Motif Index of German Secular Narratives                 
Published by the Austrian Academy of Sciences, Vienna
 Introduction   Matière de Bretagne   Chansons de Geste   Miscellaneous Romances   Oriental Romances   Heroic Epic   Maere and Novellas   Romances of Antiquity   Index 

R. Captives and Fugitives

Index of Motifs
Y Z Back
R0–99 Captivity
R100–199 Rescues
R200–299 Escapes and pursuits
R300–399 Refuges and recapture

R. Captives and Fugitives

R0–99 Captivity

1:   Wild man captured and tamed
MN: Buss 769 (>1300)
3:   King imprisons another king’s embassy
OR: KRot 239 (ca. 1160/70)
4:   Surprise capture
MdB: HvAIw 989 (>1190/1200), HvdTCr 18855 (>1225), Lanc1 172, Lanc1 210, Lanc1 226, Lanc1 374, Lanc1 460, Lanc1 462, Lanc1 555, Lanc2 63, Lanc2 260, Lanc2 342, Lanc2 354, Lanc2 369, Lanc2 443, Lanc3 377 (<1250), WCRPa 485 (1331-1336), WvEP 407 (<1200/10)
CdG: KM4 20 (1320/40)
HE: BitD 1260 (ca. 1250), DietF 3749 (ca. 1275), UvLFD 1696 (1255), Virg 326, WDieD 7 (ca. 1250)
RoA: GoTK 7419 (1280), SeAlx 2909, SeAlx 3588 (1352), UvEAlx 16403, UvEAlx 23289 (1278/83)
5:   Capture on field of battle
MdB: Lanc1 377 (<1250), Wiga 419 (<1245), WvEP 663 (<1200/10)
CdG: KM1 7501, KM1 7823 (1315/20), KM3 113 (1320/40), UvTAr 22, UvTAr 41, UvTAr 48, UvTAr 84 (1261/69), UvTAr2 363, UvTAr2 956 (>1300), UvTRW 16484, UvTRW 23726, UvTRW 27563, UvTRW 33328 (>1243), WvEW 23, WvEW 82, WvEW 102 (1210/20)
MR: DgF 880 (ca. 1230), MaBe 114 (1270/80), ReivB 9147 (>1291), RvEWO 11070 (1235/40)
HE: DietF 3462, DietF 6635, DietF 8300, DietR 672, DietR 793, DietR 863 (ca. 1275), Kudr 28 (>1260), Laurin 1485 (>1250), NL 4 (1191/1204), WDieB 921, WDieD 18 (ca. 1250)
OR: HerEA 4870 (1160/70), HerEB 5570 (1208/09), HerED 4755 (1290), KFFB 340 (ca. 1220), SaMor 59 (>1200)
RoA: BaAlx 2166 (1150/60), HMvNT 55, HMvNT 57, HMvNT 62, HMvNT 64 (1390/92), HvFLvT 7100, HvFLvT 7596, HvFLvT 10224 (after 1190), HvNAp 3263, HvNAp 3750, HvNAp 7943, HvNAp 13888 (1300), KvWTK 34310 (1281/87), RvEAlx 7513, RvEAlx 7547, RvEAlx 9499, RvEAlx 9589 (1235/1254), SeAlx 2909, SeAlx 4729 (1352), StrAlx 2810 (1170), UvEAlx 14219, UvEAlx 19919, UvEAlx 21811, UvEAlx 23877 (1278/83)
9:   Captivity–miscellaneous
MdB: Lanc3 41 (<1250)
CdG: GeRo 666 (ca. 1350), KM3 28 (1320/40)
HE: SigJu 92 (ca. 1250), WDieA 156 (ca. 1230)
RoA: HvNAp 4521, HvNAp 4975 (1300), OttEr 5305 (after 1215), RvEAlx 19224 (1235/1254)
9.10:   (Bm) Release from captivity
MdB: Lanc1 183, Lanc1 188, Lanc1 204, Lanc1 238, Lanc1 259, Lanc1 389, Lanc1 398, Lanc1 438, Lanc1 577, Lanc1 583, Lanc1 593, Lanc2 515, Lanc3 63 (<1250), PlGar 3706, PlGar 4881 (<1270), WCRPa 422 (1331-1336), WvEP 391, WvEP 630, WvEP 659, WvEP 670 (<1200/10)
CdG: KM2 4861 (1320/40), UvTRW 1601, UvTRW 24981 (>1243)
MR: BvHCra 2577, BvHDe 989, BvHDe 1960 (<1275)
HE: Kudr 30 (>1260)
MN: UBEd 92 (ca. 1345)
RoA: RvEAlx 20233 (1235/1254), SeAlx 3516 (1352), UvEAlx 17147, UvEAlx 18822, UvEAlx 20749, UvEAlx 21178, UvEAlx 23905 (1278/83)
10.1:   Princess (maiden) abducted
MdB: AlbJT 1590, AlbJT 2451 (<1272/1294), KvSGM 3191 (>1250), Lanc1 197, Lanc1 209, Lanc1 214, Lanc1 358, Lanc1 369, Lanc1 373, Lanc1 393, Lanc1 402, Lanc2 80, Lanc2 82, Lanc2 174, Lanc2 177, Lanc2 301, Lanc2 329, Lanc2 330, Lanc2 332, Lanc2 383, Lanc3 236 (<1250), PlGar 5793, PlTand 8580 (<1270), TrRip 1 (>1170), WCRPa 352, WCRPa 558, WCRPa 565, WCRPa 629, WCRPa 662, WCRPa 694, WCRPa 752, WCRPa 775, WCRPa 794 (1331-1336), Wiga 5311 (<1245), WvEP 120, WvEP 122, WvEP 604 (<1200/10)
MR: MBFuB 1 (<1250)
HE: Kudr 2, Kudr 14 (>1260), Laurin 685 (>1250), WDieB 379 (ca. 1250)
OR: HerEA 2256 (1160/70), HerEB 3256 (1208/09), HerED 2745 (1290), KRot 2840 (ca. 1160/70), Orend 3207, Orend 3783 (>1200)
