Electronic Publication/s

Österreichische Akademie der Wissenschaften

Geistes-, sozial- und kulturwissenschaftlicher Anzeiger, 157. Jahrgang 2022/2023, Heft 1+2

ISSN: 2413-5275 ISSN Online: 2413-5569
ISBN-13: 978-3-7001-9447-7 ISBN-13 Online: 978-3-7001-9448-4
Subject Area: Other Journals and Publications
refereed - online - print

Paolo Sartori
Geistes-, sozial- und kulturwissenschaftlicher Anzeiger, 157. Jahrgang 2022/2023, Heft 1+2 - Gesamt PDF -
(Abstract) (PDF)

(Abstract) (PDF)

(Abstract) (PDF)

Paolo Sartori
Why Soviet Islam Matters page 5
doi: 10.1553/anzeiger157-1s5
(Abstract) (PDF)

Eren Tasar
A Question of Texture. “Getting Religion” in a Bashkir Antireligious Text from the 1950s page 25
doi: 10.1553/anzeiger157-1s25
(Abstract) (PDF)

Danielle Ross
Copying Islam. Constructing a New Soviet Islam through the Re-production of Religious Texts in the South Urals page 51
doi: 10.1553/anzeiger157-1s51
(Abstract) (PDF)

Isabelle Ohayon
Documenting Kazakh Funeral Rituals through Material Life Indicators (1960s–1980s) page 83
doi: 10.1553/anzeiger157-1s83
(Abstract) (PDF)

Rozaliya Garipova
Transformation of a Mosque into a Shrine. The Role of Material Culture, Sacred Stories and a Female Shrine Keeper in Preserving Islamic Life in Soviet and Post-Soviet Kazakhstan page 107
doi: 10.1553/anzeiger157-1s107
(Abstract) (PDF)

Agnès Kefeli
New-Age Islam in Russia Enchantment and Alternative Healing among the Volga Tatars page 136
doi: 10.1553/anzeiger157-1s136
(Abstract) (PDF)