Motif Index of German Secular Narratives                 
Published by the Austrian Academy of Sciences, Vienna
 Introduction   Matière de Bretagne   Chansons de Geste   Miscellaneous Romances   Oriental Romances   Heroic Epic   Maere and Novellas   Romances of Antiquity   Index 


Index of Keywords
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Index of Keywords  O 


K 550.1 Escape by equivocal oath.
K 1513 The wife’s equivocal oath.
K 1933 Impostor forces oath of secrecy
K 2310 Deception by equivocation
K 2312 Oath literally obeyed
K 2319 Deception by equivocation – miscellaneous
K 2319.4 (Bm) Ambiguous oath forces lady to take back errant husband.
M 100 Vows and oaths
M 100.0.1 (Li) Oath of allegiance
M 101 Punishment for broken oaths
M 101.3 Death as punishment for broken oath
M 105 Equivocal oaths
M 108 Violators of oaths
M 110 Taking of vows and oaths
M 110.1 Swearing while one knows that his oath is rendered valueless
M 113.1 Oath taken on sword
M 114 Oath taken on sacred object
M 114.4 Swearing on sacred relics
M 119 Taking of vows and oaths – miscellaneous
M 121 Vow not to shave or cut hair until a certain time
M 130 Vows concerning sex
M 131 Vow of chastity [fidelity]
M 149 Vows concerning sex – miscellaneous
M 150 Other vows and oaths
M 161.4 Vow rather to die (on a spear) than to accept grace
M 166 Other vows about fighting
M 166.9.2 (Bm) Vow to revenge unknown wronged (killed) knight
M 188 Oath not to mention what has been seen (happened)
M 201 Making of bargains and promises
M 205 Breaking of bargains and promises
M 205.0.1 Promise kept [oath fulfilled] in deed, not in spirit
M 223 Blind promise (rash boon)
M 290 Bargains and promises – miscellaneous
P 50.0.1 King and vassals: obligations of vassals to king [Feudality: mutual relationship between king and vassals]
P 311 Sworn brethren
P 555.4 (Bm) Defeated knights [giant, rescued persons etc.] sent under oath to king [lady, queen] (as proof of victory)
T 61.2 (Bm) Parting lovers pledge not to marry for seven years [swear faithfulness]


H 313 Suitor test: obedience and humility before bride [mistress]
H 473 Test of wife’s obedience
H 474 Complacent wife agrees with all of husband’s absurd statements (actions)
H 1557 Tests of obedience
J 2460 Literal obedience
K 2312 Oath literally obeyed
M 150 Other vows and oaths
P 52.1 Knight’s duty to perform as lady bids
P 52.2 (Li) Knight in service of a lady
Q 58 (Bm) Obedience [in love-service] rewarded
T 251.2.3 Wife becomes obedient on seeing husband slay a recalcitrant horse
W 31 Obedience
W 48 (Ha) Piety


D 801.1 Magic objects possessed by witch, sorcerer or evil dwarf
D 811.2 Magic object falls down from the heaven
D 812.12 Magic object received from dwarf
D 813 Magic object received from fairy
D 817 Magic object received from grateful person
D 825 Magic object received from maiden.
D 849.5.1 Magic object found in heart [body] of whale
D 1330 Magic object works physical change
D 1359.3 Magic object causes joy
D 1360 Magic object effects temporary change in person
D 1381 Magic object protects from attack.
D 1382 Magic object protects against cold or burning
D 1426 Magic object draws woman to man
D 1599 Magic object performs services – miscellaneous
F 990 Inanimate objects act as if living
H 16 Recognition by describing or producing object of common knowledge
H 507.1.0.1 Princess defeated in repartee by means of objects accidentally picked up, Hero- What red lips you have, Princess- There is fire inside – Hero- then boil this egg (producing egg)
H 987 Task performed with aid of magic object
J 1771 Object thought to be animal [man]
J 1772 One object thought to be another
V 150 Sacred objects – miscellaneous


P 50.0.1 King and vassals: obligations of vassals to king [Feudality: mutual relationship between king and vassals]


J 50 Wisdom (knowledge) acquired from observation
K 1271 Amorous intrigue observed and exposed
Q 223.6 Failure to observe holiness of Sabbath [Sunday] punished


T 255 The obstinate wife
T 255.1 The obstinate wife: cutting with knife [scythe] or scissors
T 255.2 The obstinate wife sought for up-stream


D 830 Magic object acquired by trickery.
D 859 Magic object obtained – miscellaneous means
D 862 Magic object taken away by force [recovered by fighting]
D 878 Magic object voluntarily given away
D 1725 Magic power obtained from angels
J 1089 (Bm) Courteous knight obtains food rude knight was denied
P 53 (Bm) Obtaining knighthood
V 17.0.1 Sacrifice to deity in order to obtain favors