RoA: BaAlx 3637 (1150/60), GoTK 13415, GoTK 20095 (1280), GrAlx 4981 (1397), HMvNT 17 (1390/92), HvFLvT 1570, HvFLvT 18126 (after 1190), HvNAp 5139, HvNAp 15277, HvNAp 19081, HvNAp 19354 (1300), HvVEn 1, HvVEn 18 (1170/74), KvWTK 12903, KvWTK 21186 (1281/87), StrAlx 5599 (1170), TrojEl 46, TrojEl 58 (1375), UvEAlx 23289, UvEAlx 23712 (1278/83)
10.3:   Children abducted
MdB: GvSTr 2147 (>1210), UvZLa 97 (>1194), WCRPa 250, WCRPa 272 (1331-1336), Wiga 1, Wiga 1222 (<1245)
CdG: UvTRW 9298, UvTRW 11590, UvTRW 17804 (>1243), WvEW 99 (1210/20)
MR: BvHDe 1624 (<1275)
RoA: HvNAp 9479 (1300)
10.3.1:   (Bm) Noble child abducted
MdB: Lanc1 14, Lanc1 16 (<1250)
HE: Kudr 1 (>1260)
10.5:   (Bm) Queen abducted
MdB: GvSTr 13258 (>1210), HvAIw 4275, HvAIw 4510 (>1190/1200), HvdTCr 2070, HvdTCr 11037, HvdTCr 11167, HvdTCr 11286, HvdTCr 11608, HvdTCr 11747 (>1225), Lanc1 601 (<1250), PlGar 1, PlGar 90, PlGar 17606 (<1270), UvZLa 6776 (>1194), WvEP 66, WvEP 383 (<1200/10), WvGW 9799 (>1210/20)
RoA: BaAlx 845 (1150/60), HMvNT 35 (1390/92), HvFLvT 2580 (after 1190), KvWTK 22375, KvWTK 22984, KvWTK 48449 (1281/87), PLVAlx 527 (1150/60), TrojEl 64, TrojEl 66, TrojEl 130 (1375), UvEAlx 2021 (1278/83)
10.6:   (Bm) Knight abducted
MdB: HvAEr 5243 (>1180), Lanc1 545, Lanc1 556, Lanc1 567, Lanc1 572, Lanc1 575, Lanc1 580, Lanc2 94, Lanc2 260, Lanc2 263, Lanc3 236 (<1250), PlGar 5793, PlGar 7453 (<1270), StrDan 2444, StrDan 6885, StrDan 6983, StrDan 7135 (>1220/50), WCRPa 794, WCRPa 799 (1331-1336), WvGW 4863 (>1210/20)
MR: BvHDe 2373 (<1275)
RoA: UvEAlx 25645 (1278/83)
11:   Abduction by monster (ogre)
MdB: Wiga 164, Wiga 1222, Wiga 4049 (<1245)
11.1:   Princess (maiden) abducted by monster (ogre) [monstrous race]
MdB: HvdTCr 9230 (>1225)
OR: HerEA 2256 (1160/70), HerEB 3256 (1208/09), HerED 2745 (1290)
11.1.1:   Abduction of girl by half bestial man
OR: HerEA 2256 (1160/70), HerEB 3256 (1208/09), HerED 2745 (1290)
RoA: BaAlx 3483 (1150/60), StrAlx 5359 (1170)
11.2:   Abduction by devil
MdB: WCRPa 738 (1331-1336)
HE: WDieD 33 (ca. 1250)
11.3:   Abduction by giant [wild woman]
MdB: HvAEr 5243, HvAEr 5570 (>1180), HvAIw 4357 (>1190/1200), HvdTCr 9426, HvdTCr 9552 (>1225), KvSGM 3191 (>1250), PlGar 5793, PlGar 7453 (<1270), WCRPa 352 (1331-1336), Wiga 1, Wiga 1222 (<1245), WvGW 2039, WvGW 6365 (>1210/20)
HE: SigAel 5, SigAel 16, WDieD 7, WDieD 14 (ca. 1250)
OR: Orend 780 (>1200)
RoA: GoTK 4423, GoTK 15287 (1280)
12.1:   Maiden abducted by pirates (robbers)
RoA: HvNAp 15277 (1300)
12.4:   Girl enticed into boat and abducted [by lover]
RoA: KvWTK 22375 (1281/87), TrojEl 64 (1375)
13:   Abduction by animal [dragon]
MdB: WvGW 4863 (>1210/20)
13.0.1:   Children carried off by animals
HE: WDieB 142 (ca. 1250)
13.1.5:   Wolf abducts person
HE: WDieB 142 (ca. 1250)
13.3:   Person carried off by bird [Abduction by bird]
RoA: UvEAlx 4850 (1278/83)
13.3.2:   Eagle carries off youth [Abduction by eagle]
MN: GvMFa 11 (>1270), UBEd 16 (ca. 1345)
13.4:   Abduction by reptile
RoA: HvNAp 9437 (1300)
15.1:   (Bm) Griffin abducts child
HE: Kudr 1, Kudr 2 (>1260)
18:   Abduction by rejected suitor
MdB: HvdTCr 11286, HvdTCr 11608, HvdTCr 11747 (>1225), PlTand 10543 (<1270), UvZLa 6776 (>1194), WCRPa 352 (1331-1336)
MR: ReivB 20989 (>1291)
HE: Kudr 14 (>1260)
MN: HeidinC 1425 (>1250)
23:   Abduction with aid of magical mask [cap] which renders invisible
HE: Laurin 685 (>1250)
24.2:   Princely suitor in minstrel disguise carries princess away
MN: Buss 240 (>1300)
39:   Abduction–miscellaneous
HE: Kudr 16 (>1260)
MN: HeidinC 1425 (>1250)
RoA: HvNAp 9479 (1300), UvEAlx 25645 (1278/83)
39.1:   Abduction by magician
MdB: AlbJT 2451, AlbJT 5573 (<1272/1294), StrDan 6885, StrDan 6983, StrDan 7135 (>1220/50), WvEP 66 (<1200/10)
40:   Places of captivity.
