627, HvAGr 923, HvAGr 2751, HvAGr 3137, HvAGr 3490 (1190/1200), HvBKF 351, HvBKF 2442, HvBKF 4224, HvBKF 4252, HvBKF 4392 (1400), MaBe 203 (1270/80), RvEWO 14259 (1235/40), UvEWW 5289 (<1297)
HE: DietF 1075, DietR 614 (ca. 1275), DukH 52 (1382/83), EckL 84 (<1230), Kudr 2, Kudr 22 (>1260), Ludw 1 (881/882)
OR: Orend 375, Orend 660 (>1200)
RoA: HvVEn 37, HvVEn 42, HvVEn 60, HvVEn 83, HvVEn 135 (1170/74), OttEr 2048 (after 1215), RvEAlx 9737, RvEAlx 15437, RvEAlx 16867 (1235/1254), UvEAlx 1077 (1278/83)
817.0.2:   Goddess as helper
RoA: HvVEn 89 (1170/74), KvWTK 24509 (1281/87), TrojEl 72 (1375)
819:   Supernatural helpers–miscellaneous
HE: DietR 964 (ca. 1275), NL 25 (1191/1204)
MN: Jued 290 (>1200)
819.2:   Transformed person as helper
MdB: WvGW 3840, WvGW 4736 (>1210/20)
819.7:   (Bm) Voice from heaven encourages hero
CdG: KM5 117 (1320/40), PKRL 8542 (1172), StrKG 10267 (1220/50)
RoA: UvEAlx 23636 (1278/83)
820:   Human helpers
MdB: HvAEr 8057 (>1180), HvAIw 6080 (>1190/1200)
MR: MaBe 42, MaBe 188 (1270/80), RvEWO 9937 (1235/40), UvEWW 2393, UvEWW 7825 (<1297)
MN: Buss 650 (>1300), KKJB 369 (>1372), Vesp 25 (<1400)
RoA: HvNAp 2782, HvNAp 9886 (1300)
821:   Help from little man
RoA: GoTK 6939 (1280)
825.2:   Old man helper
MdB: HvAEr 440 (>1180), WCRPa 662, WCRPa 747 (1331-1336), WvEP 109, WvEP 512 (<1200/10)
MR: HvAGr 273 (1190/1200), HvBKF 4472 (1400)
MN: RdHSc 495 (>1286)
RoA: HvNAp 891, HvNAp 9615 (1300)
825.3:   Old woman helper
MdB: Lanc2 76 (<1250), WCRPa 179 (1331-1336)
MN: HeidinA 1357, HeidinC 910 (>1250)
RoA: HvVEn 36 (1170/74)
827:   Child as helper
MdB: WCRPa 582 (1331-1336)
828:   Wise woman as helper
MN: StrEG 1 (>1220/50)
831:   Girl [woman] as helper
MdB: EvOTr 1163 (1175/80), GvSTr 12939, GvSTr 13677, GvSTr 14031, GvSTr 14402 (>1210), HvAEr 7124 (>1180), HvAIw 1135, HvAIw 3359, HvAIw 3436, HvAIw 3597, HvAIw 5761, HvAIw 6080 (>1190/1200), HvdTCr 6617, HvdTCr 14104, HvdTCr 14410, HvdTCr 15224, HvdTCr 15294, HvdTCr 16228, HvdTCr 16365, HvdTCr 16434, HvdTCr 18855, HvdTCr 21095, HvdTCr 22565 (>1225), Lanc1 156, Lanc1 174, Lanc1 188, Lanc1 200, Lanc1 395, Lanc1 418, Lanc1 548, Lanc1 567, Lanc1 580, Lanc1 581, Lanc1 583, Lanc1 609, Lanc2 14, Lanc2 20, Lanc2 88, Lanc2 141, Lanc2 201, Lanc2 237, Lanc2 239, Lanc2 267, Lanc2 271, Lanc2 314, Lanc2 340, Lanc2 371, Lanc2 456, Lanc2 468, Lanc2 486, Lanc3 270, Lanc3 303, Lanc3 310, Lanc3 328, Lanc3 331 (<1250), PlTand 11205 (<1270), StrDan 7257, StrDan 7435 (>1220/50), UvZLa 1378, UvZLa 1484, UvZLa 1622, UvZLa 1710, UvZLa 1951, UvZLa 7169, UvZLa 7586 (>1194), WCRPa 352, WCRPa 439, WCRPa 448, WCRPa 498, WCRPa 582, WCRPa 598 (1331-1336), Wiga 925 (<1245), WvEP 407, WvEP 426 (<1200/10), WvGW 5858, WvGW 6017 (>1210/20)
