Motif Index of German Secular Narratives                 
Published by the Austrian Academy of Sciences, Vienna
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Q. Rewards and Punishments

Index of Motifs
Y Z Back
Q0–9 Rewards and Punishments
Q10–99 Deeds rewarded
Q100–199 Nature of rewards
Q200–399 Deeds punished
Q400–599 Kinds of punishments

Q. Rewards and Punishments

Q0–9 Rewards and Punishments

6:   Good thoughts rewarded bad punished
MdB: AlbJT 604 (<1272/1294)

Q10–99 Deeds rewarded

10:   Deeds rewarded
MR: JvWW 12380 (1314)
HE: BitD 12960, RosGA 183, Virg 113 (ca. 1250)
10.1:   (Bm) Reward for saving land from giant
MdB: GvSTr 16179 (>1210)
11:   (Bm) Victory in single combat rewarded
MdB: Lanc1 332 (<1250)
HE: RosGD 14 (ca. 1250)
20:   Piety rewarded
MdB: Lanc3 183 (<1250)
MN: AlbTund 1805, AlbTund 1861 (ca. 1190)
OR: Orend 660 (>1200)
20.1:   Reward for service of god, hero or ascetic for a period
HE: BitD 12960, RosGA 14, RosGBr 7, RosGD 129, WDieB 199 (ca. 1250)
21:   Politeness rewarded
MdB: WCRPa 184 (1331-1336)
22:   Reward for faith
MN: AlbTund 75 (ca. 1190)
28:   Reward for religious pilgrimage
MN: AlbTund 630 (ca. 1190)
32:   Reward for offering food to crucifix (Madonna) [for taking care of Madonna]
MN: Jued 290 (>1200)
33:   Reward for saying prayer
MN: StrDW 1 (>1220/50)
OR: Orend 660 (>1200)
36:   Reward for repentance
MR: HvAGr 3490 (1190/1200), Wuert 159 (>1300)
MN: StrPA 2473 (>1220/50)
RoA: GoTK 9629 (1280), OttEr 5361 (after 1215)
36.1:   Reward for confession of sins
MN: AlbTund 737 (ca. 1190)
37:   Reward for carrying out dead man’s request
RoA: HvVEn 52 (1170/74)
39:   Piety rewarded–miscellaneous
MR: Wuert 419 (>1300)
40:   Kindness rewarded
MdB: PlGar 18257 (<1270)
HE: Virg 241 (ca. 1250)
OR: Orend 2159 (>1200)
RoA: HvNAp 18242 (1300)
41:   Politeness rewarded
MdB: WCRPa 255 (1331-1336)
RoA: GoTK 7222 (1280)
42:   Generosity rewarded
MdB: Lanc1 274, Lanc3 721 (<1250)
MR: JvWW 6978 (1314), ReivB 20228 (>1291)
HE: DukH 80 (1382/83)
MN: AlbTund 1599 (ca. 1190), HKBK 357 (ca. 1400), StrJR 276 (>1220/50)
OR: Orend 2159 (>1200)
RoA: UvEAlx 14839, UvEAlx 23905 (1278/83)
43:   Reward for giving counsel
CdG: KM2 2938 (1320/40)
HE: DukH 45 (1382/83)
MN: JVNVV 160 (>1350)
RoA: GoTK 7821 (1280)
45:   Hospitality rewarded
CdG: UvTAr 71 (1261/69), WvEW 62 (1210/20)
HE: Virg 241 (ca. 1250)
MN: GvMFa 77 (>1270)
OR: KFFB 3120 (ca. 1220)
45.4:   Revenge given up as reward for hospitality [for industry]
RoA: HvVEn 89 (1170/74)
51:   Kindness to animals rewarded
CdG: GeRo 653 (ca. 1350)
53:   Reward for rescue
MdB: AlbJT 5623 (<1272/1294), HvAIw 3703, HvAIw 5075 (>1190/1200), HvdTCr 9653, HvdTCr 10039 (>1225), Lanc1 585, Lanc2 181, Lanc2 361, Lanc2 398, Lanc2 471, Lanc2 614, Lanc3 60 (<1250), PlGar 1808, PlGar 6118, PlGar 6218, PlGar 8554 (<1270), StrDan 2253, StrDan 4825, StrDan 4929, StrDan 5014 (>1220/50), UvZLa 7169, UvZLa 7445, UvZLa 7586 (>1194), WCRPa 355, WCRPa 678, WCRPa 834 (1331-1336)
HE: Virg 113 (ca. 1250)
RoA: GoTK 3721, GoTK 4804, GoTK 9113, GoTK 11795, GoTK 12360, GoTK 15490 (1280), HvNAp 12853 (1300)
53.3:   Maiden queen offers her hand as reward for rescuing her town
MdB: WvEP 45, WvEP 199 (<1200/10)
MR: FvS 1881 (>1314)
MN: KvWSR 1260 (1257/58)
RoA: GoTK 9113, GoTK 9725 (1280), HvNAp 14010 (1300)
53.3.4:   (Bm) Lady weds rescuer
RoA: HvNAp 5557 (1300)
54:   Uprightness rewarded
RoA: TrojEl 133 (1375)
58:   (Bm) Obedience [in love-service] rewarded
MdB: Lanc1 360, Lanc2 73, Lanc2 75, Lanc2 361 (<1250), PlGar 3825 (<1270)
60:   Other good qualities rewarded
MdB: AlbJT 186 (<1272/1294)
MN: FTurn 1 (>1300), HKzML 360 (ca. 1400), KvWW 150 (<1260)
64:   Patience rewarded
MdB: AlbJT 129 (<1272/1294), UvZLa 6564 (>1194)
66:   Humility rewarded
RoA: OttEr 5361 (after 1215), SeAlx 8073 (1352)
72:   Loyalty rewarded
CdG: KM3 30, KM3 69 (1320/40), UvTAr 12 (1261/69), UvTAr2 191 (>1300), UvTRW 31872 (>1243), WvEW 4 (1210/20)
MR: ReivB 20611 (>1291)
HE: Kudr 30, Kudr 30 (>1260), NLKl 569 (1191/1204)
MN: KvWW 150 (<1260)
OR: Orend 251 (>1200)
RoA: HvNAp 16981 (1300), PLVAlx 507 (1150/60)
72.1:   Reward for loyalty to king
CdG: KM1 2670, KM1 7979, KM1 8239 (1315/20), UvTAr2 173 (>1300)
HE: BitD 3900 (ca. 1250), Ortnit 20 (ca. 1230)
OR: SaMor 135 (>1200)
RoA: RvEAlx 11058 (1235/1254)
72.2:   (Bm) Loyalty of sworn brothers rewarded { when one becomes king}
MN: KKJB 574 (>1372)
80:   Rewards for other causes
HE: AT 401 (1275), DukH 67 (1382/83)
MN: GvMFa 70 (>1270)
RoA: HvNAp 20347 (1300)
82:   Reward for fearlessness
MdB: WCRPa 415 (1331-1336)
84:   Reward for stoic endurance of pain
RoA: HvVEn 52 (1170/74)
85:   Reward for asking proper questions.