MdB: Lanc1 568, Lanc1 599 (<1250), StrDan 6983 (>1220/50)
41:   Captivity in tower (castle, prison)
MdB: Lanc1 53 (<1250), PlTand 10731 (<1270)
MR: MBFuB 108 (<1250)
HE: BitD 1260 (ca. 1250)
OR: SaMor 66 (>1200)
RoA: GoTK 20460 (1280), RvEAlx 13886 (1235/1254)
41.1:   Captivity in castle
MdB: AlbJT 1590 (<1272/1294), HvAIw 6080, HvAIw 6283 (>1190/1200), Lanc1 188, Lanc1 210, Lanc1 212, Lanc1 238, Lanc1 434, Lanc1 462, Lanc1 464, Lanc1 478, Lanc1 518, Lanc1 520, Lanc1 627, Lanc2 511, Lanc2 793, Lanc3 377 (<1250), PlGar 2345, PlGar 2531, PlGar 5793, PlTand 5181, PlTand 6985 (<1270), UvZLa 3526, UvZLa 3676, UvZLa 5545, UvZLa 6776 (>1194), WCRPa 175, WCRPa 297, WCRPa 301 (1331-1336), Wiga 1078 (<1245), WvEP 318, WvEP 332, WvEP 558, WvEP 657 (<1200/10)
MR: FvS 2505 (>1314)
HE: UvLFD 1696 (1255)
MN: RvEGG 1532 (1210/1220)
RoA: BaAlx 3703 (1150/60), HvNAp 4491, HvNAp 19233 (1300), StrAlx 3568, StrAlx 5696 (1170)
41.2:   Captivity in tower
MdB: HvAIw 4011 (>1190/1200), HvdTCr 29661 (>1225), Lanc1 21, Lanc1 25, Lanc1 438, Lanc1 635, Lanc2 3, Lanc2 14, Lanc2 19, Lanc2 486 (<1250), WCRPa 54, WCRPa 58, WCRPa 109, WCRPa 448 (1331-1336)
MR: HvBKF 4064 (1400), KvWP 12670 (1277)
HE: Virg 335 (ca. 1250)
OR: KFFB 1673 (ca. 1220)
RoA: OttEr 2645 (after 1215), SeAlx 3516 (1352), UvEAlx 21178 (1278/83)
41.3:   Captivity in dungeon
MdB: Lanc1 174, Lanc1 567, Lanc2 141, Lanc2 181, Lanc2 265 (<1250), UvZLa 1622, UvZLa 7445 (>1194)
CdG: UvTAr 26 (1261/69), UvTAr2 424 (>1300)
HE: Laurin 1199 (>1250), SigAel 5, WDieD 7 (ca. 1250)
OR: Orend 780, Orend 2230, Orend 3290 (>1200)
RoA: BaAlx 2670 (1150/60), UvEAlx 7656 (1278/83)
43:   Captivity on island
MdB: Lanc1 142 (<1250)
45:   Captivity in mound (cave, hollow hill)
MR: FvS 2505 (>1314)
HE: SigJu 107, WDieAF 315, WDieB 795 (ca. 1250)
45.3:   Captivity in cave
MdB: HvdTCr 26201, HvdTCr 26305, HvdTCr 26484, HvdTCr 26525 (>1225)
RoA: HvFLvT 17802 (after 1190), HvNAp 9479 (1300)
46:   Captivity under water
MR: BvHDe 2373, BvHDe 2679 (<1275)
49:   Other places of captivity
MdB: WCRPa 430 (1331-1336)
CdG: Ali 87 (>1400), WvEW 145 (1210/20)
HE: Laurin 1116 (>1250)
RoA: BaAlx 4108 (1150/60), GrAlx 48, GrAlx 5513 (1397), RvEAlx 16867, RvEAlx 17296 (1235/1254), SeAlx 4204 (1352), UvEAlx 20868, UvEAlx 20913 (1278/83)
49.4:   (G) Captivity in grave, tomb
MdB: WCRPa 331, WCRPa 434, WCRPa 485 (1331-1336)
50:   Conditions of captivity
MdB: EvOTr 351 (1175/80), Lanc1 568, Lanc1 619, Lanc2 14, Lanc2 181, Lanc2 190, Lanc2 265, Lanc2 267, Lanc2 322, Lanc2 481 (<1250), PlGar 2531, PlTand 6985 (<1270)
CdG: GeRo 666 (ca. 1350)
MN: GvMFa 35 (>1270)
RoA: RvEAlx 7719 (1235/1254)
51:   Mistreatment of prisoners
MdB: HvAEr 5378 (>1180), HvAIw 4825, HvAIw 6283 (>1190/1200), Lanc1 189, Lanc1 553, Lanc1 556, Lanc1 567, Lanc2 7, Lanc2 60, Lanc2 80, Lanc2 263, Lanc2 334, Lanc2 371, Lanc2 379, Lanc2 614, Lanc2 793, Lanc3 236 (<1250), PlGar 5877, PlGar 6572, PlMel 4418, PlMel 5391, PlMel 6749, PlTand 5181 (<1270), StrDan 7135 (>1220/50), WCRPa 297, WCRPa 301, WCRPa 794 (1331-1336)
CdG: Ali 87 (>1400), KM5 6 (1320/40), PKRL 180 (1172), StrKG 625 (1220/50), WvEW 39 (1210/20)
HE: DietF 8359 (ca. 1275), Kudr 20, Kudr 24 (>1260), Virg 370 (ca. 1250)
OR: GrRud 20 (ca. 1185), KRot 382 (ca. 1160/70)
RoA: GoTK 6163 (1280), HvNAp 19233 (1300), UvEAlx 21178 (1278/83)
51.1:   Prisoners starved
MdB: PlTand 10731 (<1270), StrDan 6983 (>1220/50), UvZLa 7445 (>1194), WCRPa 352 (1331-1336)
MR: KvWP 12670 (1277)
HE: Virg 370 (ca. 1250)
OR: KRot 382 (ca. 1160/70)
RoA: SeAlx 3516 (1352)
51.2:   Prisoners confined in chains
MdB: PlGar 5877 (<1270), StrDan 2444 (>1220/50), UvZLa 7586 (>1194)
CdG: Ali 87 (>1400), KM2 1873, KM2 2113, KM2 2473 (1320/40), UvTAr 24, UvTAr 26, UvTAr 40, UvTAr 46 (1261/69), UvTAr2 424 (>1300), WvEW 145 (1210/20)