CdG: KM1 10414 (1315/20), UvTAr 56, UvTAr 87 (1261/69), UvTAr2 1131 (>1300), UvTRW 33328 (>1243), WvEW 82 (1210/20)
MR: Abor 87 (<1350), FvS 1321, FvS 3078, FvS 4303 (>1314), JohV 2995 (1400/50?), KvWP 8566, KvWP 10721, KvWP 11215, KvWP 12810 (1277)
HE: Virg 370, Virg 398, Virg 518 (ca. 1250)
MN: HvAAH 246 (1190/1200), MovC 1395 (1210/15)
OR: SaMor 412 (>1200)
RoA: GoTK 21880 (1280), HMvNT 12 (1390/92), HvFLvT 1013 (after 1190), KvWTK 8289, KvWTK 8379 (1281/87), TrojEl 34 (1375)
832:   Boy as helper
MdB: HvAEr 3472 (>1180), KvSGM 2278 (>1250), Lanc1 622, Lanc2 167, Lanc2 565 (<1250), WvEP 156 (<1200/10)
MR: DgF 804 (ca. 1230), KvWP 9858 (1277)
RoA: GoTK 6227 (1280)
835:   Wealthy (powerful) man as helper
MR: DgF 1781 (ca. 1230), HvBKF 747, HvBKF 2442, HvBKF 4472, HvBKF 5645 (1400), UvEWW 2871, UvEWW 5289 (<1297)
HE: DukH 53 (1382/83)
MN: JuH 409 (>1400), StrPA 1974 (>1220/50)
RoA: GoTK 2391, GoTK 3009 (1280)
836:   King as helper
MdB: Lanc1 499, Lanc3 41 (<1250), WCRPa 14 (1331-1336), Wiga 1318, Wiga 2669 (<1245)
CdG: KM1 1929 (1315/20), KM3 20 (1320/40), StrKG 190 (1220/50)
MR: JvWW 12183 (1314), RvEWO 10158, RvEWO 11834, RvEWO 12273 (1235/40), UvEWW 5477 (<1297)
HE: DietF 5255, DietF 7734, DietR 35 (ca. 1275), DietW 143
MN: JuH 1993 (>1400)
RoA: HvNAp 1644 (1300), UvEAlx 2926, UvEAlx 2997 (1278/83)
836.3:   King helps prince(s) in exile (to avenge their father and) take their [his] homeland back
CdG: KM1 6066 (1315/20)
837:   Queen as helper
MdB: GvSTr 9395 (>1210), HvAEr 4860 (>1180), Lanc1 336, Lanc1 499 (<1250), PlGar 19554 (<1270), WvEP 300, WvEP 592 (<1200/10)
MR: FvS 2421 (>1314), RvEWO 10090 (1235/40)
HE: DietF 4983, DietF 7916, DietR 190 (ca. 1275), Virg 68 (ca. 1250)
RoA: HvVEn 13 (1170/74), UvEAlx 20493 (1278/83)
838:   Hero (culture hero) as helper
HE: EckL 161 (<1230), Virg 152, WDieB 660, WDieD 57 (ca. 1250)
RoA: BaAlx 3703 (1150/60), GoTK 3361 (1280), GrAlx 5073 (1397), HvVEn 71 (1170/74), SeAlx 7265 (1352), StrAlx 5696 (1170)
839:   (Bm) Noble [vassal, knight] as helper