H 41.9 King [noble] recognized by unique ability to occupy certain seat
P 550.1.1 (Li) Aggression: rebellion; usurpation; invasion; assault


F 900.1 Miracles (at certain times)
F 931 Extraordinary occurrence connected with sea
F 933 Extraordinary occurrences connected with springs [fountains, wells]


A 1116 Origin of sea-waves
D 2151.1 Magic control of seas
F 133.0.1 (Bm) Journey to bottom of sea
F 931 Extraordinary occurrence connected with sea
F 1022.1 Descent into ocean in glass box
H 1371.2 Quest for the bottom of the sea
P 15.6 King descends to bottom of sea in glass barrel to study ways of fishes [ascends to the sky by griffins]


T 136.3.2 Marriage odes sung at wedding feast


F 169.9 Pleasant fragrance in otherworld
F 687 Remarkable fragrance [odor, smell] of person.
F 959 Marvelous cures – miscellaneous
V 144.3 (Bm) (Sweet odor of) relics cure(s) sick


C 30 Tabu: offending supernatural relative
C 32 Tabu: offending supernatural husband


H 331 Suitor contests: bride offered as prize
P 556.3 (Bm) Feast interrupted by man offering challenge.
Q 53.3 Maiden queen offers her hand as reward for rescuing her town
T 68 Princess offered as prize
T 68.1 Princess offered as prize to rescuer
V 10 Religious sacrifice
V 11.9 Sacrifice to deity


K 2240 Treacherous officers and tradesman


K 1657 Unjust official outwitted by peasant who quarrels with him and thus turns the attention of the ruler to the abuses
K 2248 Treacherous minister
P 50.2 Marshall [Court officials: marshall, steward, etc.]


F 305 Offspring of fairy [dwarf] and mortal
F 305.2 Offspring of fairy and mortal extraordinarily beautiful.
F 531. Mortal son of man and giantess


D 838.2 Magic object taken from ogre’s house
D 1840.3 Magic invulnerability of ogres.
F 771.5.2 Castle guarded by giants (ogres)
F 910 Extraordinary swallowings
G 11.16 Army of cannibal monsters
G 100 Giant ogre Polyphemus
G 111 Giant ogre(s) possess(es) castle
G 150 Giant ogres – miscellaneous
G 157 Giant ogre’s prodigious speed
G 300 Other ogres.
G 312 Cannibal ogre
G 354.2 Crocodile as ogre
G 361.1.2 Threeheaded ogre
G 363.1 Ogre with flaming mouth
G 366.1 Ogres without belly.
G 369 Monstrous ogres – miscellaneous
G 400 Person falls into ogre’s power
G 420 Capture by ogre
G 440 Ogre [giant] abducts person
G 450 Falling into ogre’s power – miscellaneous
G 511 Ogre blinded.
G 512 Ogre killed
G 512.1 Ogre killed with knife (sword)
G 512.1.2 Ogre decapitated
G 550 Rescue from ogre
G 580 Ogre otherwise subdued
G 610 Theft from ogre
G 638 Ogre powerless to cross stream.
G 650 Unclassified ogre motifs
H 1561.6 Test of valor: fight with giant [warrior, dwarf-hero, dragon etc.]
N 812 Giant or ogre as helper
R 11 Abduction by monster (ogre)
R 11.1 Princess (maiden) abducted by monster (ogre) [monstrous race]


D 1244 Magic salve (ointment)
D 1323.5 Magic salve gives clairvoyance.
D 1382.4.1 (Bm) Ointment protects against fire
D 1500.1.19 Magic healing salve.
D 1503.4 Magic balm heals wounds.
D 1508.5 (Bm) Magic ointment cures madness.
D 1821.4 Magic sight by putting ointment into eye.
D 2161.2 Magic cure of wound.