HE: SigJu 143 (ca. 1250), UvLFD 1722 (1255), Virg 335, WDieAF 321, WDieD 19 (ca. 1250)
MN: HKSE 340 (ca. 1400)
RoA: RvEAlx 19506, RvEAlx 19821 (1235/1254), SeAlx 3516 (1352), UvEAlx 16403 (1278/83)
51.3:   Prisoners mutilated
RoA: BaAlx 2670 (1150/60), RvEAlx 13886, RvEAlx 19821 (1235/1254), SeAlx 3516 (1352), StrAlx 3568 (1170), UvEAlx 15320 (1278/83)
51.4:   Prisoner[s] [hostages, messengers] massacred [killed]
MdB: AlbJT 3800 (<1272/1294), HvAIw 4357, HvAIw 5761 (>1190/1200), HvdTCr 16606 (>1225), Lanc1 80, Lanc2 44, Lanc2 82 (<1250), UvZLa 3526 (>1194), WCRPa 685 (1331-1336)
CdG: KM5 48 (1320/40), PKRL 801, PKRL 9007 (1172), StrKG 1397, StrKG 12121 (1220/50)
HE: Kudr 4 (>1260)
RoA: KvWTK 40425, KvWTK 45525 (1281/87), TrojEl 118 (1375)
51.6:   (Bm) Captive as hostage
MdB: Lanc1 210 (<1250), PlGar 5793, PlGar 6118 (<1270)
OR: HerEA 4870 (1160/70), HerEB 5570 (1208/09), HerED 4755 (1290)
RoA: UvEAlx 20433 (1278/83)
52:   (Bm) Benevolent captivity
MdB: KvSGM 1907 (>1250), Lanc1 233, Lanc1 238 (<1250), UvZLa 5545 (>1194), WvGW 510 (>1210/20)
MR: FvS 2505 (>1314)
RoA: HvNAp 4491 (1300)
52.2:   (Bm) Captive knight in care of captor’s mistress [wife]
MdB: Lanc2 14, Lanc2 201 (<1250)
CdG: UvTAr 27 (1261/69), UvTAr2 424 (>1300)
53:   Captivity as refuge for the captive
MdB: EvOTr 8241 (1175/80), Lanc1 16 (<1250), PlTand 11205 (<1270)
61:   Person sold into slavery
MR: MBFuB 40 (<1250)
MN: SchKA 1, SchKB 1 (>1200)
OR: KFFB 1440 (ca. 1220)
RoA: HvNAp 15526 (1300), OttEr 695 (after 1215)
70:   Behavior of captives
MdB: Lanc1 472, Lanc2 196 (<1250)
HE: UvLFD 1722 (1255)
RoA: UvEAlx 20433 (1278/83)
74:   Defeated warriors [adversaries] go into [are forced to join] the conqueror’s service
MdB: HvdTCr 5780, HvdTCr 6973, HvdTCr 9799, HvdTCr 12555 (>1225), PlGar 11472, PlMel 5751, PlTand 6929 (<1270), WCRPa 58, WCRPa 242, WCRPa 297, WCRPa 579, WCRPa 639 (1331-1336), WvGW 7766, WvGW 8325 (>1210/20)
MR: BvHCra 3209 (<1275)
HE: Laurin 1600 (>1250), WDieD 79 (ca. 1250)
RoA: GoTK 9629 (1280), UvEAlx 15121 (1278/83)
74.1:   Defeated enemy turns conqueror’s best friend
MdB: WCRPa 220 (1331-1336)
74.2:   Defeated enemy’s son turns conqueror’s man
MR: ReivB 25870 (>1291)
74.4:   (Tu) Defeated king [nobleman, knight] becomes conqueror’s vassal
MdB: PlGar 1412, PlGar 2130, PlGar 3706, PlGar 16104, PlGar 18961 (<1270)
HE: WDieD 78 (ca. 1250)
OR: KRot 2666 (ca. 1160/70)
75:   Surrendering
MdB: GvSTr 18837 (>1210), HvAEr 9067 (>1180), HvdTCr 7376, HvdTCr 9653, HvdTCr 9799, HvdTCr 15383, HvdTCr 26981, HvdTCr 27090 (>1225), Lanc1 10, Lanc1 147, Lanc1 233, Lanc1 277, Lanc1 280, Lanc1 328, Lanc1 380, Lanc1 385, Lanc1 438, Lanc1 583, Lanc2 32, Lanc2 44, Lanc2 47, Lanc2 51, Lanc2 58, Lanc2 201, Lanc3 190, Lanc3 526 (<1250), PlGar 1104, PlGar 1412, PlGar 2130, PlGar 2345, PlGar 3706, PlGar 11472, PlGar 16104, PlMel 5051, PlTand 10731 (<1270), StrDan 3814, StrDan 4189, StrDan 5161, StrDan 5715 (>1220/50), UvZLa 5199 (>1194), WCRPa 579, WCRPa 639 (1331-1336), Wiga 555 (<1245), WvEP 36, WvEP 41 (<1200/10)
CdG: KM1 7929, KM1 8084 (1315/20), KM3 12, KM3 15, KM3 38, KM3 77, KM3 125, KM5 17 (1320/40), PKRL 341 (1172), StrKG 846 (1220/50), UvTAr 59, UvTAr 89 (1261/69), UvTAr2 1403 (>1300), UvTRW 779, UvTRW 1500, UvTRW 8491, UvTRW 11946, UvTRW 14097, UvTRW 23726, UvTRW 26744, UvTRW 28030, UvTRW 30188, UvTRW 31344 (>1243)
MR: BvHCra 2692, BvHCra 4328, BvHDa 193, BvHDe 1302, BvHDe 1907 (<1275), HvBKF 3752 (1400), KvWP 6183, KvWP 19901 (1277), RvEWO 11453 (1235/40)
HE: DietF 4171 (ca. 1275), EckL 183 (<1230), Laurin 484 (>1250), NL 4 (1191/1204), WDieB 921, WDieD 30, WDieD 69 (ca. 1250)
OR: GrRud 9 (ca. 1185), HerEA 1583 (1160/70), HerEB 1610 (1208/09), HerED 1599 (1290), Orend 2559, SaMor 59 (>1200)