MdB: WCRPa 272 (1331-1336), WvEP 254, WvEP 314, WvEP 794 (<1200/10)
88:   Reward for proficiency
HE: WDieB 59 (ca. 1250)
94:   Reward for cure
MdB: Lanc2 249 (<1250)
MN: GvMFa 99 (>1270)
95:   Reward for musician
MdB: HvAEr 2118 (>1180)
CdG: KM1 763, KM1 13509 (1315/20)
HE: DukH 70 (1382/83), Kudr 6 (>1260), RosGBr 10 (ca. 1250), UvLFD 360 (1255)
98.1:   (Bm) Bearer of good news offered reward
CdG: UvTAr 76 (1261/69)
HE: DietF 7365 (ca. 1275), Kudr 7 (>1260)

Q100–199 Nature of rewards

100:   Nature of reward
MN: MovC 263 (1210/15)
RoA: HvVEn 83, HvVEn 89 (1170/74)
110:   Material rewards
CdG: KM1 4257 (1315/20)
111:   Riches as reward
MdB: Lanc1 326, Lanc2 584 (<1250), Lohe 292, Lohe 343, Lohe 649 (>1285), PlGar 1808, PlGar 18833, PlGar 20284, PlMel 8992 (<1270), WCRPa 269 (1331-1336), WvGW 5529 (>1210/20)
CdG: KM1 763, KM1 8239, KM1 13509 (1315/20), KM2 2938, KM5 65 (1320/40), PKRL 1940 (1172), StrKG 2491 (1220/50), UvTAr 76 (1261/69), UvTRW 31872 (>1243)
MR: BvHCra 47, BvHDe 3054 (<1275), JvWW 6433 (1314), KvWP 3156, KvWP 3905 (1277)
HE: BitD 3900, BitD 4370 (ca. 1250), DukH 67 (1382/83), Kudr 25 (>1260), NL 31 (1191/1204)
MN: GvMFa 70, GvMFa 77, GvMFa 99 (>1270)
RoA: HvNAp 15428, HvNAp 16918, HvNAp 16981 (1300), KvWTK 5720 (1281/87), RvEAlx 14637 (1235/1254)
111.2:   Riches as reward (for hospitality)
CdG: WvEW 62 (1210/20)
MN: SchKF 555 (1365/1402)
OR: KFFB 3120 (ca. 1220)
111.4:   Gold ring as reward
HE: UvLFD 479 (1255)
111.6:   Treasure as reward
MdB: WvEP 615 (<1200/10)
RoA: GoTK 24420 (1280)
111.7:   Jewels as reward
RoA: GoTK 9113 (1280)
111.8:   Large quantity of land as reward
MdB: AlbJT 2909 (<1272/1294)
MR: JvWW 6433 (1314)
HE: BitD 12960 (ca. 1250), DietF 7365 (ca. 1275), RosGA 83 (ca. 1250)
OR: HerEA 3930 (1160/70), HerEB 4747 (1208/09)
111.10:   (Bm) Castles as reward
MdB: Lanc1 560, Lanc1 585, Lanc2 235, Lanc2 571 (<1250), WCRPa 355, WCRPa 639 (1331-1336)
112:   Half of kingdom as reward
HE: BitD 4386 (ca. 1250)
OR: SaMor 135 (>1200)
RoA: GoTK 9113 (1280), KvWTK 44350 (1281/87), SeAlx 2943 (1352)
112.0.1:   Kingdom as reward
MdB: HvAIw 6425 (>1190/1200), HvdTCr 9653, HvdTCr 10039, HvdTCr 12611, HvdTCr 20701, HvdTCr 20854, HvdTCr 20982 (>1225), KvSGM 2986 (>1250), PlGar 8554, PlTand 14928, PlTand 15105 (<1270), StrDan 6139, StrDan 6274 (>1220/50), WCRPa 834 (1331-1336), Wiga 1838, Wiga 3865, Wiga 4576 (<1245), WvEP 50, WvEP 85, WvEP 199, WvEP 558, WvEP 657, WvEP 794 (<1200/10), WvETi 207 (<1217/20), WvGW 3751, WvGW 4172 (>1210/20)
MR: FvS 1881 (>1314), JohV 639, JohV 1234, JohV 1283, JohV 2282 (1400/50?)
HE: DukH 46 (1382/83), Kudr 30 (>1260), WDieB 921 (ca. 1250)
MN: JuH 2279 (>1400)
OR: HerED 3906 (1290), KRot 2666, KRot 4710 (ca. 1160/70)
RoA: GoTK 9725 (1280), HMvNT 16 (1390/92), HvNAp 5557 (1300), TrojEl 133 (1375)
112.0.2:   Half of property as reward
MN: KKJB 555 (>1372)
RoA: RvEAlx 13975 (1235/1254)
112.0.5:   Kingdom and hand of princess as reward (for virtuous life)
MdB: AlbJT 1212, AlbJT 4824 (<1272/1294), Lanc2 73 (<1250)
RoA: HvNAp 12853 (1300)   Lady as reward
MdB: Lanc1 142, Lanc1 143, Lanc1 149, Lanc2 66, Lanc2 290, Lanc2 361 (<1250)
112.0.8:   (Bm) Cities (towns) as reward
HE: DietF 5433 (ca. 1275)
113:   Knighthood as reward
HE: BitD 4386 (ca. 1250)
RoA: GoTK 3721 (1280)
113.0.1:   High honors as reward
MdB: Lanc1 152 (<1250)
CdG: KM3 30 (1320/40)
HE: BitD 6508 (ca. 1250)
MN: KKJB 574 (>1372)
OR: Orend 2230 (>1200)
RoA: HvNAp 18242 (1300), HvVEn 52 (1170/74)
113.1.1:   (Bm) Earldom (and castle) as reward
MdB: Lanc3 60 (<1250)
RoA: HvNAp 20347 (1300)
113.6:   (Bm) Lands and duchy as reward
MdB: Lanc2 58 (<1250), StrDan 8229 (>1220/50)
MR: HvBKF 3584 (1400)
MN: RvEGG 6081 (1210/1220)
114:   Gifts as reward
MdB: HvAEr 3472 (>1180), Lanc1 346 (<1250), UvZLa 4930, UvZLa 7586 (>1194), Wiga 3329 (<1245), WvEP 657 (<1200/10), WvGW 3187 (>1210/20)
CdG: KM1 2670 (1315/20), UvTAr 71 (1261/69)
MR: FvS 7740 (>1314), HvBKF 6284 (1400)
HE: BitD 6778 (ca. 1250), DukH 46 (1382/83), RosGA 295, RosGA 310, RosGA 364, RosGA 371, RosGA 381 (ca. 1250), UvLFD 360 (1255), Virg 241 (ca. 1250)
OR: GrRud 2 (ca. 1185), KFFB 3120 (ca. 1220), KRot 170 (ca. 1160/70)
RoA: HvVEn 184 (1170/74), KvWTK 2890 (1281/87)
114.0.1:   Gifts made to advisor [umpire]
HE: DukH 45 (1382/83), NL 3 (1191/1204)
MN: JVNVV 160 (>1350)