D 1349.2 Magic object produces immunity from old age.
F 571 Extremely old person
F 571.7 Person hundreds of years old
H 971.1 Task performed with help of old woman
J 151 Wisdom from old person
J 445.2 Foolish marriage of old man and young girl
J 491 Old sweetheart chosen in preference to new
K 1811.2 Deity disguised as old man (woman) visits mortals
K 1843.3 Wife substitutes an old woman for herself in her husband’s bed
K 2293 Treacherous old woman.
M 301.2 Old woman as prophet
N 573 Sleeping old king (in mountain) as guardian of treasure
N 825.2 Old man helper
N 825.3 Old woman helper
P 14.15.1 (Old, wise) Counsellors of court [King’s council]
T 91.4 Age and youth in love
T 92.1.1 Young wife of old man loves (is loved by) younger man
T 121 Unequal marriage
Z 114 Old age personified


Z 157 Olive [palm] branch symbol of peace [victory]


B 147.2 Birds furnish omens
B 147.2.1 Bird of good omen
B Raven as bird of good omen
D 1291.2.1 Sign in stars as portent
D 1810.8 Magic knowledge from dream
D 1812.3.3 Future revealed in dream
D 1812. (Bm) Interpretation of dream by second party
D 1812.5 Future learned through omens
D 1812.5.0.2 Omens from flight of birds
D 1812.5.0.3 Behavior of fire as omen
D 1812.5.0.13 Magic manifestation as omen
D 1812.5.0.15 Weather signs
D 1812.5.1 Bad omens
D 1812.5.1.1 Prodigy as evil omen
D 1812. Wave of blood as sign of death
D 1812.5.1.2 Bad dream as evil omen
D 1812. Pale or red moon an evil omen
D 1812.5.1.6 Stars furnish omens
D 1812.5.1.12 Animal behavior as bad omen
D 1812.5.1.23 Man killed by accident when ship is pushed into the sea taken as an evil omen [Accidental killing as bad omen]
D 1812.5.2 Favorable omens
D 1812.5.2.2 Meeting certain person (animal) a good omen
H 614 Explanation of enigmatic phenomenon
M 302 Means of prophesying
T 3 Omens in love affairs


D 1810.0.1 Omniscience of a god
F 512.1 Person with one eye
F 512.1.1 Person with one eye in center of forehead
F 517.1.1.1 Person with one foot
F 531.1.1.1 Giant with one eye in middle of forehead [Cyclops]
J 514 One should not be too greedy
F 525.3 Tribe of one-eyed, one-footed and one-handed men
F 525.3.1 Person with one foot, one hand and one eye
F 531.1.1.1 Giant with one eye in middle of forehead [Cyclops]
J 1545.10 (Tu) Small cause for complaint – One-eyed groom rebukes his bride for loss of virginity
K 341.15 One thief distracts attention of owner while other steals
P 253.0.3 One sister and three (four) brothers
P 550.2 (Li) Single combat
X 122 One-eyed man as appraiser of horse


D 1552.1 Mountain opens at blow of divine rod
D 1557.2 Magic herb causes door to open
D 2088 Locks opened by magic
F 942.1 Ground opens and swallows up person
F 969.1 Skies open, revealing heavenly company
R 121.6.2 Locks marvelously open for person


F 614.10 Strong hero fights whole army alone
F 628.2 Strong man kills men
F 628.2.1 Strong man kills many men at once
F 628.2.10 Strong man cleaves horse and rider in two [kills horse and rider at one pole-blow]
K 2010.2 Friendship feigned to avenge murder
K 2368 Enemy deceived into overestimating opponents: (retreat)
M 162 Vow not to be killed by [not to fight] a single opponent.
P 52 Knight jousts with all comers
P 311.1 Combatants become sworn brethren
P 550.2 (Li) Single combat
P 555 Defeat in battle [single combat]
P 555.4 (Bm) Defeated knights [giant, rescued persons etc.] sent under oath to king [lady, queen] (as proof of victory)
P 557.4 Customs concerning single combat
T 68.4 Vanquished king gives hero his daughter and control over his kingdom
W 11.5 Generosity toward enemy
W 11.5.14 King [knight] will not arm, since opponent is unarmed [young, inexperienced]


B 150 Oracular animals
D 1311.4 Oracular tree
D 1311.7 Oracular image
D 1316.5.1 Voice comes forth from tree, revealing truth [future]
D 1712 Soothsayer (diviner, oracle, etc.)
D 1712.0.1 Astrologer-magician
M 301 Prophets


H 218 Trial by combat
H 218.0.1 Vindication by champion. Usually noble lady or king accused
H 220 Ordeals
H 221.2 Ordeal by hot iron
H 412 Chastity tested by ordeal
H 412.4.1 Chastity ordeal: holding hot iron
K 528 Substitute in ordeal


P 90 Royalty and nobility – miscellaneous
S 11.3.7 Father orders son assassinated
T 122 Marriage by royal order
V 450 Religious orders
V 470 Clerical vows


F 540 Remarkable physical organs
S 176 Mutilation: sex organs cut off


A 110 The origin of the gods
A 1461.2.1 Origin of harp
A 1468.1 Invention of chess game
A 1610 Origin of various tribes
A 1653.1 Origin of kings (from Gods)
B 710 Fanciful origin of animals
L 111.2 Foundling hero
P 50 Noblemen (knights) [rules of chivalry]
Z 216 Supernatural origin of hero (magic conception)
Z 255.1 (Li) Unknown origin of hero, prophet
Z 704 (Bm) Eponymous account of island [valley].