RoA: BaAlx 954, BaAlx 1816, BaAlx 1909 (1150/60), GrAlx 537, GrAlx 649, GrAlx 733, GrAlx 1483, GrAlx 1713, GrAlx 2747 (1397), HvNAp 10514 (1300), HvVEn 72 (1170/74), PLVAlx 637 (1150/60), RvEAlx 2809, RvEAlx 3417, RvEAlx 3834, RvEAlx 13219, RvEAlx 13867, RvEAlx 14101, RvEAlx 14175, RvEAlx 15829, RvEAlx 16032, RvEAlx 17707, RvEAlx 20744, RvEAlx 20839, RvEAlx 21215 (1235/1254), SeAlx 1339, SeAlx 1566, SeAlx 1628, SeAlx 1665, SeAlx 1973, SeAlx 3186, SeAlx 3567, SeAlx 5804 (1352), StrAlx 2295, StrAlx 2418 (1170), UvEAlx 2477, UvEAlx 4771, UvEAlx 6247, UvEAlx 9108, UvEAlx 9740, UvEAlx 14427, UvEAlx 14903, UvEAlx 24578 (1278/83)
75.1:   Defeated surrender their city
MdB: Lanc2 774 (<1250), WvGW 11157 (>1210/20)
CdG: PKRL 8617 (1172), StrKG 10366 (1220/50)
HE: DietF 6929, DietR 1010 (ca. 1275), Ortnit 331 (ca. 1230)
OR: HerEA 1583 (1160/70), HerEB 1610 (1208/09), HerED 1599 (1290)
RoA: GoTK 22915 (1280), HvFLvT 1570 (after 1190)
75.2:   Warriors surrender after chief’s [queen’s] death
MR: ReivB 25814 (>1291)
99:   (Bm) Ransom
MdB: HvdTCr 18622, HvdTCr 19386 (>1225), Lanc1 353, Lanc1 377, Lanc2 267, Lanc2 351 (<1250), Lohe 245 (>1285), WvEP 620 (<1200/10), WvGW 11157 (>1210/20)
MR: BvHCra 3209 (<1275)
HE: DietF 3811, DietF 7051 (ca. 1275)
RoA: GrAlx 2583 (1397), HvNAp 3750 (1300), SeAlx 3034 (1352), UvEAlx 10524 (1278/83)
99.2:   (Bm) Princess [maiden] as ransom
MdB: HvAIw 4357, HvAIw 6283 (>1190/1200)

R100–199 Rescues

100:   Rescues
RoA: HvNAp 10770 (1300)
101:   Abduction of lady
MdB: Lanc2 260 (<1250)
110:   Rescue of captive
6:   (<1300), PlGar 2531, PlMel 4606, PlMel 5391, PlMel 6749, PlTand 5954, PlTand 6018, PlTand 6180, PlTand 6390, PlTand 6985 (<1270), WCRPa 175, WCRPa 448, WCRPa 485, WCRPa 678, WCRPa 799 (1331-1336), WvEP 332, WvEP 410 (<1200/10)
CdG: Ali 87 (>1400), KM1 7501 (1315/20), WvEW 39, WvEW 145 (1210/20)
MR: JvWW 11010 (1314)
HE: UvLFD 1718 (1255)
MN: UBEd 71 (ca. 1345)
OR: KRot 2555 (ca. 1160/70)
RoA: BaAlx 2670 (1150/60), GoTK 11420 (1280), HMvNT 55, HMvNT 57 (1390/92), HvFLvT 17802 (after 1190), HvNAp 9479 (1300), KvWTK 35052 (1281/87), RvEAlx 13886 (1235/1254), StrAlx 3568 (1170)
111:   Rescue of captive maiden
MdB: Lanc1 143, Lanc1 478, Lanc2 193 (<1250), WCRPa 779 (1331-1336)
111.1:   Princess (maiden) rescued from captor
MdB: AlbJT 1590, AlbJT 5623 (<1272/1294), HvAIw 5678 (>1190/1200), HvdTCr 8997 (>1225), Lanc2 80, Lanc2 181, Lanc2 232, Lanc3 236 (<1250), PlGar 17606 (<1270), WCRPa 565, WCRPa 629, WCRPa 662, WCRPa 694, WCRPa 752, WCRPa 775, WCRPa 794 (1331-1336), WvEP 122 (<1200/10)
MN: RvEGG 2381 (1210/1220)
RoA: GoTK 7419 (1280), HvNAp 4975, HvNAp 5721, HvNAp 19410 (1300), HvVEn 2 (1170/74)
111.1.2:   Princess [maiden] rescued from robbers
HE: WDieA 507 (ca. 1230)
111.1.4:   Rescue of princess (maiden) from giant (monster)
MdB: HvAIw 4953 (>1190/1200), HvdTCr 9230 (>1225), WvGW 2039 (>1210/20)
RoA: AvHMB 106 (1190/1210)
111.1.9:   Princess rescued from undesired suitor
MdB: Blan 2 (>1250), HvdTCr 9653, HvdTCr 11747, HvdTCr 12406 (>1225), KvSGM 2131, KvSGM 3755 (>1250), Lanc2 388 (<1250), UvZLa 5199, UvZLa 7320 (>1194), WCRPa 58 (1331-1336), Wiga 6009 (<1245)
MR: KobS 2510 (>1350)
HE: Kudr 22 (>1260)
RoA: GoTK 9032 (1280), TrojEl 130 (1375)
111.2:   Princess rescued from place of captivity
MdB: HvAIw 6799 (>1190/1200), UvZLa 7320 (>1194)
RoA: BaAlx 3703 (1150/60), GrAlx 5073 (1397), StrAlx 5739 (1170)
111.3:   Means of rescuing princess
MN: RvEGG 2381 (1210/1220)
112.3:   Rescue of prisoners from fairy stronghold
MR: BvHDe 2679 (<1275)
115:   Rescue at the stake
MdB: WCRPa 779 (1331-1336)
117:   Rescue from being burned
MdB: HvFTr 3102 (>1280), WCRPa 678 (1331-1336)
MR: HvBKF 2442 (1400)
121:   Means of rescue from prison
CdG: UvTAr 56, UvTAr 87 (1261/69), UvTAr2 1131 (>1300)
HE: SigJu 186 (ca. 1250), UvLFD 1728 (1255), Virg 366 (ca. 1250)
MN: GvMFa 16 (>1270), UBEd 21 (ca. 1345)
RoA: GoTK 11420 (1280), RvEAlx 12309 (1235/1254)
121.5:   Ariadne thread