114.2:   Gifts as reward for gifts
HE: BitD 6778 (ca. 1250)
RoA: HvVEn 58, HvVEn 93 (1170/74)
114.3:   Sword as reward
HE: BitD 665, BitD 7066 (ca. 1250), NL 3 (1191/1204)
RoA: GoTK 1970 (1280)
114.5:   (Bm) Clothing, horse and treasure [armor] as reward
RoA: GoTK 19527 (1280)
115:   Reward: any boon that may be asked
MdB: GvSTr 15919 (>1210), HvAEr 9401 (>1180), Lanc1 576 (<1250), Lohe 696 (>1285), StrDan 8229 (>1220/50)
HE: Laurin 1660 (>1250)
115.1:   Reward: any boon that may be asked–king’s wife demanded
MdB: GvSTr 13101 (>1210)
116:   Favorable decree as reward
MdB: PlTand 7923 (<1270)
118:   (G) Hospitality as reward
MdB: WCRPa 415 (1331-1336)
121:   Freedom as reward
MR: ReivB 20611 (>1291)
RoA: HvNAp 15428 (1300), UvEAlx 21756 (1278/83)
121.1:   Slaves [captives] freed as reward
MR: ReivB 20611 (>1291)
140:   Miraculous or magic rewards
MdB: UvZLa 4661 (>1194), WCRPa 272 (1331-1336)
147:   Supernatural manifestations at death of pious person
CdG: KM5 78, KM5 139, KM6 6 (1320/40), PKRL 6519, PKRL 6759, PKRL 6924 (1172), StrKG 7646, StrKG 8253 (1220/50), UvTRW 8612, UvTRW 9170, UvTRW 13830, UvTRW 22896, UvTRW 36426 (>1243), WvEW 31, WvEW 91, WvEW 125 (1210/20)
149:   Miraculous or magic reward–miscellaneous
MdB: Lanc3 183 (<1250)
CdG: KM3 69 (1320/40)
MN: AlbTund 75 (ca. 1190)
RoA: OttEr 5361 (after 1215)
151:   Life spared as reward
MdB: UvZLa 7586 (>1194)
170:   Religious rewards
MdB: Lanc2 498 (<1250), Lohe 412, Lohe 509 (>1285)
CdG: GeRo 653 (ca. 1350)
171.1:   Forgiveness of sin for acts of charity
MdB: WvGW 4658 (>1210/20)
172:   Reward: admission to heaven
MdB: WvEP 469 (<1200/10)
CdG: KM5 139, KM6 6 (1320/40), PKRL 6759 (1172), StrKG 7646 (1220/50), UvTRW 36426 (>1243)
MR: DgF 2300 (ca. 1230)
HE: NLKl 569 (1191/1204)
MN: AlbTund 1805, AlbTund 1861 (ca. 1190), Musp 30 (<876)
172.0.2:   Rewards in heaven
MN: AlbTund 1510, AlbTund 1599, AlbTund 1720, AlbTund 1805, AlbTund 1861 (ca. 1190)
172.3:   Man admitted to heaven as reward for penance
OR: SaMor 778 (>1200)
190:   Rewards–miscellaneous
MdB: WCRPa 269 (1331-1336)
CdG: UvTAr2 173 (>1300)
HE: AT 401 (1275), DukH 67 (1382/83)
MN: GvMFa 85 (>1270), JuH 2279 (>1400), KvWW 150 (<1260)
RoA: GoTK 7063, GoTK 19527 (1280)
196.1:   (Bm) Marvelous dog as reward
MdB: GvSTr 16179 (>1210), PlGar 2345 (<1270)

Q200–399 Deeds punished

200:   Deeds punished
MR: JvWW 8575 (1314)
RoA: HvVEn 73, HvVEn 83 (1170/74)
211:   Murder punished
MdB: Lanc1 16, Lanc2 397, Lanc2 529, Lanc2 638, Lanc3 334 (<1250), UvZLa 7445 (>1194), WCRPa 678, WCRPa 828 (1331-1336)
CdG: KEmd 227, KEmd 321 (1354)
MR: JvWW 19200 (1314)
HE: DietF 9813 (ca. 1275), NL 39, NLKl 587, NLKl 3742 (1191/1204)
MN: AlbTund 544 (ca. 1190), Pila 475 (>1200), UBEd 61 (ca. 1345), Vesp 205 (<1400)
RoA: HvFLvT 17347, HvFLvT 17430 (after 1190), HvVEn 73, HvVEn 131, HvVEn 179 (1170/74), PLVAlx 527 (1150/60), RvEAlx 10637 (1235/1254), TrojEl 125 (1375)
211.0.2:   Enormity of kin murder
MdB: Lanc3 261, Lanc3 295 (<1250), WvEP 474, WvEP 498 (<1200/10)
211.5:   Suicide punished
RoA: HvVEn 40 (1170/74)
211.6:   Killing an animal revenged
RoA: HvVEn 70 (1170/74), KvWTK 24030 (1281/87), TrojEl 70 (1375)
211.8:   Punishment for desire to murder
MR: HvBKF 3554, HvBKF 3946 (1400), MaBe 173 (1270/80)
MN: GvMFa 77 (>1270)
RoA: HvNAp 17063 (1300), RvEAlx 5699 (1235/1254), UvEAlx 9657 (1278/83)
211.9:   Fratricide punished
MdB: HvdTCr 29462 (>1225)
RoA: UvEAlx 17735 (1278/83)
211.9.2:   Punishment for killing foster brother
MN: Pila 357 (>1200)
212:   Theft punished
MdB: Wiga 710 (<1245)
HE: Kudr 19 (>1260)
MN: AlbTund 737 (ca. 1190), GvMFa 101 (>1270)
213:   Abduction punished
MdB: GvSTr 2399 (>1210), PlTand 3790 (<1270), UvZLa 7320 (>1194), WCRPa 694 (1331-1336)
MR: RvEWO 9435, RvEWO 12391 (1235/40)
HE: WDieB 449 (ca. 1250)
RoA: BaAlx 845, BaAlx 3483 (1150/60), GoTK 20720 (1280), PLVAlx 527 (1150/60), StrAlx 5359 (1170), UvEAlx 2021, UvEAlx 23289 (1278/83)
220:   Impiety punished
MdB: HvdTCr 19178 (>1225), Lanc3 55, Lanc3 73 (<1250)
HE: Ludw 1 (881/882)
MN: EnWb 27 (<1350), HKVB 1 (ca. 1400)
221.1:   Discourtesy to god punished
RoA: AvHMB 29 (1190/1210), UvEAlx 2761 (1278/83)
221.5:   Disobedience to God punished
MdB: Lanc3 113, Lanc3 283 (<1250)
221.6:   Lack of trust in God punished
MN: VNo 499 (>1200)
222:   Punishment for desecration of holy places (images etc.)