F 778 (Bm) Extraordinary tomb
F 787 Extraordinary bed
F 820 Extraordinary clothing and ornaments
F 824.2 Extraordinarily painted shield
F 827 Extraordinary ornaments
F 830 Extraordinary weapons
F 855 Extraordinary image
V 67.1 Ornaments (arms, chariots) buried with hero


L 111.4 Orphan hero.


B 184.1 Magic horses [extraordinary horse from otherworld]
C 262 Tabu – drinking in otherworld
C 952 Immediate return to otherworld because of broken tabu
D 859.2.1 Magic object received from other world.
D 1856.1 Hero (saint) taken to Paradise (Heaven) alive
D 1883 Eternal youth
E 721.2 Body in trance while soul is absent
F 1 Journey to otherworld as dream or vision
F 7 Journey to otherworld with angel
F 91.1 Slamming door on exit from [after entrance in] mountain otherworld
F 110 Journey to terrestrial otherworlds
F 112.0.2 Separation of sexes in otherworld
F 129.4 Journey to otherworld island
F 130 Location of otherworld
F 131 Otherworld in hollow mountain
F 132 Otherworld on lofty mountain
F 134 Otherworld on island
F 136.1 Otherworld in the east
F 141 Water barrier to otherworld
F 141.1 River as barrier to otherworld
F 141.2 Mist as barrier to otherworld.
F 141.2.1 Storm (snow, hail) as barrier to otherworld
F 142 River of fire as barrier to otherworld
F 145 Mountains at borders of otherworld
F 148 Wall around otherworld
F 149 Bounds of the otherworlds – miscellaneous
F 150.1 Way to otherworld hard to find.
F 150.2 Entrance to other world guarded by monsters (or animals)
F 150.2.1 Entrance to otherworld guarded by giant
F 150.2.4 (Li) Extraordinary porter at entrance to otherworld castle
F 150.3 Challenge at entrance of otherworld.
F 151.0.1 Hospitable host entertains (guides, advises) adventurer on way to otherworld.
F 151.1 Perilous [narrow] path to otherworld.
F 151.1.2 Perilous glen on way to otherworld.
F 151.2 Mountain pass to otherworld.
F 152 Bridge to otherworld.
F 152.0.1 Bridge to otherworld guarded by animals [champion].
F 152.1.6 Sword bridge to otherworld.
F 152.2 Slamming drawbridge to otherworld.
F 156 Door to otherworld
F 156.3 Perilous revolving wheel at entrance to otherworld.
F 158 Pit entrance to otherworld
F 159 Other means to reach the otherworld
F 159.1 Otherworld reached by hunting animal
F 159.4 Demon guide to otherworld journey
F 160.2 Otherworld as valley
F 161 Weather in otherworld
F 161.1 Perpetual summer in otherworld.
F (Luminous) precious stones in otherworld (dwelling)
F 162.1.1 Everblooming garden in otherworld
F 162.1.3 Trees bloom, others bear concurrently in otherworld garden.
F (Bm) Water or river flowing from paradise
F 162.2.10 Jewels in streams of otherworld
F 162.2.11 Perilous river in otherworld.
F 162.3 Tree in otherworld
F 162.3.3 Tree in otherworld in perpetual fruit [foliation].
F 162.6 Lakes in otherworld
F 162.8 Magic fountain in otherworld.
F 162.9 Mountains in otherworld
F 163.1 Castle in otherworld
F 163.1.1 Revolving castle in otherworld.
F 163.1.2 Golden castle in otherworld
F 163.2 Church (chapel) in otherworld.
F 163.2.1 Temple in otherworld
F Magic revolving wheel at door of otherworld dun (stronghold).
F 165.4 Table always set in otherworld dwelling
F 165.6 Only joy felt in otherworld dwelling.
F 165.6.1 Otherworld (fairyland) as place of sorrowful captivity.
F 166.1.1 “Silver bowl”: Grail in otherworld.
F 166.5 Altar in otherworld
F 166.11 Abundant food in otherworld
F 167.1 Animals in otherworld
F 167.1.1 Beasts in otherworld
F 167.1.2 Birds in otherworld.
F 167.1.4 Other animals in otherworld
F 167.5 Headless people in otherworld
F 167.9 Otherworld people [things in otherworld] ever young, ever beautiful
F 167.10 No carnal sin in otherworld
F 167.12 King of otherworld
F 169 Nature of the otherworld – miscellaneous
F 169.1.1 Pillars of bronze in otherworld.
F 169.7 Coldness of otherworld
F 169.8 Abundance in otherworld
F 169.9 Pleasant fragrance in otherworld
F 171 Extraordinary sights in otherworld
F 171.0.1 Enigmatic happenings in otherworld.
F 171.3 People and things that strike one another in otherworld [mysterious fighting in otherworld].
F 171.4 Fighting animals seen in otherworld.
F 171.6 Mysterious punishments in otherworld
F 171.7 Unseen hands lave feet in otherworld
F 172 No time, no birth, no death in otherworld
F 172.1 No gloom, no envy, etc. in otherworld
F 173 Otherworld land of happiness.
F 173.2 Otherworld land of peace
F 173.3 Perpetual feasts in otherworld.
F 176 Hero fights in otherworld and overcomes [is overcome by] king (queen) or fairy.
F 183 Foods in otherworld
F 183.1 Automatic service in otherworld: any sort of food desired furnished
F 184 Otherworld king
F 184.1 Wounded otherworld king (in Ireland).
F 186 (Li) Otherworld messenger
F 213 Fairyland on island.
F 343.14 Golden cup (bowl, urn) as gifts from otherworld inhabitants.
F 374 Longing in fairyland to visit home.
F 721.1 Underground passages
H 1222 Prince a-hunting enters on quest
M 302.3 Descent into hell [lower world] to learn future
N 111.1.1 Home of Fortuna in otherworld.
N 771 King (prince) (lost) on hunt has adventures


