Motif Index of German Secular Narratives                 
Published by the Austrian Academy of Sciences, Vienna
 Introduction   Matière de Bretagne   Chansons de Geste   Miscellaneous Romances   Oriental Romances   Heroic Epic   Maere and Novellas   Romances of Antiquity   Index 


Index of Names
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Index of Names  O 


K 2130 Trouble-makers (WvEP)
P 52.2 (Li) Knight in service of a lady (WvEP)
P 252.1 Two sisters (WvEP)
P 274.1 Love between foster sister and foster brother (WvEP)
T 298 Reconciliation [reunion] of (separated) couple (WvEP)
T 311 Woman averse to marriage (WvEP)
W 188 Contentiousness. (WvEP)


P 52.2 (Li) Knight in service of a lady (WvEP)
P 252.1 Two sisters (WvEP)
T 59 (Bm) Love tokens (WvEP)
T 59.2 (Bm) Sleeve as love token. (WvEP)


F 562 People of unusual residence (BaAlx, StrAlx)
F 566.2 Land where women live separate from men (BaAlx, StrAlx)
F 569 Unusual manner of life – miscellaneous (BaAlx, StrAlx)
F 709.1 Country of the naked (BaAlx, StrAlx)


A 188 Gods and goddesses in love with men (KvWTK, TrojEl)
F 302 Fairy mistress (KvWTK, TrojEl)
T 257 Jealous husband or wife. (KvWTK)
W 181 Jealousy (KvWTK)


P 52.2 (Li) Knight in service of a lady (BvHDa)
P 320 Hospitality (BvHDa)


D 1731.2.3 (Bm) Dream of visit by god (GrAlx)
F 575.1 Remarkably beautiful woman (UvEAlx)
T 211.9 Excessive grief at husband’s or wife’s death (UvEAlx)
T 232 Woman deserts husband for unworthy lover [Husband repudiates wife for another woman] (GrAlx, UvEAlx)
T 298 Reconciliation [reunion] of (separated) couple (GrAlx)


D 1222 Magic horn (musical) (StrKG)
R 187 Horn of Roncevalles. Hero calls aid of waiting soldiers on horn (PKRL, StrKG)
V 232.7 Gifts from angels (StrKG)
Z 201 (Bm) Famous possessions of hero (KM5, PKRL, StrKG)

Olivier (Olivir,Olefir,Olyver)    

E 820 Phenomena emanating from corpse (PKRL)
F 628.2 Strong man kills men (KM5)
F 960.2.4 Great light appears on night [day] of holy [pious] man’s death (StrKG)
N 767.1 (Bm) Unwitting combat between friends. [Unwitting attack on friend] (KM5, PKRL, StrKG)
Q 147 Supernatural manifestations at death of pious person (KM5, PKRL)
Q 172 Reward: admission to heaven (StrKG)
V 520 Salvation (KM5)
W 33.1 Badly wounded warrior continues fighting (KM5, PKRL, StrKG)
W 181 Jealousy (KM5)
W 212 Eagerness for combat (KM5)
Z 201.2 (Bm) Hero’s famous sword (PKRL)
Z 292 Death of hero [heroine] (KM5, PKRL, StrKG)
Z 292.1 (Bm) Hero’s corpse embalmed (KM5, PKRL, StrKG)

Olympias (Olimpias)    

D 1731.2.3 (Bm) Dream of visit by god (BaAlx, RvEAlx, SeAlx)
F 959 Marvelous cures – miscellaneous (BaAlx, StrAlx)
R 10.5 (Bm) Queen abducted (BaAlx, PLVAlx, UvEAlx)
T 210.1 Faithful wife (UvEAlx)
T 232 Woman deserts husband for unworthy lover [Husband repudiates wife for another woman] (BaAlx, PLVAlx, RvEAlx, SeAlx, StrAlx)
T 298 Reconciliation [reunion] of (separated) couple (BaAlx, PLVAlx, RvEAlx, SeAlx, UvEAlx)
T 513.1.1 Impregnation by magicians’s power (SeAlx)
T 576 Prenatal influences (PLVAlx, StrAlx)
T 584.0.1 Childbirth assisted by magic [astrology] (BaAlx, RvEAlx)

Orangis (Oransche, Orense)    

P 557.0.4 (Li) Siege (UvTRW, WvEW)