MdB: Lanc1 562 (<1250)
RoA: TrojEl 117 (1375)
222.5.2:   Magic storm as punishment for desecrating of temple
RoA: HvFLvT 15807 (after 1190)
222.5.7:   (Bm) Goddess drowns men at sea who violated her temple [abducted her priestess]
RoA: TrojEl 124 (1375)
222.6:   Punishment for desecrating holy temple utensils
RoA: HvFLvT 15807 (after 1190)
223:   Punishment for neglect of services to gods (God)
MdB: Lanc1 242, Lanc3 371, Lanc3 375 (<1250)
RoA: UvEAlx 985, UvEAlx 1077 (1278/83)
223.3:   Neglect to sacrifice punished
RoA: HMvNT 42 (1390/92)
223.6:   Failure to observe holiness of Sabbath [Sunday] punished
MN: HKVB 1 (ca. 1400)
225.1:   Heresy punished
RoA: OttEr 5504 (after 1215)
227:   Punishment for opposition to holy person
CdG: KM3 60 (1320/40), UvTAr 7 (1261/69), UvTAr2 99 (>1300)
228:   Punishment for (trying to) harm(ing) sacred animal
RoA: KvWTK 24030 (1281/87), TrojEl 70 (1375)
232.2:   Punishment of jew for apostacy
MN: Jued 280 (>1200)
RoA: RvEAlx 16635, RvEAlx 16738, RvEAlx 16867 (1235/1254)
236:   Punishment for deceiving (divine) emperor
CdG: KEmd 1773 (1354), KM2 5010, KM4 27, KM5 80, KM5 159 (1320/40), PKRL 6114, PKRL 9009 (1172), StrKG 7169, StrKG 12126 (1220/50)
RoA: RvEAlx 19056, RvEAlx 20019, RvEAlx 20343 (1235/1254), UvEAlx 18913 (1278/83)
241:   Adultery punished
MdB: EvOTr 3861, EvOTr 4243 (1175/80), GvSTr 16407, GvSTr 16625 (>1210), HvFTr 3102 (>1280), Lanc1 505, Lanc1 534, Lanc3 548 (<1250), WCRPa 54, WCRPa 113 (1331-1336), WvEP 652 (<1200/10)
MR: Wuert 105 (>1300)
MN: AlbTund 1599 (ca. 1190), HKRE 236, HKSE 203 (ca. 1400), KerK 1 (ca. 1350), StrHE 71, StrKK 215 (>1220/50)
RoA: HvFLvT 17430 (after 1190), HvNAp 14294, HvNAp 14622, HvNAp 19956 (1300), KvWTK 11266, KvWTK 38105, KvWTK 38391, KvWTK 49458 (1281/87), TrojEl 42, TrojEl 92, TrojEl 93, TrojEl 125 (1375)
241.1:   Desire to commit adultery punished
MN: BeicB 50 (<1400)
243:   Incontinence punished–miscellaneous
MdB: WvEP 478 (<1200/10)
MN: AlbTund 667, AlbTund 853, AlbTund 995 (ca. 1190), TundFr2 182 (ca. 1200)
243.0.2:   Suspected incontinence unjustly punished
MdB: HvdTCr 11037, HvdTCr 11167 (>1225)
243.1.2:   Punishment for forcing a girl to become prostitute
RoA: HvNAp 16918 (1300)
243.2:   Seduction punished
MN: HKUM 277 (ca. 1400)
244:   Punishment for ravisher [rape]
MdB: HvdTCr 19294, HvdTCr 19386, HvdTCr 19447 (>1225), Lanc1 189, Lanc1 562 (<1250), WCPap 1, WvEP 524 (<1200/10)
244.1:   Punishment for attempted rape
MdB: Lanc1 558 (<1250), WCRPa 199, WCRPa 662, WCRPa 694 (1331-1336)
RoA: GoTK 7419 (1280)
247:   Punishment for desertion of fairy mistress
MdB: KvSGM 206 (>1250)
MN: EvSPS 715 (ca. 1310)
256:   Punishment for clandestine lover of princess [for princess and her clandestine lover]
MR: KvWE 3474, KvWE 3676 (<1260)
260:   Deceptions punished
MdB: PlTand 1618 (<1270)
MN: Musp 30 (<876), TundFr1 90, TundFr2 1 (ca. 1200)
261:   Treachery punished
MdB: Lanc1 2, Lanc1 418 (<1250), WCRPa 828 (1331-1336)
CdG: GeRo 406 (ca. 1350), KEmd 1773 (1354), KM1 8213 (1315/20), KM2 5010, KM4 27, KM5 80, KM5 159 (1320/40), PKRL 6114, PKRL 9009 (1172), StrKG 7169, StrKG 12126 (1220/50)
MR: FvS 3078 (>1314), JohV 2659 (1400/50?)
HE: DietF 8359 (ca. 1275), WDieA 198 (ca. 1230)
MN: AlbTund 591 (ca. 1190), GvMFa 49 (>1270), HRFu 499 (>1192), UBEd 44, UBEd 100 (ca. 1345)
OR: HerEA 3, HerEA 1121 (1160/70), HerEB 1170 (1208/09), HerED 1115 (1290), Orend 3783 (>1200)
RoA: HvFLvT 17234, HvFLvT 17522 (after 1190), HvVEn 131 (1170/74), RvEAlx 19056, RvEAlx 20019, RvEAlx 20343 (1235/1254)
262:   Impostor punished
MdB: Lanc1 535 (<1250), Lohe 208, Lohe 749 (>1285)
MN: GvMFa 94 (>1270)
RoA: HvFLvT 17430 (after 1190)
263:   Lying (perjury) punished
CdG: KM5 158 (1320/40)
MN: AlbTund 591 (ca. 1190)
OR: HerEA 3, HerEA 1121 (1160/70), HerEB 1170 (1208/09), HerED 1115 (1290)
RoA: HvNAp 12632 (1300), PLVAlx 229 (1150/60), StrAlx 262 (1170)
266:   Punishment for breaking promise
MdB: HvAIw 2697, HvAIw 3102 (>1190/1200)
CdG: KM3 87 (1320/40)
MN: AlbTund 853 (ca. 1190)
RoA: AvHMB 72, AvHMB 106 (1190/1210), HvVEn 64 (1170/74), UvEAlx 4803 (1278/83)
269.1:   (Bm) Breaking vows (non-religious) punished
RoA: TrojEl 123 (1375)
270:   Misdeeds concerning property punished
CdG: KM2 559 (1320/40)
RoA: HvVEn 73 (1170/74)
271.1:   Debtor deprived of burial
MN: DanW 1 (1250-1270)
272:   Avarice punished
MR: FvS 6567 (>1314)
276:   Stinginess punished
MN: Alm 112 (ca. 1320/30)
RoA: HvNAp 11318, HvNAp 12745 (1300)
277:   Covetousness punished.