RoA: GoTK 21880 (1280)
121.6.2:   Locks marvelously open for person
HE: WDieB 880 (ca. 1250)
122:   Miraculous rescue
MR: HvBKF 351, HvBKF 4392 (1400)
130:   Rescue of abandoned or lost persons
HE: WDieB 410 (ca. 1250)
131:   Exposed or abandoned child rescued
MR: KvWP 17900 (1277)
RoA: GoTK 1318 (1280)
131.3:   Herdsman rescues abandoned child
RoA: GoTK 1318 (1280), KvWTK 520 (1281/87)
131.3.1:   Shepherd rescues abandoned child
RoA: UvEAlx 2891, UvEAlx 2997 (1278/83)
131.4:   Fisher rescues abandoned child
MR: HvAGr 923 (1190/1200)
150:   Rescuers
MdB: HvdTCr 20982 (>1225), Lanc3 60, Lanc3 361 (<1250)
MR: JvWW 1095 (1314)
HE: SigJu 171, Virg 2 (ca. 1250)
151:   Husband rescues wife
MdB: HvAEr 6587 (>1180)
RoA: TrojEl 130 (1375)
151.1:   Husband rescues stolen wife
HE: WDieB 449 (ca. 1250)
RoA: HvVEn 2 (1170/74), TrojEl 130 (1375)
153.2:   Father rescues children
MN: GvMFa 11 (>1270), UBEd 16 (ca. 1345)
161:   Lover [unwelcome suitor] rescues his lady
MdB: EvOTr 4243 (1175/80), HvdTCr 11167 (>1225), WCRPa 767 (1331-1336)
HE: Kudr 20, Kudr 28 (>1260)
161.0.1:   Hero rescued by his lady
MdB: WCRPa 151 (1331-1336)
HE: RosGA 364 (ca. 1250)
161.1:   Lover rescues his lady from abductor
MdB: GvSTr 13323 (>1210), Lanc1 632 (<1250)
161.4:   Lover rescues his lady from the gallows [stake]
MdB: HvFTr 3102 (>1280), Lanc3 554 (<1250)
162:   Rescue by captor’s daughter (wife, mother)[niece]
MdB: Lanc2 181 (<1250), PlTand 11205 (<1270), UvZLa 1484, UvZLa 1622 (>1194)
CdG: UvTAr 56, UvTAr 75, UvTAr 87 (1261/69), UvTAr2 1131 (>1300), UvTRW 33328 (>1243), WvEW 82 (1210/20)
MR: KvWP 12810 (1277)
MN: HRNb 1 (>1300)
OR: SaMor 103 (>1200)
165:   Rescue by saint (holy man)
CdG: GeRo 667 (ca. 1350)
167:   Master rescues disciple
HE: SigAel 35, SigJu 186 (ca. 1250)
168:   Angels as rescuers
MdB: WCRPa 822 (1331-1336)
169:   Other rescuers
CdG: Ali 87 (>1400)
MR: RvEWO 4846 (1235/40)
HE: DietR 800, DietR 964 (ca. 1275), Kudr 3 (>1260)
MN: Jued 290 (>1200)
RoA: AvHMB 106 (1190/1210), HvNAp 15277 (1300)
169.1:   Hero in disguise (of foolish knight, then of black knight) rescues lady
MR: JvWW 4745 (1314)
169.1.1:   (Bm) Knight rescues abducted lady
MdB: Lanc2 193 (<1250), PlGar 17606, PlGar 18676 (<1270), WvEP 383 (<1200/10)
RoA: HvFLvT 2875 (after 1190)
169.5:   Hero rescued by friend
MdB: UvZLa 6448, UvZLa 7586 (>1194), WCRPa 151, WCRPa 678 (1331-1336)
RoA: HvNAp 10770 (1300), UvEAlx 20557 (1278/83)
169.7:   Royal minister rescues (abandoned) queen(s)
MR: HvBKF 2442, HvBKF 2951, HvBKF 5478 (1400), MaBe 151, MaBe 187 (1270/80)
169.8:   Predestined rescuer
MdB: Lanc1 470, Lanc2 67, Lanc2 287, Lanc2 360, Lanc2 364, Lanc2 542, Lanc2 630 (<1250), WCRPa 834 (1331-1336)
169.10:   Unpromising hero as rescuer
MN: RvEGG 2381 (1210/1220)
169.14:   Wounded hero restored in peasant’s [lady’s] house
HE: Virg 241 (ca. 1250)
169.15:   Rescue by stranger [heathen]
MR: JvWW 11010 (1314)
HE: WDieD 19 (ca. 1250)
RoA: GoTK 11420 (1280)
170:   Rescue–miscellaneous motifs
MdB: WvGW 5413 (>1210/20)
RoA: HvNAp 5517, HvNAp 10996 (1300), UvEAlx 25645 (1278/83)
175:   Rescue at the stake
MdB: HvAIw 5145, HvAIw 5307 (>1190/1200), Lanc2 91, Lanc2 386, Lanc3 554 (<1250), WCRPa 678 (1331-1336)
RoA: UvEAlx 1077 (1278/83)
187:   Horn of Roncevalles. Hero calls aid of waiting soldiers on horn
CdG: KM5 36, KM5 79 (1320/40), PKRL 6053, PKRL 6673 (1172), StrKG 7093, StrKG 7887 (1220/50)
MR: ReivB 9147 (>1291)
HE: AT 331 (1275), WDieD 69 (ca. 1250)
OR: KRot 3301, KRot 4145 (ca. 1160/70), SaMor 359, SaMor 502 (>1200)
RoA: UvEAA 385 (1278/83)
191:   King (prince) returns home (from exile) and rescues his native country
HE: DietR 772 (ca. 1275)

R200–299 Escapes and pursuits

210:   Escapes