MdB: AlbJT 1590 (<1272/1294), Blan 2 (>1250), EvOTr 5583, EvOTr 6226, EvOTr 6354 (1175/80), HvAEr 5243, HvAEr 6062, HvAEr 6814, HvAEr 9628, HvAEr 9744 (>1180), HvAIw 3703, HvAIw 3828, HvAIw 4179, HvAIw 4275, HvAIw 4624, HvAIw 4740, HvAIw 4825, HvAIw 4953, HvAIw 5145, HvAIw 5307, HvAIw 5761, HvAIw 5997, HvAIw 6799 (>1190/1200), HvdTCr 5659, HvdTCr 6083, HvdTCr 6617, HvdTCr 7853, HvdTCr 8997, HvdTCr 9230, HvdTCr 9653, HvdTCr 9959, HvdTCr 10039, HvdTCr 11167, HvdTCr 11747, HvdTCr 12611, HvdTCr 12840, HvdTCr 13604, HvdTCr 19178, HvdTCr 26484, HvdTCr 26794, HvdTCr 29661 (>1225), HvFTr 1, HvFTr 2333, HvFTr 2698, HvFTr 3102, HvFTr 5725, HvFTr 6326 (>1280), KvSGM 1288, KvSGM 2986, KvSGM 3191, KvSGM 3755 (>1250), Lanc1 16, Lanc1 36, Lanc1 147, Lanc1 189, Lanc1 191, Lanc1 195, Lanc1 197, Lanc1 202, Lanc1 209, Lanc1 210, Lanc1 214, Lanc1 226, Lanc1 238, Lanc1 240, Lanc1 315, Lanc1 361, Lanc1 363, Lanc1 369, Lanc1 373, Lanc1 380, Lanc1 404, Lanc1 411, Lanc1 418, Lanc1 424, Lanc1 434, Lanc1 438, Lanc1 496, Lanc1 550, Lanc1 553, Lanc1 554, Lanc1 555, Lanc1 558, Lanc1 592, Lanc1 609, Lanc1 627, Lanc2 11, Lanc2 41, Lanc2 47, Lanc2 63, Lanc2 80, Lanc2 94, Lanc2 109, Lanc2 145, Lanc2 149, Lanc2 155, Lanc2 159, Lanc2 186, Lanc2 190, Lanc2 196, Lanc2 207, Lanc2 210, Lanc2 232, Lanc2 260, Lanc2 271, Lanc2 287, Lanc2 301, Lanc2 318, Lanc2 344, Lanc2 354, Lanc2 369, Lanc2 375, Lanc2 379, Lanc2 386, Lanc2 388, Lanc2 451, Lanc2 456, Lanc2 460, Lanc2 465, Lanc2 494, Lanc2 542, Lanc2 561, Lanc2 574, Lanc2 614, Lanc2 638, Lanc2 806, Lanc3 115, Lanc3 236, Lanc3 257, Lanc3 526, Lanc3 643, Lanc3 646 (<1250), PlGar 1104, PlGar 2345, PlGar 2617, PlGar 5089, PlGar 6572, PlGar 7981, PlGar 9110, PlMel 252, PlMel 3374, PlMel 4606, PlMel 5391, PlMel 5573, PlMel 6226, PlMel 6354, PlMel 6537, PlMel 7721, PlMel 9080, PlTand 4894, PlTand 8580, PlTand 9118, PlTand 10159 (<1270), StrDan 1291, StrDan 1782, StrDan 1928, StrDan 2253, StrDan 4519, StrDan 4770, StrDan 4825 (>1220/50), TrRip 1 (>1170), UvZLa 452, UvZLa 3698, UvZLa 6229, UvZLa 6448, UvZLa 7074, UvZLa 7169 (>1194), WCRPa 26, WCRPa 58, WCRPa 352, WCRPa 355, WCRPa 558, WCRPa 565, WCRPa 752, WCRPa 779, WCRPa 794 (1331-1336), Wiga 925, Wiga 1078, Wiga 1635, Wiga 1838, Wiga 5827 (<1245), WvEP 16, WvEP 122, WvEP 163, WvEP 192, WvEP 360, WvEP 410, WvEP 503, WvEP 553, WvEP 558, WvEP 560 (<1200/10), WvGW 1717, WvGW 2039, WvGW 2603, WvGW 5077, WvGW 7904, WvGW 8325, WvGW 9799 (>1210/20)
CdG: KM3 52 (1320/40)
MR: BvHCra 2300, BvHCra 3145 (<1275), FvS 601, FvS 1881 (>1314), HvAGr 1825 (1190/1200), JohV 1569 (1400/50?), KobS 1440, KobS 1592 (>1350), MaBe 151, MaBe 187 (1270/80), RvEWO 10003, RvEWO 12019 (1235/40)
HE: DietF 2651 (ca. 1275), DietW 395, WDieD 61 (ca. 1250)
MN: RvEGG 1328 (1210/1220)
RoA: KvWTK 35052, KvWTK 35400 (1281/87)
839.1:   (Bm) [Court official] Steward as helper
MdB: EvOTr 3991 (1175/80)
RoA: OttEr 779 (after 1215)
839.1.1:   (Bm) Faithful steward [marshal] as foster father