MN: TundFr1 90, TundFr2 1 (ca. 1200)
280:   Unkindness punished
MdB: HvAEr 824 (>1180), UvZLa 7962 (>1194)
HE: Kudr 14, Kudr 20, Kudr 29 (>1260)
281:   Ingratitude punished
MdB: Lanc1 360 (<1250)
MN: UBEd 71 (ca. 1345)
281.1:   Ungrateful children punished
MN: RdHSc 538 (>1286)
282:   Ingratitude punished
MdB: Lanc1 334, Lanc1 342 (<1250)
285:   Cruelty punished
MN: KvWHK 80 (1271/77)
RoA: HvFLvT 17802, HvFLvT 17995 (after 1190)
285.1:   Cruelty to animals punished
RoA: GoTK 1469 (1280)
287:   Refusal to grant request punished
CdG: KM1 8596 (1315/20)
288:   Punishment for mockery
MdB: Lanc1 358 (<1250)
RoA: BaAlx 730, PLVAlx 411 (1150/60), RvEAlx 2611 (1235/1254), StrAlx 482 (1170), UvEAlx 1763 (1278/83)
292:   Inhospitality punished
MN: JVNVV 112 (>1350)
RoA: KvWTK 45817 (1281/87), TrojEl 121 (1375)
292.3:   Abuse of hospitality punished
MdB: UvZLa 1113 (>1194)
297:   Slander punished
MR: ReivB 6095 (>1291)
HE: NL 37 (1191/1204)
RoA: BaAlx 1998 (1150/60), SeAlx 2781 (1352), StrAlx 2547 (1170)
301:   Jealousy punished
MR: KvWE 4662 (<1260)
OR: Orend 1441 (>1200)
320:   Evil personal habits punished
RoA: HvNAp 12745 (1300)
321:   Laziness punished
MN: GvMFa 31 (>1270)
RoA: HvNAp 12745 (1300)
323:   Unthriftiness punished
MN: AlbTund 853 (ca. 1190), JuH 1065, JuH 1427 (>1400)
325:   Disobedience punished
MdB: Lanc1 319 (<1250), WvEP 516 (<1200/10)
CdG: KM3 32, KM3 80 (1320/40)
MN: SibFE 175 (<1266), StrBE 53, StrEF 1 (>1220/50)
327:   Discourtesy punished
MdB: Lanc1 358 (<1250), WCRPa 179, WCRPa 184, WCRPa 255 (1331-1336)
RoA: GoTK 5015 (1280)
328:   (Bm) Cowardice punished
RoA: HvNAp 11268, HvNAp 11318, HvNAp 11977 (1300)
330:   Overweening punished
MdB: HvAIw 4624 (>1190/1200), Lanc3 33 (<1250), StrDan 3177 (>1220/50)
MN: GvMFa 120 (>1270), RvEGG 494 (1210/1220)
331:   Pride punished
MdB: GvSTr 243 (>1210), HvdTCr 19178 (>1225), Lanc3 55, Lanc3 724 (<1250), StrDan 2939 (>1220/50)
MN: AlbTund 630, AlbTund 1157 (ca. 1190), HvAAH 1 (1190/1200)
RoA: OttEr 5361 (after 1215), UvEAlx 17783 (1278/83)
333:   Boldness punished
OR: Orend 1441 (>1200)
338:   Immoderate request punished
MN: HdTRH 1 (1350/65), UBEd 25 (ca. 1345)
OR: Orend 1441 (>1200)
380:   Deeds punished–miscellaneous
CdG: KM5 125 (1320/40), StrKG 11395 (1220/50)
HE: DietF 6966, DietR 1102 (ca. 1275), Kudr 29 (>1260), UvLFD 1016 (1255)
MN: GvMFa 70 (>1270), HRFu 1239 (>1192), UBEd 20 (ca. 1345)
RoA: HvNAp 11318 (1300), RvEAlx 15377 (1235/1254)
395:   Disrespect punished
RoA: HvVEn 168 (1170/74), UvEAlx 17783 (1278/83)

Q400–599 Kinds of punishments

411:   Death as punishment
MdB: HvAEr 3013, HvAEr 3106 (>1180), HvAIw 5145, HvAIw 5307 (>1190/1200), Lanc3 548 (<1250), UvZLa 1484, UvZLa 7036, UvZLa 7320 (>1194), WCRPa 115 (1331-1336)
MR: JvWW 10551 (1314)
HE: WDieB 449 (ca. 1250)
MN: HdKK 1 (>1400), HRFu 1239 (>1192)
OR: HerEA 3, HerEA 1121 (1160/70), HerEB 1170 (1208/09), HerED 1115 (1290)
RoA: BaAlx 824, BaAlx 845 (1150/60), GrAlx 573 (1397), HvFLvT 17802 (after 1190), HvVEn 168, HvVEn 179 (1170/74), PLVAlx 507 (1150/60), SeAlx 1125, SeAlx 8892 (1352), StrAlx 2547 (1170), UvEAlx 2021, UvEAlx 18913, UvEAlx 19209, UvEAlx 20557, UvEAlx 23289 (1278/83)
411.0.1.2:   Man (fairy) kills wife’s lover
MdB: Lanc1 579 (<1250)
411.0.2:   Husband kills wife and paramour
MN: HevFr 1 (>1300)
411.3:   Death of father (son, etc.) as punishment
HE: DietF 8359 (ca. 1275)
MN: GvMFa 77 (>1270)
RoA: UvEAlx 2761 (1278/83)
411.4:   Death as punishment for treachery
MdB: HvAIw 4011 (>1190/1200), Lanc1 418 (<1250)
MR: FvS 6430 (>1314), HvBKF 3554, HvBKF 3946 (1400), MaBe 173 (1270/80)
HE: WDieAF 321, WDieB 771 (ca. 1250)
MN: UBEd 100 (ca. 1345)
RoA: RvEAlx 20343 (1235/1254), UvEAlx 4803 (1278/83)
411.6:   Death as punishment for murder
MdB: Lanc2 529, Lanc2 638, Lanc3 334, Lanc3 716 (<1250), UvZLa 7445 (>1194)
HE: NL 39, NLKl 587, NLKl 3742 (1191/1204)
MN: SchKF 477 (1365/1402)
RoA: GoTK 23160 (1280), PLVAlx 527 (1150/60), RvEAlx 10637 (1235/1254), SeAlx 8892 (1352)
411.7:   Death as punishment for ravisher
MdB: Lanc1 562 (<1250), WCRPa 662 (1331-1336), WvEP 524 (<1200/10)
411.10:   Death as punishment for impudence
CdG: UvTAr2 99 (>1300)
413:   Punishment: hanging
MdB: Lanc2 155 (<1250), Lohe 749 (>1285), Wiga 164 (<1245), WvEP 524 (<1200/10)
CdG: KM2 559 (1320/40)
MR: JvWW 5173 (1314)
OR: GrRud 9 (ca. 1185), SaMor 527 (>1200)
413.0.1:   Threat of hanging as punishment
MR: ReivB 25145 (>1291)
HE: Kudr 5, Kudr 28 (>1260)
413.1:   Hanging as punishment for theft
MdB: Wiga 710 (<1245)
MN: GvMFa 51, GvMFa 101 (>1270), HKUM 277 (ca. 1400), UBEd 57 (ca. 1345), WdGMH 1281 (1280/90)
RoA: TrojEl 126 (1375)
413.4:   Hanging as punishment for murder
MN: UBEd 61 (ca. 1345)
RoA: BaAlx 1248 (1150/60), GrAlx 2931 (1397), HvFLvT 17347 (after 1190), PLVAlx 993 (1150/60), SeAlx 3940 (1352), StrAlx 1385, StrAlx 3912 (1170)
413.8:   Hanging as punishment for treachery
CdG: KEmd 1773 (1354), KM1 8213 (1315/20), KM2 5010, KM4 27 (1320/40)
HE: DietF 8359 (ca. 1275), WDieA 198 (ca. 1230)
414:   Punishment: burning alive
MdB: Lanc1 496, Lanc2 91 (<1250)
CdG: WvEW 100 (1210/20)
MR: FvS 6535 (>1314), HvBKF 3946, HvBKF 5478 (1400)
HE: DietR 1010 (ca. 1275), WDieB 449 (ca. 1250)
MN: Jued 280 (>1200)
RoA: HvNAp 11, HvNAp 16918 (1300), RvEAlx 16635 (1235/1254), TrojEl 42, TrojEl 93 (1375), UvEAlx 1077 (1278/83)
414.0.2:   Burning as punishment for adultery
MdB: EvOTr 3861 (1175/80), HvFTr 3102 (>1280), Lanc3 552 (<1250)
RoA: KvWTK 11266, KvWTK 38391 (1281/87)
414.0.4.2:   Burning as punishment for abductor
RoA: StrAlx 5359 (1170)
414.0.5:   Burning as punishment for traitor
CdG: KM5 159 (1320/40)
414.0.12:   Burning as punishment for murder
MdB: WCRPa 678 (1331-1336)
415:   Punishment: being eaten by animals
RoA: BaAlx 554 (1150/60), RvEAlx 2097 (1235/1254), SeAlx 755 (1352), UvEAlx 1657 (1278/83)
415.4:   Punishment: being fed to lions (wild beasts)
CdG: KM5 159 (1320/40)
MN: GvMFa 47, GvMFa 73 (>1270), UBEd 47 (ca. 1345)
416:   Punishment: drawing asunder by horses [quartering]
CdG: StrKG 12126 (1220/50)
416.1:   Punishment: trampling (kicking) to death by horses
RoA: PLVAlx 255 (1150/60), StrAlx 294 (1170)
416.2:   Punishment: dragging to death by a horse [by horses]
CdG: KM5 160 (1320/40), PKRL 9009 (1172)
HE: WDieAF 321 (ca. 1250)
RoA: HvFLvT 17430 (after 1190), RvEAlx 10329 (1235/1254), UvEAA 760 (1278/83)
421:   Punishment: beheading
MdB: WCRPa 662 (1331-1336)
MR: JohV 2659 (1400/50?)