N 730 Accidental reunion of families (HvdTCr)
N 734 Accidental meeting of brother and sister (HvdTCr)
N 735 Accidental meeting of mother and son (HvdTCr)


F 141 Water barrier to otherworld (HvdTCr)
F 163.1 Castle in otherworld (HvdTCr)
N 111.1.1 Home of Fortuna in otherworld. (HvdTCr)


A 495 Mountain-god [-goddess] (KvWTK, TrojEl)


A 1552 Marriage between close relatives (Orend)
F 63.2 Mortal taken to heaven by angel (Orend)
F 531.5 Giants and men (Orend)
F 565 Women warriors or hunters (Orend)
F 618.1 Strong hero tames ungovernable horse (Orend)
F 628 Strong man as mighty slayer (Orend)
F 628.2.3 Strong man kills giant (Orend)
F 1041.8.6 Men go mad in battle (Orend)
G 420 Capture by ogre (Orend)
K 1812 King in disguise (Orend)
K 1812.4 Incognito king is given hospitality by fisherman. Rewards him with a city (Orend)
K 1831.1 Shipwrecked men call themselves by false names (Orend)
M 183 Religious vows (Orend)
M 220 Other bargains (Orend)
M 341.1 Prophecy: death at (before, within) certain time (Orend)
P 550.2 (Li) Single combat (Orend)
P 556.0.1 (Bm) Challenge to single combat [feud] (Orend)
Q 20 Piety rewarded (Orend)
R 41.3 Captivity in dungeon (Orend)
R 222 Unknown knight (Three days’ tournament) (Orend)
T 11.1.1 Beauty of woman reported to king causes quest for her as his bride (Orend)
V 235 Mortal visited by angel (Orend)
V 246 Angel counsels mortal (Orend)


K 914 Murder from ambush (HvFLvT)
P 17.0.2 Son succeeds father as king (KvWTK)
P 275 Foster son (HvFLvT)
Q 211 Murder punished (HvFLvT)
Q 413.4 Hanging as punishment for murder (HvFLvT)
R 111.1.9 Princess rescued from undesired suitor (TrojEl)
R 151 Husband rescues wife. (TrojEl)
R 151.1 Husband rescues stolen wife (TrojEl)
S 21 Cruel son (HvFLvT)
S 22 Parricide (KvWTK)
T 84 Lovers treacherously separated (KvWTK)


F 451.5.2 Malevolent dwarf (GoTK)
N 730 Accidental reunion of families (GoTK)
R 11.3 Abduction by giant [wild woman] (GoTK)


F 575.1 Remarkably beautiful woman (WvEP)
F 899.4 (Li) Enormous treasure (WvEP)
H 314 Suitor’s sincerity tested (WvEP)
H 335.0.2 Girl assigns tasks to her suitors (WvEP)
H 335.1.1 Suitor task: avenging bride’s former fiancé [husband] before marriage. (WvEP)
H 355.4 Suitor test: obtaining flowers [twig] (WvEP)
H 1381.8 (Bm) Quest for champion [helper] (WvEP)
K 2350 Military strategy (WvEP)
P 52.2 (Li) Knight in service of a lady (WvEP)
P 63 (Bm) Lady in armor (and battle) (WvEP)
R 10.1 Princess (maiden) abducted (WvEP)
T 68 Princess offered as prize (WvEP)
T 75 Man scorned by his beloved (WvEP)
T 210.1 Faithful wife (WvEP)
T 211.9 Excessive grief at husband’s or wife’s death (WvEP)
T 311 Woman averse to marriage (WvEP)


J 1141.1 Guilty person deceived into gesture (act) which admits guilt (GrAlx)
K 2247 Treacherous lord [vassal] (GrAlx)

Orias (Urias)    

F 628.2 Strong man kills men (KM1)
P 12 Character of kings (KM1)
P 91 (Li) Heraldic figures and symbols – coat-of-arms (KM1)
P 253 Sister and brother (KM1)
S 73 Cruel brother (sister) (KM1)
V 350 Conflicts between religions (KM1)
W 185 Violence of temper (KM1)
Z 201.2 (Bm) Hero’s famous sword (KM1)

Orie (Oria)    

J 1141.1 Guilty person deceived into gesture (act) which admits guilt (KM1)
N 746 Accidental meeting of cousins (KM1)
N 831 Girl [woman] as helper (KM1)
P 29 Queens – miscellaneous (KM1)
P 253 Sister and brother (KM1)
T 29 Falling in love – miscellaneous (KM1)
V 332 Baptism of heathen (KM1)
V 350 Conflicts between religions (KM1)