MdB: GvSTr 1892, GvSTr 2041 (>1210), Lanc1 21 (<1250), PlMel 7211 (<1270)
841:   Shepherd as helper
MN: GvMFa 47, GvMFa 67 (>1270), UBEd 47 (ca. 1345)
RoA: UvEAlx 2891, UvEAlx 2997 (1278/83)
843:   Hermit as helper
MdB: AlbJT 5474 (<1272/1294), EvOTr 4702, EvOTr 4764 (1175/80), HvAIw 3283 (>1190/1200), Lanc1 179, Lanc1 200, Lanc1 442, Lanc1 535, Lanc1 538, Lanc1 590, Lanc2 310, Lanc2 314, Lanc2 468, Lanc2 806, Lanc3 22, Lanc3 55, Lanc3 67, Lanc3 81, Lanc3 85, Lanc3 90, Lanc3 94, Lanc3 97, Lanc3 99, Lanc3 103, Lanc3 110, Lanc3 156, Lanc3 172, Lanc3 178, Lanc3 193, Lanc3 208, Lanc3 215, Lanc3 340, Lanc3 677 (<1250), WCRPa 138, WCRPa 184, WCRPa 731 (1331-1336), WvEP 452 (<1200/10)
MR: KobS 1747, KobS 1867 (>1350)
HE: EckL 38 (<1230)
845:   Magician as helper
MdB: HvdTCr 13514, HvdTCr 25550, HvdTCr 27183, HvdTCr 27309, HvdTCr 27370, HvdTCr 27454, HvdTCr 27503, HvdTCr 27610, HvdTCr 27678 (>1225), UvZLa 6874, UvZLa 7169, UvZLa 7320 (>1194)
MR: FvS 203, FvS 6007 (>1314)
846:   Cleric as helper
MdB: Lanc1 14, Lanc1 404 (<1250)
MR: DgF 1781 (ca. 1230), HvBKF 4614 (1400)
846.1:   Palmer as helper
MdB: GvSTr 2687, GvSTr 3755 (>1210)
OR: GrRud 20 (ca. 1185)
846.2:   Priest as helper
MdB: Lanc1 42, Lanc1 45, Lanc1 242, Lanc2 598, Lanc3 63, Lanc3 132, Lanc3 150, Lanc3 241, Lanc3 244, Lanc3 250, Lanc3 254, Lanc3 317, Lanc3 322, Lanc3 607, Lanc3 610, Lanc3 724 (<1250)
MR: HvAGr 1137 (1190/1200)
848:   Saint (pious man) as helper
CdG: GeRo 667 (ca. 1350)
851:   Merchant as helper
MdB: AlbJT 5623 (<1272/1294), PlTand 4376 (<1270)
CdG: StrKG 11332 (1220/50)
MR: DgF 1927 (ca. 1230)
HE: DietF 4602 (ca. 1275), DukH 53 (1382/83)
RoA: GoTK 6577 (1280), UvEAlx 25835 (1278/83)
852:   Soldier [warrior] as helper
RoA: BaAlx 1464, PLVAlx 1265 (1150/60), StrAlx 1738 (1170)
853:   (Bm) Helpful jailor [gatekeeper, guard, watchman]
MdB: HvdTCr 5780, HvdTCr 6083 (>1225)
MR: MBFuB 108 (<1250)
OR: KFFB 3655, KFFB 5329 (ca. 1220), TrFlor 9 (1170)
854:   Peasant as helper
MR: HvBKF 373 (1400)
856:   Helpful forester
MdB: HvdTCr 15005 (>1225), KvSGM 2464 (>1250), Lanc2 205 (<1250), PlMel 1521 (<1270)
HE: WDieA 562 (ca. 1230), WDieB 410 (ca. 1250)
MN: SchKF 210 (1365/1402)
857:   Enemy’s servant as helper
HE: Kudr 6 (>1260), WDieD 30 (ca. 1250)
858:   (Bm) Fisherman as helper
MdB: WvEP 224 (<1200/10)
RoA: HvNAp 1374 (1300)
862:   (Tu) Ferryman as helper
MdB: HvdTCr 20264, HvdTCr 20378, HvdTCr 20433, HvdTCr 20543 (>1225), WCRPa 322 (1331-1336)
HE: RosGD 190 (ca. 1250)
875:   Magician as helper
MdB: AlbJT 5236 (<1272/1294)