HE: DietR 1102 (ca. 1275), Kudr 29 (>1260), NL 6, NLKl 587 (1191/1204), SigJu 161, WDieB 771 (ca. 1250)
MN: HKUM 277 (ca. 1400)
OR: HerEA 3, HerEA 1121 (1160/70), HerEB 1170 (1208/09), HerED 1115 (1290), Orend 3653, Orend 3783 (>1200)
RoA: GoTK 7419, GoTK 11420, GoTK 22405 (1280), GrAlx 573 (1397), RvEAlx 5207, RvEAlx 5699, RvEAlx 19056 (1235/1254), SeAlx 2781 (1352), UvEAlx 16877 (1278/83)
421.0.4:   Beheading as punishment for murder
MdB: WCRPa 828 (1331-1336)
HE: DietF 9813 (ca. 1275)
421.1:   Heads on Stakes. Punishment by beheading and placing heads on stakes
HE: Ortnit 11 (ca. 1230)
RoA: HvNAp 363 (1300)
422:   Punishment: stoning to death
RoA: HvNAp 17063 (1300), RvEAlx 20019 (1235/1254), UvEAlx 18193, UvEAlx 18541 (1278/83)
423:   Punishment: breaking upon a wheel
MdB: EvOTr 3861 (1175/80), HvFTr 3102 (>1280)
HE: WDieAF 321 (ca. 1250)
MN: SchKF 477 (1365/1402)
428:   Punishment: drowning
RoA: SeAlx 7320 (1352)
429:   Capital punishment–miscellaneous
RoA: HvFLvT 17347 (after 1190)
430.1:   Imposition of tabu as punishment
MdB: UvZLa 6564 (>1194)
MR: RvEWO 9435, RvEWO 12391 (1235/40)
431:   Punishment: banishment (exile)
MdB: EvOTr 3250, EvOTr 4863 (1175/80), Lanc1 499, Lanc2 327 (<1250)
CdG: KM3 32, KM3 35, KM3 60, KM4 4, KM4 9 (1320/40)
MR: MaBe 175 (1270/80), ReivB 5267, ReivB 5583, ReivB 6095, ReivB 9147 (>1291)
HE: NLKl 317 (1191/1204), WDieA 226 (ca. 1230)
MN: KvWHK 80 (1271/77)
OR: HerEA 6, HerEA 1601 (1160/70), HerEB 1710 (1208/09), HerED 1108, HerED 1220 (1290), KRot 909 (ca. 1160/70)
RoA: GoTK 19769 (1280), HMvNT 95 (1390/92), HvFLvT 16726, HvFLvT 17234 (after 1190), HvNAp 8827 (1300), TrojEl 123, TrojEl 125 (1375), UvEAlx 985 (1278/83)
431.2:   Banishment for treachery
MdB: Lanc1 499 (<1250)
RoA: GoTK 19769 (1280)
431.5.1:   Banishment for attempted seduction
MN: HgSc 2 (>1200)
431.5.2:   Banishment for abduction of bride (girl)
MdB: PlTand 3790 (<1270)
MR: RvEWO 9435 (1235/40)
431.6:   Banishment for rape
MdB: HvdTCr 19386, HvdTCr 19447 (>1225)
431.8:   Banishment as punishment for adultery
MdB: GvSTr 16407, GvSTr 16625 (>1210), Lanc3 615, Lanc3 622 (<1250), WCRPa 113 (1331-1336)
MN: SchKF 210 (1365/1402)
RoA: HvNAp 14622 (1300)
431.9:   Banishment for murder
MdB: Lanc1 16 (<1250)
CdG: KEmd 227, KEmd 321 (1354)
MN: Vesp 255 (<1400)
432:   Punishment: ejectment
MN: GvMFa 49 (>1270), UBEd 44 (ca. 1345), WdGMH 1704 (1280/90)
433:   Punishment: Imprisonment
MdB: Lanc1 436 (<1250), WCRPa 694 (1331-1336)
MN: StrEF 39 (>1220/50)
RoA: GrAlx 1503 (1397)
433.1:   Imprisonment for adultery
MdB: WCRPa 54, WCRPa 109 (1331-1336)
RoA: HvNAp 19956 (1300)
433.12:   Punishment. Abridgement of freedom till extravagant boast is confirmed
MN: DemF 1 (>1230)
434:   Punishment: fettering
CdG: KM2 5010, KM5 80 (1320/40), PKRL 6114 (1172), StrKG 7169 (1220/50)
436:   Excommunication as punishment
MdB: Lanc1 534, Lanc3 607 (<1250)
437:   Sale into slavery as punishment
OR: KFFB 1440 (ca. 1220)
450:   Cruel punishments
MdB: EvOTr 3861 (1175/80), UvZLa 7445 (>1194)
451:   Mutilation as punishment
MdB: Lanc2 633 (<1250)
MR: JvWW 4182 (1314)
MN: BeicB 50 (<1400)
RoA: UvEAlx 15320 (1278/83)
451.0.1:   Hands and feet cut off as punishment
HE: RosGD 164 (ca. 1250)
MN: WdGMH 1281 (1280/90)
RoA: UvEAlx 9657 (1278/83)
451.0.4:   Hands and feet cut off as punishment for robbery
HE: Laurin 230 (>1250)
451.1:   Hands cut off as punishment
HE: NL 33 (1191/1204)
451.1.1:   Hand cut off as punishment for theft
MN: WdGMH 1281 (1280/90)
451.1.6:   Right hand cut off enemy’s messengers [Mistreating enemy’s messengers]
OR: Orend 2559 (>1200)
451.4:   Tongue cut off as punishment
MN: HKRE 387 (ca. 1400)
RoA: BaAlx 1998 (1150/60)
451.4.8:   Tongue cut off as punishment for (alleged) adultery
MN: HKRE 387 (ca. 1400)
451.5:   Nose cut off as punishment
MdB: Lohe 749 (>1285)
451.7:   Blinding as punishment
MdB: HvdTCr 6973 (>1225), Lanc3 113 (<1250), Lohe 749 (>1285)
CdG: KM2 5010 (1320/40), UvTAr 7 (1261/69)
MN: WdGMH 1281 (1280/90)
RoA: HvFLvT 17430, HvFLvT 17522 (after 1190), UvEAlx 27779 (1278/83)
451.7.4:   Blinding as punishment for murder
RoA: BaAlx 1248 (1150/60), HvFLvT 17430 (after 1190), PLVAlx 993 (1150/60), StrAlx 1385 (1170)
451.10:   Punishment: genitalia cut off
MN: HKRE 236 (ca. 1400)
451.10.1:   Punishment: castration.