S 442 Outcast wife [queen] and her son live in poverty
S 451 Outcast wife at last united with husband and children


P 475 Robber [thief, outlaw, pirate]
Q 244 Punishment for ravisher [rape].
Q 431.6 Banishment for rape.


L 325 (Bm) Victory over superior force
L 325.1 (Bm) Victory over superior force: one against many


D 1682 Magic jewel which outweighs many heavy objects in the scale


J 1541 Husband outwits his wife
J 1545 Wife outwits her husband
K 1510 Adulteress outwits husband
K 1514.13 Adulteress gives paramour tryst in house of ill-fame. Meets husband who leaves in shame
K 1549 Adulteress outwits husband – miscellaneous
K 1550 Husband outwits adulteress and paramour
K 1657 Unjust official outwitted by peasant who quarrels with him and thus turns the attention of the ruler to the abuses


Q 220 Impiety punished
Q 331 Pride punished
T 252 The overbearing wife
W 118 (Bm) Pride


A 1082.5 God conquers Satan at end of world.
B 524 Animal overcomes man’s adversary
D 1409 Magic object overcomes person – miscellaneous
F 176 Hero fights in otherworld and overcomes [is overcome by] king (queen) or fairy.
F 639.4 Strong man overcomes giant
G 303. Devil is overcome by man in fight
G 510.4 Hero overcomes devastating animal
H 1162.1 Task: overcoming robbers
H 1174.2 Task: overcoming dragon
K 871.1 Army intoxicated and overcome
L 311 Weak (small) [young] hero overcomes large fighter
M 312.9 Prophecy: no people or king will be able to stand up against hero


K 2368 Enemy deceived into overestimating opponents: (retreat)


D 2091.7.1 River magically caused to rise against enemy
D 2151.2 Magic control of rivers.
F 932.8 River rises and overflows
F 934 Extraordinary occurrences connected with lakes


N 450 Secrets overheard
N 455 Overheard (human) conversation
N 610 Accidental discovery of crime


L 420 Overweening ambition punished
Q 330 Overweening punished
Q 331 Pride punished
W 118 (Bm) Pride


B 147.2 Birds furnish omens
B 270.1 Lawsuit between animals [Th.: Lawsuit between the owl and kite]
D 1812.5.0.2 Omens from flight of birds


D 801 Ownership of magic object
D 856 Magic object acquired by gaining love of owner
D 1649.2 Magic object comes at owner’s call.
D 1654.4.1.1 Sword can only be used by strong hero
F 835.2.1 Iron club [pole] so heavy that five [several] men can hardly lift it
K 330 Means of hoodwinking the guardian or owner
K 332 Theft by making owner drunk
K 343.1 Owner sent on errand and goods stolen


B 15.1.4 (Bm) Horse with head like a bull
J 684.2 Foolishness of taking on too strong a partner
J 955.1 Frog tries in vain to be as big as ox
K 185.1 Deceptive land purchase- ox-hide measure