MdB: EvOTr 7704, EvOTr 8956 (1175/80), HvdTCr 9426, HvdTCr 26581, HvdTCr 26680 (>1225), HvFTr 5553 (>1280), Lanc1 16, Lanc1 23, Lanc1 163, Lanc1 428, Lanc1 572, Lanc3 542, Lanc3 646, Lanc3 703 (<1250), StrDan 1928 (>1220/50), UvZLa 6448 (>1194)
211:   Escape from prison
MdB: Lanc3 468 (<1250)
CdG: KM5 125 (1320/40), StrKG 11287 (1220/50), UvTRW 33328 (>1243)
HE: BitD 1260, WDieD 11 (ca. 1250)
MN: GvMFa 35 (>1270)
211.3:   Escape through underground passage
HE: BitD 1260 (ca. 1250)
211.4:   Escape from slavery (pirates)
RoA: HvNAp 15789 (1300)
211.7:   Escape from pit of snakes (dragons) by means of a rope
HE: SigAel 25, SigJu 186 (ca. 1250)
211.8:   Rescue from prison by beheading giant keeper
HE: WDieD 11 (ca. 1250)
213:   Escape from home
CdG: UvTRW 17804 (>1243)
MR: BvHCra 667 (<1275)
HE: Kudr 7 (>1260)
215:   Escape from execution
MR: HvBKF 2558 (1400), JvWW 4745 (1314), MaBe 151 (1270/80)
MN: SchKF 210 (1365/1402)
OR: KFFB 7205 (ca. 1220), KRot 4145 (ca. 1160/70)
219:   Escapes–miscellaneous
MdB: EvOTr 1221, EvOTr 8241 (1175/80), Lanc2 806 (<1250)
HE: AT 449 (1275), DietF 6885, DietF 9761, DietR 1004 (ca. 1275), NL 33 (1191/1204)
MN: HRFu 136, HRFu 253, HRFu 313, HRFu 499, HRFu 779, HRFu 1563, HRFu 1658 (>1192)
OR: GrRud 20 (ca. 1185), SaMor 317 (>1200)
RoA: UvEAlx 14105, UvEAlx 25119 (1278/83)
219.5:   (Bm) Escape by jumping out window
MdB: EvOTr 3991 (1175/80), HvFTr 3102 (>1280)
219.6:   (Bm) Escape by sea
MR: HvBKF 257, HvBKF 2645, HvBKF 5478 (1400), MaBe 43 (1270/80)
220:   Flights
MdB: GvSTr 18409 (>1210), HvAEr 3896, HvAEr 6587 (>1180), Lanc2 388 (<1250), WCRPa 123, WCRPa 130 (1331-1336)
CdG: Ali 59, Ali 345, Ali 465 (>1400), GeRo 663 (ca. 1350), KM1 1819, KM1 2636, KM1 5426, KM1 7614, KM1 7929, KM1 8038, KM1 9293, KM1 10780, KM1 10826, KM1 12405 (1315/20), KM2 1697, KM2 4949, KM3 15, KM3 21, KM3 23, KM3 93, KM3 97, KM3 103, KM3 124, KM5 39, KM5 76, KM5 146 (1320/40), PKRL 5185, PKRL 6721, PKRL 7040, PKRL 8570 (1172), StrKG 168, StrKG 7995, StrKG 8437, StrKG 10318 (1220/50), UvTAr 21 (1261/69), UvTRW 184, UvTRW 566, UvTRW 6212, UvTRW 6610, UvTRW 16395, UvTRW 22561, UvTRW 23805, UvTRW 26838, UvTRW 30467, UvTRW 32918, UvTRW 34825 (>1243), WvEW 26, WvEW 151 (1210/20)
MR: BvHDe 2591 (<1275), HvBKF 1506, HvBKF 7986 (1400), JohV 2395, JohV 2445 (1400/50?), MaBe 114, MaBe 123 (1270/80), RvEWO 1305, RvEWO 11542 (1235/40), UvEWW 555 (<1297)
HE: AT 383, AT 449 (1275), DietF 3462, DietF 6605, DietF 6843, DietF 8300, DietF 9266, DietF 9761, DietR 841, DietR 854, DietR 922, DietR 1004 (ca. 1275), Kudr 13, Kudr 18 (>1260), NL 38 (1191/1204)
MN: GvMFa 46, GvMFa 115 (>1270), HRFu 1121 (>1192), UBEd 32, UBEd 73, UBEd 78 (ca. 1345), VNo 27 (>1200)
RoA: BaAlx 45, BaAlx 1541, BaAlx 1695, BaAlx 2154, BaAlx 2538 (1150/60), GrAlx 91, GrAlx 1368, GrAlx 1942, GrAlx 2013, GrAlx 2526, GrAlx 3213, GrAlx 3249, GrAlx 3970 (1397), HvNAp 7784, HvNAp 7841, HvNAp 20513 (1300), HvVEn 5, HvVEn 21, HvVEn 71 (1170/74), PLVAlx 1371 (1150/60), RvEAlx 341, RvEAlx 2477, RvEAlx 4649, RvEAlx 6561, RvEAlx 7513, RvEAlx 12751, RvEAlx 13715, RvEAlx 14783, RvEAlx 17733, RvEAlx 19821, RvEAlx 20983 (1235/1254), SeAlx 137, SeAlx 1081, SeAlx 2533, SeAlx 2677, SeAlx 2859, SeAlx 3374, SeAlx 3578, SeAlx 4729, SeAlx 8892 (1352), StrAlx 1887, StrAlx 2129, StrAlx 2792, StrAlx 3160, StrAlx 3332 (1170), UvEAlx 8527, UvEAlx 8673, UvEAlx 10367, UvEAlx 14105, UvEAlx 14243, UvEAlx 15200, UvEAlx 16551, UvEAlx 16581, UvEAlx 19919, UvEAlx 26307 (1278/83)
222:   Unknown knight (Three days’ tournament)
MdB: AlbJT 1331, AlbJT 1414, AlbJT 3591, AlbJT 4919 (<1272/1294), HvdTCr 18415 (>1225), Lanc1 198, Lanc1 216, Lanc1 219, Lanc1 238, Lanc1 240, Lanc1 259, Lanc1 263, Lanc1 267, Lanc1 271, Lanc1 274, Lanc2 14, Lanc2 17, Lanc2 275, Lanc2 402, Lanc2 409, Lanc2 425, Lanc2 601, Lanc3 404, Lanc3 407, Lanc3 410, Lanc3 413 (<1250), Lohe 245, Lohe 460, Lohe 686 (>1285), PlMel 9244, PlMel 9641, PlTand 2709, PlTand 12085, PlTand 12594, PlTand 13785, PlTand 14090 (<1270), UvZLa 2889, UvZLa 3072, UvZLa 3233, UvZLa 3406 (>1194), WCRPa 473, WCRPa 550, WCRPa 813 (1331-1336), WvEP 383, WvEP 391 (<1200/10)