MdB: WvEP 652 (<1200/10)
453:   Punishment: being bitten by animal
MdB: WCRPa 115 (1331-1336)
456:   Burial alive as punishment
MdB: Lanc3 63 (<1250)
RoA: BaAlx 2832 (1150/60)
457:   Flaying alive as punishment
MdB: Lanc1 525 (<1250)
MR: KvWP 12810 (1277)
458:   Flogging as punishment
MdB: PlTand 10159 (<1270)
OR: Orend 2449 (>1200)
458.0.1:   Flogging as punishment for adultery
MN: KerK 1 (ca. 1350)
458.0.2:   Flogging as punishment for disobedience to rulers
HE: Kudr 25 (>1260)
458.0.6:   Flogging as punishment for desire to commit adultery
MN: BeicB 50 (<1400)
469:   Other cruel punishments
MdB: Lanc2 60, Lanc2 63 (<1250)
CdG: KM5 159 (1320/40)
469.9.2:   Punishment: piercing with needles
MdB: AlbJT 6287 (<1272/1294)
469.12:   Murderer torn limb from limb [cut into pieces]
MR: JvWW 19200 (1314)
470:   Humiliating punishments
MdB: Lanc1 420, Lanc1 603, Lanc1 605, Lanc2 11, Lanc2 155 (<1250), WCRPa 113, WCRPa 301 (1331-1336), WvEP 132, WvEP 150, WvEP 245, WvEP 256 (<1200/10)
CdG: PKRL 6114 (1172), StrKG 7169 (1220/50)
MN: GvMFa 70 (>1270)
472:   Branding as punishment
RoA: UvEAlx 15320 (1278/83)
473:   Punishment: disgraceful journey through streets
MdB: HvdTCr 2070 (>1225)
CdG: KM2 5010, KM5 159 (1320/40)
473.2:   Punishment: tying to horse(’s tail)
MdB: Lanc1 189, Lanc1 334, Lanc1 336 (<1250)
CdG: KM2 5010 (1320/40)
HE: DietR 863 (ca. 1275)
473.5:   Punishment: sending out of town on donkeys [donkey-ride]
CdG: PKRL 6114 (1172), StrKG 7169 (1220/50)
478.1:   The eaten Heart. Adulteress is caused unwittingly to eat her lover’s heart
MN: KvWHM 300 (<1260)
478.1.2:   Adulteress made to drink from paramour’s skull
MN: HKSE 203 (ca. 1400)
478.2:   Adulterer [ravisher, rapist] compelled to eat with dog[s].
MdB: HvdTCr 19447 (>1225), WvEP 524 (<1200/10)
482:   Punishment: noble person must do menial service
MdB: HvAEr 3190, HvAEr 3291 (>1180)
CdG: WvEW 70, WvEW 72, WvEW 99 (1210/20)
HE: WDieD 68 (ca. 1250)
482.1:   Princess serves as menial
HE: Kudr 20 (>1260)
MN: Buss 650 (>1300)
488:   Cutting [tousling] hair as punishment
CdG: PKRL 6114 (1172), StrKG 7169 (1220/50)
MN: GvMFa 49, GvMFa 70 (>1270), UBEd 44 (ca. 1345)
OR: SaMor 307 (>1200)
488.2:   Head shaved as punishment
OR: SaMor 289 (>1200)
491:   Indignity to corpse as punishment
MdB: HvdTCr 19021 (>1225), Lanc1 626 (<1250)
CdG: KEmd 1773 (1354), KM4 27, KM5 158 (1320/40)
HE: Virg 526 (ca. 1250)
RoA: HvNAp 17063 (1300), RvEAlx 20433 (1235/1254)
491.1:   Disgraceful burial as punishment
MdB: PlTand 7164 (<1270)
HE: Kudr 29 (>1260)
MN: VNo 560 (>1200)
491.5:   Skull used as drinking cup
MN: HKSE 203 (ca. 1400)
491.6:   Corpse of murderer mutilated
RoA: UvEAlx 16877 (1278/83)
494:   Loss of social position as punishment
CdG: KEmd 227, KEmd 321 (1354), KM4 4, KM4 9, KM5 125 (1320/40), StrKG 11395 (1220/50)
495:   Punishment: unseemly exposure of body
HE: DietR 863 (ca. 1275)
499:   Other humiliating punishments
HE: NL 10 (1191/1204)
MN: GvMFa 120 (>1270), JuH 1065, JuH 1427 (>1400)
OR: Orend 3290 (>1200)
RoA: GoTK 19910 (1280)
499.2:   Humiliating death as punishment
CdG: KM1 8213 (1315/20)
RoA: UvEAlx 16877, UvEAlx 18541 (1278/83)
499.2.1:   Humiliating death as punishment for adultery
MdB: EvOTr 4243 (1175/80)
499.7:   Humiliating marriage as punishment
MdB: HvAIw 4357 (>1190/1200)
499.9:   (G) Humiliating penances: sexual intercourse with animals
MdB: WCRPa 113 (1331-1336)
501:   Unremitting torture as punishment
MdB: HvdTCr 14149 (>1225), WCRPa 115 (1331-1336)
MR: Wuert 159, Wuert 395 (>1300)
MN: AlbTund 544, AlbTund 591, AlbTund 1067, AlbTund 1157 (ca. 1190)
501.2:   Punishment of Tantalus
RoA: HvVEn 51 (1170/74)
501.4:   Punishment of Prometheus
MdB: HvdTCr 14104 (>1225)
MN: AlbTund 1157 (ca. 1190)
503:   Wandering after death as punishment.
MdB: HvdTCr 29462, HvdTCr 29514 (>1225)
520:   Penances
MdB: EvOTr 4702 (1175/80), Lanc1 242, Lanc1 535, Lanc2 814, Lanc3 172, Lanc3 353 (<1250), UvTTr 3478 (<1234), WCRPa 731 (1331-1336)
MR: HvAGr 2486, HvAGr 2751 (1190/1200), KvWP 9612 (1277), Wuert 419 (>1300)
HE: BitD 182, WDieAF 326, WDieD 79 (ca. 1250)
MN: Musp 30 (<876)
OR: SaMor 778 (>1200)
RoA: HvNAp 12076, HvNAp 12632 (1300), UvEAlx 26447 (1278/83)
520.2:   Robber [thief] does penance
HE: Kudr 19 (>1260)
520.3:   Life-long penance for for brother-sister marriage
MR: HvAGr 805 (1190/1200)
521:   Tedious penances
MdB: Lanc2 397 (<1250)
RoA: UvEAlx 17783 (1278/83)
523:   Humiliating penances
MdB: Lanc2 58 (<1250)
CdG: UvTRW 34103 (>1243)
RoA: GoTK 9572 (1280), OttEr 5361 (after 1215)
523.3:   Penance: eating food offered to dogs
RoA: HvNAp 19956 (1300)
523.10.1:   (Bm) Penance: wearing sackcloth.