Q 470 Humiliating punishments (WvEP)
S 410 Persecuted wife. (WvEP)
T 257 Jealous husband or wife. (WvEP)
T 298 Reconciliation [reunion] of (separated) couple (WvEP)
W 155 Hardness of heart (AlbJT)


N 839 (Bm) Noble [vassal, knight] as helper (HvAEr)
T 93.6 (Bm) Unwanted suitor slain. (HvAEr)
T 192 Marriage by force. (HvAEr)

Orkeise (Orcasse)    

F 707 Extraordinary kingdom (Ali, WvEW)


T 471 Rape (Virg)


D 1960 Magic sleep (WDieB)
F 531.6.12.6 Giant slain by man (WDieB)


T 331.2 Knight unsuccessfully tempted by host’s wife [daughter]. (UvZLa)


M 150 Other vows and oaths (DietR)
M 341 Death prophesied (DietR)
N 310 Accidental separations (DietR)
P 251.3.1 Brothers strive to avenge each other (DietR)
Z 292 Death of hero [heroine] (DietR)


D 1841.5.1 Man proof against weapons (KM5)


S 133 Murder by beheading (NL)


E 545 The dead speak (WDieD)
E 545.10 Corpse exclaims over miracle (WDieD)
F 305 Offspring of fairy [dwarf] and mortal (Ortnit)
F 531.6.12.6 Giant slain by man (WDieB)
F 610 Remarkably strong man (Ortnit)
F 610.4 Man with strength of many men (Ortnit, WDieD)
F 611.1.2 Strong man son of woman and dwarf (Ortnit)
F 628.2.3 Strong man kills giant (WDieB)
F 911.3 Animal swallows man (not fatally) (WDieB)
F 1084 Furious battle [fight] (WDieB)
H 1224 Quest to distant king for military aid (WDieA)
M 110 Taking of vows and oaths (Ortnit)
P 12 Character of kings (Ortnit)
P 50.0.1 King and vassals: obligations of vassals to king [Feudality: mutual relationship between king and vassals] (Ortnit)
P 310.5 Defeated enemy turns true friend (WDieB)
P 311.1 Combatants become sworn brethren (WDieB)
P 556.0.1 (Bm) Challenge to single combat [feud] (WDieB)
S 162 Mutilation: cutting off legs (feet) (WDieB)
T 11 Falling in love with person never seen (Ortnit)
T 11.1 Love from mere mention or description (Ortnit)
T 104 Foreign king wages war to enforce demand for princess in marriage (Ortnit)
T 104.2 Victor demands defeated King’s daughter (widow) in marriage (Ortnit)
V 63 Bones of dismembered person assembled and buried (WDieD)


P 310 Friendship (Kudr)


F 628.2.3 Strong man kills giant (RosGA)
H 1561.6 Test of valor: fight with giant [warrior, dwarf-hero, dragon etc.] (RosGA)
P 555 Defeat in battle [single combat] (RosGA)
P 557.0.2 (Li) Spy. Messenger (Kudr)
P 557.0.3 (Li) Military aid (alliance) (Kudr)


H 1381.8 (Bm) Quest for champion [helper] (FvS)
Q 53.3 Maiden queen offers her hand as reward for rescuing her town (FvS)
T 68.1 Princess offered as prize to rescuer (FvS)

Ospinel (Hospinel) of Orbie    

F 575.2 Handsome man (KM5)
H 335.4 Suitor task: to defeat enemies (KM5)
V 332 Baptism of heathen (KM5)
W 33.1 Badly wounded warrior continues fighting (KM5)


N 339 Accidental death – miscellaneous (DietF)
P 17.0.2 Son succeeds father as king (DietF)
T 104 Foreign king wages war to enforce demand for princess in marriage (DietF)

Otto (Otte)    

H 927.2 Task assigned by angel on God’s order (RvEGG)
L 143 Poor man surpasses rich (RvEGG)
L 419 Proud ruler (deity) humbled – miscellaneous (RvEGG)
P 12 Character of kings (RvEGG)
P 50.0.1 King and vassals: obligations of vassals to king [Feudality: mutual relationship between king and vassals] (HerEA, HerEB, HerED)
Q 494 Loss of social position as punishment (KM5, StrKG)