MR: BvHDe 1661, BvHDe 1829 (<1275), KobS 2350, KobS 2510 (>1350), RvEWO 10923 (1235/40)
HE: UvLFD 211 (1255)
MN: JuH 960 (>1400), KvWSR 256 (1257/58)
OR: Orend 1023 (>1200)
224:   Girl flees to escape incestuous brother [father]
MR: HvBKF 257 (1400), MaBe 43, MaBe 236 (1270/80)
MN: Euph 569 (<1350)
225:   Elopement
MdB: EvOTr 54, EvOTr 4243 (1175/80), GvSTr 1371 (>1210), HvAEr 9401 (>1180), HvdTCr 8285, HvdTCr 13004, HvdTCr 13154, HvdTCr 13514, HvdTCr 20378 (>1225), HvFTr 3102 (>1280), Lanc1 356, Lanc2 793 (<1250), PlTand 1486 (<1270)
CdG: KM1 9365 (1315/20), KM2 823, KM2 1503, KM2 1697 (1320/40), UvTAr 58, UvTAr 88 (1261/69), UvTAr2 494, UvTAr2 1230 (>1300), UvTRW 593, UvTRW 10198, UvTRW 11763 (>1243), WvEW 5, WvEW 82, WvEW 102, WvEW 106 (1210/20)
HE: DukH 71 (1382/83), Kudr 6 (>1260)
RoA: HMvNT 16 (1390/92), HvFLvT 1135 (after 1190), PyrTh 109 (1350)
225.2:   Lovers elope to prevent girl’s marriage to undesired fiancé
MR: RvEWO 8528, RvEWO 12391 (1235/40)
MN: Buss 240 (>1300)
227.2:   Flight from hated husband
OR: SaMor 135, SaMor 591 (>1200)
242:   Flight carrying friend (girl) on back [having father carried]
RoA: HvVEn 5 (1170/74)
244:   Ships burned to prevent flight
RoA: HvVEn 98 (1170/74)
260:   Pursuits
MdB: AlbJT 1289 (<1272/1294), EvOTr 4144, EvOTr 8241 (1175/80), HvdTCr 13935, HvdTCr 14009, HvdTCr 14149, HvdTCr 14230, HvdTCr 14323, HvdTCr 14410, HvdTCr 20150 (>1225), Lanc1 396, Lanc1 472, Lanc1 545, Lanc1 558, Lanc1 572, Lanc1 581, Lanc1 603, Lanc2 9, Lanc2 260, Lanc2 379, Lanc2 574, Lanc2 806, Lanc3 331, Lanc3 561, Lanc3 696 (<1250), Lohe 273, Lohe 537 (>1285), PlGar 15657 (<1270), StrDan 2444 (>1220/50), UvZLa 6448 (>1194), WCRPa 37, WCRPa 160, WCRPa 187, WCRPa 331, WCRPa 639, WCRPa 794 (1331-1336)
CdG: KM1 5426 (1315/20), UvTAr 62, UvTAr 90 (1261/69), UvTAr2 1451 (>1300), UvTRW 23904 (>1243)
MR: HvBKF 7986 (1400), RvEWO 1305, RvEWO 8991 (1235/40)
HE: DietF 6800, DietF 9761, DietR 913 (ca. 1275), Kudr 7, Kudr 16 (>1260)
MN: HRFu 1121 (>1192)
RoA: BaAlx 2538 (1150/60), HMvNT 38 (1390/92), RvEAlx 7513, RvEAlx 12751 (1235/1254), StrAlx 3332 (1170), UvEAlx 14181, UvEAlx 16486 (1278/83)

R300–399 Refuges and recapture

310:   Refuges
MdB: Lanc3 558 (<1250), PlTand 1486 (<1270), WvEP 407 (<1200/10), WvGW 3751 (>1210/20)
CdG: KM2 4949 (1320/40)
HE: DietF 6800 (ca. 1275)
MN: GvMFa 81 (>1270)
OR: HerED 1655 (1290)
RoA: HvNAp 960, HvNAp 7784 (1300)
312:   Forest as refuge
MdB: PlMel 4418 (<1270), WCRPa 123, WCRPa 138 (1331-1336)
CdG: KEmd 888 (1354)
MN: SchKF 210 (1365/1402)
312.1:   Forest as refuge for eloping lovers
MdB: EvOTr 4368, EvOTr 4546, EvOTr 4702 (1175/80), HvFTr 3102 (>1280)
MN: Buss 545 (>1300)
315:   Cave as refuge
HE: Kudr 2 (>1260)
315.1:   Cave as eloping lovers’ refuge.
MdB: GvSTr 16683, GvSTr 16732, GvSTr 16777, GvSTr 17143 (>1210)
316:   Refuge on rock (in sea)
RoA: HvVEn 71 (1170/74)
316.1:   Refuge on island
MdB: Lanc2 814 (<1250)
CdG: UvTAr 63, UvTAr 90 (1261/69), UvTAr2 494, UvTAr2 1451 (>1300)
325:   Church (altar) [temple] as refuge
CdG: KM5 12 (1320/40), PKRL 341 (1172), StrKG 820 (1220/50)
RoA: RvEAlx 9355 (1235/1254)
325.4:   (Bm) Nunnery as refuge
MdB: Lanc1 16, Lanc1 23, Lanc1 233, Lanc2 177, Lanc3 707, Lanc3 769 (<1250)
331:   [Christian] Hero takes refuge at [heathen] king’s court
CdG: KM1 1929 (1315/20), KM2 1697 (1320/40), StrKG 190 (1220/50)
HE: HiLi 1 (830/40), WDieB 30 (ca. 1250)
RoA: HvVEn 9, HvVEn 13 (1170/74)
350:   Recapture of fugitive
CdG: KM2 4949, KM5 125, KM5 147 (1320/40), StrKG 11545 (1220/50)
OR: SaMor 289 (>1200)
RoA: RvEAlx 12309 (1235/1254)
355:   Eloping girl recaptured by parents
MR: RvEWO 9274, RvEWO 12391 (1235/40)