MdB: EvOTr 7081, EvOTr 7188 (1175/80), Lanc3 160, Lanc3 172 (<1250)
525:   Dangerous penances
MdB: WvEP 467 (<1200/10)
526:   Pilgrimage as penance
MR: HvAGr 273 (1190/1200), MaBe 196 (1270/80)
HE: DukH 44 (1382/83)
MN: BeicB 50 (<1400), KvWW 234 (<1260), SchPA 600 (>1200)
535:   Negative penances
MR: MaBe 180 (1270/80)
535.1:   Penance: not to speak
MdB: UvZLa 6564 (>1194)
MR: RvEWO 9435, RvEWO 12391 (1235/40)
535.4:   Lone fasting as penance
MdB: WCRPa 138 (1331-1336)
541.3:   Penance: Gregory on the stone. Standing on a stone (pillar) as penance for incest
MR: HvAGr 2751, HvAGr 3275 (1190/1200)
542:   Penance: giving all earnings to the poor
MdB: Lanc3 85 (<1250)
MN: AlbTund 284 (ca. 1190), HvAAH 246 (1190/1200)
550:   Miraculous punishments
MdB: AlbJT 604 (<1272/1294), Lohe 11 (>1285)
550.1:   Supernatural manifestations at death of wicked person
MdB: Lanc3 334 (<1250)
CdG: PKRL 6232 (1172)
551:   Magic manifestations as punishment
RoA: HvNAp 14294 (1300)
551.3:   Punishment: transformation
RoA: AvHMB 29 (1190/1210)
551.3.2:   Punishment: transformation into animal
MdB: UvZLa 7962 (>1194)
551.6:   Magic sickness as punishment
MdB: Lanc1 535 (<1250)
551.6.0.1:   Punishment: man stricken with leprosy
MN: HvAAH 1, HvAAH 246 (1190/1200)
551.8:   Deformity as punishment
MdB: KvSGM 206 (>1250), WvEP 516 (<1200/10)
551.9:   Miraculous burning as punishment
MdB: Lanc3 285 (<1250)
552:   Prodigy as punishment
MdB: Lanc3 261, Lanc3 285 (<1250)
RoA: AvHMB 72 (1190/1210)
552.1:   Death by thunderbolt [thunderstorm] as punishment
MdB: Lanc3 334 (<1250)
552.13:   Fire from heaven as punishment
MdB: Lanc3 350 (<1250)
RoA: BaAlx 3472 (1150/60), StrAlx 5135 (1170), UvEAlx 22138 (1278/83)
552.13.1:   Death by fire from heaven as punishment
MdB: Lanc3 334 (<1250)
552.14:   Storm as punishment
MdB: GvSTr 2399 (>1210), Lanc3 334 (<1250)
RoA: HMvNT 42 (1390/92), HvVEn 7 (1170/74), KvWTK 24030 (1281/87), TrojEl 70 (1375)
552.19:   Miraculous drowning as punishment
RoA: HvVEn 8 (1170/74)
552.20.1:   Miraculous darkness as punishment
MdB: Lanc1 562, Lanc2 529 (<1250)
553:   Divine favor withdrawn as punishment
MdB: Lanc1 242 (<1250)
HE: Kudr 19 (>1260)
MN: RvEGG 494 (1210/1220)
554:   Mysterious visitation as punishment
MN: EnWb 27 (<1350)
556:   Curse as punishment
MdB: HvdTCr 19178 (>1225)
556.7:   Curse for inhospitality
MN: JVNVV 112 (>1350)
558:   Mysterious death as punishment
CdG: KM3 87 (1320/40)
RoA: OttEr 5504 (after 1215)
559:   Other miraculous punishments
MdB: Lanc1 505, Lanc1 534 (<1250)
MN: VNo 499 (>1200)
560:   Punishments in hell
MdB: Lanc1 617 (<1250)
MR: KvWP 7453 (1277), Wuert 159, Wuert 395 (>1300)
MN: AlbTund 737, AlbTund 1067, AlbTund 1157 (ca. 1190), Musp 1 (<876)
RoA: HvVEn 40, HvVEn 50, HvVEn 51 (1170/74)
560.3:   Sinners endure hell tortures for one year [three hours a day]
MN: AlbTund 1599 (ca. 1190)
562:   Pain of souls tormented in hell alternately ebbs and flows
MN: AlbTund 591 (ca. 1190)
562.3:   Souls tormented in hell (alternately borne up to firmament and) cast down to depths
RoA: HvVEn 50 (1170/74)
563:   Punishments in hell fitted to crime
MN: AlbTund 630 (ca. 1190)
566:   Punishments by heat in hell
MN: AlbTund 544, AlbTund 591, AlbTund 853, AlbTund 995, AlbTund 1599 (ca. 1190), TundFr1 90, TundFr2 1, TundFr2 182 (ca. 1200)
RoA: HvVEn 50 (1170/74)
567:   Punishment by cold in hell
MN: AlbTund 591, AlbTund 995 (ca. 1190), TundFr2 182 (ca. 1200)
RoA: HvVEn 40 (1170/74)
569.2:   Sinners in hell swallowed by dragons [monster]
MN: AlbTund 667, AlbTund 995 (ca. 1190), TundFr2 1, TundFr2 182 (ca. 1200)
569.3:   Sinners in hell fall into mouth of devil
MN: AlbTund 1157 (ca. 1190)
570:   Punishment and remission
MN: GvMFa 47 (>1270), UBEd 47 (ca. 1345)
580:   Punishment fitted to crime
MdB: UvZLa 6564 (>1194)
581:   Villain Nemesis
MdB: HvAIw 5307 (>1190/1200)
581.0.1:   Loss of life as result of one’s own treachery
RoA: GrAlx 315 (1397)
584:   Transformation as fitting punishment
RoA: AvHMB 29 (1190/1210)
589:   Punishment fitted to crime–miscellaneous
MdB: Lanc1 525 (<1250)
CdG: StrKG 12126 (1220/50)
MR: RvEWO 9435 (1235/40)
590:   Miscellaneous punishments
MdB: Wiga 1838 (<1245)
MR: RvEWO 9435, RvEWO 12391 (1235/40)
MN: Vesp 205 (<1400)
RoA: GrAlx 1967 (1397), UvEAlx 18913 (1278/83)
595:   Loss or destruction of property as punishment
MdB: Lanc1 2, Lanc1 338, Lanc1 344 (<1250)
CdG: GeRo 406 (ca. 1350), KM3 80 (1320/40), UvTAr 7 (1261/69), UvTAr2 99 (>1300), UvTRW 28284 (>1243)
MR: ReivB 27072 (>1291), RvEWO 9435 (1235/40)
HE: Kudr 29 (>1260)
OR: SaMor 544 (>1200)
RoA: AvHMB 106 (1190/1210), GrAlx 1503 (1397), HvNAp 9615, HvNAp 14294 (1300), UvEAlx 4803, UvEAlx 17613, UvEAlx 17735, UvEAlx 22994 (1278/83)
599:   Other punishments
MN: UBEd 25, UBEd 44 (ca. 1345)
RoA: AvHMB 72 (1190/1210), UvEAlx 17783 (1278/83)